The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

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Re: The Great Ship Debate

They had almost no screentime together, he was always sending her off to work solo or on different cases, and she was mad at him for pushing her away.

Off the top of my head...I know they worked the bank case together. The one where a bomb went off and exploded the safety boxes. He was having difficulities hearing then, and guess what he was working with Sara. :) I'd have to go through the episodes to tell you each time, but quite honestly I don't have the time at the moment.

Also, you're proving that you don't need sources or any official statements to argue your point. WP and MH told they were being too sexy? Show me the quote.

Meow!!! LOL...okay I never said anything about being too sexy. I did say that they were told to calm down their chemistry. I did look, and I can't remember where I read that because it was a very long time ago. I also looked for articles, and could not find any. So quite possibly that was never said...but I still can see it being said.

BTW...not everything on here will be backed up by articles and such...alot of this is opinions.

As far as Grillows...I also remember Eddie thinking something was going on with Gil and Catherine, and even referred to Grissom as her boyfriend. My point was to outsiders...this couple seemed like a couple.

The proof is in the fact that they're together.

Yep they are together, but you know Eddie and Catherine were once together. :lol: But then again I wasn't trying to prove that Sara and Grissom aren't together...that was not my point at all. I was simply stating the reasons as to why I'm not fond of this couple.

The number ONE problem that I have with people who don't like GSR is that they say that anything happening this season doesn't count. In other words, "Oh sure, they're together, but there was no proof that this was meant to happen"

Tell me where I said that? I didn't. I never said GSR didn't count this season. I might say that I'm not fond of this couple and the reasonings why...but I haven't said they don't count. Where is your proof here?

BTW...some might not have thought GSR would have been put together. I simply said that some might have thought grillows was in the workings since season 1. How are you to truely know what a show will do until it happens. But...this doesn't take away from the fact that GSR is together. I don't think that is what anyone is trying to do...or at least I wasn't.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Meow!!! LOL...okay I never said anything about being too sexy. I did say that they were told to calm down their chemistry. I did look, and I can't remember where I read that because it was a very long time ago. I also looked for articles, and could not find any. So quite possibly that was never said...but I still can see it being said.

But it wasn't. Had it been said, I guarentee you that any Grillows site in the world would have the quote.

Off the top of my head...I know they worked the bank case together. The one where a bomb went off and exploded the safety boxes. He was having difficulities hearing then, and guess what he was working with Sara. I'd have to go through the episodes to tell you each time, but quite honestly I don't have the time at the moment.

And I can tell you that they had very, very little screentime. And again - none of the other CSIs or Doc or the detectives noticed. Catherine only noticed at the very last episode, because he physically couldn't hear her and it was painfully obvious. He also had a lot of screentime with Catherine that year, and she's his best friend and the only person it seemed who saw him outside of work that season, like in Night at the Movies. I'm not debating that they had great chemistry - they definitely, definitely did. But as really fun friends and co-workers, not as romantic lovers.

If Catherine had wanted Grissom, she would've gone for him. We've seen Catherine around the men she likes - she lets them know big-time. She flat-out told Warrick even after he was married. She was blatent with the club owner. Catherine knows how to let a guy know she's interested. Every scenario we've seen her in with a man she likes has proven that. She has never displayed those signals or those attitudes towards Grissom.

BTW...not everything on here will be backed up by articles and such...alot of this is opinions.

True, but there's a big difference between saying, "I don't like GSR" and "MH and WP were told to calm down their chemistry". The second one needs a cited source.

As far as Grillows...I also remember Eddie thinking something was going on with Gil and Catherine, and even referred to Grissom as her boyfriend. My point was to outsiders...this couple seemed like a couple.

Yeah, and I recall Catherine telling her daughter that Eddie was high most of the time. What I got from the exchange that she and Eddie had about Grissom was that he was mad that Catherine would always head off to work when Grissom paged her and that Grissom defended Catherine against Eddie. So the natural thing to do is to slanderously accuse them of having an affair, because he was having an affair.

Tell me where I said that? I didn't.

I never said that you did. It was a general comment about other posters I've seen.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I believe Grissom and Catherine have great chemistry. As friends. Simply because Sara seemed oblivious to Grissom's hearing, doesn't make them any less a well tuned-in couple. Both were having problems that season. And as I recall, Sara dated Hank. While she may still have had feelings for Grissom, why should she be so tuned into him, when he acted as if he didn't give a hoot? While she was dating another man? Was she supposed to go running to Grissom to comfort him? He told her to get a life, remember?

Anyway - Catherine went to Grissom's side as a friend, she has always been there for her friend. If Catherine was truly that interested in Grissom, she would have had him.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

why should she be so tuned into him, when he acted as if he didn't give a hoot? While she was dating another man? Was she supposed to go running to Grissom to comfort him?

Hey I agree with you...she wasn't in tune with Grissom. I was disagreeing with a different poster that said Sara and Grissom were 'so in tune with one another.' I still don't see it. She misses so much important details regarding Grissom even in this season. If your dating'd think they would know. Granted I understand that you don't always see or know everything...but the big stuff you should notice.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Here's a timeline with them from S/1 up till now, and big congratulations to who researched this and put it together.. the lines they've spoken to one another.. you do the math!

Re: The Great Ship Debate

yeah I've seen every episode...yet I don't see their heated chemistry! Sorry...I've actually tried too, and to be honest the couple seemed the most interesting to me back in season 3...I saw some angst...some caring...and I believe Grissom called Sara honey, but to me its boring now. I think part of that is due to the way their relationship is written. I think they have kept it secretative too long, and it reflects badly to me on both characters.
Re: The Great Ship Debate


If Catherine had wanted Grissom, she would've gone for him. We've seen Catherine around the men she likes - she lets them know big-time. She flat-out told Warrick even after he was married. She was blatent with the club owner. Catherine knows how to let a guy know she's interested. Every scenario we've seen her in with a man she likes has proven that. She has never displayed those signals or those attitudes towards Grissom.
i couldn't say it better. this is exactly, EXACTLY why i can't see Grissom and Catherine together.

and i cannot count times i flirted with guys who i'm not interested in, for real. if you flirt with somebody it doesn't necessarily mean you want to hook up with this person. it just means that you like him as a friend, but b/c you are a girl talking to a guy, it doesn't mean you don't wanna have fun. and Cath? oh man, she likes to have fun.

if Cath wanted Grissom, she would never, in a billion years, encourage Grissom to do right about Sara. besides, didn't she tell Warrick that HE is her fantasy?

the thing with us, girls, is that we want to find meaning in EVERYTHING, lol. and Brass said it so nicely in the end of I Like To Watch - "people want meaning and we live in a random world". not everything has a deep, hidden meaning. Cath flirted with Grissom? it doesn't mean that he is her dream. and according to Cath, Warrick is (or was) what she wanted.

and i'm not a YoBling shipper, i'm just stating the facts.

the thing with GSR is that we had a lot of moments where it was plainly stated by both characters that there could be something between them - Play With Fire, Butterflied, Nesting Dolls, Snakes, just to name a few.

i understand that not everyone has to like this pairing, but for me it has a whole lot more validity than if for example GCR got canon. now, THAT would be OOC.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Waiting said:
yeah I've seen every episode...yet I don't see their heated chemistry! Sorry...I've actually tried too, and to be honest the couple seemed the most interesting to me back in season 3...I saw some angst...some caring...and I believe Grissom called Sara honey, but to me its boring now. I think part of that is due to the way their relationship is written. I think they have kept it secretative too long, and it reflects badly to me on both characters.

Waiting we get it that you don't see their chemistry.. and that's fine..not a problem..they've got so many fans that do! I also see the chemistry between Cath & Warrick..I can see them together as well!! and I don't consider them in the bedroom at all boring :eek: and the love letter he wrote " I'd said I'd miss you and I do" how romantic.. and the ultimate shaving scene

Re: The Great Ship Debate

Lordy, you people are crazy. But heres my two cents to all of this:: I'm not a GSR shipper, but I'm getting really tired of coming in and seeing all of this BS. Anti GSRs VS GSRS VS Whatever in gods name you decide to use.

You can say all you want about how GSR ruined the show and other BS, *BUT* its not, CSI was going downhill BEFORE GSR went canon. and another thing, you can say you don't want a relationship all the hell you want, but we know you freaking lying. if it was [insert your ship here] canon right now you would be yelling, we're canon!. and if this was US telling YOUR [insert your ship here] is ruining the show, you'd be all bitchy.

I'm getting freaking tired of this crap. If CatNip was canon like GSR is, I'd be the happiest freaking girl in the world. But I get, to much of a relationship is bad thing. CSI isn't about a relationship..But. they have one, suck it up, deal with it.

note : I used insert your ship here, because if I say a ship. This will turn ugly, and yall won't like me when I get more pissed then this.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

and that's fine..not a problem..they've got so many fans that do!

Can I point out the other obvious opinion too--that their are so many other fans that don't see their chemistry!!! :D

Waiting we get it that you don't see their chemistry..

desertwind...then it's easy...tell people to quit telling me to explain myself!!! LOL...cause I will! :lol: To be honest...I enjoy this thread a lot and love for people to debate me. Anyhow...I look at it this way...we are all stirring the air...which is good for CSI. Plus, I love to hear everyones opinions regardless if they agree with me or not!

I must admit that I'm looking forward to GSR being outed. Because it's about freaking time. :rolleyes: Hopefully, most will agree with this...
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Ok, I've come to put my 2 cents in again.
This time it's not so much against GSR (which I don't ship) it's about the fact like CathStokes said that a ship went cannon.

I have read from other posters that it is better without any romance. That CSI is not about romance and relationships. I agree there. It's not.

Now.. these people are human. They see others on the worst days of their lives. What better way to comfort yourself than to turn to a co-worker, a friend, or someone who can relate to you? That is what [in my opinion] all of the team memeber have become to each other.
That is where shipping comes in.

I, myself, really didn't have a problem with Gris and Sara's interactions over the past seasons. It was kind of fun to watch the will-they-or-won't-they-get-together banter between them. But, after they revealed their relationship, it was unrealsitic to me.

This is just my opinion, I'm not here to slam anyone it's a debate thread and I'm giving my thoughts.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

desertwind...then it's easy...tell people to quit telling me to explain myself!!! LOL...cause I will! To be honest...I enjoy this thread a lot and love for people to debate me. Anyhow...I look at it this way...we are all stirring the air...which is good for CSI. Plus, I love to hear everyones opinions regardless if they agree with me or not!
and to be honest i'm really glad to debate with you, cuz i enjoy it also. yay for civilized discussion.
I must admit that I'm looking forward to GSR being outed. Because it's about freaking time. Hopefully, most will agree with this...
yeah, me too. i think that they may leave it for the next season though, you know. cuz if they'll show it all now, there won't be that much left, for me as a dedicated GSR supporter, to look forward to in S8.

if there's gonna be a GSR kiss in the finale (and mind y'all - i'm completely spoiler-free, i have no damn clue about anything upcoming) AND a reveal, it means that only the change in team's attitude towards them will be left to watch.

so, as much as i would LOVE GSR to get outed now, i'd prefer to go on a GSR-diet, and leave this storyline for the next season.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

As far as GSR being outed, I can only say one thing: Hopefully. I love GSR, believe me, I do. But I think it's about time it gets outed. They've been living behind this wall for the past year (or however long they've been going at it) and now it's time for it become realistic, and we will see how it goes.. Will Sara move to a different shift? Will Grissom? Will there be a split again? Will she have to move to Catherine's team? Yadda yadda yadda.

But I can see where those Anti-GSRs are coming from.. If it had been (Sorry, but I must use this as an example) Grillows became canon.. I'd be in the same boat as Anti-GSRs, I'd be devestated, and quite frankly, I don't think I'd have one nice thing to say.

I respect everyone's opinion, and I try my hardest not to offend anyone, or their ships. But when it comes to GSR, I really do speak my mind.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

As far as GSR being outed, I can only say one thing: Hopefully. I love GSR, believe me, I do. But I think it's about time it gets outed. They've been living behind this wall for the past year (or however long they've been going at it) and now it's time for it become realistic, and we will see how it goes.. Will Sara move to a different shift? Will Grissom? Will there be a split again? Will she have to move to Catherine's team? Yadda yadda yadda.

I so agree with this...there are many different twists or angles they can work with, and I also think it's time to make their relationship known. I mean it can only remain hidden realistically for so long because it sort of becomes obvious with the people you work with.

I just hope they handle it right, because if they out GSR...and then keep everything normal...that is so unrealistic.

and to be honest i'm really glad to debate with you, cuz i enjoy it also. yay for civilized discussion.

Agree its a blast to debate with you. Its always nice to see what others think!
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I also agree that it needs to be outed. Having said that, I am SO glad that they didn't go down the adorable "making out in Grissom's office and almost being caught by Ecklie" or having the other characters constantly speculating or "cluing in" route.

THAT would've been soapy. As it is, I think they've had a couple of moments of "Do they know?" and one conversation of two other characters discussing Grissom's changes and possible girlfriend, but they definitely haven't made it a part of the other characters' worlds more than they've had to.
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