The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

She could not help but stare at Sara with her mouth hung open. Her heart panged at the idea that she possibly overheard Nick and her nearly having sex. Heart beating so loud and fast, she could barely hear her own thoughts. Was she in fact caught? Bracing herself, she finally looked over at Sara again who managed to give Catherine an odd look. “Uhhh, Greg…I need to speak with Sara alone. I will talk to you afterwards,” she awkwardly responded as she walked into her own bedroom with Sara following behind her.

She waited until she heard the soft click of her bedroom door before she turned around to face Sara. “Ok we’re alone… so spill.”
Greg could tell Sara looked like she was about to have a mental breakdown as he grasped her arms. When Catherine first walked in and called his name he couldn't hear her. But then the second time he did. He spun around and let go of Sara's arms. Greg knew he shouldn't have grabbed hold of Sara like that, he just wasn't thinking. He lowered his head as Sara went over to the window. Then Sara and Catherine started talking, and then Catherine said they wre going to leave the room for a bit then she'd be back.

So as she and Sara walked out of the room Greg stared at both of them, then he sat down on the edge of the bed and put his hands on his head. He wasn't sure what was going on, so he just sat there staring at the wall and wondering why everyone was so mad, including himself.....
Sara followed Catherine to her bedroom and walked in with her, she sat down on the edge of Catherine's bed, she looked around a few times before looking at her, "I know whats going on, I overheard you telling Warrick"
Catherine pursed her lips together as her arms automatically settled in a defensive posture as they crossed in a hugging fashion under her breast. " overheard THAT?" She looked away as her mouth fell open. A nervous smile formed on her face as the emotions threathen to rear its ugly head. "You made THAT so personal? I needed time to think about it. I'm so confused, yet I know I'm right. It's NOT Neil. He's very fitting for the crime, but he ...doesn'"
I just finished reading the whole thing and I must say that all of you are doing a wonderful job!! I love this story and can't wait to read more!!

CatNip rules!!

Sara listened to her, she wondered if she should tell her Nick knows too, She knew everything must be taking its toll on Catherine, "Look, How about I rerun the tests, Grissom doesn't have to know"

She scratched her head and then stood up, "Catherine.. uh Nick knows"
Catherine was about to repond to the rerunning of the tests when she heard Sara's last statement. "What? No...Damn it," Catherine yelled as she kicked at some clothes on the floor. "He has so much to deal with already," she shook her head softly as she looked at the floor as her mind went back to the rerunning of the tests. "It doesn't matter. Rerun the test if you like, but its not him," Catherine spoke dejectedly as she started to walk from the room. She stopped suddenly as her hand gripped the handle of the door. "The guy that attacked me...had PERFECT teeth, and spoke in proper English. He's very educated. Neil Howard is far from it," she looked down briefly as she put her pride aside. "Sara...I'm sorry. I should have told you...sooner," she whispered as she walked from the room.
Sara sighed and ran after her and softly grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the room, "Sorry, Look, How about I rerun the tests, just to be sure, Neil could've tricked you or something, and I'm pretty sure Nick is going to want to talk to you about everything, and I'm sure you probably want to talk to him, and I didn't tell him, he kinda overhead me bitching about it, and your right, you should've told me sooner, We could've done something"
"Sorry, Look, How about I rerun the tests, just to be sure, Neil could've tricked you or something, and I'm pretty sure Nick is going to want to talk to you about everything, and I'm sure you probably want to talk to him, and I didn't tell him, he kinda overhead me bitching about it, and your right, you should've told me sooner, We could've done something." Catherine listened to Sara's spill as she shook her head softly.

"There's nothing you can do! There is some lunatic out there that is messing with Nick's head, and I just SCREWED up the whole damn case. I'm just a pawn or a piece of bait to get at Nick. He's not going to hurt me. If he really wanted to...he would have taken me in that damn parking lot." She took a deep breath before she continued. "It's fine Sara. Do what you need to do. Rerun the tests," Catherine managed as she gave Sara a small smile.
When Nick arrived at Catherine's house he had finally made up his mind wether or not he should confront her. When he entered the house he didn't see anyone. "Hello?...Catherine?..." She came down the stairs and stopped on the last step, Sara and Greg close behind her. "We need to talk Catherine!" As he noticed that she didn't move, he turned around, walked towards her, grabbed her arm and dragged her with him. He said more demandingly. "Living room, NOW!"

When they entered the living room he let go of her arm and turned to face her. "What's wrong with you Cath? Why didn't you tell me that Neil Howard might not be the guy who attacked you? Didn’t you think I should know? I had to hear it from SARA! It seems everybody knew it except me..." Catherine wanted to say something but Nick cut her off. "Don't!...I thought we trusted each other, I thought our relationship had become one of trust and honesty. There was a time when I thought...hoped that it might become even more than that and I thought you felt the same way. I'm afraid I was mistaken. Not long ago I would have sworn that I knew you, knew how you would react and I would have bet that you were always honest with me. Was I wrong Catherine? I wished that I wasn't but maybe I just have to accept that you are not really the person I thought you were, the person I...whatever."
Nick’s voice broke and he swallowed hard, turning away from her so she wouldn’t see that tears formed in his eyes. He had gotten more emotional than he'd intended to be, all his feelings were swirling inside of him. He wasn't angry anymore, all he felt now was disappointment and sadness. He turned to leave...
Hearing Nick's voice, Catherine and Sara both raised their eyebrows as they headed down the stairs with Greg following not far behind. Catherine rounded to the last step when she saw him. “We need to talk Catherine!” Catherine heard Nick say as he briskly walked towards her. Her mouth opened in obvious shock as the second person today felt the need to boss her around arrogantly. Her reluctance to move did not sit too well with him as his tone turned more demanding for the second time. “Living room, NOW!” She gave Sara a look of frustration before she felt Nick grab her arm and steer her towards the living room.

Barely entering the room, she winced as she heard the door slam shut behind her. She didn’t realize how much of a lecture she was in for until Nick started in on her immediately. "What's wrong with you Cath? Why didn't you tell me that Neil Howard might not be the guy who attacked you? Didn’t you think I should know? I had to hear it from SARA! It seems everybody knew it except me…,” her eyes widen in surprise as she opened her mouth to speak. She was shot down instantaneously.

Her eyes watered out of frustration as she was basically told to keep quiet as she was ridiculed for the second time tonight. Her temper showed in her cheeks as they began to flare maroon as her face turned hot as she continued to listen to Nick’s lecture. “Not long ago I would have sworn that I knew you, knew how you would react and I would have bet that you were always honest with me. Was I wrong Catherine? I wished that I wasn't but maybe I just have to accept that you are not the person I thought you were, the person I...whatever." She didn’t pay attention to the break in his voice as her anger was now intensified as she witnessed him opening the door to leave her alone without a chance to defend herself. Indignantly walking after him, Catherine found herself slamming the door shut as he grabbed the handle opening it.

“It doesn’t work that way…Nick,” she roared as she grabbed at his arm forcing him to look at her. “You don’t get to throw all that at me, and then think you can leave without listening to WHAT I have to say.” She was now in his face as she dangerously stared back at his dark gaze. “Where the HELL do you come off? You are right about ONE DAMN thing. I should have told you,” she stopped as her anger was slowly turning into emotion. Her face fell as her chin quivered as she spoke again. “But, Don’t you DARE set me up to FAIL you! I'm human...I'm going to do things wrong. I'm going to make you angry, but damn it...DON'T DOUBT the person I am," her voice a mere whisper as she spoke. Her eyes obviously speaking more for her as they turned a deeper vibrant blue.

Where did her strength go she found herself wondering? She quickly and ambly reached for the door knob to let herself out. The fear of breaking down in front of him, so strong that she felt helpless yet numb. Her emotions had become too taxing for her as she felt his hand reeling her back to him. "Nick...," was all she could manage as her emotions got the best of her.
Greg followed as Catherine and Sara went down stairs. They all stopped at the bottom when they saw Nick bursting through saying in a high voice, "Living room, now!"
He grabbed Catherine's arm and they were off together like a shot.
Greg started shaking his head with a grin on his face as he looked at Sara and said, "Man if it isn't obvious...that Nick's been all up in her drawers. Damn...she's given him a taste...and he's all ready to control it..."
After he said that he giggled as he sort of nudged Sara's arm.

As soon as he did it he pulled his hand away as he looked at the floor and said, "Um, Sara..... I'-I'm really, really sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have done you the way I did, if I hurt you I'm sorry......."
Sara looked at Greg, but Greg didn't make eye contact. He wanted to gie her a hug so bad saying he was sorry he almost did. But then he realized he touched her enough earlier, so he stopped himself, even though he didn't mean anything by wanting to hug her, except to prove to her that he didn't mean it and he was sorry.....
Sara watched as Nick dragged Catherine off into another room, she shrugged her shoulders.

"Man if it isn't obvious...that Nick's been all up in her drawers. Damn...she's given him a taste...and he's all ready to control it..."

She heard Greg say, she couldn't help but chuckle at Greg, she shook her head, "Shut up"

"Um, Sara..... I'-I'm really, really sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have done you the way I did, if I hurt you I'm sorry......."

She looked at him, he wouldn't look at her, she leaned her head down and then looked at him and touched his shoulder, "Its okay Greg" when he finally looked at her she smiled, "Its okay, and I'm sorry for hanging up on you" she turned around and walked back up the stairs.