The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

Once Grissom gave Sara the go ahead sign, she allowed Nick to enter the room first before she turned back to Catherine. “Are you sure you are ready for this? I know you just had a rough moment in the bathroom. We could always do this later.”

Catherine opened her mouth in frustration as her eyes turned to ice as she looked up at Sara. “Damn it Sara, don’t start treating me like one of your victims.”

“Catherine, I was just trying,” Sara managed before Catherine interrupted her.

“To make things easier for me. I know! Just don’t. I’m fine,” she abruptly finished as her voice softened at the end. She slowly walked into the room after Sara as she ran an unsteady hand through her strawberry blonde hair. She just wanted to get this over with--to have this moment of her life forgotten. His voice forgotten. "Sara, I'm ready," she uneasily admitted to her without looking at her. Her attention is to the bare room in front of her as Sara moved to the intercom button. "Okay bring them in, and have them whisper 'I've been waiting for you.'"

Catherine closed her eyes as she remembered him saying that as his mouth brushed her ear. She would never forget his voice as he whispered to her. Her breath caught in her throat as the men filed into the room wearing black ski masks. Her heart was beating so fast; she was sure everyone in the room with her could hear it. She felt her body tense as she remembered seeing her attacker wearing the same ski mask. One of them was her attacker. Which one? She knew she was nearing another panic attack, so she tried to focus on clearing her head. She could feel the cold sweat forming on her forehead.

"Just take your time Catherine. I will have them repeat the saying if you need to hear it again. Okay?"

"Yes, uhh...let's just get this over with." Catherine barley recognized her voice as she bit at her lower lip. She was incredibly nervous. She felt sick to her stomach as she realized she would hear his voice again. Then again what if she did not recognize the voice? What if she picked the wrong guy?

She listened carefully as the men whispered the required saying that was told to them. Her mind was going a mile a minute, and the pressure was digging into her shoulders. Her whole body physically hurt. The first two men were obvious no's to her, and the third one sounded familiar but she was not sure. The remaining three concluded the session after they finished whispering their part. "Uhhh, have them repeat it please." Her hands were shaking as the fear webbed its way around her heart. Her eyes began to tear as she realized she was the only one that could make this decision.

Sara glanced at Catherine with concern. Catherine was always the one that was over confident, so sure of herself, but at this moment she looked lost. Sara saw the telling signs--Catherine was about to break.

"Which ones do you want to hear again?" Sara softly asked.

"All of them--no number 3. Just number 3." Sara couldn't help but smile to herself. Catherine nailed it--she just needed to hear him again.

"Okay have #3 whisper the saying again."

"I've been waiting for you." Catherine heard his voice as he whispered it to her. Her heart skipped a beat at the familiar voice. The cold sweat on her forehead turned hot. She felt like she needed air as the panic wound its way up her spine. "Uhh..." She began but stopped talking.

The defense attorney, Jon Simmers tapped his shoe as he stood closely behind Catherine. It was all Catherine could hear as her face twisted in anguish--his shoe tapping out of impatience. She thought she was hallucinating her attack all over again as she felt his breath on her neck. She flinched, and realized how close Jon was standing to her. She nearly came unglued.

"Back the hell up," Sara shouted angrily as she forced Jon backwards. What an ass she thought. " you need more time?"

Catherine was frantically rubbing at her neck. ", Number 3," she stammered as she ran from the room.
Nick stood firm, arms crossed across his chest tightly as if trying to hold himself physically together. This was killing him, and he couldn't imagine how much of a toll this was taking on Catherine. Offering a glance at her, he reached one hand out and and held it supportingly on her shoulder.

From the corner of his dark eyes, he gazed over her expressions and body tension as the men spoke. So far, the first two just displayed anxiety upon her face, but as the third suspect drawled out the words, fire on his tongue, he didn't bother watching Catherine, he felt her become rigid and his hand slowly dropped to his side. He scrutinized carefully over the eyes peeking through the third ski mask, horrified at the same gruff voice that flooded Catherine's mind with fear.

"Uhhh, have them repeat it please."
"Which ones do you want to hear again?" Sara's voice was barely audible, her concern etched into her shoulders as Catherine answered.
"All of them--no number 3. Just number 3."

The revolting, slimy voice of the third man without a face rang softly through the observation room, the only sound besides that lawyer's annoying tapping. Nick felt his fists instantly curl, the feeling of annoyance creeping up his face.

"Back the hell up!" Sara's voice sharply cut into his fortitude as she placed a finger on the man's shoulder, forcing him back away from Catherine. 'Better her than me, because he would've gotten more than a finger p-'

", Number 3." Before he could react, Catherine brushed past the attorney and out the door, Lily's voice of "Catherine, hon, what happened?" trailing into the room as the door swung closed again.

"She's frantic! How can she be so damn sure that the man who attacked her is my client?!" Nick spun, his face tightened into a slab of rock as he got in Jon's face.

"Because, Mr. Simmers, that very voice has haunted her every second since the attack only hours before the present time. And there was a witness in earshot of the attacks." The lawyer laughed and chuckled.

"Pff. But they aren't here right now are they? You have-"
"He's standing right here." His voice was low, anger threatening to lash out at anyone in its path. "Your client, Mr. Simmers, is our perp, because that is his voice. And I am perfectly fine." A lie, but Nick didn't give a damn, he just wanted this guy in custody.

Pressing the intercom button he spoke out, "Number 3, please say the phrase 'Very very nice, Nick.'" He swallowed, visibly hesitating as he recited his own name. Grissom, standing in the shadow of the door, cast a silent, discreet glance through the glass, directly at Nick, as if he knew. The vulgar man cleared his throat and Nick almost staggered backwards at the response.

"Very, very nice Nick." The voice pressed his voice hard into pronunciating his name and Nick turned from the glass, eyes hard as he walked from the room, remembering the phrase 'Mmmmm, black and lacy...very very nice, Nick.' "Book that bastard, Sara." Nick called over his shoulder, jogging down the hallway to find Catherine hastily pressing the front doors open. "Cath, CATH!"
Catherine fled the room in a panic. The memories of her attack were flooding through her mind again. When will this stop she thought to herself. She could not breathe as she heard her mother’s concerned voice. She continued to run past her as she stopped near the entrance of the door and stared out of the window. A single tear slid down her face as her arms hugged herself tightly. It’s over. Surely he will be convicted. But, this feels too--easy.

She closed her eyes tightly as she tried to push her emotions aside. A choked cry escaped her partially opened mouth as Neil burned in her conscious. It was now playing back through her mind as Nick walked out into the parking lot. Her body quickly stiffened as Neil’s arousal grew. She pushed and fought at his arms to break free which only seemed to encourage him further. She felt his smile on her ear as his hips pushed forward into her backside as he firmly held her in place. Her lack of oxygen brought her back to reality. Her face flushed as the air seemed trapped in her lungs, and the panic inside her worsened. She frantically pushed at the door, and felt the hot, dry air as it hit her face.

“Cath, CATH!” Nick quickly yelled as he saw her heading outside.

She turned slightly and looked at him as the door slowly shut separating the two. She swallowed hard as she felt the tears prick at the back of her eyes. Not now. This is so unlike you. Don’t you dare lose it in front of him.

Before she knew it, she was clutching on to him as his arms tightly embraced her. She felt so safe as her body melted into his, and the last thing she wanted was for him to let go. Was this—possible? Had she fallen for him? She closed her eyes as his hands softly stroked up and down her back in a soothing pattern. Her sobs came then as her guard dropped, and she let him in to see her vulnerable side. He pulled her closer if that was at all possible, and then his hands slid protectively down her back. Her crying stopped, and that was when she realized that her lips were dangerously close to his neck.

“It’s over Cat,” Nick said as he took in a small swallow.

“Is it Nick? I mean it's just the beginning. What if he walks?" She asked as she slowly pulled back a bit to look up into his dark eyes. Eyes that held so much emotion. That was when she noticed that he had cried along with her silently. On impulse she reached up, and dried one of his tears with her right hand.
Sara hit the intercom button. "Officer, arrest numer three." She backed away from the glass, seeing Grissom standing in the corner. She looked down shyly and slipped past him without a word.

"Sara," he called at her turned back. She ignored him and kept walking down the hall. "Sara, go find Catherine!"

"She's outside," she called back without turning her head. Walking outside, she saw Catherine wrapped in Nick's tight embrace as he stroked her hair. Her face flushed as she glared at them for a minute.. Or was it an hour? Sara lost track of time - And finally snapping out of her trance, she ran back towards the building, tears burning at her eyes.
"It's over, Cat." Nick swallowed, trying to pull the tears falling from his eyes and slowly trailing down his cheeks back into his eyes, rewind everything to before their first shift started, now well into their double. He wished they could go back to the bar, where he first let his guard down, and possibly, if he was lucky, starting breaking down her's.

“Is it Nick? I mean it's just the beginning. What if he walks?" Catherine started to pull away from him, but he tried to hold her, to keep her from witnessing his tears. At the scene, while reading the attacks, after her attack, he had held it all together, but now it was let out. He hadn't been the same since being buried alive, so much more insecure, enveloped in his own world, even more careful, professional, a younger equivalent to Grissom.

Her eyes darted up at his spastic breath and he closed his eyes instantly, chin tilted upwards as if to hide his tears, but the searing Nevada sun illuminated them like the foreign stars at night. A soft, slender finger made contact with his cheek and trailed down to his jawline, following the moist trail of where a tear fell when he opened his eyes.

"I'm fine, I promise. I'm just relieved that we have him." He tried to make his lips display his joking, Texan smile, but all they did were tilt upwards at the ends before collapsing into a thin line, his dark eyes closing again, as he pulled away from Catherine.

No, he couldn't let himself fall. Was he ready for a relationship, and more importantly, was she? Especially after what just happened over the past shift he didn't want to intrude, to step on her toes so to speak. Was Lindsey ready for her mother to be seeing another man after Eddie's death. She always looked up to him, it seemed, but would those emotions remain if he became more than Uncle Nicky? How would this affect their professionalism, the job they both loved? How would Grissom face it? Ecklie? The rest of the team? Turning he sighed and habitually ran a hand through his hair and grabbed her hand, squeezing it comfortingly.

"I'm sure the team needs us. Are you okay to go back in, or do you want to stay out here for a few minutes more?"

Sara sat in the cold, hard metal chair in the hall. She let her head sink into the wall, the hardness of it soothing her somehow. Catherine and Nick.. Catherine and Nick.. But I want Nick, she thought, tears brimming on her eyelids. No, I don't. I'm stronger.. I'm .. I want HIM!

The tears slowly began to trickle one by one down her cheeks. Her face flushed a deep shade of pink and her eyes got puffy. She composed herself, taking deep breaths and wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. She had to regain control of her emotions.

Slipping into the bathroom, Sara fished around in her back pocket. She stepped into the stall at the far end of the room and continued to search her pockets for a tampon. Please, let me have one, she pleaded with herself. Damnit! Now I have to ask Catherine.

She stepped back out of the stall and out of the bathroom. Sara walked down the hall and out the front door where Nick and Catherine were standing, talking.

"Catherine," Sara said loudly, "Come here for a second?"

Catherine walked over away from Nick, holding up a finger.

"Cath, do you have a.." Sara trailed off. How to ask? Might as well just come out with it, she decided. We're professional. "Do you have a tampon," she whispered, avoiding eye contact with Nick. Catherine pulled a pink plastic-wrapped tube out of her purse and handed it to Sara, who shoved it in her back pocket.

"Thanks," she said, and walked back to the bathroom. I guess she didn't notice me earlier, Sara thought. But.. But she told me it was innapropriate for me to kiss Grissom, and I walk out, she's intwined in NICK'S arms. Uhh! She beat her fist against the bathroom stall door.

Removing the tampon from it's wrapper, she quickly did what she needed to do, and went back out to the mirrors to wash her hands. She turned on the tap and looked in the mirror, to see someone standing behind her.
“I’m sure the team needs us. Are you okay to go back in, or do you want to stay out here for a few minutes more?” Nick asked as his hand squeezed hers.

“You’re probably right,” she said as she took in a deep breath. They started to walk forward, and that was when she pulled back reluctantly. “So, we are going to go back in there, and I will get these pity looks because everyone knows my business,” she whispered as she rolled her eyes. She liked her life to stay private especially when it was something so personal. “Then you are going to take me home and…,” she stopped short as her eyes filled with tears. Not again. Her hands covered her face as she slowly turned around. Her throat turned cold at the thought of being alone. The fear had now turned icy.

Her mouth seemed to get the best of her as it failed to ask her for permission to talk. “I…he, he’s still in my head. His whi-ispering voice. His hands on…me…my body. His tongue on my ear,” her face cringed at the last part as her eyes remained closed throughout her spill. Her voice was unsteady, choppy, and filled with torment as a few tears cascaded down her flushed cheeks. Her eyes fluttered open amazed at herself for speaking this out loud. “God, Nick…I just don’t want to be alone tonight. Please will…will you st-tay with me tonight,” her voice dropped to barely a whisper as her cheeks flared a darker shade of red with embarrassment.

Before Nick could respond, the door swung open revealing a frustrated Sara. “Catherine!” Sara’s voice was sharp to get her attention. “Come here for a second?” She asked pleadingly.

Catherine strolled over to her, and noticed immediately that Sara was flustered. It seemed they both were. “What’s up Sara?”

“Cath, do you have a…,” Sara voice trailed off as she broke eye contact with her. For some reason Catherine knew what she was about to ask her for so she started to dig around in her purse. “Do you have a tampon?” Sara questioned quietly.

Catherine handed it to her, and they both went there separate ways before Sara muttered a thanks. “No problem,” she countered as she smiled at Sara. Now she was standing back in front of Nick feeling like a teenager with a love sick crush. She shook her head slowly as she cleared her throat. “You must think I’m a big mess.”
(ok, waiting said I could fill in for the person who first applied for sofia, I apologise if this isn't perfectly in-line with what you've all wrote so far)

Sophia walks slowly into work, thinking about just about everything that has happened. She starts to wonder why most of her thoughts surrounding all these events have happened, but they're pushed out of her mind as she see's Warrick walking into the lab at the smae time as her. She races over to him, smiling and says in a coy tone, "My My, Warrick, you don't look so bad, considering you got shot." She winks, earning a semi-death glare from his wife, Tina.
If warrick wasn't around, she'd surely be strangling Tina, she hates Catherine, now things are sliding like mud for her and Sophia. instead she settles for furrowing her eyebrows and shooting a 'It's a free country,' crossed with, 'you're not the only one sista' look right back.

"She extends her hand and smiles warmly at him. "I just want to say thanks, for saving my life, and whatever else you did that contributed to me being here today." She rubs the fading wound on her head tenderly, one of those ugly-little-sucker headaches are coming on.
"Thanks...probably going to be a while before I feel better though" Warrick replied. He did note Tina's expression and hoped his own body language told how Sophia's behavior was making him mentally go "okaaay..."
As if Sophia was a queen, a very snobby queen, she can be visibly seen by both Warrick and Tina turning her nose up at his wife, smiling cockily, then leaning in very close to warricks ear, so close he can feel her moist lips on it, which he figures is just to make Tina furious on purpose and says in a mere whisper, "I think she's going to be real trouble today, Warr..."
"WARRICK," Tina's shrill voice cut the tension she felt in the air. Was Sophia hitting on her husband? What on earth? She shot Sophia a heated glare as her mind began to wonder further. She thought she had to worry about Catherine making a move on Warrick, but maybe she was wrong. There was no way he would talk his way out of this one. "I think we should GO!" Her voice was tight and hostile as she pushed him towards the locker room, without giving him a chance to say anything else to Sophia.