The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

Sara licked her lips and leaned back and thought to herself, Nick doesn't know She sighed quitely, If you don't tell him Catherine, I will, I have no choice

She thought about reruning the tests anyways, She'd have to do something, weither Catherine told her or not, but maybe she shouldn't, if Nick finds out that she went and did something, he might get mad at her, but if she didn't do something, he'd probably still get mad at her or Catherine. She had to sit down and think this out, and maybe Catherine would tell her and they could talk this out, and then tell Nick.
(Alright, I'll give this a try, "Waiting" knows I'm Greg now)

Greg just stared at Nick as Nick went off about everything that had happened with the guy that attacked Catherine, and how he felt about the whole thing. Then Nick put his hand on Greg's shoulder as he said, "Sorry about all that. But next time you want to ask me something, just do it. Or at least just say you need to talk to me and walk outside, because there's nothing wrong with anything under the hood."

Greg sort of felt stupid at that time, he started turning red, he had been caught.
But then he looked back at Nick and said, "Yea, sorry about that, I just wanted to make sure you were okay, I know how hard this is on you, it's hell on me too."

(I hope that's alright, if not I can delete it)
That was great Ericisacutie... some things have changed...some characters or most of the characters now have back-ups that are now active.

These are the people that are now writing for certain characters.


All the orginal people have been notified, and know that when they want to come back they can. I just wanted to let everyone know.
Nice ::


Sara couldn't take overhearing anything anymore, so she softly walked back into the room she was staying in, and walked over to the bed, "What the hell Catherine? Why in the hell can't you just tell Nick that you id' the wrong guy, now we gotta go through this shit all over again? And you haven't told Nick? What the hell?"
"Yeah, it's a hard time for all of us. All that matters is that Catherine is alright and that we have the guy who attacked her in custody and KEEP him there." Nick felt the anger rise in him again and he wanted to punch something, or someone. But he pushed those feelings aside because there was no need that Greg saw how much this all affected him, he'd confessed enough for today.
"Okay Greg. Let's go back inside. I'm sure they're already wondering what we are doing so long."

Nick and Greg went back inside and found Catherine and Warrick talking in the kitchen.
"Just go ahead, I'll be there in a minute. I need to use the restroom first." And with that Nick turned and walked down the hallway to the restroom.
When he exited the restroom again and walked towards the livingroom to accompany the others in the kitchen, he heard someone talking in one of the guestrooms. When he came closer he recognized Sara's voice.
" the hell can't you just tell Nick that you id' the wrong guy, now we gotta go through this shit all over again? And you haven't told Nick? What the hell?"

Nick couldn't believe what he’d just heard. He felt as if the ground underneath his feet had just disappeared and he fell into a deep hole.
Catherine thinks we have the wrong guy? That can’t be true! He HAS to be the right guy....Oh my God, what if he isn’t? What if Catherine’s right and her attacker is still out there?...
He pushed the door open. "What are you talking about? What do you mean, she id' the wrong guy?! You're wrong, Catherine and I both id' Neil Howard. He is the guy who attacked her! Or...” Nick didn’t even want to think about what he was going to say next. He couldn’t breath, it felt as if someone was choking him. “Or isn’t he? What did Catherine tell you?” Sara didn't answer but Nick would've been damned if he'd given up.
"SARA! Tell me what you know! You have to."

(i hope that works. it's my first post so please be nice :D )
Sara jumped when she heard Nick after he opened the door, she really didn't expect anyone, in fact she thought he was still outside.

SARA! Tell me what you know! You have to

She heard him say, could she really tell him the truth, that she was eavesdropping and heard Catherine tell Warrick. She ran a hand through her hair, "Nick.. I uh I don't know how to tell you it"
"WHAT'S YOUR...." Nick yelled at Sara but suddenly stopped, remembering that the others were in the kitchen and may hear him. He closed the door behind him and continued in a lower voice. "What's your problem? There's not much to think about. Just tell me what Catherine said! I need to know."

Nick was getting impatient. Why did Catherine talk to Sara about her doubts but didn't say one word infront of him?
"Why didn't she come to me? When did she talk to you? What exactly did she say? Come on Sara, there's no way you're not going to tell me!"
Sara held up her hands, she knew Nick would be anger, but she didn't know he'd be this angry, She looked him in the eyes, "Nick I don't know! I overheard her tell Warrick!"

She looked at him, and walked closer to him, "She didn't talk to me"
Catherine was about to finish on with her logic to wait to inform Nick when she thought she heard Nick’s voice rise. Mouth opened in apprehension as she turned her attention towards the back of the house, Catherine could not fathom what had Nick in an uproar. “I better go handle this,” she whispered to Warrick as she took in a deep breath.

She heard Nick’s suddenly shushed voice as she walked up to the room Sara was sleeping in. Hesitantly pushing the door open, Catherine stepped inside as her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. “What the Hell is going on in here? You know others are still sleeping, and you two are nearly having a screaming match in here. What gives?” Catherine frustratingly whispered at both of them.
Sara wasn't sure what to think or say when Catherine walked in the door, She wasn't even sure what and how Nick was going to react, She looked at Catherine, and kept her voice low, with a bit of anger in there, "Nothing, Catherine" and looked at Nick.
"What the Hell is going on in here? You know others are still sleeping, and you two are nearly having a screaming match in here. What gives?"

What gives? Are you serious? I am the one who should be asking YOU. Nick was angry because it seemed he was the last one to get to know about Catherine's doubts. It wasn't easy for him not to shout at Catherine what the heck was wrong with her and ask her why she hadn't told him.

"Nothing, Catherine." Sara said and looked at him.
Nick wanted to confront Catherine, right there, so he opened his mouth to say something but then stopped, reconsidered what he was about to do and decided to wait because he didn't want to talk this over while the others were still there. As angry as he was that would only have gotten out of hand.
Nick didn't look at Catherine or Sara, he just stared straight at the wall infront of him. He clenched his teeth and took a deep breath. "Yeah right, nothing. Just a misunderstanding, that's all."
Catherine could not help but stare at both of them with an obvious look of skeptism. She sighed and was about to talk but thought better of it as she turned to leave. She stopped the moment she placed her hand on the door knob as she turned back around to face them. "Call it whatever you like. But 'A Misunderstanding,' I mean seriously Lindsey lies to me better than that," Catherine smarted off as she gave them a dissatisfied look. "Whatever...I'm making sandwiches, and Sara I have some homemade vegetable soup you can help yourself to," and with that she exited the room as she shook her head.
Sara crossed her arms and watched Catherine leave and waited a few minutes before turning to Nick, "Wow, I gotta hand it to you, I really thought you were going to chew her out" and then waited a few minutes, "Your going to chew me out instead aren't you?" She knew hers was coming, she knew Nick wasn't going to let their conversation just go, and if he did, boy was she lucky.
"Dammit Sara! You see what you did? What the heck were you thinking? Don't you think that if the guy who attacked Catherine is still out there we should do something to catch him?! What if he came back and tried to get to me, to us again? How irresponsible can anyone be? It seems as if everybody knows except me. So would you start telling me what she told you, or Warrick?"
But before Sara could answer Nick raised his hand to stop her and shook his head. "Ah, forget it! I don't want to hear the crap you're going to tell me. You don't think I should know? Fine. Then get the hell out of my face!" And with that he stormed out of the room.