The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

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Re: The Great Ship Debate

^^ What do you mean?

I've always liked Catherine and Grissom together... They just had this really easy, supporting relationship together. It's more than just the two people in command, but when Gil had something wrong with his ear and all--it was Catherine who went through it with him. :) That was amazing.

I really love Sandles too. Ever since the first season, I found it so cute with Greg's little crush on Sara... even throughout the seasons, especially when he first started to work in the field--I loved the support and flirtation between them. :)
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Hestia said:
Just a little comment on this:

Adzix said:
so from what i observed GCR and Snickers usually like each other very much. on the other hand GSR, YoBling, CatNip, GLH and Sandles are the closest to each other.
theatresporter said:
But I agree with you that Grillows and Snickers seem to get on brilliantly, as do GSRs and Sandles (interestingly with the latter, since the two ships kinda negate each other).
I never knew GSR nand sandles were such buddies! :lol: Awwww, I almost want to call a group hug... but then that's not why I'm here.
You see, I know a few other sandle shippers who might disagree with this

I don't think Adzix and TS meant that ALL GSR and Sandles Shippers are great buddies. I think it's more like there are quite a lot of GSR shippers who are also Sandles shippers, just like there are a lot of GSR shippers who also ship Yo!Bling, and Snickers shippers who also ship Grillows. You much more likely to get a GSRer shipping Sandles than, say, shipping Grillows or Snickers (although I do know of one or two)

It's interesting how ships and shipping can sometimes overlap. For instance, Adzix is both a GSR and a GLH shipper. I'm an ex-GLH shipper (I shipped them mostly around the time of Lady Heather's Box, and in a very loose way right up until PotTR aired. In addition to shipping GSR, I also ship Sara/Sofia. I guess my point is, it's interesting when shippers support two ships which involve the same character - I guess in some ways you'd assume that it would be easier to ship two pairing which don't overlap - for instance GSR and The Love.

Okay, this ended up being a lot more random than I intended. I'm going to put it down to too much coffee this morning and go back to painting my bedroom :lol:
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Just saw this thread and I gotta add my two cents.

I'm a GCR gal myself. I just think there's stupid amounts of chemisty that has been lost between Gil and Cath in the last couple of seasons. *cries* lol. I don't think those two are ever going to get together because there'd be too much uproar *cries more* lol. Supose that's what fanfics are for eh?!

I do think that Gris and Sara make a sorta cute couple I just think they are way too much like each other to work realistically. I love both Gris and Sara just not together. To be honest, i've never seen the chemisty between them either, i'm not having a bash at GSR'ers, I respect it, I just don't think it's realistic. :) Don't hurt me lol.

Also, I kinda like Sara and Nick as a couple. They always look cute together.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I'm a hardcore SNickers and always will be, but the only ship i really object to is GSR. I don't know why. i'm ok with the boss/sub thing, and the age gap. i just think they have no chemistry, and Sara is just lookin for the father figure she never had.

I think Sandles is cute, although i think Greg is too immature for her.

And CatNip is growin on me, (thanks to CathStokes and her CatNip friends lol!) I think they're cute together, and they work really well together. It could happen, I guess. But i think SNickers is just... undeniable.

That's my opinion, feel free to disagree. that's what we're here for, after all.

Peace dudes x
Re: The Great Ship Debate

This is a pretty cool thread. I'll put in what little I have to offer. Lots of people have made good points already. I apologize if I rehash opinions. I didn't get through all the replies.

GSR - I'm a huge Sara fan. I could ship her with almost anyone, it's kinda sad. Well, maybe not sad, but it does seem silly to imagine her with Greg, Cath, Nick, and/or Sofia and have no problem with it. For the life of me, I'll never be able to explain this coherently, but I could never tolerate her relationship with Grissom, even before it was revealed they were a couple.

It was clear from the get go her purpose was to be Grissom's love interest. I get that. That's understood. Just, there was always something about their exchanges, their conversations that seemed. . .forced. It was either she was trying too hard to convince him a romantic venture was worth a try or that he was trying too hard to convince himself that it wasn't worth the risks. I also love Sara for her strength and her constant struggle against her flawed past. Even still, as much as I love the flaws of the character, her willingness to drop everything for Grissom just because he's finally ready to pursue a relationship with her seemed almost too weak for her character. I'm not sure I make much sense. Anyway, the biggest reason I'm usually not for this ship at all, is I feel the writers ended the 6th season with the GSR reveal in response to GA moving to Thurs. To me, that's an afterthought and downright insulting to the people who really support these two characters. Honestly, I'm mad for ya'll, even if you aren't. ;)

As for what I sometimes like about it: they smile more. I can't fault them if they seem to be happy. Of course, with what little bits and pieces we get of their relationship, it's hard to say how happy they are. (and I'm excluding all the massive amounts of screentime that involve them working a case. I'm just referring to the scenes that clearly pit them as a couple). Anyway, for the most part, I'm not a fan. I do enjoy the occasional happy moments, but honestly GSR doesn't have to be the only aspect of the show that highlights the "good times", if you will. Throw in a few more moments with other characters, at home kicking back and sipping a brewski and say "Yeah, Nick or Warrick can be at home and be happy too."

Sara/Greg - This is also up in the air for me, because it depends at what point in the show's history we're discussing. I totally adored this ship when Greg clearly had a crush on her and she would humor him with a smirk here or a glance there. They were very playful. Over time, however, they developed this brother/sister relationship mixed with a little mentor/student deal during Season 5. I really enjoyed this aspect of their relationship, maybe moreso than the early stages of Greg's crush. If GSR wasn't canon and the writers tried to go for something romantic, I might not agree with it, just because now the relationship has matured into something filled with respect. It's a relationship where not only Greg learned a thing or two about forensics from Sara, but Sara also loosened up a bit more and I wholeheartedly attribute that to her relationship with Greg.

I'll cut this here, before I get too longwinded. I could probably go on for pages and not really say anything new. It felt good to write this out, for a change, instead of always debating in my head about it. lol.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

YoBlngnSnckrsfan said:
I'm a hardcore SNickers and always will be, but the only ship i really object to is GSR. I don't know why. i'm ok with the boss/sub thing, and the age gap. i just think they have no chemistry, and Sara is just lookin for the father figure she never had.

omgoodness... you took the words right out of my mouth. they have no chemistry, just the occasional aborable line and awkward scenes. but, come on, any of the characters could do that (as in... nick and sara!) haha.. yeah, i'm a hardcore SNickers fan, as has, always will be. but yeah, GSR... just doesnt seem right. grissom isn't grissom anymore... he's turned to, i dunno... gilbert!! grissom is the dude that loves bug, science, and his job. yeah, i've heard of character development.. but this is ridicalous!! he's a freaken entomologist and i haven't seen him took a bug since... BITE ME!! sara's not the hard-ass, strong woman she used to be. she seems so shy and pissed off all the time. i havent seem her laugh in for ever!! the only person that makes her laugh all the time is... duh duh duh... NICK! yeah, greg makes her laugh... but at him:p Grissom makes her smile, but.. come one... anyone can make you smile. i doesn't have to be your "lover". GSR... i can't stand it!

I think Sandles is cute, although i think Greg is too immature for her.
sandles is adorarble. i loved when greg had a crush on her... lmao. i've never been a sandles.. i've just thought it was cute. yeah, greg's not mature enough for her.

And CatNip is growin on me, (thanks to CathStokes and her CatNip friends lol!) I think they're cute together, and they work really well together. It could happen, I guess.
i dont mind CatNip... but i dont think it could happen. cath kinda treats him like a son. that's what i see. yeah, they've had their moments this season (dancing in BTK) but... i just can't really see it happeneing.
But i think SNickers is just... undeniable.
AGREED!! SNickers is the cutest, best, more adorbale, happiest, heart warming ship out there!!! lmao:p at least i think so. when i read a SNickers fanfic... it just makes me happy:p lmao... i no, i'm a loser!

That's my opinion, feel free to disagree. that's what we're here for, after all.

sorry... YoBlngnSnckrsfan but i agree with you 100%

Peace dudes x

Re: The Great Ship Debate

It was clear from the get go her purpose was to be Grissom's love interest. I get that. That's understood. Just, there was always something about their exchanges, their conversations that seemed. . .forced. It was either she was trying too hard to convince him a romantic venture was worth a try or that he was trying too hard to convince himself that it wasn't worth the risks.

I think "forced" is a word that gets thrown out about GSR a lot. Part of the problem, IMO, is that we have so many Mer-Der type couples on TV. Where it's this passionate crescendo from sorrow to love and back again. I think due to the confines of the show, and the characters themselves, we never really could see this total arc of mood changes.

The result is that you're acting actors to be able to convey the same emotions in a much more diluted way.

I always read their scenes as restrained (due to a work environment or their own personalities), rather than forced.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I never really paid that much attention to everything really. Mostly because I'm not a huge fan of Sara. I don't ship GSR in the huge shipper sense, some moments they have are quite nice, actually and some are kinda eh.


Of course I think CatNip Rules and not because its my ship or my otp or anything of that sorts, I just think Nick would be really perfect for Catherine, he looks at her and he adores her. Catherine could REALLY use that. Their dancing was extremely hot and even their angst moments is hot. ;)

And I'm gonna defend Sandles:: I think Sandles is really cute and Greg completely adores her, but yet I don't know about Sara because she is with Grissom and obviously she loves it there or she wouldn't be there.. but. I don't think Sandles is quite over with yet.

Re: The Great Ship Debate

You make a good point. Television is overstaturated with romance done Mer-Der style, so GSR in comparison might seemed forced or out of place, when maybe it's not. I guess I would like something imbetween. Something not as overglossed as Mer-Der, but not as understated (probably the wrong word) as GSR. Of course, given the confines of the show (as you said) that's too much to ask for. Also, I guess the next question is, how do you do that? lol.

It's tough, not only for the viewers (who have their own version of how romance comes to be) but the actors as well, who have to interpret what the writers lay out for them.

Thanks for the different perspective, but I still hold to my afterthought argument. It really did seem "out of left-field" to me at the end of Season 6, despite the build up of early Season 1-3. It felt more like a "Ha, we can do ya one better, ABC!" then "Yeah, now feels like the right time." I might be alone in that, but that's how I felt when GSR was revealed.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

You make a good point. Television is overstaturated with romance done Mer-Der style, so GSR in comparison might seemed forced or out of place, when maybe it's not. I guess I would like something imbetween. Something not as overglossed as Mer-Der, but not as understated (probably the wrong word) as GSR. Of course, given the confines of the show (as you said) that's too much to ask for. Also, I guess the next question is, how do you do that? lol.

lol. And therein lies the problem exactly. Which is why in the past I was a Willow/Oz shipper. It was easy to be both understated (because they were supporting characters) but still chock full of big kiss or "sexy" moments.

I'm not saying that I love the pace that they're taking with GSR this season. I do think it's been a tad *too* slow, given the fact that they've neither hugged nor kissed. Having said that, I'm still willing to say, "There are people who don't like it, or people who'd rather see the science, and they're trying to please everyone."

In earlier years, you could also kind of tell that the writing staff was never totally sure that they were going to go for it. So often episodes felt like they would take big steps forward, and then next week there would be another giant step back.

Grissom admits he's always wanted Sara, but cannot have her (Butterflied), and then... it's pretty much not mentioned again.

Grissom holds Sara's hand as she cries and fights for her job because he "needs her" (Nesting Dolls), and then flirts with Sofia (Unbearable).

It's tough, not only for the viewers (who have their own version of how romance comes to be) but the actors as well, who have to interpret what the writers lay out for them.

And I think that that's one of the reasons I've loved GSR scenes. I've yet to see two actors so good at making shippy scenes out of almost nothing.

Thanks for the different perspective, but I still hold to my afterthought argument. It really did seem "out of left-field" to me at the end of Season 6, despite the build up of early Season 1-3. It felt more like a "Ha, we can do ya one better, ABC!" then "Yeah, now feels like the right time." I might be alone in that, but that's how I felt when GSR was revealed.

And hey - I respect your take on it as well, and definitely get where you're coming from.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

CathStokes said:
I never really paid that much attention to everything really. Mostly because I'm not a huge fan of Sara. I don't ship GSR in the huge shipper sense, some moments they have are quite nice, actually and some are kinda eh.


Of course I think CatNip Rules and not because its my ship or my otp or anything of that sorts, I just think Nick would be really perfect for Catherine, he looks at her and he adores her. Catherine could REALLY use that. Their dancing was extremely hot and even their angst moments is hot. ;)

And I'm gonna defend Sandles:: I think Sandles is really cute and Greg completely adores her, but yet I don't know about Sara because she is with Grissom and obviously she loves it there or she wouldn't be there.. but. I don't think Sandles is quite over with yet.


I hate to said it, Sandles is over. Who one writer love Sandles? He is no longer a writer over at CSI? Is Josh Berman. He is the only one that love Sandles.

Allen MacDonald is a Snickers and GSR, Sarah Goldfinger is a Snickers and GSR (She write Sara's story.) Carol M. use to be a pro Grillows, now GSR, David Rambo is a GSR. Billy Petersen is a GSR, Jorja Fox is a GSR and George Eads is a GSR.

Sandles is cute, but Greg is interested in Sara and Sara is not that interested in him. All she see him as her little brother, like Jorja and Carol said.

Greg is too immature for Sara, he love to have fun. Sara doesn't know how to have fun.

I'm with CathStokes, I'm not fond of Sofia and Nick. They have no chemistry whatsoever. I love Nick. I don't think Nick like Sofia, I think he's mad that he is with Catherine instead of Grissom, (When the teams break up, Mea Culpa.) Nick like Catherine and he adored her and he looked up to her and Grissom.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Throughout the seasons I don't really think that Grissom handled the whole Sara thing that well... At first, I was a little bit of a GSR fan but by the time Season 6 final rolled around I was outta it.

I guess I really don't have a defined relationship in this one. None of them really seem right. I am personally a Sandle fan but o'course I don't 'spect much comin' from there
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I hate to said it, Sandles is over. Who one writer love Sandles? He is no longer a writer over at CSI? Is Josh Berman. He is the only one that love Sandles.

I was being nice! LOL.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I absolutely adored when Nick and Cath danced... I never paid any attention to the two before then... CatNip may not be something I read or anything but its okay
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