The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

Warrick could only watch and hear bits and pieces of the shouting match, and it was confusing. He'd have liked to have gone in but he was still too weak and unsteady on his feet to stand much and he'd never get the chair through the crowd.

"What was that all about?" he asked Cath as he saw her storm out. Nick followed a short time after, yelling back at Sara.

"What is going on?" Rick asked, raising his voice a little. "Wait, I think I know" He was louder now, trying to yell at them but not sure how well he was doing since it hurt to breathe too deeply. He stood up more quickly than he should have, forgetting his condition for a moment. "We're not doing anyone any good going at each other's throats...I don't know how to solve this anymore than anyone else but I do know I don't want to stand by with us screaming at each other while there's a chance Catherine is still in danger. Now can't we try to solve this like adults instead of fighting like children?"

He only realized then as he felt the weakness come back and eased back into the chair that there was a red stain on his side; he'd popped some of his stitches sometime during the exertion. "Oh crap..."

(Waiting emailed me about a minor change and when I came to make it, I saw the opportunity and had to take it...the idea came from an Angel ep I saw.)
{{You watch way to much Angel}}

Sara couldn't believe her ears, Nick had just did what she thought he would do, except he did it a bit different then what she thought. She could live with that, she had to get his friendship back though. She ran into the room, shortly after he did, she grabbed his arm, "Nick!"

She stopped when she heard Warrick talking about Catherine still being in danger. Oh crap, he's going to tell Nick, and he's going to blow up even more then he already has

She saw blood on his side, and ran over to Warrick, "Warrick!" she put pressure on his wound.
Catherine spun around to face Warrick the moment she heard him shouting about her still being in danger. What the hell was he thinking? Had she not just told him to keep this between them? “WARRICK? What the…,” she suddenly stopped as she witnessed Sara applying pressure to his wound.

“Sara…Take his shirt off,” Catherine all about demanded as her motherly instinct took over. Truth was it was a good thing Warrick hurt himself otherwise Catherine might have done him in herself. As Sara quickly undid his button shirt, Catherine bent down and looked at the wound that had bled through his bandage. She gently pulled it off as she applied pressure with a clean towel. “Warrick…you reopened your wound,” she whispered as she noticed Sara staring at her. “Sorry…I didn’t mean to take over. Here..., Catherine responded as she grabbed Sara’s hand to hold pressure on the cloth. “He…he needs medical attention,” she found herself saying out loud, but more so to Nick. “Nick…you need to take him.”
Just as Nick wanted to tell her to shut up, Sara let go of his arm and ran in Warrick's direction. Before he could realize what was going on, both women were working on Warrick.
"Sara...Take his shirt off" Catherine demanded and it was then when Nick saw the blood. He was paralized somehow and didn't know what to do. He just stood there, helpless and concerned about his friend.

“He…he needs medical attention,” Catherine said, “Nick…you need to take him.”
"Sure." Nick said agitated and nodded nervously. "Sure, I'll take him." He helped Warrick stand up and put his hand over Sara's which was covering the cloth to hold pressure on it. "Come on man, do you think you can make it to the car? It's parked directly in the driveway....Here, lean on me." Nick grabbed Warrick's arm and put it around his neck so he could lean onto him.

"Cath, call the hospital and tell them that we're coming. They shall prepare everything so we won't lose any time." The two of them walked to the car as fast as possible under the circumstances. Nick opened the passenger door and helped Warrick get in, taking his hand and putting it over the wound to keep up the pressure. Then he hastily rounded the car and literally jumped onto the driver's seat. "Don't worry buddy, we'll be there in just a few minutes." He started the engine and rushed off.
She watched from the doorway as Nick hurriedly but softly placed Warrick in the passenger seat. Face masked in concern, Nick gave one last look at Catherine as he backed out of her drive way. The thought of being separated from him did not sit well with her as she slowly closed the door shut.

Remembering Nick’s one request, she immediately called Desert Palms hospital and informed the ER that a hurt CSI would be arriving shortly. Catherine held her closed phone contemplating on calling Nick to tell him to be safe. She never told him that she thought she ID’ the wrong guy. What if the maniac went after him? Decision made, she quickly dialed his number. He picked up immediately. “Nick…I called Desert Palms, and they are expecting you as we speak,” she stopped suddenly as she closed her eyes briefly and turned away from Sara as she walked into the kitchen. She remained silent for a while longer before she spoke again. “Promise me…swear to me that you will be careful.”
Sara laughed to herself, Catherine actually gave a damn about Nick, go figure.

She watched Nick and Warrick leave and walked back into the house and sat down, when she heard Catherine talking to Nick again, she rolled her eyes, This is going to suck. She yawned and waited on Catherine to finish talking to Nick.
Nick was relieved that the streets weren't too crowded at this hour as he rushed to the hospital, always having an eye on Warrick. "You okay? I drive as fast as I can. Won't take much longer till we arrive at the hospital." Warrick nodded but gave a wince of pain everytime Nick drove over a bump on the street. "I'm sorry man, I really try to..." Nick was cut off by his cell phone. "What? Oh Cath..." “Nick…I called Desert Palms, and they are expecting you as we speak." "Good, we'll be there soon." He was about to close the line when Catherine spoke again, “Promise me…swear to me that you will be careful.”

He could hear that she was concerned and now that he had finally found out about her doubts he understood why. He took a deep breath and shut his eyes for a short moment, trying to sort out his feelings. Sure she hadn’t been honest to him and he was angry about that but maybe there was a reason for her behaviour. He felt angry, helpless, concerned...everything seemed to come down on him at once. Nick knew that it wasn’t the right time and place to talk this over so he decided to confront Catherine later.
"There's no need to be concerned. Everything will be fine." He wanted to hang up but stopped, feeling the need to calm her mind. "Cath...I will be careful, I promise you!"
A small smile graced her lips as she hung up her cell phone after their conversation. She found Sara sitting in the living room with her feet tucked under her. Catherine sat down next to her as she rubbed at her stiff neck. “I hope everything is okay,” she found herself whispering. The ironic thing was she did not know if she was referring to Warrick or Nick...quite possibly it was a combination of both.
Warrick let the others help him, regretting getting so worked up but still hoping something would stop them from fighting before they regretted it.

"Guess I should be more careful" he said with a wince. "I just...I don't want Catherine hurt any more than you do. Or you. I wanna make sure this guy's a$$ really is off the streets."

When Nick asked how he was, he replied "Yeah I'll manage...Vegas could do to fix a few potholes though."
They arrived at the hospital, Nick got out of the car and ran around to the passenger door. "Come on Rick." He helped him get out and the medics were waiting behind him, ready to take over. "Alright Mr..." "Brown, his name is Warrick Brown. His wound broke open again and..." Nick started but was interrupted by one of the nurses. "Yeah we know. Your friend who called us already told us everything we need to know. We'll take care of him now." They loaded Warrick onto a gurney and went inside.
Nick followed but was stopped before he could enter the examination room. "Sorry but you'll have to wait outside." "No I don't want to..." Nick pushed her hand aside and wanted to open the door. "Please, we'll let you know the minute we have any news. Maybe you should go and get something to eat or you can just go to the waitroom." With that the nurse walked off and left Nick standing in the hallway. He didn't feel hungry at all, so he decided to remain in the hallway and wait.

After what seemed like an eternity the nurse who had left him alone in the hallway came out of the room and walked toward him. Nick jumped off his seat. "How is he? Is he alright?" "Calm down please. Yes he's alright. The wound was open but it wasn't severe, just a little bleeding. It looked worse than it was. He won't need to stay in hospital very long, maybe just this night." Nick let out a big sigh of relief and closed his eyes. "Thank God! We thought it might be serious. Oh boy! Thank you so much Ma'am." Nick went outside, took out his cell phone and dialed Catherine's number. "Hey Cath it's me. Warrick's alright, it wasn't severe. Just a little bleeding. He should be outta here soon."
(Sorry y'alkl I was out of town. I'll try to catch up)

Nick told Greg they should held back inside, so that's what they did.
When they got inside Nick told Greg to go on and he'd be in there in a minute after he used the restroom.
So Greg walked into the kitchen and saw Catherine and Warrick talking. Then only minutes later he started hearing loud voices, (Sara and Nick's).
Catherine walked out of the room and left Greg and Warrick in the kitchen.

Moments laters she came back into the kitchen saying she was going to make sandwitches for everyone. She had a strange look on her face though.
Then just a little while later Greg looked back and saw Sara and Nick talking, and then in a flash Sara running over to Warrick because he was bleeding again.

Greg just stood there really not making a move. No one really knew why, but he just didn't move.
Then Catherine started helping Sara with Warrick, and then they told Nick to take him to the hospital.
So he did. Everyone headed out the front door as they watched Nick drive off with Warrick. And then Cath called the hospital.

Greg just stood out side staring down the street. Then he turned to Sara and said, "I'm going to go to the hospital and check on Warrick, and Nick and see how their doing. I know this whole mess is beating Nick up a lot, so I'll catch y'all later."

Greg sped all the way to the hospital, when he finally arrived he ended up having to park all the way at the end of the parking lot. When he walked inside the sliding doors he walked up to the front desk and said, "My name is Greg Sanders, can you tell me which room Warrick Brown is in please?"
Sara waved bye to Greg when he left and told him to be careful, and then leaned back into the couch and starred at Catherine, the silence was annoying the hell out of her.

Just when she started to open her mouth, Catherine's phone rung, She was probably sure it was going to be Nick. She wondered what he was thinking on his end, and she hoped Warrick was okay.
Head laying back with her eyes shut, Catherine had nearly fell asleep until she heard the familiar ring of her cell phone. Phone opened and pressed to her ear, her other free hand massaged her temple as she whispered hello. It seemed the tiredness finally hit her, and hit her hard.

"Hey Cath it's me. Warrick's alright, it wasn't severe. Just a little bleeding. He should be outta here soon." Nick's words seemed to scramble together as she remained quiet on the phone for a while. "Well, that's good news," she stopped as she suddenly felt emotional. What is wrong with me? Her eyes fluttered open and shut as the tears stung at the back of her eyes causing them to become more vibrant. "When...when are you coming back?" She squeezed her eyes shut at her question as she felt a new wave of emotion kick her defenses further down.
"Well, that's good news...When...when are you coming back?"

Nick noticed a change in Catherine's voice...was she just tired? Or worried about Warrick? He could have sworn she'd almost started to cry but he decided not to ask her about it because that might have made things worse. "I want to talk to the doctor before I leave. Warrick may have to stay here for the night so I think it shouldn't be too long, maybe 45 minutes till I leave....Cath, are you alright? You don't need to worry, Warrick's gonna be fine." Nick waited for her to reply but when he didn't receive an answer he continued. "I'll come back as soon as I can."

The doctor had told him that Warrick was stabilized and out of danger, but had to stay at hospital for approximately 24 hours.

Nick got into his car and drove off, heading towards Catherine's house. His eyes were directed on the street, but his mind was miles away...That was a hell of a day! Why does everything always come down at once? I'm just relieved that Warrick will be alright... I still need to talk to Cath about the fact that she thinks Neil Howard isn't the guy who attacked her. I just don't know how! She seems so down, so tired, so sad. I've never seen her like that before. He didn't want to be mad at her but the fact that she hadn't told him about it made him angry. He'd thought she trusted him and would always confide in him. Maybe he'd been wrong about that, wrong about the way he saw their relationship.