The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

"Ok, I guess..." Sofia whispers as they shut the door and leave. She wasn't sure what to do, her apartment felt....felt so empty. But she needed to get this dirty feeling off of her, out of her apartment, so she proceeds to walk towrds the bathroom.


As soon as she reaches her bathroom, she closes the door, takes her robe off and jumps in the shower. When the cold water hits her soft skin, she sighs softly. She needs to relax, like Grissom said and get some sleep. She scrubs her arms, her legs, her face....oh the list goes on for what seems like forever.

Now she's shampooing her hair for the second time as a tear escapes her eyes. Why was she crying when she was in Grissoms hands? Sure, she didn't like him at times, but he was one of the best, so she should feel safe.


Now, in bed, with new sheets, blanket and pillows, she drifts slowly of into a fitful sleep.
Catherine walked off to the shower, and Nick just sat, staring at the kitchen island's grout lines. "Nick, Nick?" He looked up, jolted by Sara's voice. "Weren't you going to cook something? You okay?" He nodded vigorously, jumping up from his chair and heading towards the fridge. Why wouldn't the dreams leave him? More like nightmares. They just haunted him, nonstop! Shaking his head, Nick scanned over the contents of the refridgerator and the open pantry. Grabbing the cheese from the fridge, he sat it on the counter, and grabbed a few more things, talking to Sara with his back to her.

"Well, we've got some bread, butter, and cheese. Grilled cheese sounds pretty good to me, want any?" Sara shook her head and he closed the fridge with his foot and turned the stove on. Nick watched his hands mechanically move, as if he was totally seperated from his body. He grabbed the griddle, sprayed it with a non-stick spray, buttered the bread and added the cheese. In a moment, he threw the sandwich on the pan and heard it sizzle. Even that seemed distant, now that his mind was left to wander on its own.

Was it a sign? Will it happen again? How could I have forgotten all of this as a child, and now it haunts me? It seems backwards, the way things are turning out compared to childhood. A faint voice was pricking the back of his consciousness, a woman's voice. She was yelling something, and a loud screeching noise was dulled too. "nick...nick...Nick...Nick! NICK!" Jumping, Nick heard the smoke alarms going off and Sara's screaming of his name. Jerking his head towards the pan, his dinner was enflamed in smoke. Making loud banging noises, he desperately searched for the cover of the pan and banged his head twice, pulling out from the cabinet on the floor and standing. Unknown to him in the chaos, Catherine ran out in a towell, dripping wet at the front of the kitchen, screaming at the top of her lungs. "NICK, WHAT'S GOING ON?" Screaming over the alarm, he slammed the cover over the pan and twisted the knob off for the burner.

"It's fine, it's fine! Everything's fine!" He looked over at her and had to suppress himself from letting his jaw drop. Turning away quickly, his face deepend into a mauve shade. "I promise everything's all right!" She still didn't leave, instead, she made a move to approach Nick and help him. He turned, yelling. "Cath, just go get decent please!" He kept his back to her, waiting for her to leave. He couldn't help mouthing his thoughts as they ran through his head.

'She came out in a towell?! The sight of her in a towell, short and just barely covering...STOP!' Reaching up to rub his jaw, he accidently slapped the side of his face, earning a weirded out glance from Sara. "I'm fine!" Grabbing a chair and a screwdriver from the small container of tools at the entrance of the home, he went around resetting the alarms to quiet them.

"Nick?" He looked down from his perch on the chair at Lindsey, standing in her robe and pajamas. "Oh, jeez, I'm sorry Linds. I burnt something and it set off the alarms, everything's all right." She nodded, glancing at him up and down and turned back down the hallway to her room. Turning, Nick intended to grab the pan and throw away the contents and clean the pan, but he just slowly eased himself into the chair and buried his head in his hands. It seemed now he couldn't even escape the nightmares while he was awake.
"I will take all the evidence to Wendy," Grissom said to Jessica as they entered the lab. "Thanks for all your help Jessica, and remember this is confidential." She nodded her acknowledgement before she headed to the break room.

He walked into the lab and found Wendy hard at work on a different case. "Wendy, can you process this evidence as quickly as possible. Then notify only me of the results. This needs to be kept confidential."

Wendy nodded towards Grissom as a print out began to print. She barely got his attention before he left her lab. "GRISSOM?" He turned quickly in her direction with a puzzled look.

"I heard that you asked Nick to stay at Catherine's to watch out for her? Is everything okay with her?" She asked as her eyebrow shot upward and a smile formed on her lips.

"Yes," Grissom said in a bit of shock as his eyes widened.

Wendy shrugged her shoulders. "Ecklie...he told me. So hey, do you think you can assign Nick to watch me at home when I need a body guard?"

Grissom's mouth opened briefly in shock before it fell shut. He then gave Wendy a disapproval look before he turned and left. "ASAP!" Was his last response as he continued out of her lab, and headed to his office to work on the mountain of paper work that was stacking on his desk.
Sophia didn't get much sleep , so she was still very tired.
She looks through her apartment to find her phone on the top shelf of the fridge. 'How did that get there?' She wonders.

She picks up her phone and dials Catherine number, hoping she could talk to her about what hapened.

(sorry for the short post)
As she walked back to her room to get dressed, she pondered over Nick’s reaction of her running out into the kitchen in just a towel. She smiled to herself as she noticed the evident shock and embarrassment that was written on his face. The fact that he turned a few shades close to maroon as he fixated on her body for a brief moment did not go unnoticed by her. Especially when she felt the electric heat that radiated up her body, and finally came to a resting place on her cheeks. Her face felt hot to the touch.

When Nick kissed her a few nights ago she was in utter shock, and was caught completely off guard. Now all she could think about was that soft kiss he placed on her lips. After her last relationship with Chris, she had promised herself to stay away from men. Walking in on him screwing one of his waitresses, ripped at her soul and stripped her of her self confidence. The worst part was his trivial dismissal of their relationship, because it felt like a hard slap on the face--like she never mattered. She was used yet again for only a means of sexual release like she was devoid of human emotions or feelings. For some reason she thought it would be different with Chris, but it turned out to be just another devastating failure at a relationship. So she had given up entirely on finding someone, and before she knew it a couple of years had passed and she had dated no one. Had ‘been’ with no one.

Her hands absentmindedly rubbed her face as she thought about Nick. The thought of being with him was thrilling yet terrifying. But she knew what she felt was love. She took a deep breath as she exited her bedroom, and found herself wandering into the kitchen. She did what she knew best, and made a quick joke about the incident earlier. Did he know how unbalanced he made her feel? "Is this better?" She found herself asking as she smirked at him. Her arms were outstretched from her sides emphasizing her pajamas. She was wearing striped cobalt blue pajama pants with a matching solid blue tank top.

Her hair was still wet as little droplets saturated the top of her shirt slightly. She noticed the blush that resettled on his cheeks, and she laughed at his embarrassment. "Nicky, I'm sorry. I wasn’t expecting you to set off the smoke alarm. By the way, who burns grilled cheese sandwiches?” Catherine asked him lightly as she chuckled softly at him. She lightly touched his shoulder as her hand lingered there briefly before it trailed down his arm as she walked passed him to the alcohol cabinet.

She noticed as he began to relax a little as a small smile settled over his lips. "Damn, guys I really want a night cap...anyone care to join?" She asked as she stood on her tip toes and reached for her bottle of scotch. "Uhhh, someone want to help me here?" She turned briefly to look at Sara in hopes of help as she continued to reach for the bottle, but failed to grasp it. Her tank top had snuck its way slightly up, and revealed part of her toned stomach.

Her breath caught in her throat as she suddenly felt Nick's presence behind her. Her arms fell downward to lightly snuggle around her body as she felt his breath along her neck. He was so close to her that she could feel his body as he reached for the alcohol bottle. Catherine involuntarily shivered, and quickly walked over to a different cabinet to grab a few glasses. Her fingers felt like butter as her hands grabbed three small glasses, and gently but shakily eased them down to the counter. "Scotch okay with everyone?" Her voice sounded foreign to her as she subconsciously listened to herself speak.

If she was not obvious to him before, she was pretty sure it was clear how much of an effect he had on her now. She always fell for men too easily. How could she fall in love with someone so fast? She pulled herself out of thought as he handed her the bottle of scotch. Her eyes met his briefly as their hands came into contact. You need a distraction, and fast before you lose your reborn again virginity. Her mouth opened slightly in surprise at her own thoughts as her eyes widened in shock.

She looked over at Sara who was staring at her. Crap...she probably thinks I'm coming on to Nick in front of her. "You...uhh want a drink Sara?" Sara continued to stare as she stood slowly up from her chair. Catherine did not wait for her answer as she watched the golden hue fall into three crystal glasses. She pushed the glasses in each direction of her friends before she grabbed her own, and downed it in a gulp. She nearly coughed it back up, but managed to keep it down. “That was strong,” she managed as her blue eyes turned more vibrant as her eyes watered from the harshness of the alcohol.

She eloquently grabbed at the bottle and gave herself a refill. "Cath, can I speak with you for a moment?" Catherine felt the heat radiate from her cheeks at Sara's suggestion of a talk. "Sure," Catherine's voice was so soft and quiet as she walked out of the kitchen with her glass of scotch in her hand.
The phone rung out several times before she finally gave up. She sighs and puts it on the table next to her gently before picking it up again almost immediately. 'I could call Brass?' She thinks to herself. As she dials his number, her tongue is sticking out slightly from the corner of her mouth as if she's thinking hard about something.

Once dialled, she listens to the rings and waits for him to pick up, if he even had his phone on that is.
***playing as wendy***

Wendy turned some music on before she opened up the evidence box that Grissom had gave her. She did not understand why Grissom felt the need to tell her to keep things confidential. She did not talk to anyone outside the lab about her cases. Her mouth opened in shock when she saw Sophia Curtis scribbled on the ID card of the box. What is going on here? Catherine nearly gets abducted as she is sexually assaulted in the parking lot, and now something happened to Sophia?

She shook her head in sadness as she pulled out the rape kit. She put the labeled evidence in their different containers, and prepped them to be tested. She placed them in the machines and decided to take the left over swab to trace to be anaylzed for spermacide.

"Hodges, hey run this to see if you find any spermacide. Its for a rape kit that I'm currently processing, and the case number is 125958-5214."

"Only if you buy me lunch!" Hodges announced with a quirky smile.

"I'm like the magic 8 ball Hodges," Wendy said as she looked up in faked concentration. "Answer fuzzy. Try again later." She beamed him a smile before she walked out of his domain, and headed back to hers.

The tests were finished running as she returned, so she hit the print out button, and waiting for the hard copy of the results to be processed.

She frowned as she picked up her phone as she saw Grissom walk by. "GRISSOM...Grissom!" She noticed she got his attention the moment he turned and walked into her office.

"Tell me is it good news? Or bad?" Grissom asked as he fiddled with the arm of his eye glasses.
"Damn it!" Sofia exclaims as she slams her phone down on the table. No one was answering her calls and she needed someone to talk to so bad. She wanted to just pass out on the floor right then and there so she wouldn't have to worry about anything for the next few hours. The tension inside her was so tight, breathing on it could break it. (meaning shed blow up at anyone who so much as said hi)

She lays down on her couch in the living room and closes her eyes, listening to the foreign language being spoken by a few actors on a tv drama that she was watching a little while a go.

(that was hard lol)
Sara saw Catherine stand up and follow behind her, with her scotch in her hand. Sara walked out side the kitchen and leaned against the wall, smiling softly from the slight tingling sensation she was getting from her third shot of the hard liquor.

"Catherine," Sara started seriously, "I need to ask you something."

"Mm," Catherine answered, drinking half of the small glass she had in her hand.

"Okay, you didn't know this, but I have a small.." Sara questioned how to say this, and paused to string the words together in her head, "Drinking problem. I'm not addicted or anything," Sara rushed, seeing Catherine's shocked expression, "But once I start, I won't stop if I don't have to. So, after a few .. Not like, immediatly, but after like, 5 or 6 drinks, take it from me."

Catherine nodded and smiled, turning back to the kitchen, and Sara followed behind. She sat back in the chair at the island, and poured herself another scotch, downing it and banging her glass off the table. SHe licked her lips, and laughed as Nick told a story about his first time drinking when he was 14.

They started a conversation about their first experience drunk, and Sara laughed, poured herself another scotch, and started to tell hers.

"Okay," Sara said, giggling, "I was about 16, and I had graduated from highschool early, because I skipped a few grades. So, I was gone to my first highschool party, and I got absolutely loaded on God-knows-what," Sara stood up and walked to the fridge, grabbing a beer. "They had something there. So I was passed out, and they had to let me sleep in a cot, in their basement, because no one knew where I lived. So, I woke up the next morning, dying sick, and I threw up for about two days." Sara snorted and sipped on her beer, the foam tringling her nose.

"How about you, Cat," Sara asked, eyeing Catherine.
"So far everything has come back clean." Wendy said as she looked at Grissom.

"Clean?" Grissom asked as his eyebrows furrowed, and his lips pursed together as he waited for more clarification.

"Yeah, no sign of any bodily fluids to signify any form of sex took place. I tested the urine which might I add had a BAC of 1.9. Quite a bit of alcohol if you ask me. Finger nail scrapping came back clean as well. Just dirt, no epithelials. However, I'm still waiting on Hodges' verdict. If his test clears for spermicide, then your kit will come back negative. Hopefully, Sophia will be able to take a deep breath when you give her the news."

Grissom stared at Wendy before he closed his open mouth. "Wendy, remember this is confidential." He continued to stare at her to analyze her reaction.

"Right, Griss. I got it. I know what confidential means. I'm not suppose to talk about it all. Not even with the rest of the staff. Just you," she said as she handed Grissom his report.

She looked up in time to see him leaving, and nearly colliding into Greg in the hallway.
Greg decided he needed to take a walk, just around the lab, to clear his mind and see if the evidence could lead him in any new directions.

He was walking down the corridor from the break room, trying to call Sara's cell again with no avail, not concentrating particularly on where he was going; and subsequently narrowly missed walking straight into Grissom.

He closed his cell. "Woah, Grissom, watch out" he said jokingly, trying to deflect the fact that he was the one not looking where he was going. Before Grissom could reply back, Greg continued.

"Grissom i need some advice. I know you're busy, I heard about Sofia. But as my great boss and mentor i was hoping you could help me." Greg new that Grissom hated people kissing - ass but he thought he'd give it a go anyway.

"Anyway, so as you know Sara and I found two vics, one that looks like Sara's twin, and I found out that actually she's Sara's cousin. And, well I'm thinking that the death of these women could be related to the disappearance of Sara's other cousin, Grey, a few years ago, so I reopened the case." He then paused for a breath and continued,"So i went to track down Sars's other cousin about Grey's disappearance, and I know he knows soemthing but wont tell me. So, basically where do I go from here?" asked Greg, looking at Grissom, noticing that you could always practically see Gil's brain ticking away whenever he was in deep thought about something.
Catherine shook her head slightly at Sara’s question. A small smile formed on her face as she briefly glanced at Nick. Did he know about her wild times? If not he was about to find out. “Where do I begin,” Catherine started as she chuckled softly. She finished her remaining scotch, and refilled it. “Wow, I was fifteen. I played spin the bottle of alcohol which by the way was full of liquor. My best friend Stephanie and I played with three other guys, and well don’t be surprised that the bottle usually somehow managed to NOT land on me or her. Each time the bottle landed on you, you picked someone to take a chug of the vodka. Let’s just say, I never got the opportunity to tell someone else to drink. Not to mention the games that went along with it. I was dared to go in my mom’s bedroom, and make out with my boyfriend. Things got kind of hot and heavy, and before I knew it I was getting reamed out by my mom. She happened to come home earlier than usual, and to her surprise she found me naked lying on her bed about to do the deed for the first time,” she said as she rubbed at her forehead. “He of course up and left immediately, and I fell off the bed taking the comforter with me. It was horrifying. Then to top it off, my mother had to steady me as she helped me walk back to my own room. My room of course was empty except for the empty bottle of alcohol.”

She looked up and noticed the shocked look on Nick’s face. Sara let out a friendly gasp as her hand covered her mouth as she laughed. “What? Obviously, I was a rebellious teen,” Catherine squeaked as she tried to plead her case. She knew she most likely just painted a picture in both of their minds. “I think I need another drink. I didn’t realize we were having a confession night,” she added as she gave them a small laugh.
~~~~~I'm playing as Grissom~~~~~

"Woah, Grissom, watch out," Greg said with a small smile. Grissom gave him an annoyed look as he walked around him. "Grissom I need some advice. I know you're busy, I heard about Sofia. But as my great boss and mentor I was hoping you could help me." Greg said as he caught up with him.

“How do you know about Sophia?” Grissom asked as he stared at Greg in disbelief. Didn’t anyone know what the word confidential meant? Greg mumbled something under his breath before he continued on with what he needed to talk to him about.

"Anyway, so as you know Sara and I found two vics, one that looks like Sara's twin, and I found out that actually she's Sara's cousin. And, well I'm thinking that the death of these women could be related to the disappearance of Sara's other cousin, Grey, a few years ago, so I reopened the case." He then paused for a breath and continued, "So I went to track down Sara's other cousin about Grey's disappearance, and I know he knows something but won’t tell me. So, basically where do I go from here?"

“Greg, you always go back to the evidence if you can’t follow through with a lead. But, get with Brass. Maybe Sara’s other cousin will be more inclined to talk if he’s brought in for questioning. Good Job Greg. Keep up the good work. Oh, and Greg go home and get some rest.” Greg seemed pleased with that as he shot him a smile, and headed off to the locker rooms.

Grissom shook his head as he entered Hodges’ office. “You have the results back on Wendy’s case number 125958-5214?” Grissom asked as he looked down at his report.

“It’s confidential. Sorry, no can do.” Hodges just stared back at Grissom loving the moment.

“HODGES, I’m not in the mood. Do you have the results?” Hodges chuckled at Grissom’s frustration before he handed him a report. “I see, well it came back Negative for spermacide.”

“Thank you,” Grissom said as he left. He grabbed his jacket, and decided to call it a night.

He got into his SUV, and headed over to Sophia’s. She needed to know the news, but he wanted to tell her in person. He stopped outside of her house, and walked up to her door. He knocked quietly, and stood back from her door as he waited for her to answer.
Sophias eyes snap open as she hears the knocking on her front door. She gets up and straightens her baggy tracksuit pants and top. She slowly walks over to the door and looks through the peep-hole thingy on her door

"Mr. Grissom, what can I do for you?" She asks with a yawn as she opens the door for him, motioning him inside the almost obsessively clean apartment.