The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

(Read and Understood Sissi :))

Sara left the lab when he beeper went leaving Greg to think about what he should do next. He remembered her talking about her cousin Hayden in Henderson who might know the whereabouts of Grey.

He went around the lab looking for someone to discuss the case with, but he couldnt find anyone. Oh great the one time i actually need help and they've all gone on a pub crawl he thought to himself not realising what had been happening. He decided to take some initiative and go and search out Hayden.

He ran Hayden Sidle through CODIS and found his file. Two minors from his teen years but nothing since then. He had an address in Henderson like Sara said, it was from at least 15 years ago, but Greg thought he would give it a shot. He then hopped into his car and drove upto Henderson.

When he arrived at the door, he rang the doorbell and was greeted by a young man. "Hi. Im Greg Sanders with the Las Vegas Crime Lab, are you Hayden Sidle?"
"No. I'm Danny. What do you want?" he replied bluntly
"Do you know where Hayden Sidle is?"
"Yeah, hes at work" said the guy partially closing the door on Greg.
"Where?" said Greg a bit impatiently
"I dunno somewhere in some club with a flashing CD on front, dont know the name. Sorry" he said slamming the door in Gregs face.

Greg hopped back into his car and drove around Henderson for more than an hour trying to find a club with a flashing disc on the front but to no avail. He decided to call Sara, he got out his cell, dialled, and waited for her to pick up.
"Tina," Sophia pauses, considering her options if tina tried to b**ch slap her and how she's react, "I was, ummmmm......just being really stupid. and just so you know YOUR husband, warrick, here, never ever had anything to do with me, it was just me being an annoying, overbearing detective. please forgive me and warr." she hated pulling off her pride and stomping on it like this. but for sure, she'd never mess with tina again.

(ok, I posted today, I was thinking, no, formulating a brilliant plot which still didn't come out that brilliant. enjoy! :D )
Tina looked at Sophia and Warrick. Unsure what to think, but obviously still hurt by Warrick's words. "Why is it when the going gets want to flee or give up what we have?" Tina asked as tears filled her eyes. "Do you LOVE me, Warrick? Are you IN LOVE with me?" She sobbed loudly as she looked down at the ground; tears falling freely now. "Because its pointless for us to try to work anything out, when you LOVE your job more than me. Am I right?"
"I just...I don't know if that's true, but I do think you may be right about trying to work though this...Maybe even though I do love you, I'm not IN love like I thought I was. All I know is, if we're going to be at each other's throats constantly, maybe it's not worth it anymore."
The guilt is pouring down in buckets upon Detective Sophia Curtis. She knows their marriage has been in the dumps for a while now, but never has she had one of their fights started by her. She feels tears starting to escape her eyes, and says in a quivering, but strong voice, "Tina, can and will figure this out, understand? I'll be in my lurking somewhere around the lab, if you need me, come look for me." She nearly jogs away from the two, tears falling freely.
Tina watched Sophia's retreating form, and then looked back at Warrick. "I'm not going to make this easy for you. I'm not going to say that I'm okay with everything just to spare your feelings. More importantly, I'm not going to sit here and have you tell me you don't know if your IN LOVE with me. The ball is in your court Warrick--your freaking court. I suggest you find one of your many friends here to let you stay with them." She stopped for a moment to collect herself. "I don't want you coming back to me unless you want to stay together," and with that she ran out of the lab in tears. She did not bother to look back either.
Warrick turned away as well, unable to face her as she left. He toyed with the ring on his finger, still torn over what to do. At one time he would have gone to Catherine, but she was in love with Nick now and he had to respect that. He slowly made his way out to leave the building a different way-and besides, he hadn't found Grissom or anyone else yet. Maybe he could at least let them know he was out of the hospital.
Sara studied the face behind her, the reflection blurred with the steam in the room. She squinted hard as her head filled with memories brought back by the appearence of the reflection.

'Sara, Sara, come out, come out,' called the misty, slurred voice of her father, after drinking a few too many after dinner. Sara had locked herself in the bathroom after he tried to slip his hand down her shirt. At 11 and a half, Sara knew already that this was not the way it was supposed to be, this was not the way Jamie lived nextdoor.

She sat in the corner of the bathroom, trying to hide herself between the toilet and the bathtub. She hugged her knees to her chest and put her head on top, her body starting to shake.

'I'm not coming out,' she yelled at the man standing out side the door, beating on it with large, rough fists. The pounding got louder, and louder until Sara heard a loud crack echoed through the bathroom and through Sara's head, causing her to dive her head deeper into her knees and shut her eyes tighter.

The door swung on the hinges as her father stormed into the bathroom, reeking of whiskey. He stauntered over to the toilet where Sara squat, her eyes on fire with tears. He grabbed her by the armpits and dragged the shaking girl to the mirror. Standing with his hands planted firmly on the small girls shoudlers, he lifted one to wipe off the steam from the mirror so she could see her face.

'You see that,' he barked at her, 'you see it, you sleezy bitch?! That's you. You know what you are,' he slurred. Sara shook her head 'no'. 'You're a worthless piece of shit, that's what you are!' And with that, he slammed her stomach into the counter and walked out as she fell to the floor, exhausted..

Sara shook her head, violently wiping the steam off the mirror with her free hand.

'He's dead, Sara told her self. 'He can't hurt you any more..'
As Sophia slows to a walk donwn the corridor of the PD's Crime Lab, she pull those letters out. She reads the first line of one and nearly pukes in duisgust. 'Duisgusting freak, he doesn't deserve to live.' She thinks to herself as she Heads to Grissoms office, unable to read the rest, she wants to hand them off to the Graveyard supervisor.
“You must think I’m a big mess.” Catherine shook her head, but Nick could only sigh and raise both his hands, placing one on either side of her head, ceasing its movement and forcing her to look at him. "No," he whispered even more cautious than a few moments earlier. "No. And to answer your previous question, if it puts you at ease, then yes, I'll stay." He genuinely grinned and let his hands fall from her face, one forming into place on the back of her shoulders.

"And I'm sure nobody pities you. They're just as relieved that we've got him." Easing her forward, they walked back toward the doors as he pushed it open for her, Grissom, Lindsey, and Lilly waiting down the hall.

"Mommy!" Lindsey yelled out and came running toward Catherine, and Nick stepped away towards the side, smiling at Lindsey. "Is she all right?" Nick turned, smile gone at the timid voice of Catherine's mother. He nodded.

"Yes, she's just unsure and afraid still. Anyone is. I had a run in a few times, I'm still cautious...But she'll be all right. As long as it's all right with you..."

"Please, call me Lilly."
"Lilly, Catherine wants me to stay at your place tonight, as protection. She's still shaken up." Her mother nodded her head in agreement and walked past him toward Catherine. Nick sighed as turned towards Grissom, still standing quietly, eyebrow raised.

"It's only for her to feel safe, I swear!" He whispered under his breath for only his supervisor to hear. Grissom just shook his head sadly.

"Not that, I believe you. And if it wasn't, it's not my place. But what I'm questioning, Nick, is -" He stopped, looking downwards, fishing for the appropriate wording. "I'm worried for you. I know Catherine's a fighter, not that you aren't, but you're already broken. You were stalked and injured, you were kidnapped and nearly died in a plexiglass coffin beneath the ground - I think the point of this was to get to you. The way your face tightened at his voice, your eyes narrowing, the way you took from the room, that particular quote he used during her attack; it's all indicating emotion, attachment, adrenaline, fear. I'm just concerned about YOU. How are you coping?"

Nick just stood open mouthed, but quickly shut it as Grissom waited patiently for an answer. The frankness of his concern towards Nick startled him, and it all started to make sense. If he really wanted to harm Catherine, he would have, despite Nick's presence or not. He had an entirely different demeanor as Nick entered the picture. The letters were addressed to Nick, not to Catherine. Catherine was just a pawn in Neil Howard's twisted game, but Nick was the king, the prize, the goal.

He shook his head in small, violent shakes for a moment, not daring to meet Grissom's eyes. "I'm fine." He heavily sighed and whispered,"But I think I'll take a personal along with Catherine tomorrow. A double like this was just pure hell. I'll see you in two days, Griss."

Nick walked slowly down the hall, picking his head up as he approached Catherine and her family. Grissom shook his head, turned, and whispered quietly, "Take care."