The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

Nick winced at the slight sting of the antiseptic wipe Catherine was rubbing on his cheek. He felt horrible, making her feel horrible. A yellow light phased to red as he slowed the Denali to a halt, somewhat heightened by Catherine's closeness to him. Her hand slowed and fell from his cheek as he turned towards her, finding himself gazing into her intense eyes. He watched her hand rest softly on his unscratched cheek and pull in closer, and from here, he was gone.

He was back at the bar, with her in his arms, dancing the night away with careless bliss, and that kiss, that lovely kiss he beckoned for now...that never came. A horn blew loudly, startling him as he cleared his throat, noticing the green light, and began to drive again. Why did this happen, to him? Lead on and teased, then dropped like an overused stuffed animal. He felt her finger gently rub a cream over the scratches and put the pack away, but she never returned to that closeness. Pulling off the highway, pissed more than anything about his luck, he came to a halt, not realizing a car had followed them all the way here, and hopped out, grabbing his kit. Walking towards the scene, he ducked under the tape, to find David hovering, waiting for the pictures to be taken.

The sudden rumbling of gravel and rocks plumed with the dust as a small car went back onto the highway and, what Nick recognized as, Grissom coming down to next to their Denali. Nick sighed, frustrated that they had come for nothing. "Hey guys, what'd you start? David, how come the bodies are still here?"

"Because we didn't do anything yet. We just got here, Grissom, there was a problem at the first scene." Grissom's eyebrows quizically raised, questioning this vague answer. "I guess I have to tell you, don't I?" And with a slow nod, Grissom replied.

"Bingo." So picking up his kit, Nick headed back under the tape, Grissom and Catherine in pursuit and opened the back. Setting the case down, he pulled the letter forward and handed it to Grissom. Gloves at the ready, his supervisor had already switched his sunglasses to reading glasses and began to skim over the note, not bothering to hide his perplexion, and amusement. "Where did you find this?"

"Somebody slim jim'ed the Denali and left it on the passenger's seat. It's obvious they had been watching the whole scene, from the content." Grissom nodded again, and Nick shifted his feet, nervous. Handing it back to Nick, Grissom looked at him.

"What do you feel about this?" Just the look, just that Grissom look, with the brilliant blue eyes gazing patiently from over those glasses broke him.

"What do I feel? There's a lunatic out there who's stalking me and Catherine at the scene, obviously knows stuff about us and is crazy! They risked their identity by doing this and if they did this then they're willing to do much, much worse." Grissom nodded, pursing his lips.

"That's normal. But maybe this is just a hoax, somebody getting to you. Just be careful, both of you." He stared over Nick's shoulder at, what Nick knew, was Catherine. "From what I hear, you guys need to get some serious work done. Get back to the lab." Turning back towards the scene, Grissom walked into the light of the portable lamps.

"Grissom!" He turned, slient. "How's your arm?" He shrugged, lightly, and said, "It's good." before putting his sunglasses back on and walking under the tape. Shutting the back again, Nick hopped into the Denali with Catherine. "I can't believe we drove here for nothing."
(A tiny more catnip... :D)

Catherine flinched as Grissom stared at her. She opened her mouth to say something, but followed after Nick as she decided against it. Did Grissom stare at her that way because he was worried about her safety? Or was he concerned thinking that Nick had feelings for her? She hated the fact that he usually made her second guess herself. She took a deep breath as she pulled herself into the Denali. Nick had already stared the SUV and was ready to head out.

They were both quiet as they headed back to the lab, and all Catherine could think about was Nick. “Damn it,” she said out loud not realizing she had. Nick looked over at her confusingly. “What…you have me all ruffled!” She finally admitted as her cheeks glowed red. He started to laugh, and she stared at him disbelievingly. “You’re laughing at me…unbelievable?” She wanted him to feel the same way she did—off balance, jittery, and lost in desire and the unknown. “Pull Over!” She demanded in a sultry voice. He looked over at her unsure with her request. She could tell he was taken aback. “Pull Over…Nicky!” He shot her another look as she smiled at him. He swallowed hard, not sure what she was up to, but he had an idea. He slowed the SUV as he pulled over, and a few pebbles shot out from the rear tires as he came to a jerky complete stop. She leaned closer to him, and noticed how he reacted.

“What?” She asked as she continued to get closer. She saw his throat rise and fall. She knew she had him right where she wanted him. This used to be her living the way she earned her money, and she knew she was good at it. But, she was not proud of it. She leaned forward a bit more too where her mouth slightly grazed his lips, and then she slowly pulled away. “I was thinking that…I’m on the clock, so we better get back,” she managed as she looked at him and smiled.
He just stared at her for a moment, then started to quietly snigger, breathlessly. "God, w-why do you think I've been all protective over a letter since I read it and I wanted comfort you? I have felt this way, and for a good amount of time too. Now this is the third time you've put me on edge tonight alone," He gripped the wheel, trying to gain control of his spinning head. "But frankly, I like it. But I'm on the clock to so..." He just grinned small, glad he could just finally let that go. Wait, did he just reveal the very thing he was stressing over revealing for the past, jeez almost decade.

He kept that smile on his face the whole way back to the lab, starting to believe Grissom's words. It was just a hoax, somebody playin a trick on the cops. Just getting to his emotions and freaking him out. So he pulled into the lot calmly, gazed over at Catherine, and let his grin widen just ever so slightly. Bundling half the evidence and his kit in his arms, he helped Cath gather the rest and walked into the lab, walking directly back to a multi-purpose room to dump their evidence.

"I'm going to go drop my kit off at my locker and grab a different shirt. You can start sorting if you'd like..." He knew she'd want to do it together, nobody liked sorting after collecting alone if they could avoid it. A lab tech he hadn't seen before looked up as they passed, and their eyes latched. Smiling politely at him, the tech nodded and kept walking, perhaps faster once past him? Pushing it out of his mind, he made his way into the locker room and opened his locker, pulling out another black polo to change into, and froze. An envelope fell from his locker, and he gulped. He kept telling himself it wasn't another letter, no, not in the lab.

Skepticism winning, he put on some gloves and picked up the envelope, opening it and pulled out a letter. Nicky, Nicky my boy. Why do you try so earnestly to hide behind a facade of lies? Show yourself, and your horrid past. Oh yes I know, and you know too, and if I'm not mistaken, so does she. Nick, you and I both know strippers are only good for one thing, so if that same thing haunts you, how do you praise it? Hmmm, a double-sided blade there, huh? Well, you know, I thought you might need a picture of here, so here you go. Oh Nicky, you better be as protective of ever now, because I'm watching.

Hands shaking, he attempted to pull something from the envelope and his breath caught as he tore his eyes shamefully from a picture of Catherine, many years ago, half dressed and in not a very nice position. Placing both inside the envelope again, he placed it in a spare evidence bag in his kit and set it to the side and leaned his head into his hans. No, this couldn't be happening.
Tina walked into her husband's room to check up on him as he was sleeping. He was doing so much better, and a part of her wished desperately that he was not doing this well. She was terrified of him going back to his job that put his life in jeopardy every day. "I wish I could stop you from going back to your job. It scares me so, and I hate being alone at night," she said as she looked down at his hand that she was holding. She thought that he was still asleep until he spoke.
It seemed they both smiled together for the remainder of the ride home. She did not know the depths of his love for her until now. She originally thought it was just a small crush/lust on his part. She looked down in denial—no one had ever treated her like this before. Finally, the night seemed to calm considerably and she wanted to take it all in at once. She took a deep breath as she smiled over at him as she got out of the Denali. Could this really be real?

They walked into the lab and as they approached the locker room he said “I’m going to go drop my kit off at my locker and grab a different shirt. You can start sorting if you’d like.”
“I’ll just meet you at your locker in about five minutes,” she said as she watched Nick enter the locker room. She went into the break room and grabbed two cokes, and called Lindsey on her cell phone. It was nearly seven in the morning, and she hoped her daughter was up. She did not answer, so she left her a message saying that she should be home around ten at the latest.

She walked in to the locker room, and noticed Nick immediately. He hands were covering his face, and he was leaning up against his locker. “Nick,” she said softly as she touched his hard shoulder. He turned around and she saw the tears that had formed in his eyes. He was so sensitive, yet that was something that she really liked about him.

He handed her a pair of gloves, and she put them on as instructed. He then reached down in his kit, and pulled out an envelop. Her mouth fell open as he pulled another familiar letter from an evidence envelop. Her blue eyes met his as he handed it to her. She slowly pried the letter open, and the picture of her fell to the floor face down. She reached down and grabbed it as she started to read the letter. She noticed that Nick’s name had now changed to Nicky—her nickname that she used for him. The knowledge of this almost sent her to a new level. She shut her eyes afraid to continue. Her hands were already shaking uncontrollably.

She took in a deep breath, and continued to read the letter when her worst fears from the first letter came true. This deranged psycho did know about Nick’s past, and he was shoving it in his face. “Nick…who all knows about this?” She immediately questioned him wanting desperately to find out who was sending these letters. He did not answer her so she looked back down at the letter.

Her heart skipped a beat when she read the rest. Their stalker knew she was a stripper at some point in her life. Catherine’s face fell when she turned the picture over, and she saw that it was her. “Did…did you see this she said as she flipped it back over,” she asked quietly with obvious tears forming in her eyes.

When he did not answer she knew what the answer was. She clenched the picture tight as she gave the letter back to Nick. She hoped that she would be able to sneak the picture past him. She had no intensions of turning it over as evidence. “I guess we…should go sort the evidence,” she said as she started to walk out of the room.

She felt his hand grab her upper arm, and she turned around to see that he was holding out his hand for the picture. “No, no…Nick. Don’t make me turn this in!” She pleaded with him as her eyes begged for him to understand.
He closed his eyes, trying desperately to gain control of himself and her too. "Catherine, if this will help us find whoever's doing this, then we need to. This doesn't change how I feel about you, it never would and never will. And I will do everything I can to make sure nobody sees it, but I can't guarantee it. This is just as hard as it is for you as me, believe me. I'm scared, alright? I - I'm scared, for the both of us. I want this solved before something happens."

He sighed, limply letting go of her arm and sat down on the bench, hands rested on his knees, arms shaking uncontrollably. "I can't bear for anything to happen to you, of all people."
Greg went running through the corridors to Sara and literally bumped into her, spilling coffee all over her top.

"God Sara, im so Sara, i mean Sorry" said Greg, his words not coming out right, not being able to get what he was about to tell her off his mind.

"What do you want, Greg." she asked oviously mad.
"Um i ran the partial we found on the purse through the database, and it came up with two matches" said Greg quickly pausing for a breath for quite a while.
"And?" said Sara getting even more annoyed.
"One was for the brunette vic" he then paused again and took a deep breath, "and the other was you" He said the last bit under his breath, not wanting her to really hear, but by the look on her face she did.
"Sara, are you alright?" said Greg knowing that it was a stupid question.
Sara shook her head. She felt the tears push at the back of her eyes, and she pulled at the eyelashes of her right one.

"Yeah," she inhaled quickly. "Are you sure it was me, Greg. Positive?" He nodded. "Well, I wasn't there. Ever." He gave her a skeptical look. "Really. Let's find out how my print got there."

They walked down the hall side by side. Sara stopped suddenly, turning toward Greg with a strange look on her face. "The brunette, she's my cousin. She.. she always hated me. Jealous, anger, I don't know. But I saw her a little while ago, about 2 weeks. Could she be framing me? And faking her own murder?" Greg's eyes lit up, and they both raced down the hall to DNA.
"Don't really know what to do..." he muttered, still not totally grog-free yet. "Really confused about the whole thing now. I'd like a way to have both...and not get hurt in the process."
"Your awake...I didn't realize," Tina said as she smiled down at her husband. Part of her wished he was still asleep because she wanted desperately to come clean about something. "I should apologize to you Babe. Here I am being so selfish. I try to make you choose me over your job when that was wrong of me. I get upset with you because you tell Catherine things instead of me; when I know that you can't really share these things with me," she said as she took in a deep breath and looked down. "The truth is I haven't been fair to you, and there is something that I should have told you a long time ago, but...I didn't know how to, and I was afraid you hate me." She finally admitted as a tear slid down her cheek.
Warrick studied her with still-tired eyes, listening to what she said and hearing her sincerety. He was curious about her last comment, wondering what could make her so upset. "What?" he asked.
" was two months ago," she started as she looked up at him, and then looked back down at her hands. The tears now streaming down her face steadily. She closed her eyes shut afraid to to go further. "I found out that I was pregnant," she said as she covered her mouth with her hand as she started to cry harder. "I...aborted our child Warrick," she said this last part more in a whisper afraid for him to hear it. She did not dare to look up at him afraid that he'd never forgive her. She realized she made a huge mistake. "I'm sorry. I was scared I just landed this job, and I wasn't ready to be a mother." She finally looked up at him as she continued to cry "Will you be able to forgive me?"
Warrick was speechless for the moment. His mind was a mixof emotions...anger, sadness,confusion...He just had no idea what to say or how to handle it. Part of him understood,but part of him was saddened and angry as well.

(I hope it's okay, I have no idea how to approach this as I've never had to play a revelation like this with any char before lol)