The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

“Are you sure you’re okay?” The question was asked so softly she almost missed it. She immediately shifted her eyes away from him not wanting him to know she felt vulnerable or distressed by the letters. There were a few times with her old job where she felt belittled or threatened, but never like the way she felt now. A feather light touch of his fingers brushed her cheek as his palm cupped her face gently, and turned her head slightly so he could see her eyes. Their eyes connected, and she swallowed hard as she saw the concern for her in his eyes. ‘Damn him, how does he do this to me,’ she wondered to herself. The room seemed to get smaller as her cheeks flushed to an intoxicating red. She did feel inebriated by his simple touch.

She felt so weak, but got a chance to recover as he said, “You know, I’m not hungry anymore. I’m going to go sort some more evidence, thanks for the lunch.” The touch from his hand lingered on her face briefly until he started to walk away from her. She watched as he slowly turned back around with a caring expression on his face. “And I still want to know where you are, and are you sure you’re all right?”

She could not help but smile at him as she managed to find her voice. “Don’t… worry about me; I’m fine! I’m going to stock my kit before I head out. I will swing by before I leave.”
Nick nodded, knowing she needed her own space and not him breathing over her. She could take care of herself. He let out a small smile towards her before turning out of the break room and walking a few doorways down to their layout room. Walking slolwy over to the light table, Nick looked down intently at the pictures laying there, gazing over the immense amount of pictures from the grizzly scene spread out before him. This just wasn't making sense... "Hey, Nick, I'm going to be heading out okay?" He looked up suddenly, Catherine leaning against the door frame with her kit. He nodded, knowing he should probably crash and come back later with a fresh set of eyes and a clear thinking process, but put the immense amount of testing before rest.

"Alright, but before you go, come take a look at this, please..." He trailed off, glancing and studying a picture. He heard her sit her case down and move into the room next to him.

"I just don't see the logic of Sandie and Karen in such close proximity. Their liver temps suggested that they were both killed within close proximity, I'd say an hour at the most. We can't tell who was killed first, but if Karen was first, why put her on the wall? If the girl walked in, then the killer would have to kill her, but then what's the purpose of moving Mom to the bathroom? If the girl was killed first, then where was Mom? Certainly not in the master bed or bath. It just doesn't play out." He sighed, resting his heavy head on his hand, elbow supporting it on the table as he leaned forward, perplexed and disturbed.
Catherine wondered over to Nick as she thought about his question. “Well… could it be possible that the mother was tied up first, and forced to watch the acts committed against her youngest daughter? I’m thinking the older daughter walked in on something and fled. Nick..., what if Abigail wasn't home at first, came home and then surprised the killer by walking in? She then freaked, and ran for her life. He chased her knowing he had time to buy because the other two were already tied up. She was killed in more of a quick fashion than the other two,” Catherine said as she involuntarily shuttered. As the action of her scenario played out in her head; the blood drained from her face. She noticed that Nick was pondering over her thoughts before he asked another question. “You think Abigail was killed first then?”

“Yes, I do. It makes since to me because he would have been in a rush to keep her quiet, and eager to get back to his little plan.” Catherine said with a disgusted look on her face; she then briefly looked down at her watch. “Oh damn Nick…I’m sorry I have to go I told Lindsey I’d be home by two. Can we talk about this later?”

“Yeah, no problem,” Nick said as he looked back at the pictures. “Hey, Cath call me when you get home okay?” His expression had turned more serious if that was at all possible.

“Sure, I’ll call you first thing,” Cath smiled as she left the room.

It was already a little past two as Catherine made her way out of the lab in a rush. She took a deep breath thinking about how upset Lindsey was going to be with her.

As she headed out to her Denali, which was parked a few spots away from the entrance to the lab; she noticed a light colored van looking for a parking spot near her vehicle. She then remembered that the day shift had bought some hand me down furniture from a company going out of business a few buildings over. She sighed to herself feeling a bit foolish as she opened the hatchback to her vehicle. The parking lot was a secured lot that had an access gate, and no one could get in without a badge. A small voice registered in her head… but that didn’t stop him when he dropped off the note.

Catherine pushed the thought aside as she realized that she left her kit in the layout room as she stopped to help Nick. "Shit," Catherine muttered as she shut her trunk, and turned around to walk back inside.

She jumped backwards in a rush; he was there in her face breathing heavy wearing a ski mask. She knew immediately who it was as the fear shot through her body, and she was unable to scream. She managed to run past him, but he grabbed her from behind, and pulled the backside of her body close to him. He slowly dragged her back towards the cream colored van. The van had been parked rear end first so the sliding passenger door was opened waiting for her abduction. She decided then that she was not going down without a fight.
"Well," Sara said, still staring at the pictures. "she did say her boyfriend was posessive, but nothing else. I don't think she said he was violent, and," she squinted, thinking back, "she never had any bruises."

She looked back to Greg who was staring at her with a strange look on his face. She raised the corner of one eyebrow, and said, "I think that we should check her credit card records, and go from there. Did you get the S.A.E kits back from Daivd?"
Nick sat there, looking over the pictures carefully, testing the theories Catherine presented in his head. He invisibly shuddered, actually thinking about theories, that would never settle with Grissom, he needed cold hard facts to get anywhere with him. Hearing a sharp knock on the doorframe, he looked up and saw Charles standing there with the letters and results papers in his hand. "Hey, I got the results. Who's kit is this?"

Sure enough, in the doorframe, was a kit sitting there. "Oh, Catherine must have left it! Leave the results on the table, I've gotta catch her before she leaves. Thanks Charles!" Yelling the last phrase behind him, Catherine's kit in hand, he jogged lightly through the labs and walked out the door of the building, only to catch a glimpse of one of the most horrifying things he's been forced to witness.

There was Catherine, back pressed against the front of a man in a ski mask, a knife pressed against her neck. Dropping the case from his hands in pure shock, he pulled the gun from its holster, quick, and kept gulping. This couldn't be happening, no it was a secure lot, and not to Catherine! If that man went any further, Nick swore to himself that it would be the last thing he did.

His brown eyes connected straight with Catherine's, her eyes beginning to water violently, full of fright and fear. Her eyes closed, and Nick heard a quiet cry fall from her quivering lips and fury filled his head as he watched, unable to do anything, as the man's grimy hand trailed from Catherine's face, down her neck, and down her blouse. No, this shouldn't be happening, not to Catherine, not to anybody! His breath caught as the knife pressed harder against her soft skin and pure disbelief rushed with anger as the man's hand slipped under her tank top and he watched the outline of fingers run across Catherine's chest. "Mmm black and lacy...very very nice. Isn't it...Nick?"

He heard people gathering from behind the glass doors of the lab, by now somebody had to have contacted police, but nobody dared leave the building. Catherine's cheeks were flooded with tears, and another whimper was emitted from her shaking body and the man's lips nibbled at her throat. Still trying to keep a steady aim with his hands, Nick tried extensively to control his breathing and keep steady under the hot sun and pressure.

Biting his lips, Nick watched as the deranged lunatic pressed his lips hard against Catherine's, knife pinned against her neck. "She's very nice Nick...,so inviting like most strippers," Watching in horror, the knife trailed down, point against the skin, down the tank top and rested in the middle of her chest. For a second, his finger tensed on the trigger, willing to kill the sick bastard, fearing he'd pierce her in the heart and leave her to die. But in a second's glance, he sliced her shirt open with the knife and pushed her forward, sending Nick running forward, and the man jumped into the van. Watching intently at the van, he memorized the license plate and description, before placing the safety back on and holstering it.

"Ni-ick! NI-ICK!" Her screams sent his heart crashing as he kneeled by her side, and gently pulled her to her feet, holding her in an embrace, not willing to let go. "Shhhh, shhhh, I'm here. He's gone, he's gone Cat." He ran a hand along the back of her head, trying to comfort her. The people were finally coming out from the lab and Brass came running out with two other cops.

"You missed him Jim!" Brass stopped in his tracks and holstered his gun, the other cops doing the same. "The plates were Nevada, K2GHI7. Cream colored Ford cargo van. One man driving, one passenger. Can I take your jacket?" Brass nodded, and shrugged his jacket off his shoulders as Nick called out to the people gathered by the doors. "Hey! Somebody bring me an evidence bag!" One of the secretaries hastily bent down and sifted through the kit, running out to Nick as Brass handed him his jacket. "Thanks, Jim."

"No problem. Cath, you need an ambulance?" Nick felt her head shake back and forth on his shoulder and shook his head 'no' back at Brass. The secretary handed Nick the bag. "Thanks." By now, one of the cops was on a radio, heading back to the building with Brass and the other cop, calling in the vehicle as Nick steered Catherine behind the SUV.

"Cath, he may have transfered something onto you. I need you to put your shirt in the bag and put Jim's jacket on over until we get to the locker room and you can change. I'll be right on the side of the truck, I'm not leaving you, okay?" He squeezed her hand to emphasize his truth before walking over to the side of the truck, giving her some privacy. "Nick?" Walking back, he saw her clutching the jacket over her torso with the bag in her hands, crinkling it with the force.

Nick sighed, took a deep breath, and then took her and the bag into his arms, carrying both back into the labs where he once thought was safe was safe no longer.
Catherine did not say a word as Nick carried her through the lab into the locker room. He gently set her down as he pondered on what to do next. All she knew was that she did not want to be there; she closed her eyes and she saw him. Her mind flashed back to moments before as his hands traveled down her body, and touched her in intimate places where she did not want to be touched as his breath whispered in her hair and ear. Her body recoiled to the memory. Her hands flew upward and covered her ears in an attempt to quiet his voice. She let out a struggled cry that made Nick turn around.

The tears were flowing from her eyes that were pinched shut, and her eyes flew open as she remembered as he slashed open her tank top. Before she knew it, Nick was hugging her again as she sobbed on his shoulder. “Home…Ni-ick want to g-go home. Please…ta-take me home,” she barely managed through her sobs. She knew she was falling apart, and hated the fact that she felt so vulnerable.

No one had ever witnessed this side of her. She never allowed anyone to get close enough to her fearing she would be hurt again. She was not a beggar but here she was begging Nick to take her home—pleading with him. She knew what the answer was, and hated that she could not change it. She knew she had to go through the grueling procedure of being processed, and then her statement would have to be taken by Brass most likely. On top of that, she’d also have to deal with Grissom.

Just like a quick jerk to end the river of water to a water faucet, her regular habit came back of turning off her emotions. She wiped her face as she opened her locker to grab a fresh shirt. “Who is going to process me so I can change soon? Besides I’m sure Brass wants his jacket back.”
((OK I am just going to assume it's late))

Lindsey was asleep in the chair. She had snuck out with Jason, hung around town, and came back to find her Grandma, making cookies in the kitchen. Happy that she had gone out with friends and smiling as usual.

For some reason that had made Lindsey more mad then if her Nana had screamed at her. At least then she would be getting some attention. Lindsey had sighed, curled up in a chair in front of the TV and soon fallen asleep, bored out of her mind.
Waiting said:
Brass ran over to check up on Sophia. He noticed that she had not moved, so he leaned down and heard a regular breathing pattern. He sighed with relief grateful that she was not hurt as well. "Sophia...Sophia can you hear me?" He heard her moan as she turned her head and looked at him.


Grissom noticed that Warrick was getting worse. He noticed that his skin was paling as he heard the familar noise of the emergency truck. He made sure the Paramedics took care of Warrick first as he reached for his cell phone. He called Catherine's phone, but it went straight to voice mail. He looked at his phone wearily, and thought how odd. He then called Nick because he wanted both of them to go to his crime scene and process it considering he would not be able to get there any time soon. He waiting for Nick to answer as his phone rang.


His words kept echoing in her head. “I’m always here for you.” She followed him up the stairs with obvious dread weighing on her shoulders. She did not want to go back up there, but she was not about to make Nick process this scene alone. She noticed that Nick went over to Sandra to finish up her processing. She hoped they found enough evidence to put the killer behind bars. She stood in the room as she pondered about what kind of person would do this horrid crime. This crime showed an obvious unfathomable sickness that went beyond brutal. She grabbed her kit as she headed to the bathroom. She turned on her flashlight as she entered the bathroom.

She looked down, and noticed a small fiber next to the mother. She picked it up with her tweezers, and noticed that it looked like the same fiber she had found on Abigail. She placed it in an evidence envelop and sealed it shut. The floor was unbelievably clean except for the blood and that one fiber. “The floor was cleaned in here first,” Catherine said in puzzlement. She was shining her flashlight on the mother’s body when Nick entered the bathroom. She had a disturbed look on her face as she took a step away from the body. “The guy that…did this is an animal. I’m assuming all the victims were raped, but the mother was raped with other objects as well. It seems she was stabbed there multiple times with some sort of knife,” Catherine said as she took a deep breath. Her eyes were dulling from the severity of the crime scene. “Seems our killer isn’t too fond of women,” she said as she shot Nick a look.

Sofia could barely move. Her head and left shoulder were throbbing. She couldn't recall ever being in this sort of pain. "Ahh, It hurts, Jim. What happened? I remember bein' hit, but then I blank out.:
Greg continued to stare at Sara while she was speaking he couldnt help but by slightly spooked out by the ressemblance. He then realised he was staring when she spoke to him again.

"I think that we should check her credit card records, and go from there. Did you get the S.A.E kits back from Daivd?"

"Yeah sounds like a good idea might give us an idea why she was hanging around there in the first place." he replied, "Yeah i did, he said it appeared that Sasha had had sex sometime before she was found but its hard to tell if it was consentual or not." he replied, "I say we go look for clues at her apartment see if we can find anything there that can tell us why someone would want her dead, because at the moment we really dont have much" he said looking at Sara sympathetically, he could see the case was getting to her a bit. "What do you think?"
Sara winced as Greg began to talk about the sexual assault evaluations. "..Sasha had had sex sometime.." "..consentual or not.." "..someone would want her dead..don't really have much.." Was all she heard as her head started to get cloudy and her legs got weak and shakey.

"I'll do her creditcard bills. Y-you find out from Brass where she lived, and s-search her place.." She turned around and walked out with a blank expression on her face.