The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

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Re: The Great Ship Debate

and i just wanted to say the EXACT same thing about the evidence. you say it's a fact? prove it.

HOnestly I don't have to prove's there! I always want to ff grissom/sara scenes regardless if they are shippy or not. If I feel that way, and I'm indifferent to the couple...imagine how people feel that are opposed to GSR.

The fact remains that grillows and gsr are huge fan bases, and picking one over the other causes a huge ruckus. Picking GSR has caused people to stop watching. I've heard numerous people say this. If GSR was so...wonderful this season...why do they need such a dramatic season finale? Which quite honestly makes me dispise this couple that much more.

GSR to me was a bad move...simply because I don't think Grissom should have been hooked up with anyone especially his staff.

As far as a rating drop...sorry but what do you expect? When a show picks between two groups its obvious it will have an affect on the show.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Why does everyone say GSR is the reason CSI: ratings are down?

Would you say the exact same thing if it were CatNip in the relationship, and not GSR, and the outcome was the same?

I doubt it.

So, a couple people here have stopped watching. No you haven't. If you stopped watching the show; you wouldn't be here. Perhaps millions of people have stopped watching the show? Maybe they TiVo? Maybe they think CSI: in general is becomming a bore, and the storylines are always the same; a dead body, a crime scene. But, JUST because two people got in a relationship does not mean that it was their faults the ratings slipped.

I'd love to see it the other way around, with a new ship, and the ratings keep on slipping. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Re: The Great Ship Debate

So, a couple people here have stopped watching. No you haven't. If you stopped watching the show; you wouldn't be here.
You crossed a line there. I'd advise against calling people liars if you don't want the thread to get mod-slapped.

I have watched maybe one ep this season. And that was Fannysmackin for Greg. I still come here
A) to find out what's to come so that I can know whether to watch again
[case in point: I'll watch the Lady Heather ep] - not everybody knows LH will be on the show.
B) to discuss prior eps when the show was still good
C) because I still watch CSI: Miami, so I browse the whole forum while I'm here

There are any number of reason why someone who no longer watches CSI: LV would come here and post.

Also, I really think we should drop the ratings talk. It was wrong of me to mention it. It's ruffling too many feathers and there is an excellent thread for it on the CSI board. [complete with informative charts by sarahvma ;)]

I know I can be ultra-critical of GSR, but I'd also like to say that I really enjoy reading all of your opinions. Yours was very nice, zupa_fly). I may not agree with it, but you supported your opinion very well. :)

Edited to add spoiler box
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I think that the talk about GSR/CSI/Grey's talk is a little off-topic, but just to add-I don't think that gsr brings down the ratings. I'm not a fan of gsr, but there's not alot this season anyway because gsr is an office-secret.

My OTP, definitely tied:
Gil/Cath--because they know each other better than they know themselves and everything between them is so easy and they create chemistry like magic--when they're not together, there seems to be something missing from the screen!
Sara/Greg--he's loved her from the very start and that's pretty amazing! She always has fun with him and they get along really well and she admires him alot now as a CSI and not just a lab geek. :) When Demetrius' James' brother was in custody, Greg was going through a hard time--and Sara was there to help him.

Other ships:
Sara/Nick--They care for each other so mucha and I love the fun, sexy banter they have.
Cath/Warrick--Everything with them is just so easy and fliratious-- I felt so bad for Cath when Warrick got married! I wish we'd get back the chemistry we had in Season 1-6!
Sofia/Gil--I liked them together since her arrival when she glued his tie and he learnt her technique of memorizing facts by saying them out loud. That was very cute and they have a great flirtation between them that's completely undeniable.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I wasn't calling anyone a liar. I was merely opinionating the fact that if you didn't like the show, you didn't watch, or you weren't interested in it.. Why would you be here?

I agree talking about ratings is off - topic, but I'm stating that just because a ship becomes real/canon is not a plausible excuse for ratings drop.

And, until the mods tell me to shut my trap, and tell me I should agree with everyone's opinion on other ships, GSR, the shipping affect on ratings - I will continue to speak my mind, and defend the GSR I love.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

don't lie, i've seen you. old grandpa's don't ride ponys, lol.
:eek: Whoops! I meant to say my grandad. :rolleyes: Although I do happen to agree with him. :lol:

Would you say the exact same thing if it were CatNip in the relationship, and not GSR, and the outcome was the same?
Imagine if CatNip had become canon and not GSR. There would have been an even bigger ruckus from the GSR fans, (myself included), Snickers, Grillows and all the others. I personally think it would have been worse, but that's JMO. ;)

Maybe they TiVo?
Quick O/T question: How do they find out who watched what? Does TiVo-ing/ Sky+-ing mean they can't track what you watch?
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Just a reminder....please keep in mind not to tell other posters what they think, what they said, or how they feel. You can debate all you want as long as nobody tells anybody else what to say/do. thanks
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I got to jump in these. What GSR got to do with the rating? it nothing to do with GSR are cannon. Rating does go up and down all the times.

Grissom/Sara-I didn't like them from the beginning, but I do now. They are lighten up. Sara is happy with Grissom, along she is happy with him, I'm fine with that.

Nick and Sara- they are cute and they have fun banter with each other, Nick make her laugh whatever he does. They have good chemistry and understand each other.

Greg and Sara- I find them cute. Sara is lighten up and good mentor with Greg. Greg does make her smile, but doesn't make her laugh. I wish Greg go back the way he was before FannySmackin. Sara does get along with Nick and Greg or anybody in the lab except Ecklie.

Grissom/Catherine- They do understand and know each other real well, just like Nick and Sara then they do themselves.

Nick and Catherine- they do have chemistry with each other and they do care about each other. Catherine is very protected of Nick, just like Grissom does protect Nicky.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I wasn't calling anyone a liar. I was merely opinionating the fact that if you didn't like the show, you didn't watch, or you weren't interested in it.. Why would you be here?
HERE you posed it as a question. And it's a valid one. So I gave you reasons. Before you said "If you didn't still watch you wouldn't be here." Which is the same as saying I'm being dishonest about no longer watching. You might not have meant that, but that's what you wrote so I took it literally.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

It simply means the same thing. I'm not saying you're dishonest about it. If someone wasn't interested in the show anymore, and didn't watch it, why would they come here? I can't see why they would.. The only reason I can think of it is; they are still interested in it, wether it be because they fancy a certain ship or some other reason.

I don't understand why, when a ship takes up maybe a couple minutes of air time, those who have loved the show for so long.. Just stop watching because they didn't get what they want, and they dislike it. Those that like the show, for the show keep watching.. Those who want some sort of Soap Opera, where they will always get what they want for a couple, want triangles, want "Grissom and Sara to split because they have no chemistry.. He belongs with Catherine" get angry and decide they won't watch it anymore until their couple becomes canon. I could say multiple things about the whole Grillows ship, but I won't. I'm not about to say a certain ship seriously sucks, and if they had became canon and not GSR; I'd still watch.

That's how I see it.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

okay, okay people. calm down, lol.

the thing is ollieuan, that you proved only that YOU don't watch b/c of GSR. what you need to prove to me (if you still state that it's a fact), is that 5 mln people think the same as you. and, sorry, but it's impossible to accomplish. as long as you don't interview all of them and get their statements on tape there is no way to do it.

if it's your opinion though, i'm completely fine with that and i respect it. but do not tell me it's a fact, b/c you can't prove it.

we don't want to persuade you, we only share our arguments with you to create a discussion. read mine, sarah's, MissDee's or zupa_fly's earlier posts if you didn't (and it looks like you didn't), cuz there are some serious arguments about why we think you're wrong and how many more variables there are in this equation.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

GUys...I think I ruffled some feathers, and I'm really sorry. Sometimes I talk or debate and that is what this thread is...basically debating why you think something. Why should you have to prove anything? Seriously its an opinion. I'm the one that said GSR has affected the ratings. I said that! It's my opinion, and telling me to prove it is uncalled for. Just like me telling you that your reasons are unjustified and where is your proof behind something. I think this debate has sort of gotten out of hand, and the last thing I want to do is offend anyone. I never would have thought people would take things so personally. This is a fictional show, and I can understand wanting to stick up for what you believe...but again this is just fictional characters.

Maybe the show has suffered in ratings for numerous ratings...I never said that their were not other factors. I'm sure there are...I simply said I think GSR has contributed to some of the ratings drop. DO you honestly want me come up with 5mill people to prove my statement? Give me a break...just like you thinking GSR is awesome...I have a right to feel differently or think what I want. It doesn't necessarily mean that I'm right or you are wrong...again these are just opinions. So in light of all of this...I'd like to apologize if I offended anyone, but then again...I'm not going to be hushed either.

Do I think Grillows or Catnip would have the same effect? Not sure really because they haven't been tested. I can't really give an answer on that. To be honest, any first canon relationship would most likely put the show to test because its something new. Though, I don't think Catnip would have caused as much tension. But again...that is just my opinion. :D
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Imagine if CatNip had become canon and not GSR. There would have been an even bigger ruckus from the GSR fans, (myself included), Snickers, Grillows and all the others. I personally think it would have been worse, but that's JMO.

I'm actually gonna disagree there, I've talked to a few shippers that would've rather seen CN before GSR. Just saying.

It simply means the same thing. I'm not saying you're dishonest about it. If someone wasn't interested in the show anymore, and didn't watch it, why would they come here? I can't see why they would.. The only reason I can think of it is; they are still interested in it, wether it be because they fancy a certain ship or some other reason.

I agree with you.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Why should you have to prove anything? Seriously its an opinion. I'm the one that said GSR has affected the ratings. I said that! It's my opinion, and telling me to prove it is uncalled for. Just like me telling you that your reasons are unjustified and where is your proof behind something.
oh of course Waiting. your opinion is totally your opinion and i wasn't trying to tell you it's wrong. sorry if i sounded offensive, it wasn't my intention. i was actually reffering to one of the other posts.
Re: The Great Ship Debate


Not offended at all. I was worried I offended you or others. No worries...I respect everyones thoughts!
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