The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

"Mr. Grissom, what can I do for you?" He heard Sophia ask as she stiffled a yawn after she finally opened her front door. She stepped aside as she opened her door wider to allow him access to the inside of her house.

Grissom slowly walked through the entry way with a manila file folder clentched in his right hand. "Looks like you have been busy." He managed as he turned towards her.

She gave him a confused look, and he realized she had no idea what he was talking about. "Your House! I'd swear this wasn't the same house that I walked into earlier today. It's beyond clean."

"Coffee?" She asked, and he nodded as he followed her into the kitchen.

"I guess we both know that I didn't come over here to talk about your place." He noticed immediately as she tensed. "Sophia, everything turned up negative. No signs suggest anything took place," Grissom whispered as he handed her the folder which contained the results. "Your extremely lucky. I guess its been a lucky few days for a bunch of us lately." His mind could not help but wonder from Sophia to Catherine, and to Nick. Just like Sophia's mess, Catherine's and Nick case cleaned up nicely as well. Just promise me something...Please be careful, next time you might not be so lucky," he said as he massaged her shoulder.
Greg decided to take Grissom's advice and go home and get some shut - eye, and then he would talk to Brass in the morning. Grissom was right, he should go back to the evidence, like Grissom always says the evidence never lies. Well the evidence isn't lying, but it sure isn't telling me anything either thought Greg, as he clambered into his car and started on the drive home.

The drive home took half an hour, and he hit major traffic so it took an extra half an hour, so when he arrived home, he just flung himslef onto the couch and turned on a film. Greg tried to sit down and enjoy the film, it was Die Hard, one of his favourites, but he couldn't concentrate on it, all he could think about was the case. Oh my God, I'm turning into Grissom he thought, chuckling to himself. All he could think about was the vic and Grey and how he was sure they were interlinked, but just couldnt figure out how.

He needed to get Grey. He decided to try a call Sara's cell again, he knew she'd be a bit mad about him going to Henderson, but he thought that maybe she could persuade her cousin to talk to him. He got up to get some chips, and then dialled her cell.
' can't be true......I...and then...' Sophia thinks te herself in shock after Grissom telling what she so desperately wanted to hear. She was scared that she had in fact been raped, she didn't want to be a victim, but she was - a victim of her own stupidity.

She opens the report slowly and reads through it, only able to get to the front page before smiling at Grissom softly, she was *this* far away from kissing him but thought it was inapproptiate for her to be doing so didn't.

"Thankyou, thank you, thank-you! Grissom, oh god....look you're making me cry...!" She squeals happily as she wipes her tears of joy from her eyes. What she was hoping for had finally happened, she had had her worst nightmare literally lifted off her chest. With her hair tucked behind her ears (which 'puff' out a little kind of making her looks like an elf) and her tears cascading down her face she leans in and hugs him, glad it was all over, finally.
Nick listened, furrowing his eyebrows at Catherine's first drinking experiance. His fingers fiddled with his ring before moving towards his half full glass of scotch. He had barely touched it. He made moves to swing the alcohol and pretended to pour more, he even swayed to look like he was beginning to get tipsy. He wouldn't allow himself to be wasted; somebody needed to protect them, Catherine more particularily.

Her words earlier, outside the precinct after she ran from the viewing room, after he condemned the man who assaulted her, she said something. It didn't seem over yet, it just seemed to easy. For a suspect of secrecy and immense detail, it just seemed to easy to have him in the iron pen just yet.

"I didn't realize we were having a confession night." Nick looked up, getting a giggle from Sara and a giddy look from Catherine. Probably from his face at Catherine's first encounter with alcohol.

"I didn't realize that either. I'm all out of confessions for the night." He shook his head and truthfully swung down a small gulp of the scotch, holding back a cough. If he was going to really confess things, he was going to confess his love, confess his fears, confess his doubt, confess his past, confess everything that he held protectively to himself.

Next thing he knew, a loud bang echoed through the kitchen, and he was up in a flash. Sliding over to the floor on Sara's side of the island, she appeared dazed. "Sara?! Sar, you all right?" Turning her head, she just looked at him, looked at Catherine, and began to laugh. "She's wasted, Cath," he muttered under his breath and reached out his hand to help her up. But being Sara, she wobbled up herself and braced herself on the island.

"I think I'm going to head off to bed. That really hurt my head." Nick snickered and shook his head, downing another portion of his drink.

"You can tell by the way you laughed after." He couldn't help but let a small smile out. She just ignored him and he furrowed his eyebrows, looking out into the hallway as she made her way to the spare room. "Night, Sara." Stepping back into the kitchen, he let out a breath and downed the rest of the drink in his hand.

Shaking off the after taste of the drink, he realized Catherine really wasn't kidding that it was strong. Getting up, he set the glass in the sink and shuffled out of the kitchen, overwhelmed by the case and so many fears flashing through his head. Sitting on the sofa, he leant his head into his hands and sighed.
Sara downed the last of her beer and sat back in her chair. She kicked her legs up on the island, causing the chair to tip back and fall over. Without time to steady herself, her eyes shot open and her lips opened in a gasp before she hit the ground with the chair still under her.

Sara lay on the floor for a moment, breathing deep. She had gotten the wind knocked out of her and her head had hit the hard floor and bounced. She put her hands on the floor on either side of her and pushed herself off of the chair into a sitting position with her legs straight out.

Putting her hand to the back of her head, Sara looked up, getting a headrush. Catherine and Nick were standing poised over her, both wearing the same expression of shock. Sara started to laugh uncontrolably, as much as it hurt her head. She laughed until she saw Catherine put away the scotch, rinse the glasses and put her beerbottle under the sink in an empty box.

Sara stood up, wobbly, and braced herself on the table.

"I think I'm going to head off to bed," she said, her speech slurred, "That really hurt my head."

"You can tell by the way you laughed after," Nick said sarcastically. Sara ignored him and trapsed out of the kitchen and into the spare room. She pulled back the covers of the bed, off with her socks, and lay there, thinking.

"I can't go to sleep," she thought, "Not yet. I have to let the dizziness wear off. But that's not the only reason I can't, I'm suspicious. I want to know if Nick's really here to protect her, or if it's mo.. Stop! Don't go there."
She could not believe she had just confessed her first drunken story. She knew it was wild, and she just hoped that it did not turn Nick off. She was young then which resulted in stupid decisions.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the loud bang of Sara’s chair as it came into contact with the kitchen ceramic tile. She noticed as Sara’s head hit the floor with a loud thud, and Catherine the mother that she was hovered over her. "She's wasted, Cath," Nick whispered with amusement in his voice. “You think?” Catherine whispered back as she gave him a small chuckle.

Sara somehow managed to come to a sitting position as she embarrassedly laughed uncontrollably at herself. "I think I'm going to head off to bed." Catherine heard Sara say as her words slurred together. Catherine quickly put the alcohol away, and threw away Sara’s beer bottle. "That really hurt my head." Sara continued on as she lightly rubbed the back of her head.

Catherine could not help but smirk at Nick as he barked a sarcastic response to Sara regarding her drunken accident. The kitchen now overly quiet as Sara headed out and Catherine turned around in surprise to see that Nick had left the kitchen too. She watched as he eased himself onto her leather couch with his head rested in the palms of his hands. He seemed a bit lost and stuck in a world far away. She followed him into her living room, and his head snapped up as she spoke. “Wow, I’m well...I’m going to go check on her, and give her something for her head,” Catherine said as she carried a small bag of ice in her hand. “Then I will get the couch ready for you.”

She knocked on the spare bedroom door quietly before she entered. “Hey, let me look at that head of yours,” Catherine said as she looked at Sara’s head. Her hand gently moved her hair around to see if she cut her head open. “Well, you will definitely have a bump, but no blood.” “Here…take these,” Catherine said as she handed Sara a few aspirins. “And, place this bag of ice on your head. I hope you don’t wake up hurting too bad! Night.”

“Thanks! Good night,” Sara managed as she rubbed at her throbbing head. Catherine smiled at her as she shut the door, and then walked off to her bedroom to grab a set of sheets for Nick. She hummed softly under her breath as she opened her closet door, and found a spare set of sheets, a blanket, and a pillow. She turned around with her arms full, and nearly collided into Nick. Her eyes widened in surprise as she smiled at him.

She swallowed hard at the realization that he was in her room, and she immediately looked down. Catherine’s eyes shut as her body reacted to his close proximity by sending short, electrical waves of heat through out her very core. Get a hold of yourself. Now!

“I thought that…you would be…comfortable, More comfortable if you…If I gave you something to sleep in. You know…sheets and stuff,” she stuttered. Not good Catherine. He’s now looking at you. He knows.

Her arms felt incredibly heavy as she fought to stay in control as her body melted as his eyes scanned her face. Breathe Catherine. Breathe. She smiled slowly as she walked past him, and came up short of her partially closed door when she heard his voice.
Almost as if it wasn't his own body, Nick got up and walked down the hallway, looking around, slightly warmed by the licquor. “Well, you will definitely have a bump, but no blood.” He smiled, holding back a laugh at Catherine. She was such a good person, and her motherly insticts never ceased action. Walking further down the hallway, he watched as Catherine closed the door to the guest bedroom and made her way into her own room.

Following her, Nick entered her room and stood a few feet behind her and watched as she grabbed the pillow and blankets. He couldn't deny his attraction to her, she was just so...unique. And to see her dressed down and face clean of make up at home it was revealing to him, that she was the exact same person that he'd come to know year after year. Standing, she turned and he watched as her eyes grew wide. Her head bent down, as if she were fishing for words.

“I thought that…you would be…comfortable, More comfortable if you…If I gave you something to sleep in. You know…sheets and stuff." She trailed off from her stuttering and cleared her throat as she walked past him.

"Cat." She stopped, and he was surprised at himself for saying her name. Even more to his surprise, she turned around and looked at him. He was lost, just spiraling out of control in those eyes he couldn't help but stare in. "Let me," he whispered. Stepping forward, he took the sheets from her arms and dropped them on the floor. Reaching around behind her, he closed the door with one hand softly and traced her jaw with the other. All he could do was smile and feel himself lean in to her. Hopefully he wouldn't make the same fool of himself he did in the bar.
*Catnip are warned***

She heard her name, and closed her eyes briefly before she turned around. Her blue eyes were searching his face for an explanation for what was happening between them. She knew she was falling hard, and her thoughts were losing clarity as he spoke again. “Let me,” his voice was barely audible, but she knew what he said as she focused her attention on his lips. Almost like she was beckoning them to gently kiss her.

She looked down as his hands gently brushed her arms, and grabbed the bedding from her, and dropped it to the ground. She swallowed hard as he inched forward, and snaked an arm around her body and softly closed the door. Shutting her world inside with him; she vaguely felt his hand linger along her jaw line. She almost forgot how to breathe the moment she noticed him lean in to her, and pull her lips into a heated kiss.

Her heart beat quickened, and her hands held on tight to his sides as her emotions caused her to become unsteady. She literally fell into him causing him to step backwards slightly. “Sorry..., I lost my balance,” she muttered into his smiling lips.

Before she knew it, they were standing inches from her bed. He pulled back and his dark eyes were staring at her as his hands traveled slowly down to her waist. Her teeth bit down slightly on her bottom lip in nervousness as she pondered on how far to let things go. She knew he was asking for permission to take things further. She felt his fingers as they teased her soft skin on her sides causing her shirt to rise slightly upward.

It seemed that the room was spinning around her as she leaned in, and ever so gently and delicately placed a soft kiss on his sweet lips. She felt as his hands slipped below the hem of her shirt, and slowly pulled the fabric in an upward movement. Her eyelids fluttered shut as she slowly lifted her arms up, and he pulled her shirt up over her head.

Their eyes met, and her heart nearly stopped as she noticed the care seeping out of them. It was not long before he finished delicately undressing her, and his clothing followed hers into a heap on the floor. She quickly pulled him into a tight embrace just wanting to be close to him. A part of her fearing what he would think once he saw her body displaying every vulnerability.

Their kiss slowed as he gently laid her back on her bed. Her breath got lost in her throat as his hands lovingly stroked her face. She knew then this was not about lust; she could feel the emotion and love that radiating from him, and it scared her. No one had treated her like this. Not even Eddie.

Her eyes fell shut with his touch. All she could think about was how amazing this felt with him. Part of her was afraid that this was moving a bit to fast, and what if Nick regretted this in the morning. She was in fact older than him--a good eight years older. Then again she was one to always rush into anything intimate with a man. Sex was always easier for her. It was the emotions and feelings in a relationship she had a hard time dealing with.

Her thoughts were pleasantly interrupted, and her eyes flew open the moment she felt his breath on her navel. "Nick," her voice was shaky with uncertainty and desire as she spoke. "Mmmmm," was the response she received as he continued to cherish her body. It seemed she was out of breath. “Please,” she mumbled through her lips. She realized then she gave him the wrong cue as he began to readjust himself. “Please Wait,” this seemed to get his attention as he looked into her eyes. She smiled nervously at him before she looked away. “I'm sorry, but can we stop? It’s just it’s been awhile—since I’ve, and…well, I…I really, I just don’t want to screw this up,” she said as she shook her head at her own fluster ness. She felt so out of character that it was unreal to her. What the hell is wrong with me? I can’t believe I’m acting like this. Usually I’m such a flirting tease having them beg for more.

She opened her mouth to speak but came up empty. She felt the heat rise to her cheeks, and knew that her embarrassment was showing.
Sara laid the bag of ice Catherine had given her on her head, and popped the asprin in her mouth, swallowing hard - No water. She lay there for a moment, letting the ice cool the side of her head. A short pain in her stomach made her stand up, reciving a headrush. She braced herself against the door frame and opened it, the cool handle shocking her hand.

She walked down past the closed doors towards the bathroom. She knew each room; Across from hers was Lindsey's, then the linen closet. On the same wall as hers was the other spare room, and across from it was Catherine's bedroom. To get to the bathroom, you'd have to turn the corner, walk in front of the kitchen, across the livingroom. She sighed, and unconsiously stopped near Catherine's door, thinking 'This is going to take effort.'

While infront of Catherine's door, Sara heard the soft murmur of voices coming from inside. She inched closer to the door and listened. She couldn't make out the exact words, but she knew who's voices they were - Catherine and Nick.

'What in the world,' Sara thought, loosing colour in her face. 'I knew it. Catherine and Nick are together, and they're getting it on, while I'm here! I always knew they were a couple, they laugh just a little to hard, they stand just a little to close, they stare just a little too long. How is this going to work? How are they going to keep it from leaking out? .. This isn't just the first time, though. To be this comfrotable.. Catherine walked out infront of him with a towel on, dripping, and smiling.. Looking so seductive. How could she?' Sara's jealously was getting ahold of her. She wanted Nick for herself. 'I always thought they were just friends. She's 8 years older than him. We'd be so much better.. Stop! Sara, you're always doing this.'

She turned towards the door, standing as close as possible without touching it. She heard more muffled voices, sounding like, 'Please' and 'Wait'. Her mind raced, flashing between different possible scenes that could be taking place. Then she pictured herself in Catherine's place, Nick's strong arms embracing her body, her fingers sliding up and down his face, slick with sweat. She thought of him, and her, and being together in a moment of passion.

Sara turned around quickly, forgetting about the bathroom as a light flicked on inside. She hightailed it back to her bedroom, shut the door and jumped on the bed, just in time. Her door opened as she was pulling the covers back over herself, and Lindsey walked in.

"Hey Sara," Lindsey said questioningly, standing in the doorframe.

"Hey Lindsey," Sara replied. "C'mon in and shut the door." Lindsey did as Sara requested, and for a brief moment they were thrust into darkness while Sara fumbled with the light. "Sit down," Sara gestured. Lindsey oblidged.

"Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, what about?" Sara sat up, and clutched her legs to her chest, her flannel red checked pjs cozy and warm.

"Mom and Nick."