The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

She eyed Nick funny as she grabbed the envelop from him. He had also brought her some gloves to put on so she would not damage any evidence if there was any on the letter. She saw the tears in his eyes as he tried to suppress them from her. “Here, I need to take a walk. You need me, holler.” Nick managed to say as his eyes stared straight into hers intensely. She watched him walk off towards the backyard of the house as she swallowed hard before she looked at the letter which was typed in a smaller font than usual. The wind was picking up, and howled in her ears. This letter had obviously upset Nick terribly, and she was worried that it dealt with him—personally.

When she began to read the letter her mouth opened in obvious shock. The letter was addressed to Nick, and not just Nick—but Nick Stokes. She stole another look in the direction he walked, but she could no longer see him. The killer assumingly taunting him with his “perfect crime scene” made her blood boil. She was now immensely angry, and wanted to protect Nick. She continued to read, and that was when the hairs on the back of her neck stood up like static. She tried to swallow, but her throat was dry. He had obviously watched them, and observed Nick getting upset and emotional over his crime scene.

Her hands started to shake as she continued on and gasped out loud. Did this animal know about Nick’s past—that he was abused? Her hand automatically covered her mouth as she continued to read the words from this deranged animal. She had to read the last bit of it over a few times for his words to sink in.

She worriedly looked around almost expecting for him to be in front, behind, or somewhere near her.

She immediately got out of the vehicle to search for Nick. “Nick?” She hollered as the wind blew her hair around her neck. “Nick,” she said a bit louder as she rounded to the back yard. She still waited for a response as she heard nothing from him. “Nick…” she screamed as the panic clutched her heart. She turned her head to look behind her as she felt someone grab her arm.

She let out a cry of alarm as she jumped backwards nearly falling over the picnic bench she just walked by. Her arms immediately stretched out to protect herself from the assailant that grabbed at her arm.

The panic stuck in her stomach as she realized that it was just Nick. “Damn it Nick, you scared the crap out of me,” she said as she let out a breath. “Did you not hear me calling you?” Catherine asked softly as she showed a smile of relief. Her heart slowly coming back to its normal beat pattern. “Damn that hurt,” she said as she leaned over to look at her knee. It had taken a battering from the bench. Her shirt now revealed a bit more of her skin than usual. She heard Nick clear his throat multiple times before she looked up at him. “What?” He just looked at her with his mouth opened in an attempt to speak. She went back to looking at her knee then stood up.

He was acting strange again she concluded that it dealt with the letter. “Nick, he’s playing bluff. He’s messing with your head, and that is what I don’t like?” She said as she touched his arm as her eyes met his. The expression on his face changed into uncertainty. “I’ll be fine! There is no need to worry about me. Besides I can take care of myself,” Catherine said in a rush as she looked down. The truth was the letter had disturbed her just as much as it did him.


Tina walked into her husband's room with a scowl on her face. "Warrick, I want you to quit your job. This isn't working for me, and in order for you to make this marriage work you need to quit." There were tears in her eyes as she said this. If it wasn't this they fought over then it was about his friendship with Catherine at work. Sometimes they also arqued passoniately about children. She did not want any, and he wanted a family.
Warrick was still somewhat groggy from the anesthetic, but was alert enough to hear what she was saying. He saw the tears and it made him fight back tears of his own. She was forcing him to make a choice he didn't want to make.

"I...I really don't want to choose like this but...I can't do it. I can't just quit. And really I think...that it was pretty obvious some time ago that we weren't gonna be able to work this out. I'm sorry it didn't. But, it's for you, too. You deserve someone you can be happy with and not always fight like we do.
Part of me does still love you...always will. But I would rather let you go than keep on fighting like this." He was more teary eyed now. "I'm so sorry it didn't work out. But I think it's for the best."
"I should have known what you would have picked!" Tina said abruptly as the tears fell down her face. "You have always been married to your job first. I mean hell you told Catherine things that you would never share with me." She turned her face as the sobbing continued. She hated feeling vulnerable which usually resulted in her turning angry. She hated the fact that Warrick worked so closely with women, but Sara for some reason did not threathen her. "I suppose your going to run back to Catherine and tell her everything. I bet she will enjoy nursing your wounds with her body," Tina scowled at Warrick. She could feel the heat in her face as she continued on. "How often has she nursed your wounds?" She was now just baiting him for a fight anything to make the hurt go away.
"She and I are just friends. I think actually that she's got a thing for Nick, not me. But whatever it is, she and I aren't seeing each other." he replied.
Tina ran over to Warrick, and hugged him as she cried on his shoulder. "I really wanted our marriage to work. I don't think I can say good-bye to you," she whispered as she kissed him on his soft lips.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(borrowing Sophia)

Grissom walked into Sophia's room, and noticed that she was still sleeping. She had a bruise on her left cheek bone, and a small gash on the left side of her forehead. She slowly stirred as her eyes opened. "Grissom," she said softly as her hand went to her head.

"Are you in pain?" Grissom questioned immediately.
"A little, but I can handle it. What brings you here?"

"You...I was hoping you could give me some answers about your attack!"
"So do I...if there's a way" Warrick replied, venturing to return the hug."I'm still willing to try, I think."
"We'll talk about it later! You need your sleep," Tina said to him as she squeezed his hand. She then turned and walked out of his room.
Warrick nodded, now taking stock of himself for the first time. Naturally he was full of tubes and wires-heart monitor, IV,oxygen...and a tube stinking in his chest. The bullet had to have collapsed a lung, he thought, that explained some of the pain when he breathed.

Being on the drugs and still pretty heavily sedated, it wasn't hard to drift back to sleep. It was questionable whether his drugged mind would even remember the fight later.
Sara and Greg piled thier evidence boxes and kits into the back of Sara's Denali, and Sara gave Greg a "don't start with me, Sanders," look, and got in the front seat. They drove down the 409 to the turn-off to main Vegas. IN about ten minutes, Sara pulled into the Crime Lab, stopping the car with a jerk. She abrubtly got out of the car, and went around to the back, watching as Greg shot around from the other side, gave her a goofy grin and pushed her out of the way, lurching for the evidence boxes.

Sara grabbed thier two kits and followed the spikey-haired munchkin into the lab. She dropped thier kits in the locked room and went to get a coffee. Yes, coffee cured everything. She cradled the mug between her hands and filled it with hot, steamy liquid. Pulling it to her lips, she set of to find Suwami Greg.
Nick had heard her scream, and the horror in his stomach jumped to his throat. Pulling his gun, he bolted from behind the house and saw her turning quickly, searching farther away from the Denali then she should be after reading the letter. Reaching out to grab her and protect her, she screamed again and flailed out, scathing his face with her nails as she fell backwards over the picnic table. “Damn it Nick, you scared the crap out of me,” He sighed, holstering his gun again, breath ragged and as out of normality as her's. “Did you not hear me calling you?” He nodded 'yes', still not having the breath or mentality to speak yet. “Damn that hurt,” His head spun as quick as a top as he saw her still laying on the ground, looking quizically at her knee, when he noticed her top.

Feeling the heat rising up his neck and swirling aroung his ears, cheeks, and temples, he coughed a few times, looking down at the ground. He was a polite Texan, the way his mother and father would want him to be, and he couldn't help but being embarassed. "What?" He gazed back, and let the blood recede from his face as he noticed her top was fixed as she stood. He opened his mouth to say something, still worried about her reaction to the letter.

“Nick, he’s playing bluff. He’s messing with your head, and that is what I don’t like." He gazed down again, and felt her soft hand on his bare lower arm, the electricity shocking him as her touch comforted him, and he couldn't help but gaze softly back into her green-blue eyes, his eyes hard with worry, for her. “I’ll be fine! There is no need to worry about me. Besides I can take care of myself.”

He nodded, ruffling his hair again but stopping mid-motion realizing the habit. "I know, I just can't help but take this seriously. Anything can happen, and I - I just don't want anything to happen to you. Damn, when you gonna cut your nails?" He lifted his fingertips to his cheek and brushed across the now raw skin and saw a small amount of smeared blood. "Well, at least you're all right. Your knee good? David's probably almost to the other scene by now. We'll just have to collect evidence from the bodies back in the morgue, and take pictures so he can get back to the lab. We've wasted enough time already." Gently placing his arm protectively around her shoulders, he guided her back to the Denali, opening the door for her and taking the bagged letter again and closed her door as she hopped in. After placing the letter in the back and starting the Denali, he hopped in, pulled out from the drive way, and made his way towards the barren Vegas desert.
Greg sat in silence in the Denali as Sara drove them back to the lab, 'Note to self, get own SUV' he thought as Saras mood got snappier, he just turned the dial up on the radio and got yelled at.

He wsa thankful when the journey ended and quickly ran back to the lab, giving Sara a quick grinto see if shed cheered up, but she hadnt so he grabbed the boxes and left.

Greg arrived in the lab, it was deserted, he looked around at everything and sadness crept over him, he loved being a CSI One but soemtimes he missed the jovality of the lab. He processed the DNA, and ran it through the database. The first fingerprint came out as a clear match to one vic, the one with ID, he also found a partial that he ran through CODIS and came up with 10 possible matches. He then ran another latent partial print he had found on the brunettes purse. 3 names came up, the vics, another older woman and..

"OMG" said Greg, "This cannot be right?" he checked again, "Sara?" he literally ran out of the lab and into the corridor towards teh break room, literally bumping into her.

"God Sara, there you are, I need to talk to you"
Sara snatched her coffee out of Greg's path and held it over her head as they collided. She went flying tot he left, him to the right, banging into the door, and him into the glass wall. Her coffee spilt all down the front of her red polo t-shirt, burning the skin. She lept about a foot into the air, regained her balance, and stood in shock.

"What do you want, Greg." She rubbed the coffee stain on her shirt, raising the corner of her eye brow as she watched him inhale and exhale quickly, regaining his control over his breathing.
(some catnip...anyone?)...

She laid her head back on the head rest of the seat as he drove away, the intensity from the night already had warn her down tremendously. She could not believe she had tried to fight off Nick as she had mistaken him for an assailant, and ended up scratching his face. She sat up, and turned on the overhead map light in the car and leaned towards Nick to look at his cheek. “Nicky, I’m sorry about that,” she said softly as she touched his cheek with her hand. She saw his adam’s apple move as he swallowed. Was she making him nervous being this close to him? She let the thought pass as she opened the glove box, and pulled out a small first aid kit. She grabbed a wounds cleaning cloth with her left hand, and started to apply it to his cheek.

He slowed the Denali down when they came to a red light, and her hand stopped cleaning his wound for a moment as his brown eyes met hers. There heads slowly started to merge together as her attention shifted to his lips. Her heart racing as her body adjusted to Nick by leaning further in towards him as her other hand reached out and unsteadily touched the other side of his face. Their lips seconds away from touching as a horn blew from behind them. Catherine shot straight up in her seat as her hand touched her chest in alarm. The light had obviously changed back to green, and Nick cleared his throat and turned his attention back to the road. It was her turn to swallow hard as she knew very well what had just happened there, and her emotions were all jumbled up and ready to explode. Her body felt hot and tingly, and she could feel the heat rising to her cheeks in embarrassment.

A few minutes later, they were getting out of the vehicle with kits in hand walking over to the crime scene.
(Beware...Killer's perspective) ;)

He got an adrenaline rush as he watched Nick protectively walk Catherine to the SUV. If he had realized that she was going to walk in that direction all by herself he would have grabbed her then. He smirked to himself as he thought of all the many things he would do to her the moment he got a chance. His breathing labored heavier as he noticed she had taken off her vest, and was wearing just a black colored tank top. His excitement infuriated higher just from thinking about how she belonged to Nick. He decided then that he would follow the happy couple on their next adventure. Of course nothing would compare to what they saw here, but he was not finished with his fun for the night.

He kept his distance, and sang out loud to a Nine Inch Nails song. It was exactly the same length nail that was used on the mother in the bathroom. He smiled his wicked smile at this thought. His attention came back as he came up on their SUV, and noticed they were about to kiss. It got him all hot and bothered. He blew his horn immediately to separate them. His face reddened to a maddening red at seeing how close she was to him. He blamed her as he slammed his hands down on the steering wheel cursing profusely at both of them.

His anger boiling to such a point he was ready to snatch her tonight. He slowed his car down to further the distance between them. He wondered just how close an eye Nick was planning on keeping on her at this crime scene. “Nicky, Nicky…you better hope you pay extra special attention to her here… otherwise she’s mine. What’s it gonna be Nicky…do you want another letter or another crime scene—her crime scene,” he shouted to himself as he slowed his car to a stop on the side of the road. He noticed that they had pulled over up ahead, and had grabbed their kits to process the scene. He got out of the car with a knife in one pocket, and a note in the other—waiting for his opportunity.

He turned back to his car to make sure he locked the door when he noticed a set of headlights approaching in the distance. He immediately ran back to his car, and shut his door as he brought his car back to life. He did a three point turn, and sped by another navy blue denali. He now had a change of plans. "Nicky, Nicky...I dare you to leave her alone," he said dementedly as he blared his music.