The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

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Re: The Great Ship Debate

speed_cochrane said:
See? We're agreeing again. How crazy is this? :p

'Ooo ooo ooh, o, oh ooo oh' (bad imitation of 'X Files' theme) :D.

speed_cochrane said:
and if anything right now the show needs character continuity.

I think all three of the shows need a healthy dose of that right now ;) (Well, maybe not NY, but it's early days, give it time.)

And MiaCharlize, If you think that kissings bad, you should have read the fics GreatTyrant sent me after reading that post. The smut is even worse, I wasn't sure if I was crying from laughing so much, or just generally crying in disgust :lol:
Re: The Great Ship Debate

No thank you, but I'm not reading anything that has GSR on its cover. I generally don't read Grissom involving stuff... don't mind him getting some, just don't need to be aware of it ;)
But seriously, why didn't they just continue that underlying Grissom/Lady H thing, she seemed to be totally fascinated with him and they actually had chemistry!
I think genertally, ship belongs into fics and discussion boards, not on a show like CSI, they're about the sexy ladies with the brains and guns, um...I mean about the science. ;)
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I totally agree with You three (Mia,CSI Ali and Speed Cochrane) I know that tptb keep saying it wont go soapy but I already see it going that route and I also dont buy the whole "they've been in a relationship forever" thing really? I've seen no forshadowing as of lately that eluded to that I saw the Forshadowing as Greg and Sara and Snickers (I prefer Snickers myself but You know what I mean) Until the Season Finale THATS when they decided to drop the GSR bombshell on us
As for the bad Feelings (Speed Cochrane I think it was you that commented on that) I agree i myself have already started to watch Grey's Reruns over CSI ones and I'm ALMOST Afraid others will to But I could be wrong *shrugs*
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Well I don't know if this thread is only for CSI LV, I don't think so. Here is my opinion about some shippers.

CSI Las Vegas
Grisom/Sara. I'm happy because of the end of last season, 'cause it's a hope for the other shows shippers. It shows that there's a possibility for us :D. But I don't like them together 'cause I don't like Sara's character a lot. I liked her at the beginning of the show but not now. I'd prefer Grissom/Lady Heather or Sofia.

Greg/Sara it would be interesting although I think Greg is not very mature, but I like him a lot (his character I mean).

Calleigh/Horatio I think they're good friends, they have a strong friendship, but that's all. Sometimes I think he's like her father (although he's not old enough ;)). I'd like to see more interaction between them next season.

Calleigh/Eric it's a good idea, although I'm not totally convinced. They remind me my mom and dad, they look the same :D. I don't think Calleigh likes Eric, and on the other hand Eric goes out with any women and Cal knows that. I wouldn't go out with a guy if I knew about his "adventures".

Calleigh/Ryan (my favorite) is a good option. Both of them are very handsome, and there's a real possibility. Although there's a small problem: she's older than him (she's also older than Eric, by the way), I don't know how many years, personally I don't have problems with ages, but it would be a little controversial. I think Ryan admires her.

Horatio/Yelina Perfect!!!!

Mac/Stella (another favorite) just 4 words: they WILL BE TOGETHER. At the end of course, but they will. The chemistry is undeniable, and I've only watched 8 episodes of CSI NY, I love them since the first episode.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

MiaCharlize said:
Watching that last scene of season 6 I felt like reading bad fanfiction, just bringing them together for the sake of it.

I totally agree! Really bad MarySue-ish fiction. I'm scared to see how they mess up Season 7...<shivers> :confused:
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Haven't been here in a while, but I wanted to know now that season seven has started (we're heading into the fourth episode), what do you all think about it? Particularly the GSR hints and such. I know some of you said you wouldn't want to watch it since GSR would make it soap opera-ish but now that you've gotten a chance to see a few episodes (at least those who live in the states), do you still feel the same? Do you think the whole romantic part of the show is overdone, too subtle, or handled just right?

Just curious. :)
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Next week is the first ep I'm actually going to watch all the way through. And that is just because I know Grissom and Sara wont be key players for a change. I think GSR is being way overdone just because it's being shoved down our throats.

"See! No touching! We promised we wouldn't make it a soap, so no touching! But we WILL shove it down your throat! God forbid they work with anyone else! 24 straight eps of GSR! We'll just have Jorja carry a cardboard Griss cutout when he's on sabbatical! We can ttly do it! No, I have NOT gone crazy trying to think of ways to beat Grey's! I'm still sane! Really! Hey, do you think we can have a love scene with no touching! OOH! Look at this suggestive line I just came up with! TOTALLY a double meaning. Aren't I clever!"
Re: The Great Ship Debate

^Nothing to add to that. Stop it people! What happened to "no romance on the show" and "It's all about the cases"?
Re: The Great Ship Debate

The only problem I have with the claim of "GSR was only done to beat Grey's" is... doesn't anyone remember when in AUGUST of last year they were telling us about Sara and Grissom sharing a hotel room in a scene that never made it to air because of WP's nephew?

My point is that the concept of bringing GSR to fruitation didn't pop up simply because of GA announcing it was changing its schedule. It began way back in the summer, before there were even rumblings of GA moving.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

^^Didn't Nina Tassler state in various periodicals that they decided to go on the GSR route last March when they heard that Grey's might be going against CSI?

Oh and I do agree with you ollieuan.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Whether or not she said that, it was after the fact. The episode had already been written before Grey's announced its intentions, and it was quite clear from the scenes in Bite Me, A Bullet Runs Through It, and what was written for Gum Drops, as well as Daddy's Little Girl, Kiss-Kiss Bye-Bye and Time of Your Death that this was a plan they had all along throughout the season, and not simply a last-ditch attempt in March.

Otherwise, why would last year's TV Guide have proudly had that whole article about Grissom and Sara's hotel room incident with CM giggling like a schoolgirl?

I'm not trying to shut you down, I'm just saying that if that wasn't a clear indicator that they were in a relationship, and it was written in the summer of last year, why would it have been treated like a "Stay tuned - who knows what's going on?".

Nina Tassler, from the statement (the only one) I read from her, was saying that they were going to try some things this year to prepare for the competition.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I think Gum Drops is pretty irrelevant. I could name two or three Snickers scenes from the past that were dropped because they were too suggestive. And they had plenty of squee-worthy moments last season. At least as many as GSR. When things are cut from scripts it means that TPTB decide it would just be too stupid to air it. If they had intentions of revealing a GSR coupling early last season they wouldn't have let WP's family emergency stop them. They had like 18 eps left at the time to write.

They dropped the SL. We didn't see much GSR at all after that (subtle or non-subtle) until after the CSI-GA battle was announced. Then we got Time of Your Death and Way to Go. You can say what you will but any way you cut it that looks suspiciously like a ratings ploy.

I, for one, am glad it didn't work. GA has won 2 out of the 3 weeks. I'll pick and choose the eps I watch until I hear of either 1) Griss and Sara no longer working every single case together (because regardless of who you ship that is overkill) or 2) a breakup
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I, too, agree that since it didn't air, it doesn't officially count as part of the show. But we're talking intention here. The intention to compete with Grey's or the intention to just go with the storyline. The difference is that these particular scenes were heavily spoiled in the media as something they were going to do. It wasn't that they got cut from the script, it was that they simply couldn't be filmed.

I agree that currently they are heavily flirting with overkill, though, and I do hope that they do an AHOD case or just pairing them with other people soon.

I don't have to see my ship every week.

The other thing about the extra 18 eps is that no one who wasn't a GSR-shipper was paying attention until Time of Your Death, because that WAS when the move was announced, and that WAS when heavy spoilers started coming out.

But if you do go take a look back at the Bite Me scene, The Thermite Scene, The Grey Hair scene and a few others, you'll see that they are noticeably changing the dynamic and that their air around each other is very different from what it was in Season 5 and before that.

They were light hints that, I think, they were imagining people would look back and go, "OH! I never noticed that the first time" knowing what they know now.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

sarahvma said:
But if you do go take a look back at the Bite Me scene, The Thermite Scene, The Grey Hair scene and a few others, you'll see that they are noticeably changing the dynamic and that their air around each other is very different from what it was in Season 5 and before that.

They were light hints that, I think, they were imagining people would look back and go, "OH! I never noticed that the first time" knowing what they know now.
I don't disagree that there were a few GSR moments late in season 6, but I strongly disagree with a secret romance being predetermined at those points. If only because there were conflicting reports about the very SL. I distinctly recall the relationship being referred to as "new," "going on a while," and even "we don't yet know how long" (which is the honest answer, and, thus, the one I respect most). If this had been planned there would have been a concrete answer.

I think the flirty moments throughout the season were fairly normal. I mean, just look at the "chalk," "since i met you," and "pin me down" scenes. Those go way back, but the two were obviously not in a relationship then. They were just flirty moments. We see them in all the ships. I don't think the dynamic between them changed at all. That's why I complained about the finale being so far out of left field. The way they did it just didn't make sense.

For the record, I'm not against a GSR relationship. Personally, I can't stand the pairing, but I think a relationship is necessary for them both to be able to move on. Griss needs to realize that he needs someone he can consider an equal, and Sara needs to realize that Griss can never truly be what she wants or needs.

I have no doubt they have love for one another all the CSIs do), but I do not think they could ever actually LOVE one another enough to sustain any kind of long-term healthy relationship.

Ultimately, I think--rather, I hope--that TPTB will take that route. I am trying to have faith in them. I would hope they would be familiar enough with their characters to know what is and is not healthy for them. A temporary GSR relationship is, I think, healthy, but a permanent one is simply illogical, if not impossible IMO.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Except that the tenor of chalk or pin me down was that they were obviously nervous, taken off guard or that it was more spontaneous.

Grey Hair, Thermite... yes, unexpected, yes spontaneous, but there were kind of knowing looks the way we hadn't seen before.

Thermite almost seemed to directly imply that they'd had a fight earlier.

As did Bite Me. Bite Me was probably the clearest indication something was going on. She starts talking about sleeping habits of couples, and he implies that the man probably couldn't breathe, and Sara looks hurt.

Why would she look hurt if they weren't sleeping together?

Also her confroting Sofia in ABRTI. Previously when she found Sofia with Grissom, she'd keep her head down and accept that he'd moved on, or assume that he preferred her or whatever.

Instead, she walks in almost territorially, and she and Grissom cast looks at each other that don't seem like two people speaking of the professional consequences of Sofia being there.

I understand that you're not wild about the pairing, and I'm not asking you to change your mind.

I'm just saying that there have been too many factors earlier on to suggest that it wasn't something that was just pulled out of thin air.

And as far as "easy to put back in Gum Drops"... well... how? How can you recreate that? If Grissom comes to Sara's apartment, it's rather obvious what he's there for. The mystery of the scene, and the "WTF?" of it are diminished, just making it flat-out obvious.

I do agree that they didn't show GSR for a while, but when they did start bringing it back, it was around January. Not March.
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