The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

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Re: The Great Ship Debate

Adzix said:
the thing is ollieuan, that you proved only that YOU don't watch b/c of GSR. what you need to prove to me (if you still state that it's a fact), is that 5 mln people think the same as you. and, sorry, but it's impossible to accomplish. as long as you don't interview all of them and get their statements on tape there is no way to do it.

if it's your opinion though, i'm completely fine with that and i respect it. but do not tell me it's a fact, b/c you can't prove it.
Excuse you. I don't recall ever saying "GSR is the only reason ratings have dropped and THAT. IS. A. FACT! omg" All I said is that it was a factor, and it is. If only one viewer (me) stopped watching because of GSR (though I'd bet my right testicle...oh, what the hell, I'd bet both that I'm not the only one GSR turned off the show) then the ratings dropped, if only by one person. 20,999,999 < 21,000,000.
we don't want to persuade you, we only share our arguments with you to create a discussion. read mine, sarah's, MissDee's or zupa_fly's earlier posts if you didn't (and it looks like you didn't), cuz there are some serious arguments about why we think you're wrong and how many more variables there are in this equation.
I'm aware of all your opinions. I've spent my fair share of time in the ratings thread. I'm not sure I ever said they were any less valid than my own, but whatever. Interestingly, you think I'm wrong, whereas I never once said anything about you being wrong. Except of course that I think that you're wrong that I'm wrong because I'm quite sure that I'm right, but I wouldn't say you're wrong because that would be wrong, right? ;)
gsrLOVE said:
It simply means the same thing. I'm not saying you're dishonest about it. If someone wasn't interested in the show anymore, and didn't watch it, why would they come here? I can't see why they would.. The only reason I can think of it is; they are still interested in it, wether it be because they fancy a certain ship or some other reason.
See A, B, and C in my previous post. I think I explained it well enough. It's similar to some non-US citizens who post here. They haven't seen this season either, but they still post. There ARE 6 other seasons to discuss.
I don't understand why, when a ship takes up maybe a couple minutes of air time, those who have loved the show for so long.. Just stop watching because they didn't get what they want, and they dislike it. Those that like the show, for the show keep watching.. Those who want some sort of Soap Opera, where they will always get what they want for a couple, want triangles, want "Grissom and Sara to split because they have no chemistry.. He belongs with Catherine" get angry and decide they won't watch it anymore until their couple becomes canon. I could say multiple things about the whole Grillows ship, but I won't. I'm not about to say a certain ship seriously sucks, and if they had became canon and not GSR; I'd still watch.
Actually, I'd think a couple becoming canon would make the show more of a soap than anything else, and those against a canon ship would want the OPPOSITE of a soap opera, but that's JMHO. Also, like I said before, it's not necessarily the GSR that turned me off. It's what the ship meant for the characters. The ship makes me not like Grissom or Sara, and the real question is why WOULD you watch a show if you don't like the characters? I still like the premise of CSI well enough. That's why I watch Miami. The difference is that I still LIKE all of those characters.

I don't like GSR. And that is an understatement, really. For me, GSR becoming canon would be the equivalent of Sara/Ecklie becoming canon to most of you. You may claim you'd still watch, but, seriously, does anyone really want to watch that? Answer: yes! And I love them for it :lol:


Why, yes...yes I do. I also remember all the signs pointing to Grillows, Snickers, Sandle, Catnip, Yo!bling, and even Swarrick. You can find plenty of evidence for just about any ship on this show, including GSR. So I had no reason to think GSR would ever become canon. In fact, I thought it would be character suicide for both Grissom and Sara. I thought GSR would be used for character development. I suppose it still could (in my perfect world) and they could go their separate ways, but I'm not holding my breath. I don't expect much of anything from these writers anymore. And those who read spoilers know exactly why. :lol:

For the record, CSI used to be my favorite show. I'd love nothing more than to get hooked again. TPTB just have to give me something to work with.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

All I said is that it was a factor, and it is. If only one viewer (me) stopped watching because of GSR (though I'd bet my right testicle...oh, what the hell, I'd bet both that I'm not the only one GSR turned off the show) then the ratings dropped, if only by one person. 20,999,999 < 21,000,000.
well if this is what you had in mind, then i agree with you. GSR has been certainly a factor in some cases, and you are an example. so yeah, i get your point.
Interestingly, you think I'm wrong, whereas I never once said anything about you being wrong. Except of course that I think that you're wrong that I'm wrong because I'm quite sure that I'm right, but I wouldn't say you're wrong because that would be wrong, right?
lmao. i had to read it twice. yeah, it's just opinions, and that's what this discussion is for.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

gsrLOVE said:
Those who want some sort of Soap Opera, where they will always get what they want for a couple, want triangles, want "Grissom and Sara to split because they have no chemistry.. He belongs with Catherine" get angry and decide they won't watch it anymore until their couple becomes canon. I could say multiple things about the whole Grillows ship, but I won't. I'm not about to say a certain ship seriously sucks, and if they had became canon and not GSR; I'd still watch.

That's how I see it.
As a C/G shipper, I feel a bit offended by this comment. Maybe it's just me being too sensitive, but I'd like to suggest you keep in mind that not all people stopped watching the show because of GSR ship C/G and that no one involved in this "discussion" is a hard-core C/G shipper. To point out a ship like that is just not fair. If you're just taking an example, it'd probably be better not to name any certain ship. Just my two cents. :)
Re: The Great Ship Debate

That's the whole point of my arguement, EricaSJ.. I don't think GSR is the reason for any ratings drop.

I was using Grillows as an example, because of the fact that Grissom is with Sara, and not with Catherine. Does that make any sense :confused:

I wasn't trying to offend anyone, or their ship. But there was a point to why I was using that ship as an example, and the fact that I'm stating my opinion on the whole "GSR is the reason the ratings have dropped".. When it's not.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

well as i said before, we don't have any proof that it's NOT our ship that caused the ratings drop, but we also don't have any proof that it did cause it. ollieuan is an example, so i believe there are some more cases of people who don't watch anymore b/c of GSR. but i don't believe the whole drop was caused by that. on the other hand i think there is a lot of people that got hooked on CSI since this season b/c of GSR being canon.

in reality there are so many factors that i'm sure all of us are correct about the causes in some extent.

but hell, what do i care for the ratings? they are still good and the show is better than ever. competition with GA made everybody better off. the ratings dropped? okay, whatever. but didn't the show improve since last season? heck yes it did. so i'm enjoying S7 a lot. also b/c i like GSR, and it became canon, i'm even more satisfied.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I just think, if you like CSI:, you're a hardcore fan, you talk on messageboards devoted to them; they must be doing something right.

I am so neutral on ships, I don't really care what ship they decide to make canon on the show (Although I LOVE GSR, and I'm extremely happy they decided to canonize them) I'd still watch it; because it's the show that got me hooked, not GSR, not CatNip, not any ship.

I don't know if my posts are coming off as if I'm trying to offend people, or I think their opinions hurt. EVERYONE can sit here and say GSR sucks, but in the end.. I don't think it does, I think it rocks and to me, it's all that matters.

The fact that they made GSR canon counts for something. A majority of fans wanted it.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

gsrLOVE said:
That's the whole point of my arguement, EricaSJ.. I don't think GSR is the reason for any ratings drop.

I was using Grillows as an example, because of the fact that Grissom is with Sara, and not with Catherine. Does that make any sense :confused:

I wasn't trying to offend anyone, or their ship. But there was a point to why I was using that ship as an example, and the fact that I'm stating my opinion on the whole "GSR is the reason the ratings have dropped".. When it's not.
It certainly didn't look like an example to me when I was reading it, but if I misunderstood you, I apologize. However, as far as I know, those who are debating with you aren't really into C/G. Naming this ship, example or not, wouldn't have the effect you expected it to have but just drags it into this and makes some C/G shippers who aren't involved in this discussion feel uncomfortable.

I don't want to get involved here at all. Personally I see no point in arguing over such stuff, but that's just me. I was just trying to point out that as a lurker in this thread, I felt rather uncomfortable that my ship was brought up in such a way while it wasn't even a topic in the current discussion at all.

I guess that's all I have to say. *shuts up and leaves*
Re: The Great Ship Debate

The fact that this thread is a ship debate is reason enough for me bringing them into my discussion, wether it be an example or not.

I could have used Grissom and Sofia, therefore; those CG shippers won't be so hurt by my words. I didn't, because it was the point I was TRYING to make.

I think you are misunderstanding me, totally.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Well, I think people just get a little upset when their couple becomes a target. Personally, I hate to say this...but I think GSR is going to remain a heated target for awhile. They are in fact the canon relationship at the moment. Plus, they are the only couple being put to test on the show. You are bound to have many reactions because not everyone likes this ship.

I could have used Grissom and Sofia, therefore; those CG shippers won't be so hurt by my words. I didn't, because it was the point I was TRYING to make.

To me this statement sounds personal. And I think this is how things got a bit out of hand before. We read text, and you don't know the tone the person is using behind the words.

If Catnip was canon...first I'd be doing a happy dance, and I would not care what others thought. Sure I'd get on the discussion, and most likely do this face. :p Then I would say I love can you not see the obvious chemistry. I'm sure if this ship takes off ever...people will say negative stuff about it because not everyone cares for this ship the way I do. But, another way I would look at things, is that at least they are stirring the air.

Question to all:

Am I the only one that wishes for more non-related work scenes regarding GSR? Let me explain because I'm not a GSR shipper...for starters I'm sick of these two being paired up to work together. I really miss Catherine and Grissom working together this season...and the last.

I also feel that GSR's relationship could be portrayed a bit more open like instead of so closed off. I'm not saying I want a soap here...I'm just wanting more of a variety of scenes for CSI. So..yeah because of this new canon relationship I sort of think CSI has pulled away from the originality of the show.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

We only see like 40 seconds of GSR in SOME episodes But I do agree; I'd like to see their relationship open. I'm sure eventually it will be!

But I'm not targeting one person. I'm not trying to make personal attacks. When I begin to talk about Grillows, I don't need to told I'm being too personal, when in the end this is a Ship Debate thread; and wether I want to bring them in to say how much I dislike them, or how if it were the other way around and they were the canon couple, I feel the effects would still be the same.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

You do have a point there.. but if yall use catnip has a bad example, I swear to god I will bring your ship into something and then it'll be nasty and then they will have to lock this thread.. lol.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

lmao CS, you know how to bring people to order ;)

naah, i don't think gsr_LOVE wanted to offend anybody, i believe she was just talking hypothetically.

ETA: cuz i'm a child with a pronoun problem.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

gsrLOVE said:
I like CatNip. I have nothing against them; I ship em'.

That's a good pet. *hands you a cookie* :D


lmao CS, you know how to bring people in order

hehe, You know me :D


naah, i don't think gsr_LOVE wanted to offend anybody, i believe she was just talking hypothetically.

I agree. She just using whatever she wanted to use to for a point. :D
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Guys, this is a debate thread. That means that you can debate any ship, what you like, what you don't like, etc. until the cows come home but attacking each other is gonna stop.

I think this is a great thread to vent your frustrations about things you don't like about ships and a place to compare your ships, or anything else that isn't bashing characters or posters.

Now, I hope that this is the last time I have to come in here and ask everybody to respect each other and respect each other's ships.

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