The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

*****Thanks for all the reviews*****

I just wanted to let everyone know that this post has moved the RP along a bit. A time span of about 4 months has passed!!! I hope you Enjoy!!!


Time seemed to pass quickly when things were going smooth or when things were growing at an incredibly intoxicating speed of astounding delight. Her heart always found a way to flutter at the thought of him, and her breathing quickened when his presence became known. His simple touch without a doubt would set off an electrifying spark that would course throughout her body. He became her necessity, and Catherine knew with amazing clarity that she had fallen for Nick the moment he guided her out onto that dance floor and brazenly leaned her back and kissed her.

A little over four months had passed, and Catherine found herself arriving to work early only to wait in the break room for the others to surface. It had been just as long since Marty Levinsworth admitted to viciously murdering his beautiful family, and she was overcome with haunting memories of this heinous crime he committed against the people that loved and trusted him the most. Sighing as she put her coffee cup on the table next to her, she rubbed at her temples as her head began to pound.

“I thought we agreed we would talk about ‘this’ if it ever bothered us?”

Catherine shot upward in her seat at the sudden soft voice that was behind her at the coffee pot. Standing slowly, she picked up her cup and waited patiently for him to pour her some. She was amazed at his ability to read her so completely. “Thanks,” she whispered as she blew on the hot liquid. Being the only two in the room, she felt Nick lightly rub her back as they took a seat on the couch. Looking down into the darkness of her cup, her mind spun back to Levinsworth. “His sentence hearing is today, and I can’t believe…it’s here already,” she stopped as she looked at Nick with earnestness. “God, you saw what he did to his family. And not to mention what he supposedly did to us… I mean four months ago our own lives were being threatened. But, now everything is so wonderful I’m waiting for you to just… pinch me.”

Everything was literally wonderful. She was with the man of her dreams, and she could not imagine her life without him. He was border-line living with her; even though, Nick would deny that and say he was just sleeping over. She loved the fact that more and more of his belongings were finding what she considered to be a permanent residence in her house. It started with just a few small items such as his toothbrush and a change of clothes, and gradually bigger things such as his pillow, a few kitchen appliances, and nearly his full wardrobe began to slowly surface into her residence. He was very considerate of how any of his actions might affect Lindsey, and he frequently made sure that she was okay with his presence. But Lindsey was more than thrilled with his company, and she went out of her way to make him feel more welcomed.

Not to mention he was also an amazing lover which only intensified her feelings for him. She’d never forget their first time together, and how her body felt afire as his hands were gentle with every touch of her body. She had never felt as cherished as she did that first night that he made love to her. She loved giving herself completely to him, not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. Never had she done that to the extent that she did with Nick. Their love for one another was always rekindling and never rushed, and it felt like their souls connected each time.

How could their lives be wonderful as Warrick’s turned into a nasty mess? He was taking up residence at Catherine’s, but recently moved into Nick apartment even though Nick claimed he still lived there. But, they were willing to do anything for Rick because his life had taken a quick turn into financial ruin. It seemed his ex-wife was money hungry, and hired the best divorce attorney possible and took Warrick for all that he was worth.

The house he purchased before their marriage was no longer his. He sold everything else that he owned to help pay for his divorce expenses that only kept adding up, and so Nick and Catherine agreed to let him stay at Nick’s until he could get back on his feet financially. She was extremely worried about him though because he was slowly sinking into a world of deep depression that was laced with a bit of gambling and drinking.

He used to swing by and have dinner with Catherine and Nick, but lately he has retreated away and perhaps seeing them as a happy couple was too much for him. In fact, they simply showed their affectionate side in front of him because he was the only one that knew about it. She felt horrible about that, but was grateful when he started to hang out with Sara. At first that seemed a bit weird because they were never that close to begin with, but Catherine was just glad he was spending his time with someone.

Sara seemed to be turning over a new leaf of socialization because not only did she hang out with Warrick, but she frequently went out to breakfast with both Nick and her as well. It seemed like a lovely friendship was blossoming between the three of them, but Catherine knew that Sara had opened up more to Nick. She couldn’t blame her though because Nick was just a neat person that you can easily talk to and enjoy doing so at the same time. Part of her wondered if she should be worried about it considering that they had not come out about their relationship to anyone other than Warrick, and because of that Nick seemed like an available man. But she trusted him faithfully, and any thought of him cheating was just unheard of. Nick was just a man of integrity with a mix of sensitivity. But, she really liked his carefree and playful side that reminded her a bit of Greg.

Then there was Greg who worried about both of them profusely because he was afraid that Levinsworth wasn’t actually the one behind the stalking of both of them. But as the months went by with nothing bad happening to either of them, Greg eased up and became more of his jovial joking self again.

“Cath?” Nick’s placid voice brought her out of her reverie as she turned and looked at him. “You seemed in your own world there for a moment.”

Smirking at him, she leaned in and placed a feather light kiss on his lips as her mouth tilted in an upwards grin. Standing up to grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator, she raised her eyebrows as she looked over her shoulder. “I’m wearing something new today…,” she paused as she let her words sink in. “It’s black… lacy… and undeniably see thru, perhaps a bit skimpy because it really doesn’t cover all that much.” She smiled when she noticed him smirk as the heat radiated to his face. “There’s a problem though, it’s sort of itchy…and, well I was hoping you could help me with that later.” She emphasized the last part as her eyebrows went up, and her tongue delicately flicked her upper lip as the corners of her lips turned into a sly grin. She knew she was teasing him to excitement, but loved seeing his eyes brighten with desire. She went into a fit of laughter as the door opened, and Nick was left only to remain quiet with her words echoing around in his head.
Cathstokes will be taking over as Nick as of today. Butterflied is having internet problems, and I hope we hear from her soon! I hope everyone had a great time celebrating the new year!
Nick pouted when the door came open, he couldn't reply, and he knew she was loving every minute of that, he pointed a finger at her and mouthed, 'I'll get you' before looking back at the door.

He didn't even know who was at the door, all thoughts went directly to seeing Cath in barely anything. He'd live inside of her, if she'd just let him, but she says he's nuts everytime he mentions it, and pulls him down for a kiss.

Inside of her, could he? Please? Because she was teasing him, and he knew it. Could he let her win this one? Oh no, He was going to get her back. Oh yeah. He smirked at her, Oh yeah, Plan was set in motion.
"Just the two people I was looking for?" Greg esclaimed as he rushed into the break room. Catherine could not help but to lift an eyebrow as she scanned over Greg briefly. He seemed over joyed about something, and lately it seemed everyone at the lab felt something of relief. Perhaps Catherine and Nick's solving of their triple homocide seemed to affect everyone. Lost in her own thoughts, Catherine nearly missed what had Greg in such a pumped up mood. "I was thinking since everything has somewhat calmed down with the Levinsworth case; it's reason enough for all of us to go out after tonight's shift and just hit a few back. Are you two game?"

Looking at Nick briefly, Catherine could not help but wonder if Greg knew that Nick and her were romantically involved. Shaking her head lightly to ease the thought away, she shot Greg a smile. "Well, Lindsey is staying with a friend tonight; so I should be free."

"Great...Nick what about you?" Catherine eyes traveled over to Nick, and she let her eyes rake over his broad chest. "Oh... well, he will definately have to get permission!" Catherine joked as she rinsed out her coffee mug. She could not help but smirk the whole time.

"Permission?" Greg continued to question as he gave Nick a puzzled look. She turned in time to see a slightly bemused Nick as he started to stumble over his words.

"Permission from his girlfriend," she continued unable to stop herself.



"Nick... man when were you going to tell me!"

Nick was obviously baffled as he shot Catherine a look. She laughed gently to herself as she gently patted Greg's shoulders. "Truth is Grego, she's incrediably protective of him. It's kind of cute actually. She rarely shares him, and likes to keep him all to herself. But, perhaps tonight Nicky will get a break!"
Nick couldn't believe that Catherine had well outed him on having a girlfriend, maybe he should return the favor and out her on having a boyfriend, this could so be evil for him, but he wanted to get laid later, he pisses her off, she won't let him.

Nick stood up and walked over to Greg and Catherine and sighed, "You know, I think I could get lucky and get a break from the girlfriend tonight and hang out with yall" He looked at Catherine when he said 'girlfriend' and smirked at her.

He wasn't sure how all of this was going to go down, but at least he could spend some time with the group and with Catherine and then spend some smexy time with Cath later.