The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

Catherine could not wait to get out of the Denali with Nick and her family. She fought with Nick about the letter from the deranged lunatic until they arrived at the lab. "Damn it NICK, you know I will find out the contents of the letter soon enough. YOU DON'T HAVE TO PROTECT ME," she said heatedly as the anger danced off her eyes as they entered the lab.

"Yes, I do. You can't protect yourself from this guy," Nick said evenly as he grabbed at her arm. The fact was the guy was supposedly in the building, and now so was Catherine. That just did not sit well with Nick.

Lily and Lindsey followed behind the two as they argued. Lily wondered if she had missed something in Catherine's life. "Are they seeing each other," Lily whispered to Lindsey. Lindsey just shrugged at her.

Catherine pulled her arm free, and shot Nick a go to hell look as she entered the bathroom. How dare him say she can not protect herself. She took a deep breath, and then looked up. She thought her mood could not get any worse--but she was wrong. Her mouth dropped to the floor as she witnessed the embrace and swollen lips of her co-workers. She barely heard Grissom speak as the anger pounded through her head.

“Catherine, it’s not what you think. It’s my fault, I started it. We were only comforting each other—Sara’s under a lot of stress lately, with her cousin and all, really. It’s my fault. I…I came on to her,” his words and sentences seem to rush all together as he excused his behavior away.

Catherine tilted her head in his direction as her anger aggressed and created red splotchy spots up her neck, and deepening her face a red crimson. Did Grissom think her life wasn’t stressful? Did he think being stalked after a deprived sex maniac was a normal thing for her? Or perhaps he thought she liked the attention. Each thought made her face turn hotter with anger. Here she was STRESSING about being tortured, and the two people that are in charge of her case are necking in the woman’s bathroom.
The next thing Catherine knew Grissom had left the bathroom in a rush, and she was left with Sara hiding in the stall. “Damn it--don’t piss me off more. Get out here NOW.” Catherine demanded as she banged on the stall door with her fist.

A few seconds later she heard the click of the lock, and Sara came out of the stall looking pretty feral herself. Usually Catherine was wearing her heels at work which brought her close to the same height of Sara, but at the moment she was wearing her tennis shoes. For a moment, Catherine felt short. She stepped closer until she was mere inches from Sara’s face. “You are unbelievable! The two of you are in the women’s bathroom making out while the guy that has literally turned my world upside down is sitting alone in an interrogation room?” Catherine shouted as her blood temperature continued to rise.

She tried to control the anger that was snaking around inside her as she took a small step backwards. She failed. Her eyebrow raised as her face turned a darker maddening red. “You think you can do your JOB, now that you landed our boss?” Catherine asked peevishly as she started to walk out of the room.
Sara walke towards the door, also. Except she grabbed Catherine's arm and slammed the door shut.

"Excuse me?" Sara said, obviously furious, "Don't go there, Catherine. I didn't 'land our boss', okay? I thought he just told you that. I was upset, and you're going to make a big deal out of a little kiss that I," Sara started to lie, "Didn't even enjoy! He came on to me, I was upset. I didn't know what to do. I've just been so worked up lately, I have no idea what I'm doing anymore.

"I know I wasn't close to Sasha, but.." her voice trailed as tears came to her eyes. "And I know you've been under a lot of stress, too. I mean, I don't know what it's like to be stalked and attacked, but I know how it feels to be touched when you don't want to be. I know how it feels to have someone bigger, stronger and more twisted than you try and take over your mind, body and soul."

Sara's face fell as she continued, "I'm here to talk. I just don't appriciate the degrading comments, alright? I know you know how it is to be made feel bad, but I'm no slut. I don't go around doing this kind of thing on a regular basis. Grissom and I aren't an item. We don't love eachother.. All I can say is he.. I .. I guess I'm kind of infatuated. But it's nothing more. I promise," she said, leaning back against the door.

They stared at eachother for a long time, as the tears continued to burn and tear at the back of Sara's eyes. No, Sara, she told herself, Don't cry. Not here, not now. Catherine turned away, and started to pace.

"Catherine?" Sara questioned, her voice full of concern, yet her eyes on fire with a burn to know more, to dig deeper, "Are you okay?"
MacsGirlMel said:
Warrick waited until Tina took care of the release papers and once everything was ready, and he was ready, he and Tina started home. The ride was mostly spent in tense silence, neither one really knowing what to say or how to approach the other yet.

This is a repost now that someone said they're going to takte over Tina for me.
Catherine felt the tears pricking at her eyes so she immediately started to pace. She was not one to break down in front of anyone, and she sure as hell was not going to do it in front of Sara. Did Sara really just stop her from leaving the bathroom? The nerve this woman had.

“Catherine?” Sara questioned with concern. Since, Catherine failed to respond she continued on. “Are you okay?”

Catherine stopped pacing at Sara’s last question, and approached her with an unsatisfied smirk. She still felt like fighting, not wanting her vulnerability to get the better of her. “I’m fine,” Catherine said icily. The anger stirred inside her, and she knew her face was darkening to a new shade of red as her face burned.

Catherine laughed bitterly before she continued to talk. “It’s funny actually, isn’t it? I get held at knife point in the lab parking lot, and the Sicko manages to escape before Brass has a chance to make it outside. During my attack-faces are pressed tightly against the windows of the lab, watching as I got felt up—and no one did anything to stop it,” she says as her voice growls. Her anger is still brewing strong as she remembers what happened to her.

“The only one out there with me is Nick, who can do nothing but watch afraid he’d shoot me if he pulled his trigger. So-all-n-all, things are great,” Catherine retorts as she gives a sarcastic angry smile. Her eyes turn a darker blue as the heat continues to rise to her cheeks. “But, the two of you kissing puts the icing on the cake. Wow and how did you put this to me once,” Catherine said as she heatedly looked up to gather her thoughts. “Oh…that I let my sexuality interferes with the way I handle my cases,” Catherine scoffed as she glared at Sara then headed for the door again.
Sara stared after Catherine, her emotions welling up in her heart and eyes.

"Catherine, wait!" Sara ran out the door and caught up with Catherine quickly. She grabbed a hold of her arm, taking advantage of her height. Pulling Catherine back, while getting angry retorts and bitchy snarls, Sara reached the bathroom, her anger growing strong.

"I don't like this, Catherine," Sara whispered meanicingly. She closed the door behind her, and stood infront of it again. "What the hell is your problem? Stop hiding your fear and vunrebility behind anger. It only makes people mad at you, then you get angrier and angrier until you snap. And you're not snapping at me any more. I don't care what i said back then. Let it go, Catherine, let it go. I was a snotty bitch back then - I've changed. It's nice to see you haven't.

"And before you say, 'That was only two years ago', I've changed. I've had my heart broken, loved ones taken away from me. I've been rejected time after time by the man after my own heart. You're the only person close to being my friend, Catherine. Keep it that way," and with that, Sara turned to leave, muttering, "I've had enough of your bitchfits."
“You got me back in this damn room, your not leaving now,” Catherine spoke softly. “I… owe you an apology.” She looked away from Sara as she felt the emotions coming.

Catherine took another unsteady breath as she looked up at Sara. She shook her head slightly before she spoke. “Nick, he won’t let me see the latest letter from Neil. We fought the whole way here, and so I was in a foul mood when I got here. I’m sorry.

Catherine noticed as Sara raised an eyebrow to her confession. “Uhh…no, we’re…not…umm; we…aren’t dating,” she knew that came out all flustered as she noticed Sara’s smirk. The light hearted moment made Catherine feel a little at ease, and she didn’t realize she blurted out her next comment. “Sara, I’m scared.”
***This post I am playing Tina...I don't mind helping out small roles, but if anyone would really like to play Tina please PM me. Otherwise I will continue on with the role of Tina as needed. Thanks***

The ride to the lab was quiet, and she noticed that Warrick's attention held to the surroundings that past by his window. He had mentioned earlier that he wanted to stop in a work, and grab a few things from his locker. She parked the car, and grabbed his wheel chair and opened it for him; then helped ease him to the seat. She figured he'd want to say hello to his co-workers, and she was mostly fine with that.

Undoubtedly though regardless how much he insisted that nothing was going on with Catherine, she dreaded the idea of him talking to her. "So are you wanting to see Grissom?" She softly asked hoping that was the only one he did want to see.
Sara tried not to act too shocked, but she was.

"I know, Catherine, I know," Sara walked towards Catherine, "I am too. I wish I could help.. But, we're not scared for the same reason."

Catherine finally broke. Tears flodded her eyes and her bottom lip started to quiver.

"Don't cry, Cath," Sara said as tears came to her own eyes, "You're going to make me cry," Sara stepped forward as they both started to laugh through their tears, and eveloped Catherine in a tight hug, Catherine's head getting lost in Sara's chest.

"I'm sorry, too," she said. "We're both out of line. I'm really sorry, Cath. I'll always be here for you."
Nick sighed as he let Catherine go through the bathroom door, frustrated that she was taking out everything on him. He took not two steps away from the door when he heard a woman's voice yell out, "GET OUT NOW!" Eyes widening, he swirled around and ran into the last person he expected to see fleeing the women's bathroom.

"GRISSOM?! Grissom, what the hell were you doing in there?!" His boss's face was creeping red and Brass's jaw just dropped behind him as he murmured, "I tried to tell you not to let Catherine go in..."

"Nothing, nothing, Catherine just walked in during a...compromising position an-"

"You were making out with Sara in the bathroom?! I'm not sure you're aware of this, Grissom, but you might want to have a look at this letter! This guy better be legit because I swear to God I'm not going to sleep until he's in custody!" Anger was flooding his veins as he clutched the evidence bag in his hand up to Grissom's face. Swatting it away, Grissom let the red disappear and angrily defended himself.

"It was an accident. One thing I was trying to cease her crying and the next Catherine walks in!" Nick sighed and bit his lower lip, squeezing his eyes tightly closed.

"I apologize, Grissom. I was out of line, just...just frustrated. It's been quite a long shift," He stopped as he felt Grissom's hand gently land on his shoulder and Nick turned to face him.

"I know," the elder man replied. "I know. Now let's get this SOB. No one, NO ONE, messes with my CSIs without reprimand."
Catherine and Sara walked out of the bathroom, and found everyone standing outside of the women’s restroom. She noticed as Grissom took a few steps in her direction. “Cath…I,” Grissom started before Catherine interrupted him.

“No, we are not going there. Just let’s forget about it,” she said this a bit bluntly because she was still partly angry with him. "But, give one of us a call when you are ready for us to ID him," Catherine said softly as her eyes fell from Grissom's face. She looked back up to see everyone's retreating form except for Nick. He had gone over to talk with Lily and Lindsey.

She nearly panicked as she realized she was going to have to hear his voice all over again. Her body began to shake involuntarily as she remembered his breath on her ear as he whispered the crude comments to her. She closed her eyes tightly as she recalled his hands slowly trailing under her shirt up to her breast. Her hand shakily covered the side of her face as she tried to get the memories to flee, but they stubbornly remained. She realized then that she was having another panic attack. Not in front of Nick, he’s going to think you’re a wreck.

She tried to slow her breathing down as she turned her back to Nick. She desperately tried to walk her way back into the bathroom, but her mind flashed back to the knife as he applied it to her neck, and then trailed it down her body. Her breathing became more labored as she remembered how his hands possessively gripped her body as the knife trailed down her breast. She saw the gleaming blade of the knife as he held her shirt taunt and tight in front of her within seconds he slashed it open. She muffled her current scream as her hand covered her mouth.

She rapidly blinked as she saw the bathroom door in front of her. Her whole body still shaking as she pushed through the door.
Warrick nodded. "Let everyone know I'm all right, that I'm going home. Not going to be able to talk long though, still feel like I'll fall asleep on my feet because I'm drugged. Although I'm looking forward to them wearing off even less."
Tina sighed to herself as she wheeled him inside. It seemed very quiet or least that is the way it felt to her. "Well, where is everyone?" She asked as she took in a sigh of relief. She followed his directions to the locker room, and could not help as her insecurities increased as she thought about Catherine and Warrick spending time alone in this room. "Warrick, do you...uhh change in this room with others?" She cleared her throat after she asked the question as her stare hardened as his eyes met hers.

Part of her thought she was just picking a fight with him so he would talk to her.
"Wierd, it seems awfully empty" he commented. "I'm not sure where they are myself, unless they're all out...Yeah, sometimes, but it's only every now and then that we actually catch each other in here"

He thought he heard a noise but wasn't sure where it was from or if it was real.
'I'm thirsty,' Sara thought to herself. She walked to the waterfountain and took a long, deep drink of the warm, tasteless water. Standing up and wiping her lips, she saw Catherine put both her hands over her mouth, muffling a scream.

"Catherine?" Sara called after her, flustered. "Cath!"

Sara started to walk across the hall, breaking into a slow, trot-like run down into the bathroom. Catherine was sitting on the countertop where the sinks were, leaning against the wall next to a mirror. Sara walked further into the room, looking at Catherine's reflection rather than her face.

"Cath," Sara asked timidly, "Cath, it's okay." Catherine was shaking all over, her face red and puffy with dried up streaks running down her face from her tears. Sara walked over to the counter and put her hand on Catherine's quaking one.

"Catherine, listen to me," she whispered, "it's almost over. We have him. You'll never, never have to look at him, listen to him, or think about him again. He's going to jail for a long, long time, Cat. We have him for attempted kidnapping, attempted rape, and murder of another young girl a few years back." Catherine continued to shake with fear and panic. "It's ok-"

Sara's cell phone started to ring. She picked it up, and it read "Brass".

"Sidle," she said quickly.

"Sara, it's Brass. We're ready for you and Gil. Bring Catherine out with Lily and Linds, and tell Nick to stay with them."

"Sure, I'll be right out," she turned her phone off and put it in her pocket. "Let's go," she said, taking Catherine's hand.

They walked out into the hall where Nick was standing with Lily and Lindsey. Lindsey looked up at her mother, stood up slowly and ran to where Sara and Catherine were standing.

"Mom," Lindsey cried, "are you okay?" Catherine nodded and started to smooth Lindsey's long blonde hair down over her back as Lindsey hugged her tight around the waist. Lily walked to where the two were standing, and wrapped her arms around Catherine's shoulders. They stood like that for a long time.

"Nick," Sara said, walking to where he stood. "I'm gone to do the interrogation. You stay here with the girls. I'll be back in a half hour, tops."

Sara walked down the hall and to room 1-B, stepping in and seeing Grissom and Brass sitting at the table with.. Neil Howard.

"Hi, Mr. Howard?" Sara questioned, picking Grissom's file off the table as Neil Howard sat, unresponsive, "I'm Sara Sidle, I'm with the Crime Lab. I take it you've met Mr. Grissom and Capt. Brass?" Neil Howard nodded. "Very good. We're going to ask you a few questions."

Sara sat down next to Grissom, inching her chair away from him. "If you don't mind, Grissom, I'd like to ask first?" Grissom nodded. "Mr. Howard, we're investigating the attempted kidnapping and rape of a woman by the name of Catherine Willows. Do you know her?"

"Not firmilliar," Neil Howard drawled. His eyes, though bright green, were lazy and his lips slack, his skin a pastey white colour. The few hairs on top of his head were combed over in an odd fashion, and a dark brown in colour. He wore dark pants and a plaid shirt, buttoned up all except the top two, exposing dark swirls of chest hair. When he spoke, his teeth showed - Yellow, brown, stubby and unkempt. Sara noted her disaprovale with a glace at Grissom.

"Very well," Sara said, pulling a photograph out of the file. "This is her picture," she passed it across the table and his long, bony fingers with long, yellow smokers nails reached across and took it. He studied the picture for a while, looking it up and down.

"She's a beautiful woman," he said, looking down. "Nice face, pretty lips. Beautiful eyes, b-blonde hair, lovely blonde hair," he crooned, tracing each part of the picture with a finger. "Lovely neck," touch. "She likes lowcut shirts, eh?" he questioned with a bark of a laugh. He traced her bustline with his finger.

"Womanly shape," he moaned as he was tracing the outline of her waist, "she was a dancer, yes?"

Sara eyed him suspiciously, jotting down the things he said and did in her notebook.

"Yes, a dancer. Lovely dancer, no doubt. Firm ass," he said as Sara gasped, touching that part of her on the picture, "and dancers legs, long, lean, firm. She's a catch. I'd be right to have her, you know. Girls like her loves guys like me, they does," he finished, passing the picture back.

"We.. We're almost done, Mr. Howard," Sara said, returning the picture back to her folder with care, making sure not to smudge any of the visible fingerprints. "Grissom, do you have any questions?"

"Yeah, just one. Do you find Ms. Sidle attractive, Mr. Howard?"

"Pfft," Howard exclaimed, "No way in hell. I like me girls blonde, yah see Mr. Grisssssssom," he said, acsentuating the S.

"I see. That's all," Grissom turned to Brass, "Jim, that's all. We have enough to hold him. Take Mr. Howard to lockup."

Howard went co-operativley. He turned as Sara and Grissom walked out into the hallway behind him, and licked his lips, winking.

"Will we get him?" Sara asked, starting down the hall.

"I hope so," Grissom replied. "Let's give Catherine a few minutes. You get her, and I'll call you when we're ready for her."


Sara found Catherine and Nick, along with Lily and Lindsey, back where she left them a half hour ago.

"Cath," Sara said, sitting next to her in the waiting area. "We're ready to bring you down to the line-up. Grissom's going to call when they're completeley ready. Are you okay to do this?" Catherine nodded, her head held high.

"Okay, let's go."


Waiting has my permission to use Sara in her next post. :)