The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

"Look, I know this part is uncomfortable. But, I need you to drop the sheet in this evidence bag. Then I will photograph your body if needed, and then I will start the rape kit."

Jessica watched as Sophia gently placed her sheet in the evidence bag, and then sealed it. Jessica looked at her body for any signs of a bodily struggle. There were none.

That could be a good sign Jessica thought to herself as she began to scrape under Sophia's nails.

"Your lucky you don't work directly for Ecklie," Jessica said as she gave a short laugh. She kept talking to Sophia as she continued to process her. "He's a real hard ass, and I have tried for years to get on the night shift. But, as you can see its full!

She continued to make small talk with Sophia until she finished processing her. "All done. Now I need your clothes from last night so I can bag them. Plus, I need to print your bedroom. While I'm searching for prints it would be a good idea to go over with me what your do remember from last night."
As she drops the sheet into the evidence bag, she feels a rush of air on her body that causes her to gasp softly, but Jess didn't hear it.

Sophia hands the clothes she sees on the bathroom floor, leading to the bedroom to Jessica. "The...the black top here and those jeans there are part of the clothes I wore last is the rest of it, too.." Sophia hads the lingerie set to Jessica, dropping it into and evidence bag she had held out fot it.

"I told Grissom all of what I could remember over the phone, and he got really mad..." She says as she starts to sob a little. "Do I have to tell it to you aswell?"

Sofia looks over at a small silk robe of hers hanging off the door then back at Jessica, asking if she could put it on or wether it could possibly be evidence.
"Of course," Jessica said to Sophia as she gestured to the robe. "You can get dressed. Though, I do need a formal statement from you if you don't mind. I'm not Grissom, so I'm not going to get mad. Why don't you run me through the events of your night. Be as detailed as possible. I realize you don't remember much, but just take your time." Jessica smiled softly as she grabbed her note pad and a pen. "Begin with when you arrived at the bar."
Sophia pulls the robe on before saying anything.

"Well....I walked in and noticed a couple of guys checking me out. I...I drunk alot, maybe 6 or 7 shots?" She smiles weakly, having come to a blank spot in her recollection.

She thinks for a little bit, then speaks up, "I remember singing some sort of drinking song, then some guy offered to call me a cab, I said yes and I passed out and fell off my chair....that's all I can remember"

She tried her best with the statement. She knows Jessica's gonna say it's good but Sophia knows it's probably not going to be enough to establish a timeline of what happened from the bar to here at her appartment.
"Sophia, just relax okay. Your answers are fine. Once I get a hold of the cab company, I will be able to see what time you got home. Do you remember what time you woke up and called Grissom?" Jessica asked as she twirled a piece of her hair.
Sophias starting to breath alittle heavier now, she can feel a panic attack coming on for no apparent reason.

She tries to calm herself down as she says, "No, I don't, I really do not know...." She starts pacing slowly as she tries to calm herself again.

"Does Grissom want to have a little 'chat' with me? Because I just wanna do something other than try and remember it at the moment" She says as she leans against the side of her bathroom door.
"Okay, well I'm going to finish up and process your bedroom. Grissom is printing your front door if you want to speak with him," Jessica said as she walked into Sophia's adjoining bedroom.

She took out her small note pad, and jotted down that the bedroom seemed clean and lacked any sign of a struggle.


Grissom noticed as Sophia stepped out of her bathroom in a daze. She still looked disleveled as her hair fanned around her face in a tangled mess. He quickly placed all of his evidence in his kit, and clicked it shut. "So let's say that Catherine calls you. She tells you that she went to a bar ALONE, and had way too much to drink. She then proceeds to tell you that she passed out next to her chair at the bar, and the next thing she knows is that she wakes up Naked in her bed," Grissom said as he gentlytugs on his beard. "Tell me Sophia, what would you think if Cath told you that story? And more importantly, what would you say to her?" His expression has now turned serious as he continues to stare at her.
"Well, first of all.." Sophia starts. She crosses her arms over her body becuase she now feels strangely vulnerable around Grissom. ".....I'd be....I'd be more sypmathetic and supportive, I'd take my anger out on her later, unlike you, Grissom. I'd tell her to stay put and try to distract herself from the issue at hand. I'd do anything but the things you did." She sniffles and looks away breifly, not wanting to show Gil she was on the verge of tears.
"Hey, be angry with me if you like. I'm not going to sugar coat what I think. You have a responsibility to uphold, and going out binge drinking isn't one of them. What were you thinking? Your an officer of the law sworn in to protect others. You should have known better, and your lack of judgement speaks volumes to me. You made yourself an easy target for becoming a possible rape victim. That in itself bothers me the most--you put yourself in jeopardy. Maybe I'm being harsh, but the last thing I want is for you to repeat any unhealthy habits. So excuse me if I'm stepping on your toes." Grissom kept eye contact with Sophia through out his whole spill. He took a deep breath as he looked away from her.

He was still fuming at her. He had known her and her family too long for her to get away with this sort of trivial behavior, and more importantly he wanted her to realize how stupid her actions were.
Her fists are balled up with anger and she just wants to sock him one. She goes to do it, and stops merely inches from his face, liking the reaction she got she moved her fist and sighed.

She looks up at him with tired blue eyes and says, "No, Grissom, I'm not going to be angry with you. I know you're not going ot make it all sweet and fluffy for me and I wouldn't expect any less of you. I wasn't thinking at all, Grissom. I know I'm an officer of the law and I promise not to do the whole 'binge drinking' drinking thing again, and If I do you can fire my ass yourself..."
The drive back to Catherine's place was unbearably long, excruciating to Nick. It was quiet, besides the small chat between Sara, Lilly, and Lindsey in the back. Catherine hadn't said a thing since they left the precinct, and neither had he. He was afraid of times like these, the quiet drives and absence of conversation when there were a small crowd in an area. It left his mind to wander, especially on the drives. How many times has he gone down the Vegas highways past the screeching music and always glowing neon lights? How many times has he gone down these roads and grimly clutched the wheel as not to break down, or blow up, or just slip away from reality? As if that steering wheel was the only thing holding him down, he gripped it like it was his everything. Before he knew it, he was easing into the driveway before Catherine's home, Sara, Lilly, and Lindsey immediately exiting. As he turned to get out, Catherine still didn't move. Reaching out softly, Nick laid his hand on her shoulder, her head snapping towards him, dazed.

“We’re here already? I must have dozed." She turned and exited her door, but his face crinkled into skepticism, letting out a deep sigh. The murder of the mother and two girls was still set in his head, that's where this all started. He shook his head, fighting out images of small girls being carved and women driven with railroad spikes into the bathroom wall. Slamming the car door, he locked it, finger unconsciously hitting the lock button four times before telling himself to stop and shoving it into his jeans pocket. Catherine's laugh reached his ears, and he looked up to see Sara being clutched by Catherine, half falling down and half steadying herself. “You both can keep your stuff in my room.” Nick nodded and quickly made his way up the steps and stopped at the door, staring down at the doorstep for a moment, and stepped over it and into Catherine's house. The interviews and process had taken up most of the afternoon sun, and now it was a good six o'clock, if not later, with the last rays of the day falling behind the horizon. He looked down at his hands, feeling no weight in them, triggered by Catherine's remark. Stuff, what stuff? He wouldn't dare leave Catherine to stop at his house, and he wasn't going to leave the girls in the car alone when he was driving home. Besides, being alone inside his home would only trigger memories, a place where he was supposed to be safe, and yet he was proven wrong before, will he again?

“Mom, Grans and I are heading off to bed. Night, Sara and…Nick,” Turning his head down the hallway, Nick saw Lindsey sheepishly smiling towards him before she walked back down the hallway to, presumably, her room. "Uhh, night Lindsey." He coughed, trying to clear his throat and began to feverishly rub the back of his neck in embarassment. Things were getting way to complicated, even for a scientist. Catherine began to giggle as she turned to head towards her room before she turned towards him. “I’m sorry, Nick…but it’s funny.” Sara began to laugh too, and he was just not in the mood.

Alright, I like Catherine, got it. Now that that's for wait, I love her. Or do I? Do I just like her? Is it a flimsy little crush thing? No, I like her, you can't love somebody by just working with them for years. But yeah you can...NO. Just, pfff. Now Lindsey's acting weird around me? How am I gonna deal with this if something happens between me and Cat? This is too confusing, and just throw in the murders and notes, and dreams... The dreams. He stopped dead in the hallway, Catherine behind him, and he began walking again towards the kitchen in the front. No, don't go there. This is your night off. Just relax. No Grissom to please, no deadlines to meet, no blundering criminals, no annoying beeping noises from the machines, no autopsies to attend. He smiled, not quite knowing the position of his body, or whether he was walking, everything was in a daze. But then other thoughts came to mind, and the smile quickly fadded away, just like any other time in this job. No dead bodies on tables, no pictures of mutilated bodies, no abductions, no sexual assaults, no man attempting to take Cath's life, no men using her to get to me, no -...

"Nick?" He blinked, realizing he had reached the kitchen island and was leaning against it, head resting on the top, once again pounding forehead reveling in the cool surface.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry, just thinking." He stood and sighed, rubbing his head again when he noticed Catherine's look from the other side of the kitchen. "What?"

"Thinking about...?"

"Just, things. Lots of things..." He refrained from sighing, an old habit rearing its ugly head lately and walked across the kitchen to get moving.

"Things like...?" He didn't mean to, and he knew he shouldn't be, but Nick was becoming angry. Why did she have to press for answers? Why couldn't she just leave him alone?

"Just -" He stopped. He knew why she was doing it. She was concerned, sincerely and lovingly. Lovingly, she liked him. Liked? Or loved? Or how did she feel? Was she all mashed up? Was she all screwed up by this maniac? Was-

Sara had walked in, sitting herself on a chair at the island. And she wasn't in work clothes. Before he could hold himself, Nick furrowed his brows, walking back to the island. "Yeah, yeah, I actually DO change out of my clothes for work, and I do own pajamas." He couldn't help but smile, nodding at her response. He earned it for the look. "So, what to do?"

Nick shrugged, grabbing the chair nearest him on the end of the island opposite his coworkers.
"I don't know, I don't really 'do' anything at home. But I'm hungry, you guys?"
She could tell Nick was bothered as he seemed confused almost walking in a daze into her kitchen. His body ended up pressed up against the island with his head resting softly on its cool granite surface. “Nick?” Catherine found herself questioning his state more than him. It was like the exhaustion had finally taken over his body and mind.

Where ever he had just drifted off to her voice must have brought him back to reality. “Yeah, yeah, sorry, just thinking.” His response was a distracted one as his hand rubbed the back of his head and he let a small sigh escape his mouth.

She tilted her head side ways as she analyzed him. He seemed so lost in thought just like she was earlier during the ride home. Her forehead creased in worry as she gave him a concerned smile. "What?" He questioned back to her.

She noticed the intensity radiating from his stare as their eyes locked. He seemed a bit taken aback from her concern. She gave him another soft smile before she continued further on. “Thinking about…?”Catherine asked as her shoulders rose upwards, and her palms opened up to the ceiling.

“Just, things. Lots of things…” His tone was short, and he seemed to distance himself from her both mentally and physically. His eyes drifted away from her gaze as he began to walk to the other side of the kitchen. Away from her? He was obviously deeply troubled about something, and she wanted to be there for him.

Her question rolled off her tongue before she realized she was probing deeper. “Things like…?” She could feel his frustration searing from his body as she continued to prod him delicately for more answers. She noticed the tension on his face as his dark stare turned slightly cool in her direction. She nearly flinched as her eyes slightly watered from his behavior towards her. He kept everything lock inside, and he was so sensitive that she was worried about the impact the last few long days had had on him.

“Just-,“ he stopped his frustration short as he noticed her face. It seemed something clicked inside him as his features softened. She opened her mouth to speak, but refrained as her tongue glazed over her top lip. Her eyebrows shot upward as her concern turned into frustration from his lack of information. He was hiding something from her. Why? What was he not telling her? Her thoughts were distracted by Sara’s voice filling the room. “Yeah, yeah, I actually DO change out of my clothes for work, and I do own pajamas.” Sara smiled as she took a seat near the end of the island. “So, what to do?”

“I don’t know, I don’t really ‘do’ anything at home. But I’m hungry, you guys?” It seemed the conversation was happening in a different room as Catherine tried to pay attention to their questions. She found herself struggling with her own thoughts. She let a small smile grace her features as she realized the room had turned quiet. “I’m not really hungry, but help yourself to anything. There is left over pizza in the frig, and of course if you want you can cook whatever you like.” Her hand was rubbing the back of her neck delicately as her mind continued to think about Nick. “I’m going to go take a quick shower, and both of you please--feel free to use Lindsey’s bathroom to shower. Nick I noticed you don’t have any clothes, but I have some spare men’s clothing in the first spare bedroom down the hall that you can borrow. I will set them out for you.”

She noticed the look from her friends at the mentioning of spare men’s clothing. “Uhhh…, nooo! I bought Sam a pair of pajamas last year for Christmas, but forgot to give them to him. The tags are still on them,” she said as she winked at Nick before she headed off to her bathroom.
Grissom eyes narrowed as he continued to stare at Sophia. "Who said anything about firing anyone?" He noticed Jessica walking towards them with her kit in her hand. "Nevermind. We'll talk about this later," he quickly said as he picked up his own kit. "We will get this processed as soon as possible, and let you know what we find. Until then, maybe you should get some sleep." Grissom retorted before he opened the front door. Jessica turned and gave Sophia a warm smile before she followed Grissom out.