The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

(you don't have to take this post into account, but here goes anyways...)

Warrick hears Sophia chuckle. She then yells out in a apologetic tone, "Sorry! see you later!"
Tina's mood now turned bitter, and she nearly slammed Warrick's legs into the wall instead of the entrance to the locker rooms. "Damn it, DAMN IT...," she screamed as she realized Sophia got the best of her. "What the HELL was that all about Warrick?" Her voice cracked at the question, but her blood was still boiling. "Would it not just make your day to see your other GIRLFRIEND? Where is she? We might get this over with all in ONE day, dont'ya think?"
Sophia's still smiling as she walks, no make that struts down the corridor. This earns her a couple of weird look from lab technicians, but she blows them off with a dismissive shake of her head, her long blonde hair spilling over her shoulders, like in one of those stupid shampoo commercials.

She nearly collides into Brass, and she can not help but notice as his hand clutches his chest. "Sophia...your back? So I'm assuming the doctor gave you some walking papers?" He asked as he tried to softly chuckle, but his humor failed him miserably.

He took in a deep breath as he thought about the past couple of days, and how crazy yet disturbing they had been. First, Sophia is knocked unconscious when she tried to leave the lab, Warrick is shot while trying to protect her, and then Catherine is sexually assaulted and nearly abducted in the lab parking lot. He sighed heavier as he realized this all happened under his watch. He could not help but feel responsible.

Brass let's out an explosive sigh. "I'm--uh, just glad your back. Everything's fine. I know you know about Warrick, but Catherine was nearly abducted in the lab parking lot earlier today," he said as he looked up at Sophia. "The guy that attacked her is connected somehow to the case she and Nick are working on. Seems this psycho was fancying Catherine just to get to Nick. Bastard sexually assaulted her in the parking lot, and then slashed her shirt open," he said as his right hand rubbed at his head.

He continued on as Sophia managed to just look at him in shock. "He managed to get away before I could do anything, but we found him and he's in custody now. She ID'ed him. His name is Neil Howard." He fished in his jacket pocket for a moment, and then pulled out the letters that were part of the evidence against Neil. "You might want to read over these. They are the letters the lunatic left behind for Nick. Once your finished make sure they are given back to Grissom personally. It's his and Sara's case," Brass informed as he walked away. He turned around for a moment, and shot Sophia a look. "Uhh, and Sophia...I'm glad your back."
"Hey, don't blame me, I have no idea why she was acting that way. There's nothing going on with her" Warrick replied. "I do know I'm going to have to tell her about it...not only is she causing trouble with us, she's frankly a bit embarrasing at the moment." He hoped she saw the sincerety in his expression.
Sophia peeks into the locker room, not being able to help herself stop smiling at the sight before her. Warrick getting husband-bashed. She laughs as she walks away, just as she turns on her heels warrick notices her sauntering down the hall, with that same, cocky, coy and oh-so-sophia air about her.
***I'm tina here...***

", your not getting off that easy Warrick. I'm not stupid. I saw the way she looked at you, and flirted with you. It's like the two of you have been intimate or something," Tina screamed as she scoffed at Warrick. "And, this one...SOPHIA...has the gall to broadcast it. Screw you Warrick, find your own ride home," and with that Tina fled the room.
She swears she hears Tina walking out, more like storming out and seconds later, she arrives at warrciks side, asking, "How fast can Tina run?" He finds this absurdly weird, but answers anyway. The guilt that's coursing through her veins is unbelievably overwhelming, but she wants to make this right, so much.
"I've done nothing with her, I'm telling you" He called after her, then sighed, kicking the nearest locker even though it sent a wave of pain through him. "I hope you know this is your fault" he told Sophia, not automatically jumping on her but angry at her for sure.
Her face drops. She feels the anger rising inside of her couldn't explain it really. "I was going to go chase after her for you, you idiot!" She yells at him, immediately regretting it. 'maybe I shouldn't of even bothered............................she thinks to herself'
"Oh...I didn't...sorry, I didn't realize" Warrick replied, his demeanor changing a little. "We should probably explain together...but Tina can be hardheaded sometimes." He sighed.
"And I only made it worse, Stay here Warrick. I'll go get her for you." and with that she takes off running out the door to the locker room, after his sometimes *biatch* of a wife, but she's starting to learn to accept this and she's planning on apologising to her as soon as she found Tina. It wasn't very difficult, Sophia spotted Tina lurking around Hodges. 'what the hell could she want ot ever do with hodges?' She thinks, but makes a point of moving quickly over to her, saying in a rushed voice, "Tina I'm sorry I was only shitstirring you I didn't meant to heart your feelings please just come back to warrick I promised I'd bring you back to him so pleease do not make me use my handcuffs...... please?" She hopes to god tina realises that she's truly sorry this time and she's never going to do it, ever. again.

(I'm stubborn, now so is Sophia. I hope it doesn't deflect from her true character though.....tell me if it does please :) )
sissi59100 said:

:)lol: thank you for the warning :lol: )

Haha, no problem, Siss. I tend to do that a lot.. Put in the warnings. Hope that's wonderful with you! ;)
Tina stopped briefly in the trace lab to say hello to Hodges. A few months ago one of her friends went on a few dates with him, and Tina found that she enjoyed his company. He was such a good guy. Ever since then, she usually tried to say hello to him as well when she found herself in the lab. She was about to ask him a question, when she was rudely interrupted by Sophia. The nerve of this woman. Now she's following me around?

"Tina I'm sorry I was only shitstirring you I didn't meant to hurt your feelings please just come back to warrick I promised I'd bring you back to him so pleease do not make me use my handcuffs...... please?" Her pleas actually sounded desperate, but Tina was still bothered.

"Are you kidding me? You purposely try to make me mad at my husband, and you think I'd go back with you so he can lie to me about being faithful?" She scoffed at Sophia. "I've had enough of him sweet talking his way around Catherine. I'll be damned if I listen to him talk about you," and with that Tina started to walk out of the room, but was stopped by the sight of Warrick in the door way.
"I'm telling you, nothing happened with Sophia, or Catherine." Warrick said. "Yes there may have been feelings for Catherine before we got married, but that's in the past now, she's just a friend. And I'm still not sure what exactly Sophia was doing, but nothing's ever happened with her.
"But if you want it to be over, so be it...I don't know what I want, only that I'm tired of fighting all the time."

(sorry, I was a minute early)
Guys would you mind reading my post on the RPG thread?
I just wanna make sure everyone has read it and understand it.

Thank you