The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

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Re: The Great Ship Debate

I have a question.. not talking about GSR.. didn't
Horatio get married on Miami? and doesn't Mac have a 'love interest" going at the moment.. so, is that cool with everyone? so, for those CSI's, it's hunky-dory and everyone is doing the smiley face thing.. what's good for one show, is not OK for another, what's the deal on that?
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Yes, Horatio married Marisol Delko, Eric's sister. She was killed in Season 4.

Mac has been dating Peyton Driscoll for the last year. She works with Sid. It's ok with me. I don't mind Mac with Peyton. I think TPTB have done a great job with them and it's nice to see Mac loosen up a little.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

1CSIMfan said:
Yes, Horatio married Marisol Delko, Eric's sister. She was killed in Season 4.

Mac has been dating Peyton Driscoll for the last year. She works with Sid. It's ok with me. I don't mind Mac with Peyton. I think TPTB have done a great job with them and it's nice to see Mac loosen up a little.

Thank's I know that.. my question was, why is it OK, [& no one seems to have snit-fits].. for these characters on the other CSI's to have relationships going on and there's so much controvesary on the CSI/Vegas "coupling" :(
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Ya know a ship I like that I don't think should have been dashed... Natalia/Eric... it saddened me when it was dashed...

I don't mind Peyton/Mac but I love SMacked so much I wish it weren't there... I find myself glancing away sometimes like I do with GSR but that be it...
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Well, for me relationships aren't necessarily a problem. I don't really think CSI is the place for them, but they can be ok in small doses. The problem with GSR for most people, I daresay, is that their coupling just seems out of character. Or at least it does in my eyes.

There's a multitude of reasons why people don't ship GSR. CSI should be strictly procedural...He's too old for's unhealthy...I want WP for myself...Grissom+Catherine=4eva...Sara+Nick=4eva...yadda yadda yadda.

It has nothing to do with relationships being ok on one show but not on another. I think...
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I as well want WP for my self.. but, the character Grissom, chose Sara.. ;) it's been leading up to this for 7 years.. and the age :eek: has nothing to do with anything.. there's so many different ages in the world, in relationships, that work fantastically to mnay to mention.. they, have everything in common.. and are well tuned into one another.. fused..the camaraderie is so intense, that sometimes I feel the heat coming through my TV... and who ever doen't see this.. is their business. but this is the route THEY have chosen..and weather I like or you don't, it works for them!!!and who ever doesn't care for it! it's who they want to be with that counts.. regardless, who doesn't see it!

Re: The Great Ship Debate

desertwind said:
regardless, who doesn't see it!
Many, many people don't see it, I'm afraid. ;) And no, we're not blind. Some of us just think they have about as much sexual chemistry as dryer lint. It's all subjective, and no one is more correct than another.

Also, I don't really see how an overwhelming majority of fans were rooting for GSR. I've seen that claim a lot, but I've seen just as much negative feedback as I have positive feedback. If a majority of fans wanted GSR, I'd think almost all feedback would be positive. Like, say Derrick and Meredith on Grey's Anatomy. You don't really see a lot of people opposed to the ship. Well, at least when it first started, anyway. :lol:
Re: The Great Ship Debate

and are well tuned into one another..

See this is where I disagree with you. If they are so intuned with one another why did Sara not notice Grissom's hearing loss in season 3. But shall I say Catherine noticed and was there to support him. She picked up on it when Sara was clueless.

Also, in season seven when Grissom was getting burned out...again Sara didn't notice, but yet again Catherine did. Odd...see I don't agree with you on this at all. Sara seems a bit oblivious about the person she is so in love with. Also, when Grissom left to teach because he needed a break from work...she took it personally. He even send her a gift, and she couldn't get past the fact that she did not receive a note with it...yet that is so Grissom like. So no...I don't find this couple to be in tune with one another.

the character Grissom, chose Sara.. it's been leading up to this for 7 years

Well, if I'm correct...the show was working on two angles with Grissom, and not just one. Some might say that the show was leading up to a Grillows relationship for 7 years as well. Not to mention his moments with Terry or Lady Heather.

and the age has nothing to do with anything

To some people age matters. It doesn't mean they are right or wrong for not liking the ship. But the age thing does play a factor for why someone might not like this couple. Also, if age isn't a factor why wouldn't Grissom and Sara have hooked while she was in college and he was her professor? You can't really say because he was her teacher because in a sense he still is her teacher.

they, have everything in common..

Now this I agree with...they DO have everything in common, and this is what I don't like. This to me makes their relationship boring to watch because they are TOO much alike. Not to mention...have you heard the saying opposites attract? I just think having different things from someone can provide something fresh that keeps the relationship alive.

feel the heat coming through my TV... and who ever doen't see this.. is their business. but this is the route THEY have chosen..and weather I like or you don't, it works for them!!!

Does it work for them? I mean we have all heard the spoilers for the season finale, and who can honestly say a fictional couple works when you don't see them alone away from work? All I've seen is a hushed relationship that is hindered. Which btw says a lot about them being hypocritical. Another reason why I'm not fond of this couple. Weeping Willows is a prime example of Grissom. Redrum is a prime example of Sara.

Also, I haven't seen any steam from my tv when I watch them. I don't see their chemistry the way you do.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

See this is where I disagree with you. If they are so intuned with one another why did Sara not notice Grissom's hearing loss in season 3. But shall I say Catherine noticed and was there to support him. She picked up on it when Sara was clueless.
i gotta agree on that, Waiting. and i think, like most GSR shippers, that that's why they weren't ready for each other in S3. the thing is, that with Snakes came a new Sara, the one that is ready for him, and actually can finally read him. not all of him, cuz that's something even Catherine can't do, lol, but surely better than in previous seasons.
Also, in season seven when Grissom was getting burned out...again Sara didn't notice, but yet again Catherine did. Odd...see I don't agree with you on this at all. Sara seems a bit oblivious about the person she is so in love with. Also, when Grissom left to teach because he needed a break from work...she took it personally. He even send her a gift, and she couldn't get past the fact that she did not receive a note with it...yet that is so Grissom like. So no...I don't find this couple to be in tune with one another.
well, you don't know that. they behave very proffessional at work and if Sara seemed to be all "Grissom, baby, you ok?" she would be pretty obvious. especially if it was in front of Catherine.

there is of course a possibility that she didn't notice his unusual concern and tiredness. but hey, you learn every day about your b/f and it's not like Grissom is an open book. if she didn't notice, doesn't it make their relationship more interesting? cuz if they were so alike, she would know that something was bothering him, right?

there is a lot of things different about them. the primary example is Sara's attitude towards him over the years - she was wearing her heart on a sleeve, asking him for dinner, boldly telling him she moved to Vegas for him. he on the other hand could never find the right words, and was never ever straight-forward about it. Sara is emotional at some scenes, she loves animals, she is a vegetarian. Grissom can sit near a decomposing pig, drink his coffee and later go and eat his steak. so yeah, they are similar, but i don't think they are exactly the same to the point that they're boring.

it would be boring if it was simple and they were average people. instead it's very complicated, they are big, fascinating individuals, and what's more, they're having a secret office romance. that doesn't sound boring to me.

ETA: besides, Grissom is sexay. End of ETA
Well, if I'm correct...the show was working on two angles with Grissom, and not just one. Some might say that the show was leading up to a Grillows relationship for 7 years as well. Not to mention his moments with Terry or Lady Heather.
if we are comparing it to Grillows: how many hook-ups/boyfriends/ex-husbands did Cath have? like 4? and those are only the on-screen ones. but i also agree, you can find evidence for every single pairing if you look closely. you can even try to prove there is a lot of chemistry between Ecklie and Grissom too. you know, the *angst*.


the thing with GSR is that it was the most implied possible-to-become-canon ship over the years. Cath and Gris flirted, Sara and Nick flirted, Greg and Nick flirted, Ecklie and sherriff Mobley flirted. did any one of them asked the other to dinner? or had a whole episode about their relationship? not that i can recall.

although i know that Grissom still loves Lady Heather. yes, yes. they will have a crazy-ass threesome in the upcoming ep, i know it. those three are MEANT for each other.

have you heard the saying opposites attract?
you know exactly what am i going to say here right? birds of a feather flock together :p
Weeping Willows is a prime example of Grissom.
welllllll, you know. he said that he doesn't go out, cuz people in bars are possible suspects and it's easy to get in trouble, especially in Vegas. i don't think he meant having a partner there. but i see where it's coming from, and i understand why it can be interpreted this way.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

what's good for one show, is not OK for another, what's the deal on that?
Good point! :eek: I think it may just be to do with the fact that shipping is really quite established for LV, and since none have been cannon until 6/7 seasons into the show, people have strong opinions. Did that make sense? Probably not. :rolleyes:

I've seen that claim a lot, but I've seen just as much negative feedback as I have positive feedback.
How many people write in to congratulate a show? Hardly any, it has to be something quite significant to get people to write in and compliment.
On the other hand, if someone doesn't like something they shout up about it as soon as possible, and feel the need to let everyone know about their disagreement. I'm guilty of this too. *cough*top gear*cough* :lol:
So what I'm trying to say is that you may be seeing as many negative response as postive, because people are feeling the need to shout about it. GSR shippers are quite content (read: ecstatic) about it being cannon that they don't have to go into forums and persuade anyone that it should happen when it has already happened. Therefore you see more negative than positive, or equal amounts. ;)
If they are so intuned with one another why did Sara not notice Grissom's hearing loss in season 3.
If you remember Grissom kept sending Sara off on different cases away from him, not giving her a chance to be alone with him when she could have discovered about it. Catherine and him were good friends, plus Catherine is pushy, so would have seen enough of him to notice. He was protecting himself when he was vulnerable, and Sara was/is his weakness, he didn't want her to pity him and he wasn't ready for a relationship then either. He is now though! :D

Some might say that the show was leading up to a Grillows relationship for 7 years as well.
IMO it used to be a really good friendship, never hinted at anything more. I can't name one scene where they were insinuating anything more than friends. Sorry.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

*cough*top gear*cough*
omg, i looove this show. i haven't watched it in like a year so i don't know about any changes. btw, how's Richard doing?
I think it may just be to do with the fact that shipping is really quite established for LV, and since none have been cannon until 6/7 seasons into the show, people have strong opinions
awesome point egg. i agree.

but nobody talks about NY or Miami here, cuz it's an LV discussion.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

omg, i looove this show. i haven't watched it in like a year so i don't know about any changes. btw, how's Richard doing?
De hamster is just fine, he didn't break a single bone in his body which is incredible. :eek: Although, I refuse to watch it any more after they did an anti-American racist :mad: episode. It was dreadful. :( I complained of course. ;)

but nobody talks about NY or Miami here, cuz it's an LV discussion.
.....good point. :rolleyes: Didn't think of that. :lol:
Re: The Great Ship Debate

eggbe4thechicken said:
How many people write in to congratulate a show? Hardly any, it has to be something quite significant to get people to write in and compliment.
On the other hand, if someone doesn't like something they shout up about it as soon as possible, and feel the need to let everyone know about their disagreement. I'm guilty of this too. *cough*top gear*cough* :lol:
So what I'm trying to say is that you may be seeing as many negative response as postive, because people are feeling the need to shout about it. GSR shippers are quite content (read: ecstatic) about it being cannon that they don't have to go into forums and persuade anyone that it should happen when it has already happened. Therefore you see more negative than positive, or equal amounts. ;)
I'm not sure that's entirely true. I've seen letters written to TVGuide that are congratulating the show. Also, when the pairing was first revealed most critics weren't happy with the development (many still aren't). In addition there have been numerous polls on a variety of sites where GSR has not always landed on top (not even close to always). If a majority of fans wanted GSR then all 3 of those results would likely be positive. GSR definitely has a vocal fanbase, I'll admit, but there are so many other LV ships (and people that want no canon ship at all) that I'm sure they outnumber GSR fans.
IMO it used to be a really good friendship, never hinted at anything more. I can't name one scene where they were insinuating anything more than friends. Sorry.
Well, see, you wouldn't, would you? That's probably why you don't ship them. Honestly, I can't think of a single scene with Grissom and Sara where I saw even an ounce of chemistry. Nor did I think at any point in time that they would be thrown together. If anything I thought the OPPOSITE was true. I thought TPTB were desperately trying to sink that ship for the first 6 seasons. I'm sure you'd disagree. That's the beauty of subtext. Some people see it while others don't.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

If you remember Grissom kept sending Sara off on different cases away from him, not giving her a chance to be alone with him when she could have discovered about it.

Please...he had trouble with his hearing loss for the entire season, and she just never picked up on it. Period...Sara was clueless. They worked cases together...not to mention all the times the group would be in a meeting...and his hearing went in and out...Sorry..disagree with your reasoning that she never got a chance to notice. Because she had every opportunity to notice, but didn't. They are just not in tune with one another on a personal level.

IMO it used to be a really good friendship, never hinted at anything more. I can't name one scene where they were insinuating anything more than friends. Sorry.

Really...people on the outside looking in thought they were a couple. Catherine was referred to as his wife by an out of town cop. The chemistry was there, and the proof is...they were told (WP and MH to calm the chemistry between their characters. To me...and Purejoy isn't my first ship by any means...they had more chemistry than GSR.)

Also...the only evidence that was related to GSR was Sara's overt attraction to her boss. Which was annoying to watch. She sort of came off desperate. Don't get me wrong I was a fan of Sara...just that part of her was grating. That was the only hint of knew how Sara felt...since when does that mean 'relationship'.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Please...he had trouble with his hearing loss for the entire season, and she just never picked up on it. Period...Sara was clueless. They worked cases together...not to mention all the times the group would be in a meeting...and his hearing went in and out...Sorry..disagree with your reasoning that she never got a chance to notice. Because she had every opportunity to notice, but didn't. They are just not in tune with one another on a personal level.

They had almost no screentime together, he was always sending her off to work solo or on different cases, and she was mad at him for pushing her away. Incidentally, however, before he started pushing her away, in The Accused is Entitled, she does frown at his asking the court prosecutor to repeat herself. She was aware something was wrong, but he clearly didn't want her around, so she became hands-off. I'd like to point out that Brass, arguably his best male friend, Nick, Warrick, Greg and Doc didn't notice, either. And Grissom wasn't actively keeping them at bay.


As for Grissom and Catherine - show me one press release or interview where they were told to calm things down. One.

You don't know that - that's rumor and innuendo.

I'm sorry, but Catherine and Grissom were friends who flirted now and then for fun. I've had those. When you have enough male friends, you know how common that is.

As for the wife thing, he only assumed it because Grissom was guilty about leaving Catherine with his paperwork, and the cop misunderstood the conversation's meaning. Very sexy.

The number ONE problem that I have with people who don't like GSR is that they say that anything happening this season doesn't count. In other words, "Oh sure, they're together, but there was no proof that this was meant to happen", etc.

The proof is in the fact that they're together.

Also, you're proving that you don't need sources or any official statements to argue your point. WP and MH told they were being too sexy? Show me the quote.
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