The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

Greg sat back down in the break room, looking at pictures of the two vics and trying in some way to connect them to Sara. He thought he had an answer but she wouldnt pick up her cell phone so he couldnt confirm it and either way it was a pretty far-fetched idea.

He then thought that instead of focussing on Sara's relative he should focus on the other victim see if he could make any links. He searched through bags of evidence but he found nothing, only a few black fibres on the vics white tshirt, they matched the ones found on Sara's cousin too. Then he thought 'What clothes is Sara wearing? I know shes wearing a brown jacket, but i cant for the life of me remember what top shes wearing' he thought.

He called her cell again, hoping she'd pick up, he didnt feel like runnimng around the city trying to find her.
Warrick knew the nurse was flirting just a bit as he listend to her, though he didn't pay too much attention; his mind was grapping with other things at the moment.

"Not really, not right now,thanks" he replied.
"Hey its Greg, i need to ask you some questions. And before you bite my head off again, its to help clear you" he then paused, not really getting a reaction from her, he could just hear her eating down the phone, so he continued.
"Anyway, I just wanted to know what colour t'shirt you're wearing, you know so we dont clash" he said laughing a little. He took another sip of his blue hawaiian as he waited for her reply.
"Sara, thats great, this means that this black fiber i found doesnt come from you, so it must come from the killer." he said excitedly pausing for a breath, "Ok, so now all i need is to determine how your fingerprint could have gotten on the vics purse." he paused again and heard her sigh down the phone, "So tell me at any point during your meeting did you touch your sisters purse?" he asked sweeping back his brown curls.
Nick cleared his throat, furtively to no avail trying to conceal the deep crimson flooding his face. "Umm, I found a brown synthetic fibers on Abigail, the girl in the kitchen, on the back of her knees, as if somebody held her knees down, stradling her as they stabbed her. And there were smeared partials on Sandie's neck, unusable. They were too old anyway. But, uh, I'll just have a water thanks, Cath."

He caught the water she tossed to him and sat, quietly, as Sara talked on her phone, presumably to Greg. "So, what's Sara gonna do know, what case is she on?" he whispered, trying not to distract Sara.
"No, I don't think s.." She paused, thinking back to that lunch meeting.

Sasha stood up, turing towards the door.

"Thanks for meeting with me, Sara," Sasha said in her sweet, young voice. Sara sighed. She was so innocent looking, so full of life.. So much like herself.

"Any time, Sash. So, you're staying in Vegas now?"

"Yeah. I'll see you around."

"Yeah, you will. Bye, hon." Sara stood up and walked toward her younger cousin. She embraced her for a long time, then held her at arms length. They looked so much alike.. So much like Sara's own father. All their traits were from the Sidle part of the family. Brown eyes, dark hair, small nose, narrow face.

Sara went to sit back down and pay for the lunch when she saw Sasha's small black clutch on the table. She picked it up and ran for the door.

"Sasha! You're purse!" Sasha turned around and walked back towards Sara, her hips swaying in her tight jeans, her blue tube-top hugging her sweet curves.

"Thanks, Sara. I don't know what I'd do without this. Here's my number," she wrote it on the back of Sara's hand with a blue pen, and hugged her again. "See you soon?"


"I did! I picked up her purse. She forgot it on the diner table, and I gave it to her." Sara was bursting with amazment. She did touch the purse! She could be ruled out as a suspect now!
"I think she will be helping us out on our case. Well, unless Grissom decides to have her help him," she said to Nick before she took a bite of her hamburger. She turned her attention to Sara's conversation with Greg and smiled about the news. It seemed they were finding evidence to clear Sara as a suspect.

Maybe the day was improving after all she thought to herself. Then without warning her mind went back to the horrid case they were working on. The fear trickled down her spine as the vivid scenes popped back into her mind of what they witnessed last night without warning. The crime seemed so sadistic and filled with complete anger. She took in a deep breath as her fears played with her emotions. The realization hit her as she sat straight up in her chair--the same sick bastard wanted her. Would she be his next victim? "Uh...Nick, did any of the evidence from the rape kits come back yet?" She asked him as her hand massaged her forehead. Her other hand was repeatedly circling a french fry in a pile of ketchup on her plate; she was no longer hungry.
Greg listened as Sara explained how her prints got on the bag.

"Sara, thats great, thank you" he said obviously happy

"Just two more things. Im going to need you to come back to the crime lab at some point and get a statement on the purse scenario. And secondly, theres only one more piece of evidence that links you to her. I found her wearing a ring, that had the engraving To S.S With Love on it, possibly for Sara Sidle, do you know how she could have got that and is it yours?" he asked taking a sip of his coffee, "Damn its cold" he exclaimed down the phone "Sorry, you go" he said to her, almost feeling her unimpressed look down the phone.
Sara was glaring at nothing in particular. She bit the last bit of lettuce off her fork, then stuck it back down the the black plastic tray. Nothing left. Damn.

"Well, I don't own any rings," she said, standing up to throw out her empty water and salad box, "gold, engraved or otherwise." She paused to think, "And no one's ever given me one. As for the statement," she stood up and waved to Catherine and Nick, and left the room, walking down the hall until she found Greg in the evidence room. She finished the phonecall by closing the phone, and stuck her head in to room, "When's a good time?"

Greg looked up startled, closing his phone as well. Sara smiled at him, and walked into the room, standing over the pictures he was looking at.

"Yeah, I've never seen that ring."
Greg was just in the lab staring at the pics while on the phone to Sara when she popped her head round the corner and said "When's a good time?".

Greg literally jumped out of his seat, "Good god Sara dont ever do that to me again" he said, trying to cover his shock, she just smiled at him, "I wasnt scared" he said jokingly defensively, she smiled at him again and said "Yeah, I've never seen that ring."

"Really? Good cos i thought you were hiding a secret lover from me" he said jokingly, she gave him a condescending look and then smiled. "Okay, so the ring evidence is only circumstantial, so i guess you're cleared" he said happily giving her a hug.

"So now help me im kinda at a dead end here, is there anything that you found out at your meal with Sasha that may lead us to at least why she was killed?"
((jumping in with Lindsey here...))

Lindsey sighed and hit "speed dial three" on her phone. The sharp ringing in her ear sent little currents up her spine, forcing her to wake up from her pouting stupor.

"Hello?" The other end of the line asked
"Jason! It's Lindsey. Let's do something interesting..."
Nick nodded towards Sara as she happily left the room and took her seat across from Catherine. Her demeanor changed rapidly, suddenly alert and wary, her french fry smoothing the ketchup in the plastic container everywhere. "Uh...Nick, did any of the evidence from the rape kits come back yet?" He sighed, thrown back into the ocean of despair of this case. He filed through the papers, looking over the rape kit results.

"Yeah, yeah they did. No hairs besides each victim's own, same with fluids, all the victims'. The sick bastard had this all planned out." It could've been anyone, with no hairs or DNA, and it was frustrating. "I sent the letters to Charles for analysis, see if anything's special. I put the picture in a file docked as evidence if this thing went any further. Are you sure you're okay?"

Responding to emotions rather than intellect for once, he reached across the table and gently laid his hand palm on her face, cupping the cheek and turning her eyes toward him. "You know, I'm not very hungry anymore. I'm going to go sort some more evidence, thanks for the lunch." He smiled and stood, hand leaving her face as is brushed across her skin and he walked toward the door, spinning around again to face her, cocking his head to the side. "And I still want to know where you are, and are you sure you're all right?"