The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

ack I hope that's not a bad kind of tampered with

I'm still mulling what to do with Warrick btw...could probably have the poor boy hole up at a hotel and gamble for a while, kinda sounds like him...*goes off to think* (especially if Nick's player wants to do a little guy-support thing like that one ep on the show...)
Sara nodded without enthusiasm.

"Thanks for that, Catherine. Thanks for everything," she mumbled, her eyes tired and red. She gave Catherine another warm hug and stumbled into the bathroom stall. She came back out and washed her hands, and turned to Catherine.

"So, let's go home, shall we. You can come to my place tonight, you've got the rest of the day off, and I'm going to need some time out of the lab." Sara picked up her cellphone and dialed Grissom's number.
Catherine stared at Sara as if she did not comprehend her question. Her hand busily played with a strand of her golden hair as she thought about Sara's question. Sara lightly touched Catherine to get her attention. "Ummm...Oh, sorry I just spaced on you. Uhh, well maybe it would be better for you to come to my place. It’s a full house anyways. I mean Lindsey, Lilly, me and well..." Catherine's voice trailed off as she closed her eyes. No matter how she explained Nick in the equation she was afraid it would sound bad. Like they were lovers. But, they were not lovers. Yet. Her eyes popped open at that last thought.

She took a deep breath as she tried to steady her thoughts. "Sara, I...well, I just don't want you to get the wrong idea, but Nick he...well he will be staying over too," Catherine finally admitted as she moistened her lips with her tongue. Her cheeks felt like they were on fire. "It's's not like what it seems okay."

Her mind drifted back to the kiss she shared with Nick a few nights back that now seemed to be months ago. His mouth was so warm yet inviting. His kiss gentle, but somewhat demanding. She swallowed hard at the memory as her hand briefly touched her lips. Then she recalled the agonizing memory of turning rigid as her hands gently pushed against his chest to stop that amazing heart throbbing kiss. What an idiot she was. She found herself scowling at her own reaction to that matter.

Lindsey walking into the bathroom brought her out of her little reverie. "Mom, you okay? You've been in here awhile?"

"Linds, baby I'm fine. Just give me a few more minutes with Sara and I will be out okay?"

"Sure, hey Sara!" Lindsey managed before she left them alone again in the bathroom.

"Look, seriously you are more than welcome to stay with me. I have a lot of room. Plenty of beds. It's up to you," Catherine said as she smiled at Sara. She shifted her weight to her other leg as she awaited Sara’s response.

The silence continued to grow as the tension filled the small bathroom, and Catherine looked up and noticed that Sara was staring at her. She had this look on her face, a look that screamed she was busted. The panic rose as the thought bounced around in her head; the thought that maybe Sara was not buying her story.

"Damn it Sara, I...there...really isn't anything going on between Nick and I. It’s just been a couple of emotional days for the both of us. He's worried about me after...well after almost being kidnapped, and I...I just want to know that he's safe.” Her face blushed more profusely as she tried to explain her way through this. Her words were jumbled and rushed which she knew showed her nervousness. Her hands became fidgety with her purse strap as she found herself smiling to cover up her anxiety that she felt over this awkward talk. Truth was she was confused and scared as hell about how she felt about Nick. The pull she felt towards him was so strong, electric, and her body had a mind of its own when she was around him.

"Well?" Catherine asked as she realized that Sara still had not answered her question.
'WOW, does that guy look cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute?!' Sofia thinks as she downs her sixth shot of vodka tonight. She pulled up outside the highball just over an hour ago and shes already slurring words together, seeing things and hearing things. A familiar song leaks its way into her head, with a few variations.....

'99 shots of vodka on the wall, blahb blah blah...... I had 6 and its not enough, I'm prbably gonna end up on the floor.....WOAH!'

She falls to the floor and passes out......


HOURS LATER.........

Sheets ruffle together, sirens blare in the background and Sofia Curtis wakes up, face down in her own bed

'What the.....' She gasps as she feels the way the sheets move over her skin.

Shes butt-naked in her own bed and doesn't remember how she got there. That nasty little sucker of a hangover is coming through now, just niggling at her temples, soon though, it'd become a tight band of pressure around her head and shed probably have to call in and tell Grisson she wasn't gonna be there.....but she didn't have time before falling back to sleep. I dunnooooooooooooo :lol:


"Uhhhmmmm........Is Gil Grissom there?" Sofia asks the receptionist of the LVPD.

She woke up just under an hour ago, still in the same spot she passed out in before. She now stands by the phone with a sheet wrapped around her as she shivers uncontrollably. Quite weird for LasVegas, but non the less, shes cold as ice.

(If anyone could take Grissom off my hands, I would love you forever, because if I remember correctly, I have Brass and Sofia already. As it turns out, I dont have anyone to play Grissom :()
"Well what," Sara said, blinking. She turned back to Catherine, after blanking out, thinking about the offer. "Oh, well.." Sara thought again, "Sure, I'd love to come over. You said Nick was going to be there?" Catherine nodded, "Oh, okay, fun," Sara smiled, and she and Catherine walked out of the bathroom, smiling.
***Playing Grissom for this post.***

After talking to Nick, Grissom headed back to his office, and noticed that Brass or someone had placed the letters on his desk. He took a seat in his chair as he reread the latest letter. He let out a loud breath as his hand captured his chin in thought. "Thank goodness we have this guy," he said more to himself than to his empty office.

It was such a close call. Very close call. Catherine was nearly abducted, and he did not want to think what would have happened, but he could only imagine it after reading the letter. Catherine was being used like a sick pawn, used as a toy to dangle in Nick's face. Why Catherine? Why her exactly? Did this sicko think that Nick and Catherine were an item? Could that be true?

He raked his hands through his hair as his frustration built over all his unanswered questions. Catherine never once mentioned to him anything about Nick. In fact, he never got the impression that anything was going on between the two. Not until recently that is. Why was this guy targeting Nick in the first place. None of it made any sense, and his office phone rudely interrupted his thoughts.

He grabbed at the phone in frustration, and answered it. "Grissom?" He rumbled, as his face softened. "Sophia, sorry. It's been a rough night. Anyhow, what can I do for you?"
Her bottom jaw is trembling with emotion, she manages to stutter, "I--Grissom, I wo-ke up naked in--in my own bed and......and I don't know how I got there!"

She didn't mean to say it that loud, but she had to say it, she was all alone in a freezing apartment with only a sheet wrapped around her.
Grissom stood up in his chair in shock. "What?" He fumbled with his pen not knowing if she was filing a compliant, or just confiding in him. He quickly sat back down, and closed his eyes as his hand supported his heavy head. What was going on with everyone in his lab? He just prayed this thing with Sophia turned out to be okay.

"Sophia are you reporting a crime?"
"I....I don't know, Grissom." She tells him shakily.
Her mind is racing at a million miles an hour, not knowing what to do, she tells him all the details.

"I was at the higball. Getting drunk, the case was getting too much for me. Within an hour I downed 6 or more vodka shots, I can't really remember. I remember singing some stupid bar song then slipping from my chair as I passed out......then I woke up here. What should I do?" She finishes as her teeth are chattering frmo the cold and can be heard on the other end of the line.
"You WHAT?" Grissom stood up from his chair sending it flying backwards. "Sophia, you went drinking alone? To get drunk none the less!" He started to pace back in forth in his office. "I will send someone from day shift over to your house to administer a rape kit, and to also process your house for evidence." He closed his eyes before he spoke again. "Look, I know you would probably prefer Catherine or Sara, but they are off. In the meantime try to focus on the night. Can you remember anybody? Maybe the bar called a cab for you?"
She starts to cry at Grissoms accusatory tone.
"I'm--I'm sorry then, Grissom.... It's....its just everyone was out doing stuff, you were busy, I don't have many friends because of my job, what was I supposed to do?"

"There were s series of people that wanted ot call me a cab, but I said....oh my god....I said yes to a guy, right before I passed out. I'm sorry for this Grissom, I really am..." She sobs in apology to him.

She feels like a selfish and attention-seeking teenager now, she doesn't like it one bit, but she had to call Grissom.