The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

The moment he embraced her in a hug she immediately latched on and continued to cry. Her first thought was to try and fight the embrace because she was not used to someone else especially a man comforting her tears. She rarely if ever broke down in front of someone, and it was Nick who was here to witness it, and at the same time he comforted her. “Shhh, shhh Cath, it’s all right. I tried to stop you; I didn’t want you up there. You don’t have to go back up, I promise. Shhh, Catherine it’s all right. You don’t have to go through that.” His voice was so soft and reassuring, and full of concern for her. She needed his strength to pull herself through this, and she was grateful he was the one that was here with her. His shirt was wet from her tears, but they had finally slowed down.

Her head was resting on his shoulder, and he continued to rub her upper back with his hand. She opened her eyes and noticed a blurry kitchen. “I’m okay,” Catherine said as she looked up at him. His brown eyes focused on her face. She knew she must have looked like a complete mess. “Gosh, I’m sorry. I completely freaked on you,” Catherine said as she looked down at the floor. “I just can’t imagine… how Mr. Levingsworth felt when he came home and found his daughters and his ex-wife like that. I don’t know what I’d do if someone did that to Lindsey or… my significant other,” she said in a deep thought. She looked back at Nick whose face had tensed, and his jaw hardened. He was obviously thinking about that himself. “Nick,” she said softly to get his attention. She was looking at him, and he turned his attention to her as their eyes met. Both of their eyes saying something so intense, so emotional to one another until his eyes faltered to her mouth as she said “Let’s finish this together...okay.”
Warrick got off a couple shots in response to being fired at before Gris pushed him into cover. A crack of pain flared in his side just before his supervisor's weight pushed into him. He collapsed to his knees and then to the ground, unsure how deep or severe the injury was, still groaning in pain.

(it doesn't *have* to be extremely severe, the wound, but I thought it might up the stakes a little. And, ok, anyone who's in an RP with me knows my chars usually get hurt sooner or later LOL)
Grissom felt Warrick crumble onto the ground, but pulled his gun from the holster and trained it onto the man, and fired. A hot sting spread from his shoulder as he felt a bullet sink into his skin as he watched the man go down. Running forward, the driver of the car was already at the man, and as he turned his face, Grissom saw it was Brass. "You hit?"

Grissom nodded, running back to Warrick. "Yeah, shoulder! Warrick's been hit, too! Warrick, Warrick, can you hear me?" Peeling back his shirt Grissom saw the entry wound, the bullet half sticking out. "It must've hit the ground first. How's the perp?!"

"He's dead Grissom!" He stopped, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, holstering his gun again. "Check Sofia! We watched him attack her! Warrick, it's all right, we're gonna get help." Pulling his cell from the side, he hit the speedial for emergency services and heard it pick up. "Yes, I need an ambulance here now, outside the crime lab, my colleague was shot, me too. Just get here, quick."

She sobbed, and he held on, wanting to be there for her. Her sobs slowly quieted and her head was now resting gently on his shoulder for support, and he continued to rub her back. “I’m okay. Gosh, I’m sorry. I completely freaked on you." He opened his mouth to tell her it was nothing to be sorry for, he almost did too, but she continued. "I just can’t imagine… how Mr. Levingsworth felt when he came home and found his daughters and his ex-wife like that. I don’t know what I’d do if someone did that to Lindsey or… my significant other..." At this his eyes sharpened, and he felt his jaw unvoluntarily tense, his teeth pressed together in thought as he looked off, still holding her in an embrace. "Nick," He stopped, turning his eyes towards her's, and they clicked. They were emotional, so deeply rooted in something right there, right at his fingertips, but just out of reach. He really did mean what he did earlier, and again his eyes trailed to her lips as she said, "Let’s finish this together...okay." He looked back up at her, raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, just as long as you're sure. If you need to step out, just do it, all right? And don't feel bad, I'm always here for you." He smiled, modest and small, and let his arms drop from around her and squeezed her hand comfortingly, turning towards the stairs to go back up again.
Warrick nodded, things a bit hazy. "Think it's just...that it didn't go too deep, but it's hard to tell" he said, peeling up his own shirt and looking at the furrow in his side. "Sure makes breathing harder." It was apparent he was going into shock though from the bleeding; he was pale and felt cold and weak.
Brass ran over to check up on Sophia. He noticed that she had not moved, so he leaned down and heard a regular breathing pattern. He sighed with relief grateful that she was not hurt as well. "Sophia...Sophia can you hear me?" He heard her moan as she turned her head and looked at him.


Grissom noticed that Warrick was getting worse. He noticed that his skin was paling as he heard the familar noise of the emergency truck. He made sure the Paramedics took care of Warrick first as he reached for his cell phone. He called Catherine's phone, but it went straight to voice mail. He looked at his phone wearily, and thought how odd. He then called Nick because he wanted both of them to go to his crime scene and process it considering he would not be able to get there any time soon. He waiting for Nick to answer as his phone rang.


His words kept echoing in her head. “I’m always here for you.” She followed him up the stairs with obvious dread weighing on her shoulders. She did not want to go back up there, but she was not about to make Nick process this scene alone. She noticed that Nick went over to Sandra to finish up her processing. She hoped they found enough evidence to put the killer behind bars. She stood in the room as she pondered about what kind of person would do this horrid crime. This crime showed an obvious unfathomable sickness that went beyond brutal. She grabbed her kit as she headed to the bathroom. She turned on her flashlight as she entered the bathroom.

She looked down, and noticed a small fiber next to the mother. She picked it up with her tweezers, and noticed that it looked like the same fiber she had found on Abigail. She placed it in an evidence envelop and sealed it shut. The floor was unbelievably clean except for the blood and that one fiber. “The floor was cleaned in here first,” Catherine said in puzzlement. She was shining her flashlight on the mother’s body when Nick entered the bathroom. She had a disturbed look on her face as she took a step away from the body. “The guy that…did this is an animal. I’m assuming all the victims were raped, but the mother was raped with other objects as well. It seems she was stabbed there multiple times with some sort of knife,” Catherine said as she took a deep breath. Her eyes were dulling from the severity of the crime scene. “Seems our killer isn’t too fond of women,” she said as she shot Nick a look.
Warrick wasn't completely aware of the medics as they prepped him because he was still in a hazy state of mind. He did feel slightly better though as a mask was put on him to get more air to him and an IV started. Someone else was holding pressure on his side to control the bleeding after they cut his clothes off. There was a thought in his mind, murkily, that he'd probably run into Tina when they reached the hospital.

(I'm gonna love the angst I can create NPCing her lol)
Nick hazily finished up the scene in the bedroom, tiredly moving to Catherine in the bathroom to check on her and to make sure everything was all right. He couldn't bear to see her broken hearted again, once was enough for his heart. She stepped away from the body and verbally analyzed the situation filling him in. "Seems our killer isn't too fond of women..." Her eyes dashed up to his and they latched. He opened his mouth to speak as his cell rang and he sighed, taking a look at the caller id. Grissom. What possibly could he want? "Stokes."

Grissom sighed, relieved that he got ahold of someone as he sat in the ambulance, holding a rag against his bleeding, sore shoulder, watching the medic work on Warrick. "Nick, I'm glad I caught you. I'm not going to be able to make it over to our scene for a while, and Warrick is going to be out of work for a little bit."

Nick's eyebrows furrowed, confused at Grissom's terms. "Grissom, stop dancing around the point. Whatd'ya mean?"

"I mean that we were shot."

"Oh God, oh God Griss, are you guys all right?" Nick glanced back at Catherine as he started to pace in the bedroom, an old habit.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Shoulder's just a little sore, Warrick needs the bullet surgicaly removed, he's pretty out of it. This guy was attacking Sophia outside the labs. Us and Brass caught 'im. The medics say Sophia's going to be fine, she was out cold though and's going to have a headache for a while."

Nick ran a hand through his hair, connecting this back to the beginning. "So you want me and Cath to do your scene too?"

"Just until they bandage me up at the hospital and Brass will give me a ride over. I'll take it when I get there. All right, we're pulling into the emergency entrance bay, I've gotta go." Nick heard the line go dead, and shut his phone, placing it back on his waist. Holding his head while leaning against the wall, he saw David walk in.

"Hey, rough night?"
"It's only gonna get worse. You think the brutal mutiple stabbing of a fifteen year old is bad, look at the eight year old on the bed and the mother impaled to the wall with railroad spikes." David's face fell as he turned towards the bed, slightly wincing.

"That's gonna hit Doc hard, he hates dealing with kids."
"How do you think that hit us? Anyway, if you can do the mother in the bathroom first, that would help. We need to bag the spikes and head to another scene." David nodded as he walked to the bathroom, the three of them squeezing in. He took a breath and started removing the spikes from the body, holding her up as Nick removed the ones from the ankles and bagged them, David laying her on a sheet of plastic.

"Catherine, we need to cover Griss and Warrick for a while. We need to start processing a.s.a.p. They've been shot."
Warrick was still in and out of it as they wheeled him in to start treatment and assess his injuries. Tina, meanwhile, was shocked to see him come in. Things might be rocky but Warrick did see by her eyes that she was afraid for him.

"Just hang in there, baby, you'll be fine. You're going to be all right."

Warrick held her hand when she took his, but he also saw something in her eyes that made him think they might wind up arguing over this later. She'd never liked his job to begin with and talked a lot about how she was sure he was going to get hurt eventually, even though he wasn't a cop.

(I really am not sure if she was actually a trauma nurse or not but I made her one here lol)
Catherine looked at Nick as she opened her mouth in shock, but she did not have a chance to respond. The silence was broken as the Denali’s alarm began to ring through out the night.

They did not know he was standing near the house, able to see some of their reactions. What would they think knowing that he—the killer was watching their every move? This was easier than he thought the police had left them alone to investigate his crime scene. He had his attention the moment he saw him throw open the sliding glass door. The man used his binoculars, and noticed that his vest said Nick Stokes. He already knew that though because he already knew his name, and had many newspaper clippings about him stashed away in a very safe place. He watched as Nick stumbled outside nearly knocking the flower plant over with his work boot. His hands shakily coming to his face as he squeezed his eyes shut, and hit his forehead with his fist. He noticed as Nick struggled to sit down on the ledge of the patio. Nick’s face was all contorted in an emotional torment. He sat back and enjoyed watching him. Nick being at his scene made everything perfect he thought as his smiled faded.

He saw her come out after him, and kneel down in front of him and caressed his knee. Such an intimate touch for two people that worked together he thought to himself. For some reason his excitement deepened, and he began to breath heavier just watching them—as they were unaware of his presence.

Her hair blew in the breeze as she talked to him, and he watched her through his device. He scanned her full body then noticed her vest—Catherine Willows. His attention went back to her face…her lips full, teasing, yet inviting at a crime scene—at his crime scene? Her body was so close to Nick almost offering herself to him. He pulled his binoculars away from his eyes as his face tensed. He paced outside in the woods behind the house as the anger coiled in his blood making him hot. His hands clenched into fists as he whispered, “whore.”

A moment passed and they stood, he watched as they reentered the house. Nick was the first inside, and for some reason he was pleased with his dedication. He smiled to himself with excitement as his breathing got uneven and noisy. He licked his lips in anticipation knowing that they were combing through his scene that he created that he masterminded.

He took his time as he walked over to the SUV that they drove up in, and opened the passenger door with his slim jim, and placed a note for Nick on the passenger seat. He knew they would fingerprint the car so he was careful enough to wear gloves. He ran off as the alarm to the vehicle echoed through out the neighborhood, and hopped into the back seat of his truck that was parked in a drive way a few houses down. It was not long as he saw them run outside. Nick flew out first as he protected her every move.
Stealing a glance at Catherine, Nick stole back through the bedroom and down the stairs, jumping over the rail and hitting the foyer hard wood floors with a loud thud. Pulling his gun, he ran outside, approaching slowly towards the Denali. "Las Vegas Crime Lab, anyone there?!" Gun outstretched before him, he walked around the SUV, noticing the passenger's door was open, but moved on, repeating his call. Searching the surrounding bushes and street, he sighed, holstering his gun as he steadied his haggard breath, walking back over to the passenger's side of the truck. Gloved hands spreading the door wider, he noticed a sheet of printer paper with typed text, and his eyebrows furrowed, picking it up and backing to the light of the front door.

Nick Stokes, you are interesting indeed. You appear so strong, yet falter so easily under the swipe of a hand. My crime scene, do you like it? I do, it's perfect. I did hope, pray actually that you would be assigned to this scene, especially if it was with her. This just hits you so conveniently right where you least expect it, the heart. Family, love, youth, innocence, all things you hold dear for others, and yourself. Some of those you lost back as a child, and others are slipping through your fingers now. Love, such a fragile thing, as delicate as that little wench you hold dear. I may have fled, oh but not far, and I may have seemingly disappeared, yet I'm right under your nose. I am still quite an imminent threat, not only to those I know, but to her life as well. Take care, Nicky.

His faced paled, the wind blowing against his face as he reread the note, slower, drawing in what he feared he was only concuring. Looking back up, he noticed Catherine standing in the doorway, and he watched her eyes scan his. "Nothing much, just some wacko breaking in and leaving a note. Might be the killer. Don't know how though..." He began to tear, eyes moistening in anger at the note, now clenched lightly in his hand, as not to damage it. He swore to himself, if this maniac ever did something to her...
Catherine opened her mouth to speak, but then closed it as she witnessed Nick putting the letter in an evidence envelop. They both headed back inside to grab their kits as David was wheeling the last body out of the house. “David…don’t wash the bodies until we get a chance to collect more evidence,” Catherine said as he walked by. “Uh…well okay, I’ll let the Doc know.” She watched as David loaded the last body up in the coroner van, and then looked over at Nick and said “Shall we head over to Grissom’s scene now?”

As they walked out of the house, Catherine felt Nick’s hand support the small of her back. She gave him a look, but noticed that he was paying particular interest to their surroundings. They walked around to the back of the Denali and put their kits up. She wandered over to the passenger side as he went around to the driver’s side of the vehicle, and both of them simultaneously shut their doors. She immediately shrugged out of her vest which revealed her black tank top, and then pulled her hair back into a pony tail. She knew he was watching her, and so she turned and shot him a look of confusion. He looked away from her as he scanned the neighborhood. His face was so tense, and his jaw pulsed. “Nick?” She questioned out loud because he was acting different almost protective. “I want to know what the letter said, and now,” she finally demanded.


Grissom was released from the hospital after an hours worth of stitching. He decided to go check up on Sophia. He wondered if she had any idea why she was attacked, or why this might have happened. On his way there, a nurse stopped him in the hall way. “Grissom, my name is Tina Brown, I’m Warrick’s wife. I just wanted you to know that he has pulled through surgery.” She said in a rush, but obviously something was still bothering her.

“That’s good news then.”
“No, because when he recovers he will be quitting his job if he wants to stay married to me.” She then turned on her heels and left Grissom standing in the hall way unsure with what just transpired. He thought to himself if that was the case, the nurse would be signing divorce papers soon enough. He could not see Warrick leaving his profession on some sort of ultimatum like that. He continued to stroll down the hallway, and entered Sophia’s room.
(like how you played into my plot...angst angst lol)

Warrick was still under the anesthesia effects at the moment and hadn't any idea what Tina had told Grissom yet. For now, he slept, out of it until some of the drugs worked their way out of his system.
“I want to know what the letter said, and now.” Nick sighed, knowing she was going to ask eventually. Whoever did this had to be talking about her, had to be! The only other women that was on the property that meant anything to him was Catherine. No, they couldn't have meant the mother or daughters, could they? I mean, they were deceased. But it was vague, but he just knew what they meant. Turning his head toward Catherine again, he sighed and rested his forehead on his hands clenched on the steering wheel, taking a deep breath.

He really didn't want to show her that letter, he really didn't. It made his stomach flip in disgust and worry just thinking what her reaction to it would be. She wasn't stupid, and with what happened earlier and the way he was acting now, she would definitely know. Opening his eyes he pulled his head up and gazed out the open driver's side window, calling out to David shakily. "D-David! Wait for a minute, I need to show Catherine something. You go ahead, I know where it is, get the liver temps. and everything. We'll be right there." David just sort of looked at him, gave a weirded face and thumbs up sign before hopping in the van and driving off. Watching the van pull away safely he slowly opened the door and closed it behind him, walking to the back and opening it up and pulling the dreaded envelope toward him, not even daring to flip it over. Shakily sighing again, tears definitely starting to form, he closed the back and tossed it in lightly through the window. "Here, I need to take a walk. You need me, holler." He looked directly in her eyes, sending a clear meaning of needing to be aware, and walked into the shadows of the backyard.

Breathing heavily, he ran his hands through his hair continuously, a horrible habit, and leaned forward against the back of the house, a fist formed by one hand pressed above his head, his forehead leaning on his forearm. He knew he couldn't afford to cry, he couldn't let emotion show. Well, too late for that, but he couldn't let it progress that far, not now, not on a double. Grissom was depending on him, and he would feel horrible if Grissom showed up to the scene and Nick wasn't even there yet. There goes dependability down the drain. Sucking in a large breath of air through his nose, he let it out in a gust, chest shaking, as he repeatedly tried to calm himself before Catherine would come after him. He knew she would, it would just be a matter of how fast she would read and connect the dots...