The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

Greg could tell Nick was very uncomfortable with the wordshe had just used. But Greg thought the whole ordeal was quite funny actually. So he after about two minutes of Nick leaving in to the kitchen, Greg followed. He saw Nick just standing there lost in what seemed like outerspace.

So Greg walked up behind Nick smiling the whole time. He didn't make a noise until he very quickly put both of his hands on Nick's shoulders and practically scared him through the roof.
Catherine grabbed Sara's hands lightly as she spoke softly. "I believe you. Your mom was wrong. Deep down...I'm sure she knew the way she handled it wasn't right which wasn't fair to you. She failed you as a parent...not because she didn't prevent it, but because after she knew she did nothing to stop it," Catherine finished as she looked away to hide her emotions. Truth was anything involving children always hit her hard. She wanted to be strong for Sara, but then also realized that emotions were exactly what Sara needed to see. She most likely had spent years hiding the abuse and pretending everything was okay. Not to mention her mother silenced her that much more as she too pretended nothing happened. Catherine could feel her face twist in anguish. "What your father did to you...doesn't define you as a person Sara. But I hope you realize now, that you don't have to endure this alone," Catherine's voice shook as she squeezed Sara's hands tighter. "I'm here..."
For the first time, Sara actually didn't feel alone, she'd always try to fix it on her own, push people away, but for the first time, she felt like someone was *actually* on her side, She looked down at Catherine's hand on top of hers, and smiled and gave it a squeeze, "Thank you Catherine" she got out before the tears took over.
"HOLY CRAP!!!" Nick screamed, feet leaving the floor for a moment and spinning to see Greg almost falling over, crying with laughter. Braced on the countertop, he leaned over, panting. "Not...funny...Greggo." He breathed in for a few moments, just trying to regain his composure. He saw Greg's face sort of wilt as the moments racked up that Nick didn't laugh with him.

Nick smiled, broadly and truthfully. "No more of that for tonight, please? I'm too young to have a heart attack." For the first time that week, he finally realized he and Cath weren't in this alone. They had other anchors of their dysfunctional family to keep them in check, and safe.

"So, what about those sandwiches Cat promised," he grinned in Greg's direction.
Catherine watched as Sara quickly walked away after she thanked her. She sat on the bed as she thought of the life Sara had to endure. The kind of hell she had to go through at such a young age, and the worst was that she did not have anyone to help her. She threw herself back on the bed and shut her eyes trying to process everything around her. She could not help but compare Nick and Sara. Both surivors of a vicious crime committed against them at such fragile ages. Both struggling to hide their feelings behind their strong armor of strength that they had created to protect themselves.

Somehow she had managed to drift momentarily as sleep invaded her over tired body. Body buzzing with exhaustion, a sudden sharp, loud scream pierced through her relaxed state. Feeling dizzy from quickly standing up, Catherine nearly collided into the bedroom door. "Shit," she whispered as she pushed the door open wider and scrambled down the stairs. She immediately recognized his scream. It was Nick. She stumbled into the kitchen and stopped suddenly as she witnessed a calm jovial banter between Nick and Greg.

It seemed the previous days events, and everything else was finally catching up to her as she ran her shaky hands through her hair. Chest heaving from adrenaline mixed with exhaustion, she found herself bracing the back of a chair for leverage before she slowly plopped herself down. She took in a deep breath and let it as she gently massaged her forehead.
After Nick screamed and turned and chewed GReg out. Greg didn't think it was quite as funny anymore. After a few seconds past though Nick was started smiling too and they both started talking. As a few more moents past Catherine came pretty much flying into the kitchen looking completely breathless.

Greg walked up to her as she sat down in the chair. He smiled as he put his hand on her shoulder and realized she was trembling. He knew all this was hardest on her on the count it happened to her, so he just wanted to help her, and everybody else too for that matter.

So he looked back at Nick and then to Catherine and said, "Why don't you let us make the sandwitches Cath, I'm sure Nick knows where all the stuff is." He said that in a funny matter still trowing digs to Nick. But then he realized he should stop the jokes for now so he laughed and said, "So do I, Lindsay showed me around the kitchen a couple times. SO just relax, and I'll take care of it."
He couldn't help but to keep his smile, he finally felt happy today, until later.....
As Nick watched Catherine collapse in the chair, he wanted to rush over, to hold her in a tight embrace, to just feel her to know she's really okay. But he knew she wasn't, and she wouldn't be until she was convinced that this Neil Howard guy was the real suspect. How could both of them ID the wrong guy...?

"Why don't you let us make the sandwitches Cath, I'm sure Nick knows where all the stuff is. So do I, Lindsay showed me around the kitchen a couple times. SO just relax, and I'll take care of it." He looked up, and his eyes connected with Cath's as they were en route to look at Greg. She lingered for a moment before smiling at Greg. Nick walked over to her and rested a hand gingerly on her shoulder. He leaned down, whispering in her ear.

"You look exhausted; go get some sleep. Please, Cat? I'm going to be heading to the couch momentarily. I'm not even that hungry." He pulled back and tried to smile at her, but it wavered into a straight line. He squeezed her shoulder comfortingly, trying to ease her up to her bed.

Walking away from Cath, he wanted to run back to her, pick her up and kiss her. She tried to isolate herself, to get through these rough patches alone. But she wasn't alone; Nick himself was going through the same feelings, and the rest of the team was there as well for her. They were her family, her support, her safety net. Nothing would ever happen to her, as long as they were still around.

Nick shook his head at Greg. "Thanks, man, but I'll pass. You can help yourself. I've gotta go back into the lab tomorrow morning to grab the triple homicide case file, try and work it out through here. I'll sleep in the chair," he trailed off. Walking back through the kitchen, Nick rubbed his face, still stumbling over the coffee table and end table legs, but he was exhausted. The only thing between him and sleep was the future worries he dreaded, his nightmares, and the comforting thoughts of Cath, safe in her bed upstairs. Despite the bad, he focused on the good as he slowly lowered into the arm chair and leaned back, leaving himself victim to the bad unknowingly lurking around the corner.
She looked up at Nick the moment she felt his hand on her shoulder. “You look exhausted; go get some sleep. Please, Cat? I’m going to be heading to the couch momentarily. I’m not even that hungry.” His voice so soft and caring that for a moment all she wanted to do was get lost in his touch. His protective embrace. But they were not alone, and the last thing she wanted to do was to create any sort of uneasiness.

Catherine slowly stood, and stopped briefly before she left the kitchen. “Greg, feel free to eat anything you want, and stay if you like. Please…I know Nick would like that,” she said as she turned and smiled at Greg before she left the kitchen.

Once inside her room, she looked at her clock realizing that the evening was almost over. The sky had morphed into a mixture of pinks and purples as the sun was setting. Her eyes drifted shut, and popped back open the moment she heard tapping on her bedroom door. “What? What is it?” She asked as she quickly sat up on her bed. “Mom…it’s just me! Grandma is going to take me shopping at the mall, and then I will be staying the night at her house.”

“What? No, Lindsey…I rather you stay here with me.” Catherine responded as she suddenly stood.

“Mom…its Grandma’s idea. We think it would be best. Besides we have been cooped up in our rooms trying to let you guys rest. I will be fine.”

“I don’t know Linds…I…,” she stopped suddenly as she swallowed hard. Truth was her daughter would most likely be better off with Lily. This lunatic was after her and Nick, and Lindsey was not safe here. “You’re right hon...I think I’m just tired, but you are not going anywhere with out a hug,” she whispered as she eloped Lindsey in a tight embrace. “I love you, and please be careful. And listen to Grandma.”

“I always am. I love you too,” Lindsey whispered back before she retreated from her doorway. Catherine rubbed at her forehead as she lay back down on her bed. It wasn’t long until her eyes drifted shut again and her mind went to a dreamless sleep.


Her eyes fluttered open briefly, and she was about to shut them again but noticed the digital read out of the clock. 5:02am. She cracked open her door, and nothing but silence greeted her. She quickly showered, and pulled her hair back in a low pony tail. Looking pale in her light blue tank top, she applied a small amount of make up to her face before heading down the stairs. It seemed she was the first one to wake up, and she couldn’t help but laugh at Nick. His mouth was left wide open as he continued to peacefully snore. Not to mention he didn’t look too comfortable as his feet hung off her couch, and his head seemed jammed into the corner of the cushions. She gently shook him before she spoke. “Nick, honey…why don’t you go sleep in my room.” She smiled as she heard him murmur something as his eyes met hers. The temptation to kiss him was overwhelming to her as she took in the sight of his cuteness. His hair was all a mess as he slowly sat up yawning sending his eyes into a tearful glaze. She leaned down to his level as she dusted her hand through his hair trying to settle the random pieces that seemed to take on a mind of there own. “You look like you could use some coffee,” Catherine whispered as she gave him a smirk.
I'm here, sorry

Warrick slept fitfully, unable to sleep too deeply because of the pain he'd feel every time he tried to roll onto his sore side, though the drugs did help a lot. Inside of him, his immune system, the antibiotics his blood was full of, and various germs were battling each other. He recalled the doctor saying he hoped there would be no infection and when he was awake enough to care, so did he. He wanted out of here as soon as possible.

Fortunately right now he was too drugged to think much anyway.
It was blurry, but he smiled anyway. It was peaceful and calming, and actually quite fun. It was just him in his townhouse, well, just him and Cath. They were joking and laughing, and she looked radiant. He couldn't help but smile at this. Everything was right in the world, at least for the moment. She turned towards him, golden red hair settling softly on her shoulders as she sat on the couch next to him. "Nick? Nick," Catherine whispered. He blinked his eyes closed and felt a soft shaking on his shoulder, eyes opening again.

Once again, it was blurry, but he was lying down somewhere, on something uncomfortable. "Nick, honey…why don’t you go sleep in my room?" He mumbled back, "But Cath, your house is all the way across the city, hon." His vision cleared, eyes meeting with her brilliant blue orbs of peace. He couldn't help but tiredly smile again, eyes easing shut as a yawn washed over him, waking slowly. Easing himself up, he realized he was still in Cat's living room, still on her couch, and she was still okay. He lopsidedly smirked as she bent down next to him. Her hand reached out, skimming his probably frizzed and frazzled hair. Nick couldn't help himself. Subconsciously, he felt his hand lay overtop her as it went to rest on his cheek. He wanted to hold it there forever.

“You look like you could use some coffee,” Catherine whispered as not to wake the others. He gently, reluctantly pulled his palm from her hand, making sure this wasn't a dream as well. Rubbing it across his eyes, he felt a renewed life swell inside him. Everything would be all right.

"Coffee sounds good. You get the paper at your place," he whispered back. She smiled gently, nodding yes as her hand continued to wander through his messy hair. "I'll go see if it's here yet." He pulled her hand gently from his hair, earning a pout, but he kissed her fingertips slightly, her touch electrifying him. He wanted to hold her, kiss her, swing her around in the air in excitement and joy and pleasure. But, they weren't alone. Greg slept soundfully in the reclining chair in the corner. So for now, he leaned forward, moving her fingertips to her lips, transferring the kiss. Removing it, Nick leaned in further, and laid his lips on hers, letting the euphoria wash over him. Only days before this was just a fantasy; to wake up and see her with him by his side, smiling and safe and his. Pulling away, he smiled again, swinging his legs over the side of the couch. With wrinkled jeans and t-shirt, he helped her to her feet and kissed her again, lingering, and then walked to the front door; he passed his gun on the table without a second thought.

Opening the door, the blazing Las Vegas sunrise ran over his eyes, lighting up the morning in magnificent hues of red and orange, yellow and purple, all mixing on the sliver of desert horizon. It was beautiful. Everything was going to be all right. Bending down, Nick picked up the bundle of newspaper, not even noticing that no one else's doorstep held a newspaper. He didn't even realize that the morning paper probably didn't get to Cath's house until 6 o'clock. Something was terribly wrong.

Nick closed the door on the Vegas sunrise, and drowsily brought the paper over to Catherine, standing at the kitchen island with two cups of coffee. Sitting it down on the counter, he smiled at her, still blissfully unaware of the danger, and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "Good Morning, Cat," he whispered tenderly in her ear. The paper still sat, menacing as it's contents laid in wait, waiting to strike as they least expected it to.
How she managed to pour two cups of coffee was beyond her? All she could think about was Nick. Nick’s lips. Nick’s lips on her lips. Her body still tingling from the electric current that left a buzz on her mouth. Her mouth opened in shock as she felt his arms embrace her from behind. “Good Morning, Cat.” She closed her eyes as his whispered voice caused a deep stir within her. Her knees turned into putty, and she found herself falling into him for support. Mind numbing? Thinking became a task on its own as her mouth opened to form a blank response. No man had ever made her speechless as her breath hitched into her throat.

Slowly tilting her head to the side her lips now were only inches away from his smiling mouth. She swallowed hard as she watched with pure delight as his mouth lowered to her awaiting lips. First just a feather light touch until she felt the kiss as it turned more demanding. The first to pull way, she turned towards him and rested her head on his shoulder. “I’d say my morning is off to a good start…thanks to you,” she whispered as she smirked.

She watched as he chuckled at her and turned away to add sugar into his coffee. She grabbed the newspaper and swatted him playfully on the butt. Cheeks flushed she bent over to pick up some items that fell out of the newspaper when her chest tightened. She barely heard Greg’s sleepy voice as he asked for some coffee as he entered the kitchen. “Is this some sort of sick, cruel joke?” She found herself wondering out loud with out realizing. She clutched three pictures in her hand as she tried to blink back tears.

She took a quick intake of air as her lungs felt like they were about to explode. She rounded upon Greg immediately. “DID…Did you do this? I mean…tell me you did THIS because I can handle a bad prank,” her voice cracked as she noticed Greg staring at her in confusion. “YOU…Youuu did this right?” She asked again as her knuckles turned white from holding the pictures so tight.

“Cath…, I don’t know what you are talking about. I…,” he stopped as he noticed her shaking her head no adamantly.

“GR—egg, it’s like you to pull a joke. Tell me you took these pictures,” she interrupted him as she shoved the photos on Greg’s chest. Eyes wide, he grabbed at the photos before they had a chance at falling to the ground. As he took in the sight of them, the room grew eeriely quiet. Then he looked at Nick whose attention was on Catherine. “I swear…man I swear I didn’t take these photos.”

The walls seem to close in on her as she felt her emotions bubbling further up to the surface. “This…has to BE a joke. Because…I can’t do this anymore. He’s not going to stop is he…,” she stopped as her mouth remained opened as she was suddenly overcome with emotion. She finally cried as she looked away as she covered her face with her hands.
That's not good. Might not be so good to tell Rick right away either or he'll check himself AMA again and hurt himself worse.

Hey...if the guy is after Cath, might he also taunt Warrick with pictures too, if he knows they're close?