The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

"It's been a long night Sophia. I'm going to go and talk to Ecklie, and have someone at your house as soon as possible. I will tell him to keep it quiet. I'm sorry I was brash earlier. I just hope everything turns out okay."
"Oh, ok, what can I say? I guess...I'm sorry?"

She moves to her bedroom and closer to her bed, looking at it, but not touching it.

"I'm cold, Grissom."
Catherine found Nick and her family standing outside. Lindsey was giggling about something, and then started to tickle Nick around his stomach. Catherine smiled softly at the sight as she pushed through the door. “Linds, come on. Give him a break; he’s had a long couple of days.” She gently massaged her fingers through her daughter’s long blonde hair.

“Cath, hon how are you holding up?” Lily asked as she pulled Catherine in a hug.

“Mom, I’m fine. Just ready to get home. By the way, Sara is staying the night too. She’s had a rough night, and I did not want her going home alone. She went to get her things, and she should be out any minute."

She turned her attention to Nick and noticed that he was staring at her. Her eyes narrowed as she realized that he looked concerned and bothered. She wondered over to him, and lightly rubbed his shoulder. “Hey you okay?” It was obvious that he was deep in thought about something that was disturbing him. She noticed as his jaw tightened, but yet he still refrained from saying anything. “Nick?” She questioned as her hand continued to run smoothly up and down his toned upper arm. She became aware as his dark eyes met her concerned eyes briefly before they settled on the spot on her neck. The spot her attacker left on her. Her hand absentmindedly flew to the spot on her neck as her eyes neared dangerously close into turning into blue pools. Why was she so emotional about this? "I'm fine," she whispered more to herself than him. The words were hardly audible. What she wanted to know was why she was used to get to Nick? Why was Nick a target? Why him?

A few minutes passed, and then Sara walked out looking exhausted. “Alright, lets go,” Catherine said as she smiled at Sara. “Everyone ready?” She asked as she looked over at Nick. He nodded, and walked in between Sara and Catherine. He gently placed his hand on the small of Catherine’s back as he directed them all to his vehicle.
"Sophia, turn on the tv or something to distract you. I have to go, so I can someone from the crime lab to your house." He closed his eyes as they said their goodbyes on the phone. He just hoped things would turn out okay.

He picked up his phone, and dialed Ecklie. The phone seemed to ring repeatedly, and he was about to hang up when he heard Ecklie's rushed voice. "Ecklie, I need you to send Jessica from day shift over to Sophia Curtis's apartment. There is a possiblity she was raped. Oh, and Conrad...let's keep this quiet." He hung up the phone not wanting to discuss it with his co-worker.
Sofia turns on the TV as she moves back out to the loungeroom, still wrapped in her bedsheet.
The only thing that was on was some angsty, meoldrama crap and old repeats of friends. Sofia Decides to watch the repeats.

'It's strange..... this is a comedy and I'm not even laughing' Sofia thinks with a sniffle.
Sara trots along with the pair, lagging just a bit behind under the weight of her clothes and whatnot. Grabbing the door with her foot, she scoots past the threshold, tripping over the slight raise in the door frame, nearly flying face first into the rug.

"Where do I put this, Cat," Sara calls, peeking around her things.
The drive to her house seemed quick because she was lost in her own thoughts. She looked over at Nick briefly and noticed the faint lines of worry that fanned out over his forehead. Catherine just wished he would open up to her. He still refused to talk about the letter. She worried that it made more reference to his past of being molested. Molested—what a nasty word. More importantly it was a Nasty Act. She fidgeted with her silver necklace as her eyes drifted shut, and her head rested on the head rest. Her mind clouded with disturbing thoughts of the talk she had with Sara, and what she had to experience as a child. How awful.

Two. Two people she worked with had experienced being sexually abused as a child. A very sad statistic. Statistics were just a bad thing especially when the statistic continually increased for an innocent, trusting child to be molested. If anyone touched Lindsey like that, she knew without a doubt she would kill them. She would have to plead insanity because she would literally go mad. Who was she to joke? If she ran into Nick’s babysitter or Sara’s deceased father; someone would have to hold her back because all hell would break lose.

She could feel her blood boiling, and flinched as she suddenly felt Nick’s hand on her shoulder. Boy, did she get lost in thought as she realized everyone had vacated the vehicle except her. “We’re here already? I must have dozed,” she quickly said trying to shake away her bothersome thoughts.

She followed everyone inside, and nearly collided into Sara, who nearly tripped over the entrance way rug. “Where do I put this, Cat,” Sara asked as she turned and looked at Catherine.

Catherine grabbed a hold of Sara’s shoulder’s to prevent them both from tumbling over. “Sorry, I almost collided into you,” Catherine said as she began to laugh. She started to walk to her bedroom as she hollered after Sara and Nick to follow her. “You both can keep your stuff in my room.”

“Mom, Grans and I are heading off to bed.” Lindsey said as she hugged her mom in the hallway. “Good night sweetheart,” Catherine said as she kissed Lindsey on the cheek, and then ruffled her hair. Catherine met her mom's eyes before Lily entered her bedroom, and they smiled goodnight at each other.

“Night, Sara and…Nick,” Lindsey said as she slightly blushed as she said ‘Nick.’ Catherine stared after her daughter knowing the tale tale signs of a little crush. She turned and smirked at Nick, who blushed in return. Her right hand covered her mouth as she began to laugh as he cleared his throat. “Uhhh…follow me…,” Catherine stopped in mid sentence as she giggled. “I’m sorry, Nick…but it’s funny.” Sara even had an amused look on her face.
Sofia was now walking aimlessly around her apartment, counting the number of steps she took.

"901.....902.....903.....904...." She whispered to herself as she kept on walking.

She still didn't know how she ended up in her bed like she did, and that really scared her. Maybe someone was being nice and just called a cab for her. Maybe someone really did force themselves on her.

She nearly walks into a wall but she looks up just in time and stops, decing to start pacing infront of her door.
Sara started to giggle like a schoolgirl, but Nick looked less than amused. She turned quickly, avoiding his glare, and continued to laugh as she put her stuff in Catherine's room.

Heading back out in the hall, she noticed that the party had moved from the front room to the kitchen. She then turned back into Catherine's room and quickly pulled on some pajama bottoms, leaving on her black teeshirt, and headed out into the kitchen.

Sara entered the room and Nick and Catherine turned to her, both falling silent.

"Yeah, yeah, I actually DO change out of my clothes for work, and I do own pajamas," she said, sitting down and pulling her legs up on the chair with her, wrapping her arms around them. "So, what to do?"
Grissom mouth fell open when Sophia opened her door in just her light colored bedsheet. Her mascara had clotted into dark rings under her eyes, and she literally looked like a mess. "Sophia, this is Jessica from dayshift." Grissom introduction was curt and straight to the point.

Jessica nodded her hello as she walked into the apartment looking for any signs of a struggle. "Is this the sheet from last night?" Jessica asked as she looked directly at Sophia.

Sophia nodded as her eyes fell to the floor solemnly. "Okay, well are you ready for me to process you?" Jessica asked as she looked over at Grissom who stared back in bewilderment. "Use the bathroom, and I will dust and print the front door." He hated this--processsing a crime scene for someone he knew. Two in one night was plenty, and it irked him that Sophia lacked responsibilty and good judgement.

His hands busiedly dusted her front door for prints as the two women headed to the bathroom.
As Sophia led Jessica from Dayshift to her bathroom, she can't help but pull the sheet she had wrapped around her a little tighter around her shaking body.

She points out her bedroom on the way, careful not to touch the handle because there might be valuable prints there.

Finally, they reach the bathroom and Sophia gently pushes the door open with the palm of her hand.

"What do you want me to now?" She asks the woman from Days.