The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

Nick's heart broke, just seeing her heart in such despair putting him on edge, not mentioning the fact that if he didn't take the case out to her... "I-I'm going to go find Sara, she'll process you no doubt. Here, I'll take Brass' jacket back to him. I'll be back." He looked away as Catherine shed the jacket and layed it on his outstretched arm.

Walking out, he almost ran into Sara coming down the hallway. "Sara! Just who I was looking for. Look, something's happened. I've been getting threatening and disturbing letters from an unknown source who claims for the triple homicide Cat and I are doing. She was almost abducted out in the parking lot just now." He gasped, trying to regain his breath, not waiting for Sara's reaction. "I promise to fill you in later, full detail, if you can just please process her? Please, Sar, she just wants to go home."
She watched as he left her alone in the room, and she immediately wrapped her arms around her upper body. Suddenly she thought about Lindsey. Lindsey...oh gosh Lindsey!!! She grabbed her phone from its holder, and dialed her daughter's cell phone. "Come on...pick up...pick up." Catherine whispered as she got her voice mail. She took a deep breath before she was prompted to talk. "Linds, baby its mom. Look, I should be home soon. Umm...Something happened, and..," her voice broke as she felt her throat constrict. She closed her eyes trying to control her emotions. "I love you baby," Catherine managed before she nearly sobbed on the phone. She hung up quick hoping Lindsey could not hear the sadness or the fear in her voice.
ETA: Update.

Sara watched Nick shift his weight from one leg to another as he told her what happened to Cath.

"I promise to fill you in later, full detail, if you can just please process her? Please, Sar, she just wants to go home," he said in a rush. Sara just nodded and walked to find Cath.

She found her in locker room, getting changed. Catherine was going through her locker, looking for a change of clothes. When she found a teeshirt, Sara called out, "Cath, no! Evidence!"

Catherine shot her an angry glare and put the teeshirt down.

"Here, I'm going to process you, okay?" Sara half asked, half told meekly, "Can you put your clothes in this bag? Then I'm going to get pictures and take nail scrapings and.." she trailed off as Cath opened her mouth to speak.
"I don't feel like standing in front of you in just my under garments," Catherine sneered at Sara. Catherine's pride was shot to hell, and she felt vulnerable knowing the person who was going to be processing her. "Whatever! Can we just get this over with? I sure as hell don't have all day," Catherine snapped at Sara.

"This is insane," She said as she unbuttoned and unzipped her pants, and quickly slid them off. Catherine's cheeks glowed red with embarrassment. She looked over at Sara, and noticed that she was staring at her with her arms crossed standing in a defensive position. Catherine put her pants in the evidence bag and handed it to Sara, who yanked it from her hands.

Her eyes widen when she noticed Sara approaching her with her camera. "Wait..., wait just a second--is that really necessary? Are the pictures FREAKING Necessary," Catherine shouted at Sara. She noticed the minute Sara's face hardened with anger. She knew that she most likely pissed her off, and insulted her as well. What was wrong with her? Sara was only trying to help her, and she was literally snapping at her like she was the enemy.

Catherine took a deep breath as she steadied her emotions. "I'm sorry Sara. I don't mean to be snappy, and I'm grateful that you are the one who is processing me." The truth was Sara was known for being rather compassionate when processing a victim and that is why Grissom usually sent her to process them when needed. However, Catherine hated the idea of having to be processed because it meant that she was weak. She felt responsible for being in this situation in the first place--she should have fought harder or been quicker.

"Ok, I'm ready...can we please just do this," Catherine asked as she looked away.
He sighed, taking a deep breath in as he turned himself around and made his way down the hallway, stopping into Brass' office for a second, Brass himself sitting at his desk. "Hey, Brass." He looked up and quickly stood from his chair, rounding the desk.

"Hey, how she doing?"
"She doesn't seem physically hurt, Sara's processing her now. I was about to go talk to Grissom, thought I should bring your jacket back." Brass let a small smile flash in his eyes, but it was gone just as quick as it came.

"Good luck with that. You know how he's going to react, but thanks for the jacket back." Taking the jacket back from Nick's outstretched arm, Nick nodded and turned, heading out of the office without sparing a good bye. Walking slowly further down the hallway, he took a deep breath before turning into a doorway.

Nick walked quietly into Grissom's office, watching him for a moment, leaning over paperwork, reading glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. Coughing, Nick watched as his supervisor gazed up at him and sat back. "Hello, Nick. What can I do for you?" A small smirk rested on his face, but swiped off and replaced with concern after Nick quietly closed the door behind him and walked forward, Brass' jacket still clutched in his hands.

"We need to talk, Grissom."
"Nicky, what is it? What's wrong?" He rose and rested everything on his desk besides his glasses and rounded his desk toward Nick. "What's happened?"

"It's Catherine. The guy, that apparently has been sending the letters and claims to be the killer, he - he almost abducted Catherine. Held her hostage with a knife, almost like putting on a show for me." Grissom's eyes narrowed after widening from the shock.

"You saw this happen?"
"No, well, yes, most of it. I went to take her kit out to her and he was holding her and trying to take her into a van, when he..he saw me walk out." He ventured forward in his story, using all the strength and will he had left to maintain his composure in front of his boss, or else he'd have to take a few days off. After he finished the horrifying account, Grissom remained silent for a few moments.

"Since this is now a criminal act, and attempted kidnapping and intent to harm, it's our jurisdiction. Any letters you now find or any other accounts are to be reported to me, I'm taking the case. You and Catherine will remain on that case and I'll just have my case moved over to somebody on dayshift, since Warrick is still out. I want you to know that I need you to pay closer attention, for you and Catherine. Do you want patrols around your places?"

"No." Nick looked back up at his boss and shook his head slightly. "Near Catherine's place, yeah. I'll be fine. The guy's going after her."

"Not necessarily." Grissom placed his glasses on the desk behind him before brushing past Nick and out of the office, and from the direction he turned, towards the locker room.
Sara tried her best to mask her face with anger instead of hurt. She had no idea why Catherine was getting so mad at her. She walked forward with her camera poised after Catherine had removed her clothing and was stood with her arms crossed over her black bra, looking very sullen and tired.

"Wait..., wait just a second--is that really necessary? Are the pictures FREAKING necessary?!" she shouted, her face going an even deeper red colour. Sara backed off a little bit as Catherine's eye softened. What the hell, Sara thought, I'm only trying to help. She tried to hold back the tears that were pushing at the back of her chocolate brown eyes. No, she wasn't crying because Catherine was yelling at her. Her emotions were just so tangled up and mixed around inside her. She turned her head.

"Ok, I'm ready...can we please just do this," Catherine asked as she also looked away. Sara turned back to her and poised her camera with less enthusiasm than she had before.

"Stand up, please," she asked emotionlessly. Catherine stood up and let Sara take pictures of her arms, legs, torso, chest, and neck. "Turn around, please," and repeated on her back. Arms, legs, middle back, high back, neck. "Can I see your hands?" Catherine held out her hands and Sara scraped the dirt from under her nails. She added this to her evidence box on the bench.

Sara felt the tears push at her eyes again. She felt one roll down her cheek. Feeling Cath's intense stare on the back of her neck, she bent down, pretending to be fixing her shoe. Sara wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and stood up with a false smile plastered on her face.

"Cath, I'm sorry if I'm emotional today. I know this is really hard for you, with .. with what happened and all. But please understand, I'm not having a great day, either." Sara's eyes watered as she began to speak, "I mean, my cousin is dead. I knew her really well when we were young. Her parents used to come to parties at my house. We were really close. She's the only family I have left, you know? Her parents died in a car crash. My dad is d-dead, and my mom's in jail. It's funny how I remember so much when I'm around her. She's so happy, so full of life. And she looks so much like me." Sara sniffed but refused to let herself cry. "Hate to turn this into a Sara pity-party, this is your case. When I'm done with you, I hope you don't mind, but I need to do a creditcard search on S-Sasha."
“I’m so sorry, Sara. I’m being so selfish here, and I know you are going through a rough time as well,” Catherine said as she touched Sara’s arm. “You know we need a girl’s night out soon. Maybe tomorrow night? I know I need a drink,” Catherine said more to herself. “About the credit check with your cousin—have Greg do everything regarding that case Sara. You can’t touch it. I know that’s hard, but the vic is related to you, and you can not interfere with any sort of evidence. Grissom would have your hide,” Catherine said as she looked into Sara’s eyes for understanding.

Catherine brushed some of her bangs out of her face as she looked at Sara again. “Sara, uhh…the bastard kissed and bit at my neck on this side,” Catherine said quietly as her hand displayed which side. “I don’t know if you can get any DNA from it, but just thought I would let you know.” Catherine eyed her locker and the clothes with in reach. “Is it okay to put some clothes on now?” She could see Nick coming back any second, and she did not want to be standing here like this—almost naked.
Waiting said:
She watched as he left her alone in the room, and she immediately wrapped her arms around her upper body. Suddenly she thought about Lindsey. Lindsey...oh gosh Lindsey!!! She grabbed her phone from its holder, and dialed her daughter's cell phone. "Come on...pick up...pick up." Catherine whispered as she got her voice mail. She took a deep breath before she was prompted to talk. "Linds, baby its mom. Look, I should be home soon. Umm...Something happened, and..," her voice broke as she felt her throat constrict. She closed her eyes trying to control her emotions. "I love you baby," Catherine managed before she nearly sobbed on the phone. She hung up quick hoping Lindsey could not hear the sadness or the fear in her voice.

Lindsey yawned, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes and reached for her phone to check the time.


waited on the screeen. Lindsey sighed, hitting the voice mail button to listen to what the message was. She heard her mom's voice, sacred and tearful and felt her breath catch in her throat.

Lindsey hit the redial button instantly, her hands shaking as she held the phone to her ear.
I'm so glad everyone is enjoying this Role Play!!!! That is awesome. I have a bit of news here regarding the role play. Butterflied92 has instructed me to play the part for Nick while she is gone on vacation. She will be on vacation starting today and will not be back until Nov. 26th!!!! I will also be going on vacation starting on Nov. 21--Nov. 28!!!! However, I will have internet access, but not like I usually do because I will be really busy. I will try to get on as much as possible. I just don't want anyone to think either one of us has abandoned the RP!!!!

I want to keep this RP going!!!! BTW---who is liking the suspense?!?!?!? :D :D ;)

Tina rounded the corner to her husband's room. She wondered how he was going to react to seeing her after her news of aborting their child. He never responded to her before, so she hoped he would at least talk to her about it. She pushed open his door, and noticed that he was watching the news.

"Hey," she started as she looked at him. He continued to stare at the television. "The doctor said they are going to release you soon--actually really soon in about fifteen minutes." She waited for a response, but received nothing as he continued to stare at the TV.

She grabbed the remote, and turned the distraction off. "Warrick, are you LISTENING to me? Your going to be leaving here soon after you sign your release form. Do you want me to take you home?" She asked as she put a hand on her hip.