The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

The woman at the front desk gave Greg Warrick's room number and said he was fine. So Greg walked down the hall to his room and gently knocked on the door. Warrick was just lying there staring out his window. Greg smiled as Warrick looked at him. Then Greg said, "Hey man, you alright? Where's Nick, did he just get up and leave you? You look like you've been shot."

Greg heard himself just rattling all those words out, he waasn't sure why, but he got this anger in the pit of his stomach, and for some reason it was at Nick.
Warrick did his best to settle in but he felt more helpless now than before, since he couldn't leave the hospital. Well he could, against medical advice, but he didn't want to risk popping anymore stitches.

"Oh,hey" he said to Greg when he came in. He didn't get angry at him for rattling but didn't quite take the joke either. "Well, I was just shot. I know, joke..." he said.
Greg realized Warrick didn't really think his joke was funny, the one about being shot. So Greg just faked a small grin and then looked down at the ground. After a minute he was sure his attitude was being seen, he wasn't sure why he felt the way he did, but he was just angry, and he felt like yelling at someone. So he looked up at Warrick and said, "You know what really bugs me Brown, is that not a single nurse has been in here to check on you. Do they not even monoter hospital rooms anymore? I mean I could just walk right up to you and punch you right in the face and they'd never know, would they?"

Greg realized he was loosing it, so he looked back down at the floor as he said, "I'm sorry, you don't need this too, you have enough of your own problems obvisouly."
"I don't know...might be wise for me to file a complaint after I get out. Although it'll be my luck when a nurse does come to check, it'll be Tina." He was hoping he wouldn't see her here but it was hard telling one way or the other.
She clicked her phone shut with one hand as she stared blankly at the wall in front of her. Without looking at Sara, Catherine finally cut the silenced filled room as she softly spoke. "Shall we eat?" She slowly stood, and started to walk to the kitchen when she felt Sara's hand grab at her arm, and swing her around. Completely caught off guard, Catherine stumbled over her own feet in the process . "What the hell Sara?" Catherine growled as she yanked her arm free.
Sara laughed bitterly, "No you what the hell Catherine" She can tell by the glare that Catherine was giving her that Catherine wasn't in a good mood for this, well by hell she wasn't either!

"So when were you going to tell us?"

She watched Catherine's facial expression go to confused.

"Oh don't play that shit with me! We know your damn secret!"
Greg smiled as he said, "I can't believe you actually agreed with me, I'm happy now. Do you need anything, cause I'm going to go in the lobby for a minute and call Catherine, ok??"
"Oh don't play that shit with me! We know your damn secret!" Sara replied back cooly. Catherine's eyes widened momentarily as she moistened her lips. Her nerves were frayed, and having Sara come after her only heightened the matter. Especially, since she was not sure exactly what Sara meant by this comment. "Sara, what the HELL are you talking about?" Catherine asked as she glared up at her.
Greg walked out of Warrick's room and into the lobby. He took his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed Catherine's number. It rang three times, and then she answered. Greg was sort of shocked at how she answered, but then he said, "Whoa, hey, I was just seeing how you're doing and I was wondering if Nick was back yet."

Greg wiped a sweat bullet from his forehead as he just listened to what Catherine was saying.
Sara did not have a chance to respond to Catherine as she answered her phone. “WHAT?” Her voice came out clipped and brasher than she realized. She closed her eyes as she listened to Greg. “Whoa, hey, I was just seeing how you’re doing and I was wondering if Nick was back yet.”

“Sorry, I’m, fine just a bit edgy from people bitching me out,” Catherine said as her eyes darted towards Sara. “Nick, he’s not back…HEY,” Catherine screamed as Sara took her phone away from her. “Holy Hell…Sara if you don’t give me my phone,” was all Greg was allotted to hear as Sara slammed the phone shut, and pocketed Catherine’s cell phone.

“Oh…you have A LOT OF NERVE,” Catherine growled as the heat radiated up her face leaving her neck in red blotches from fury.
Greg realized Catherine was very pissed as well, so he tried to ignore it. But then he heard Catherine start yelling at Sara in the back ground and he realized Sara took the phone from her. About five seconds later Sara clicked the phone shut and Greg just stood there with a dial tone again..... The anger started building up all over again in Greg's head, this time at Sara. So he slammed his phone shut and without even telling Warrick bye he stormed out of the hospital on his way back over to Catherine's house.

He sped again all the way there, and when he arrived there he jumped out of his car and busted back into the house.
Sara and Catherine were still yelling at each other, wanting to slash the others throat. So Greg got right in the middle and said, "Hello children! Chill out, what is going on? Do you still have Catherine's phone Sara, you hung up on me, what happens if I was dying!!!"
You have ALOT of nerve

She heard Catherine said, she laughed, "Oh my God, you've got to be freaking kidding me? Nick and I know the truth Catherine! How long until you tell him or do you NOT trust him enough?"

She watched as Greg stood in between them and yelled at her, Do you still have Catherine's phone Sara, you hung up on me, what happens if I was dying

Although she was pissed at Catherine, she gave Greg a glare, "Oh yeah, i still got her phone" she moved away from them and threw Catherine's phone on the couch, "There you go, I'll leave you two to make out"

She left the room and walked upstairs.
As Greg just stood betwine them Sara finally said, "oh yea I still have her phone!"
She threw the phone to the couch as she she said I'll leave you two to make out."
Greg was getting more mad as every second past, so he stared at Catherine for a minute as Sara left, then he said, "I'll take care of this!"

So he stormed up the stairs after Sara, when he made it to her she was like a tornado, but he needed to know what was going on. So he grabbed both of her arms, being guys are always stronger then women anyway, she couldn't pull away as she tried, but then Greg said, "Cool it Sara, what is wrong with you? Just tell me, I want to help, I'm pissed too."
Catherine followed Greg a few moments later up the stairs as she got closer she noticed the look on Sara’s face. It was obvious she felt trapped for the simple fact Greg was not relinquishing his hold on her. “Stop,” Catherine whispered to Greg as she rounded upon him. Greg seemed to not hear her, but Sara eyes bore into Catherine’s. It seemed everyone around her was having some form of a melt down. Greg seemed overly pissed and angry at God knows what? Sara moments before was overtly pissed, but now seemed smaller as she was being held back by Greg. Another yet small reminder to her of how powerful men can be over women.

“Greg…let go of her!” He quickly spun in Catherine’s direction as his hands finally released Sara. Staring into Greg eyes, Catherine managed to form a small smile as she wondered what exactly was going on with everyone around her. Her life seemed to be falling apart right along with everyone else, and she felt like she was the whirlwind behind it all. “What the heck is going on with everyone?” She finally questioned as she tilted her head at them. She laughed bitterly as she turned her attention to Greg. “Why are you holding Sara against her will? What has you…so angry?” She then turned her attention to Sara. “And, you…why don’t you just say what’s on your mind instead of pussy footing around it. What big secret do you keep referring to?”
Sara moved away from Greg, after he removed her arms to look at Catherine, she rubbed her arms, nightmares from her past seemed to surface, she closed her eyes and shook her head, begging them to go away.

She needed air. She felt trapped. She walked over to the window and opened it and felt the night air, she took several breathes, forgetting Catherine and Greg were in the room and allowed herself at least some moments to let go of the past.

She turned around and looked at Catherine, and said calmly, "I doubt you want me to tell everything in front of Greg, but I will tell you this, I overheard you tonight"