The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

(Can someone clear up for me who all is in Warrick's room? I know Tina just left, and...what just happened with Cath and Sara? I'm confused. And who else is there?

Shady Lane will be taking over the role of Lindsey. :)Just so everyone knows I have gone by the rules on doing this, and I hope that everyone involved in the RP is ok with this. If any one has any concerns or issues please feel free to PM. Thanks....and welcome aboard Shady.
I think it's just Sara & Cath in Warrick's room now.

Sara continued to smirk as she and Catherine said their hello's to Warrick. "It's not like that, okay?" Heh. Funny.

"So, Warrick, you want us to bring you in some lunch?" Sara asked, seating herself on the edge of the bed.
((Hello everyone, you can call me Lydia :D Soo would someone mind giving me a quick update as to where Lindsey is currently? And what is going on? Thanks so much!))
Warrick saw Sara and Cath come in as Tina stormed out. His face had a look that was saddened but saying "don't ask" at the same time. He said hello to the two women.

"Maybe if it's light...don't feel like eating a whole lot at the moment" he replied. "But I can save it for later so I don't have to eat the food here" He tried a soft chuckle but he wasn't in much of a laughing mood at the moment.
Lindsey sat in the fading red arm chair staring at the TV. She glanced across at her Nana who was stirring the huge pot of squash soup that sat on top of the stove.

Lindsey sighed, eyes moving back to the screen where a group of doctors attempted to save some murder's life when his victim had stabbed him.
Where ARE you mom? Lindsey thought to herself, chewing on her bottom lip.
Warrick did not seem like he was up for company, and the silence in the room grew heavy. Catherine looked down at her watch, and noticed that it was already twenty past ten. "Oh crap," Catherine said at last. She was the one that broke the silence.

Sara and Warrick stared at her as the doctor came in announcing that Mr. Brown needed his rest. Catherine leaned over him, and gave him a hug. "Warrick call me later okay after you have some rest," she said as she ducked out of the room to call Lindsey. A few seconds later, Sara was with her.

"Lindsey, work is very hectic today. I'm sorry baby, but I probably will not get home until two, and I'm exhausted," she said softly to her daughter as the two rounded near the Denali.

"Lindsey, have Nana take you to video store and rent some movies for us to watch tonight after I get some rest." Catherine's mouth opened in shock. "Linds, you know the rules, no boys, boyfriends, or friends that are boys are allowed in the house when I'm not home. That also includes when I'm sleeping," Catherine said in a harsh voice. Her daughter was growing up to fast, and the fear jolted through her knowing that Lindsey was interested in the opposite sex. "I'll see you at two," Catherine said as she ended the call.

"Let's pick up some hamburgers and head back to the lab," Catherine said as she laid her head on the back of the seat. "Crap, I think Lindsey has a boyfriend," Catherine managed as her hand hit her forehead. "My daughter has a boyfriend, and I'm single. Does that make any sense?" She turned to look at Sara who had that same smirk on her face as earlier. "Oh... don't you start!"
(lindsey will be 13/14 since I have been told that is the youngest I can play her. I love little lindsey but preteen is good too ;))

Great, longer to wait. That's all my life ever is, waiting for mom. Lindsey wondered what she should do today. What would really piss her mom off? She had to think of SOMETHING.

"Lindsey, hun, I'm gonna go take a nap. You call up a friend of something if you want to do something today ok? I can take you down town later if you want." Lindsey nodded in response and lay her head back agains the arm chair, thinking.
"All right" he replied. "Thanks for stopping by" He didn't know how much he'd rest with the newfound unrest with Tina, but he'd try. He was still drugged, which would help.
Catherine hadn't been back to Nick and wasn't with Grissom when he went back, and he immediately worried. Not hesitating, he unlatched his cell from his belt and hit the number 2 on speed dial for Catherine, tapping his fingers impatiently on the table. "Willows."
"Catherine! Where the hell are you?!"
"Are you alright?"
"Are you with anybody?"
"Well, you're obviously fine! This thing is serious, Catherine, and I don't want anything to happen!"

"HEY...I'm sorry."
"Sorry? Sorry?! I've been waiting and here you are all fine and dandy while I'm worrying my ass off about you!"

"I'm sorry!"
"Where are you? I'm going wherever you're going."
"WHAT? No, don't you dare. I'm fine-Sara's with me."

"Oh, so you head out with Sara for lunch or something and you don't even decide to tell me! Catherine, I just don't want anything to happen to you!"

"Nick, just sort the damn evidence. I'll be back in a bit with some lunch!" With that he heard a click of the phone telling him she had hung up on him. Alright, he had sort of flipped but he was worried, and wasn't really upset with her, just upset generally. Rubbing his forehead, he looked down.

Nick sighed, staring at all the evidence and pure relief flooded through him. Gazing over the evidence, he picked up the two evidence bags with the notes, and on Catherine's persistence, that awful photo. Walking fast down to the labs he spotted one of the document lab guys and called out to him. "Hey Charles!" The young red head turned and nodded, telling him to go on. "I have two letters I need you to analyze. When you're done, bring 'em straight to me." Charles nodded before walking off down the corridor.

Setting the bag with the picture face down on a corner of the light table, he found the large, thick envelope of pictures the labs had developed for him already since he dropped it off first thing back. Spreading them out on the light table, he set off sorting the evidence and recording what tests were needed for each when David walked in.

"Hey, Nick, I've got your vics ready for further processing. Then Doc'll take care of them." Nick nodded, checked his watch and scrolled a note for Catherine and left it on the table which read, 'Catherine, went to go process vics further. Come find me if I'm not back when you return. Nick' Taking his kit with him, he threw a coat on over his shirt and jeans, placed gloves on his hands, and entered the morgue.
Sara did not say anything as they headed back to the Lab with hamburgers for lunch. Catherine picked up her cell phone, and hit the speed dial three button on her phone. She waited briefly until he picked up. “Nick…, We are back with lunch. You want to meet us in the break room? Ok see you in a bit,” she said as a slow smile spread across her lips. She could not help herself as she was so eager to see him. Be with him. She sighed to herself as the fear clutched her heart. Was she falling for him?

As they walked through the hallways to the break room, Sara slowly filled Catherine in on the case she got railroaded off of earlier today. “Sara, it’s a good thing that your not working that case. Let someone else work the evidence to clear you,” Catherine said as she stopped Sara in the hall for a moment. “So far the evidence they have against you is all circumstantial. You could have touched the purse and the ring at any given moment,” Catherine continued as she touched her co workers arm. “Don’t worry, someone here will clear your name, but in the meantime try to focus your energy on a different case. Grissom might even let you help out on his case considering that Warrick is in the hospital.”

They entered the break room and Sara set the food on the table. Catherine noticed that Nick was already in the room, and shot him a smile. She stared at him for a moment taking in his view as she wondered over to the refrigerator to grab some drinks. "What do you guys want to drink?" Catherine asked as she bent down to look further inside the frig. After receiving no response from either of them, she shot Sara a look, and noticed she had just taken a huge bite out of her veggie burger. She then turned and looked at Nick; who seemed to be staring at her behind. “Nick?” A bit shocked she asked again, “What do you want to drink?” She scratched at her head as her mouth opened slowly in embarrassment because Sara was in the room. His head snapped up as he realized he just got caught. His cheeks flushed red as he cleared his throat. “So, did you find anything new?” Catherine asked him as she just grabbed cokes for everyone. Trying her hardest not to crack a smile, she sat down between the two. She hoped that Nick realized that she was talking about the case.
Sara just nodded. They walked into the breakroom to see Nick standing there with a whimsical grin on his face. Sara shook her head and sat down to eat her salad.

"So, did you find anything new?" Catherine asked him as she grabbed two cokes from the fridge, flushing with a smile.

"Cat," Sara said, chewing her salad, "Thanks for letting me work this case." She stood up and got a bottle of water from the fridge, and sat back down, taking a swig and wiping her mouth on theback of her hand.
Dr. Jenry walked into Warrick's room, and was glad to see that he was still resting. She checked his vitals, and was really impressed with his condition. She noticed that he stirred slightly as his green eyes opened. She held her breath, and thought how atractive he was just lying there. "Hi, Mr. Brown, I'm Docter Jenry." She said as she introduced herself and shook his firm hand.

"Everything is coming along great. THe bullet grazed your side, but it was a pretty deep wound. They stitched up your side, and it seems that you are going to be able to leave this evening. Of course, we will be prescribing you some liquid vicodin," she said as she turned to leave. "Oh, and is there anything I can get you before I leave?" She asked as a smile spread across her lips.