The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

“Nothing is going to happen to either of us,” Catherine said immediately. She said this more than anything because she needed to hear it. She wanted to hear it. “Come on Nicky…Nick?” She immediately rephrased his name remembering that Nicky was used in the letter. She swallowed the lump in her throat, and her fear and despair had now turned into rage. “This picture of me isn’t going to help our case,” she shot back defensively. She kicked her locker door as she could no longer control her anger. Her blood felt hot, and she could not stand still. Wound up tight and full of fury, she wished she could face the egotistical animal because she would kill him.

Her face boiling red, and knowing that Nick was right she held up the picture of herself. She wanted Nick to get a good look so her next statement would have a greater impact. “This is going to go around the whole lab,” she said this as she rolled her eyes. She flung the picture back at him. “It’s just a matter of time,” she said this as she looked directly into his eyes and gave a defensive smirk. She turned her back to him as she placed her hand on her hip and looked down. She was not furious with him, and yet she just unleashed all her anger on him. “Nick… I’m sorry. I’m not angry with you,” she whispered as she rubbed her temple with her hand. “I’m calling it a day. I’ve had enough, and I’m going to go check up on Warrick.” Catherine then walked out of the room full of exhaustion, and fearful of what might happened next. Would he--the killer be waiting for her to come out of the lab alone?

Her hand covering her face as she tried to suppress her emotions back. She was on an emotional overdrive and scared out of her mind. The man that supposedly tortured, raped, and murdered a family was now targeting her. She rounded the corner and collided into Sara and Greg in the hallway right in front of the DNA Lab. “Sorry guys” Catherine said as she forced a smile on her face. She heard Nick hollering after her, and she took a deep breath and turned around. For some reason she knew she would not be going alone.
Greg had nevr realised that Sara's DNA possibly being on the purse could place her as a murder suspect. It was too weird. She reassured him that it wasnt her, and of course he believed her, but he had to doubt her, as much as it hurt him, he had to treat her as he would treat anyone else.

She then told him about her cousin, he couldnt believe it. He dint think Sara had any other family, she never talked about them.

They got down to DNA, Wendy still wasnt in then. Greg stopped Sara before she walked into the room, tears still in her eyes. He hated seeing her like this, she was usually so strong and together.

"Sara stop. We need to talk."
"About what" she replied
"You're a potential suspect Sara, I cant let you handle any evidence, we'd be breaking protocol, and I cant let Ecklie have another thing to use against you. So, I want you here but you have to promise not use anything or touch any evidence. Please?" said Greg, getting quite emotional himself. Sara was one of his best friends and he knew that this was serious and he wanted to help her.
Sara glared him down. She replied again with a simple "Fine" and walked away, glowering at the floor. She hated not being able to help in a case. She didn't do anything! How unfair. She was going to find the one man who could help her with this.. The Boss.

Marching swiftly down the hall, her dressy heels tapped the floor. Oh, God, how her feet hurt. She lurched into the doorway of his office, pulling open the door with out knocking. She walked over to his desk where he was sitting with headphones on, listening to something classical, Sara guessed. She pulled the headphones off his ears and cried,

"Greg won't let me help on the case just because MY fingerprint was found there! And I didn't even do it! I didn't go to that club! I'm being framed and I want to help!" Her cheeks took on a rosey tint, and she bobbed up and down on her toes, appearing very much like a small, undisaplined child. "Grissom, do something-uh!"
Greg knew she didn't do anything, but he had to follow protocol even if he didnt like it. "Sara, I didn't mean it like..." he started, but she was already halfway down the hallway. He felt he should run after her, but he thought she needed sometime alone.

'Greg, stay focused, you know she didnt do it, now go and prove it' he said to himself, marching back into lab to get on with the case. He started going through all the fibres and tread marks that were found. Usually CSI footmarks were discarded but this time Sara's had to be documented.

Half an hour had passed and still nothing, all evidence he had found and documented so far was inconclusive. He then pulled a gold band ring out of the evidence bag and brushed it for prints, he found none. He then turned the ring over and brushed the otherside this time a full print turned up. Greg ran it through CODIS and it came up as an exact match to Sara's.
"God. Not again" said Greg aloud to himself. He then turned the ring on its side. "To S.S With Love" he said reading the rings inscription aloud. 'To Sara Sidle With Love' he thought. 'Somethings not right'

He quickly bagged the evidence, wrote his findings down in the case file and literally ran down the hallway to find Sara and ask her some questions.

He eventually found her in Grissoms office, looking like she was yelling at him. He tapped on the window, but got no response so he stepped in the room, wanting to interrupt them but secretly hoping that he wouldnt cos he really didnt feel like getting yelled at by them.
"Greg won't let me help on the case just because MY fingerprint was found there! And I didn't even do it! I didn't go to that club! I'm being framed and I want to help!"
Sara continued to rant at Grissom. (I guess I'll take over him?) He sat there with his lost-puppy-eyes look and watched as Greg walked slowly into the room.

"Sara, please," he said, taking off his glasses, "Calm down. So, what's this buisness about Sara's prints at a crime scene, Greg?"

Greg's jaw dropped as Sara turned around and cast her angry eyes at him. She smiled a sickly sweet smile.

"Yes, Greg, tell us."
Greg walked in more and shut the door. Sara's angry eyes and sickly sweet smile hurt him 'why cant she realise its not my fault?' he thought. However, Gil pressed him again for an explanation.

"Ok heres the deal. Sara and I went to the 419, like you told us" said Greg looking at Grissom, "and then when we got there we noticed that one of the two vics looked liked Sara. And anyway to cut a long story short, i analysed some partial prints and one of them came up as a match to Sara" he then took a breath and looked round, then spoke again, "and now ive found a ring on the look-a-like vic, which has the initials S.S on it, which i can only presume stand for Sara Sidle" he finished and looked at both their faces and continued, "So anyway the real deal here is that Sara's mad at me because I said that because she was a potential suspect she cant handle any evidence. So thats the 411" he said looking at Grissoms confused face, and giving Sara please forgive me puppy dog eyes.
Sara just glowered harder. She didn't think it was Greg's fault. She was just angry because he kicked her off!

"Greg!" she screamed, "I'm not thinking it's your fault! I just want to work on the case," she was whining now.

Grissom studied both of them intently. He watched them banter back and forth, and then rasied a hand at the pair.

"Sara," he started calmly, "You know this is protocol. You can't touch the evidence. Please, stop you're bickering."

Sara glared at him difiently, "No. I'm working this case."

"Sara, I'm going to have to call Catherine. You're obviously emotion- You need to talk." He concluded, flipping open his cell phone and hitting speed-dial 1. Two rings, and Catherine picked up.


"Hi, Catherine, it's Gil. Can I see you in my office, please?"
He sat there, thinking, 'Could this really help our case, or not? I know protocol calls for putting in anything that pertains to the case, and this would be evidencial proof that whoever is doing this is targeting Catherine through me.' Then his gears starting turning backwards and thinking everything over, rubbing his overtired eyes, then staring straight ahead with a horrified look after Catherine's words and his other theory combined. What if they were using Catherine to target him. “I’m calling it a day. I’ve had enough, and I’m going to go check up on Warrick.” He stood quickly, replacing all of his worry with a protective air that he would hold firm until this maniac was caught and made his way towards the hallway. "Not if I can do anything about it will you go alone. Catherine! Catherine, wait!"

He started running as he watched her run into Greg and a very upset looking Sara emerging from DNA. Sara kept walking past Nick, Greg walking slowly after her, and Catherine turned around. In his hand he held the bag of the envelope and it's contents. "Catherine, you're right, and I know it's out of protocol, but unless you object, I'm burning it." He knew she'd know what he meant by 'it' and raised his eyebrows quickly and lowered them for emphasis.

"I know you're not angry with me, and I'm not upset at you, and I'm not going to let you go without promising me something. When you get to the hospital, call me, I'm timing you. When you leave, call me. And I'm sure you're going home from there, when you get home, call me. You need anything, anything call me. And be careful. I'll be to the hospital as soon as I can, but I still need to sort all that evidence we found and submit tests before I can go. So, promise?" Just then her cell rang, and she just looked at it, apologetically at Nick and then answered it.
She let a small smile surface over her face at Nick as she answered her phone. “Willows,” she breathed into the phone.

“Hi, Catherine, its’ Gil. Can I see you in my office, please?” Grissom asked her but more in a demanding voice than usual.

“Oh my way,” she said as she hung up her phone. “Walk with me Nick!” She said as her eyebrows furrowed together.

“Look, I can’t have you destroying evidence. When this case goes to trial and the defense gets wind of you destroying any evidence—the killer will walk. Not to mention you would lose your job. So, I can’t have you putting your job and career in jeopardy for me. I won’t allow it because I would never be able to forgive myself.” She took a deep breath as she pushed some hair out of her face. Her hand reached out to softly touch his face, but she pulled back realizing they were at work. She cleared her throat as she looked down as Hodges walked by with a smirk.

They continued down to Grissom’s office when she looked back at him. “Nick, I was thinking about the letters, and I don’t think either one of us should be working on that part of the case,” she said in thought and took a breath before she continued. “It’s actually turning into an entirely different case. I think we need to hand the letters over to someone else to work that part of the case. I was thinking Sara because she’s thorough, and I trust her,” she managed as she stopped in front of Gil’s office. “So--I’ll come find you after I find out what Grissom needs.”

She entered Grissom’s office, and noticed that Sara was in there as well. “Grissom, I’m actually glad you called. I need to run something by you and Sara.” She turned and shut his door, and the noise of it echoed down the hallway.

“Nick… got another letter today from the supposed killer. The scary thing is he found it in his locker, here.” She took in a deep breath as she went on to tell them about the contents of the note, and briefly mentioned the picture of her. “I want Sara to work this part of the case,” she said as she met Sara’s brown eyes.

She tried her hardest to keep her emotions at bay, not wanting Grissom to know how much this was bothering her. She shrugged her shoulders as she said “that’s all I have. What did you need, Gil?”
Sara looked at Catherine with concern in her eyes.

"I can do that, Cat," she said sincerly. "I'm off my case any way. I'm a suspect," she glared again at Greg.

"Catherine," Grissom spoke up, "I think you and Sara should have a chat about your cases. Why don't you take a break, go out, get lunch, and we'll talk about the cases when you get back."

Sara nodded and put a gentel hand on Catherine's arm, leading her out to her Denali. "I'll drive."
They climbed into the Denali, and Catherine realized that she was in fact hungry. Her mind drifted to the letter and her picture and she shut her eyes. She opened them back up, and noticed that they had just pulled out of the parking lot. “Warrick, can we go visit him first?” Catherine managed to ask. Just then her cell phone rang, and she cursed herself because she forgot to call Nick.

“Willows,” she said lightly into her phone. She immediately felt his wrath.
“Nick..., Nick..., Nick..., HEY..., I’m sorry.” Her cheeks flushed red as she realized she pissed him off. She placed a hand on her temple as it began to throb. He was still yelling at her on the phone. “I’m sorry! WHAT? No, don’t you dare. I’m fine—Sara’s with me,” she said as she scowled at him. Unbelievable were they fighting? She did not even know if they were dating? “Nick, just sort the damn evidence. I'll be back in a bit with some lunch,” she said as she hung up on him.

She could feel Sara staring at her. “He’s just worried about the letters. He’s just acting over the top,” Catherine said as they pulled into the hospital parking lot. Sara shot Catherine a smirk as they got out of the vehicle. They walked into the hospital in silence as Catherine looked back over at Sara who was still smirking at her. “Stop it—it’s not like that!” Catherine managed to say even though Sara did not ask her a question. Without thinking, Catherine started to wave her hand in front her face to circulate the air around her.

They neared Warrick’s room when she noticed Tina storm out in a huff. “Isn’t that Warrick’s wife?” Catherine questioned as she raised an eyebrow. The door was left open, and they heard something shatter on the floor mixed with different explosives of curse words. He looked up for a brief moment, and saw Catherine and Sara standing in the doorway.
Sara and Catherine left the room leaving Grissom and Greg alone, not before Sara gave him an icy glare of course. He still couldnt see why she was so mad at him, its not like it was his fault, and he wasnt going to keep her updated or anything.

He then realised he was still in Grissoms office and neither of them were talking.
"God women hey" he scoffed smiling trying to get Grissom to crack a smile or something. It didnt work, so he left, muttering, "God bosses hey". Gil heard that, and threw him a condescending look across the room, causing Greg to hurry out.

He walked down the hall to the breakroom to think. He when to the coffee machine, pulled out a stash of Blue Hawaiian and poured himself some coffee, then sat down to think. He pondered for a while on the evidence they had collected.
"Think Greg, think" he said, desperately raking his brain, for how possibly Sara's print could have got on the purse, when he knew she had gloves on at the crime scene. He suddenly lept up and rushed to the side for his cell. He then dialled Sara's number, but he couldnt get through. "God she must really hate me if she turned off her cell" he thought. Never the less, he tried 2 more times and eventually it started ringing.
"Hey Sar, its Greg, I need to ask you some questions...please"
((Just letting everyone know that I am still waiting to figure out my place in this RP. If I am going to replace whoever is playing Lindsey then please let me know, and same if I am not...I just need to know! Thanks :D)