The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

Catherine eyed Brass sharply before she left his office as Nick escorted her out. Her cheeks burned red as her anger registered to a new level. She turned around suddenly as she forcibly put her hands up in the air. “This is absolutely ridiculous. I don’t need a freaking babysitter. I AM FINE, and it pisses me off that the people I work with are treating me as a victim,” she yelled as she made her way into the locker room. She yanked her purse from her locker, and then grabbed her kit upon impulse. “I’m out,” she clarified as she forcibly opened the door.

“Cat, wait a minute. Grissom asked me to take you home.” Nick declared as he ran after her. He grabbed at her arm and she spun around on him in the middle of the hallway. Her eyes were seething with anger and frustration, anything but the obvious way she felt. She could not show him or anyone how she felt; afraid they would think differently of her. She was terrified what her next move would cost her? Her life she wondered. Would he be waiting for her outside? Would he be hiding in a bush near her front door eagerly waiting for her to come home? She felt an unbearable amount of weight on her shoulders as the fear echoed throughout her body and the realization hit that he was ready to kidnap, rape, and kill her. No one had ever had this much control over her emotions, and she was livid with herself for allowing him to have this much power over her.

“Grissom is one of the people I am referring to,” Catherine retorted. She pulled her arm free as she continued to walk down the hallway knowing full well Nick did not deserve her wrath, but she desperately wanted to prove to him she could take care of herself. Her anger was biting at the back of her throat as she continued to walk away from him. Before she knew it her back was pressed firmly against the wall as he held her in place. She tried to wiggle free from his grasp, but his hands remained solid as he held her there. “Go to hell,” she said to Nick as the frustration built as he managed to keep her from moving.

“I’m not letting you walk out of here alone. I’m taking you home. Be pissed at me. I really don’t care.”

She stared at him as she managed to hold back her emotion. Her eyes blurred a bit from the tears that formed, but she repeatedly blinked them back. “Nick—I’m so sorry,” she whispered as she looked down. She vaguely heard Sara calling her name as Nick finally released his grip of her, and they both turned their heads to look at Sara who was standing next to them.

Catherine was the first to break eye contact with Sara as she looked down and cleared her throat.
"Catherine! Catherine," Sara called repeatedly, half running half tripping towards the front door. As she rounded the corner, she saw someone pinning Catherine to a wall, and angry voices.

“Go to hell,” Catherine said, fire in her eyes and voice. Sara started to run towards them when she realized it was Nick holding Catherine down.

“I’m not letting you walk out of here alone. I’m taking you home. Be pissed at me. I really don’t care," Nick said, sympathy drowing out the anger in his voice.

“Nick—I’m so sorry,” Catherine whispered as Sara walked slowly toward them. She tried to pretend like she didn't hear anything.

"Cath! I got the DNA results! Look," Sara brandished the crumpled paper in Catherine's face. "Neil Howard," she said, "Prior for kidnapping and attempted rape. We got him! All we need to do is to get Brass to bring him in."

Sara turned and started to walk out the front door. "I'm going to P.D - Are you two going to come, or what?" She stood expectantly by the door, her hand on the handle.
Catherine eagerly grabbed the piece of paper that Sara waved in her face, and slowly looked at Sara with shock written on her face. Her mouth fell open to speak, but nothing came out. She was still trying to grasp the fact that they now had his identity as Sara spoke. "I'm going to P.D – Are you two going to come, or what?” Sara asked as she waited for a response.

“Hold on a minute,” Catherine muttered as she read the lab results. All the information they needed was on this piece of paper. She took in a sigh of relief, just knowing they had a name for her attacker made her feel a little safer. She was sure her face depicted numerous emotions which battled to come out—but in the end the tears won. She turned her back to Nick and Sara and shielded her face with her hand. “Neil Howard,” she whispered barely audible. She now had a name to the man that tormented her, but still not a face. Could this work?

"I’m ready," Catherine said as she wiped at he face with her hands and turned back around to face them.

"Actually, you mind handling this part for Cath and I? I'm just going to take her home so she can get some rest."

Catherine's mouth opened as her tongue touched her top lip. Her face felt incredibly hot as her anger resurfaced. It seemed today that she was running on a short fuse. “LIKE HELL, I’m going,” she angrily retorted to him as her neck turned splotchy red.

"No, the last thing you need is to get caught up in your own case, and go looking for the guy that nearly kidnapped you. I'm just going to take you home, and come back to help Sara out."

Her head began to spin as she glared at him. The last thing she wanted to do was make a scene in front of Sara. Wasn’t she his superior? “Fine,” she coldly added as her eyes met Nick's as she raised her head in defiance. Her posture and attitude changed when she turned to Sara. "Thanks Sara," she said quietly as she squeezed her shoulder. "Be careful, and take Grissom with you; he’ll want to know what is going on with the case.” She headed to the door with Nick but then turned around to face Sara as her hand brushed through her hair. “Uhh...Grissom has me on a two day leave so call me if anything develops."
"Be careful, and take Grissom with you; he’ll want to know what is going on with the case.” She started to walk out the door, running her fingers through her hair, and turned back.

“Uhh...Grissom has me on a two day leave so call me if anything develops." And then she was gone.

Sara rolled her eyes at Catherine's back. Take Grissom- Oh joy. She headed off to the department without him, deciding to do this on her own.
***Time for a little CATNIP...don't you think? It's small but something! ;)***

“She’s not going to get Grissom,” Catherine said out loud more to herself as they climbed into Nick’s Denali. “She can thank me later as I save her butt from a lecture from Grissom,” and with that she picked up her cell phone and hit speed dial number one.

She waited a few rings until she heard his familiar voice. “Grissom, uhh Sara just informed me that they got a hit off of the evidence they received from me. Off my neck actually,” she said as she stopped briefly. She felt uncomfortable talking about this, but at the same time he needed to know. “Anyhow Sara asked me to pass the information to you. She’s headed to the P.D. as we speak.”

“That good news! Well, I will head on over there now,” Grissom said as he grabbed his jacket.

“Gil, don’t let Sara interrogate this bastard by herself.”
“Don’t worry I won’t.” Grissom knew Sara well, and realized that she could quite possibly go off on the suspect. Even though Catherine and her were not the closest of individuals, he realized this case would still bother Sara. Just the guy’s intentions alone would set her off, and the fact that he almost kidnapped Catherine in the lab’s parking lot was enough to unsettle anyone.

“Later Grissom,” and with that Catherine closed her cell phone.

She then turned her attention to Nick. “As much as I hate to admit when I’m wrong, you were right about me going home. I’ve treated you like complete crap today. I’m sorry,” she said as her left hand slowly wondered over to his side of the SUV. Her hand stopped short of touching his leg, and a small smile crept across his lips.

He took his right hand off the steering wheel, and slowly covered her hand with his. She flipped her hand over so her fingers could intertwine with his strong fingers. "Nice," she slowly responded as the simple touch of his hand radiated throughout her body. Her mind drifted as the tiredness crept in. Feeling secure with his hand protecting hers; she fought to keep her eyes open, but lost the battle as her eyes drifted shut.
Sara stepped out of her car, a wave of anger hitting her like a ton of bricks. This was the guy, and she was going to interogate him.. By herself. She then realized she should have called Grissom, because at this moment in time, Sara Sidle had to admit (to herself, of course) she was scared.

Pulling her cellphone out of her pocket, she called Grissom's cell.


"Grissom, it's Sara. I.. I need your help. I'm at P.D and.."

"Sara, are you inside?"

"No, I'm still by my car."

"Don't move, I'll be right over to help you with this S.O.B wwho thinks he can get away with hurting my guys." Click.

Sara sighed in relife. He was coming anyway. SHe leaned against the side of her Denali and waited until Grissom pulled up.
Nick pulled up in Catherine’s driveway as a soft moan escaped her lips. She was still sleeping, but her eyebrows had furrowed together which make her look tense and not peaceful. He opened his door slowly hoping not to wake her, and that was when he noticed it. Another letter was left on a step that lead from her drive way. He immediately looked around wondering if he was watching them. But, didn’t Brass have him in custody by now? Nick did a quick search with his eyes around the house, not wanting to risk leaving Catherine alone in the SUV.

He noticed that the lights were on in her house, and that Lily’s car was in the drive way. It was normal for Catherine’s mom to be here watching Lindsey, and Nick found himself wondering if the attacker knew that fine detail. Had he left the letter knowing that Nick or Catherine would be the ones to find it? Nick’s blood ran cold as he realized the lunatic knew where Catherine lived. She was far from safe if for some reason they could not find him . Neil Howard he thought to himself, such a normal name for a serial rapist. Wasn’t that what he was?

Nick slowly bent over, and before he looked down at the envelop he knew that it would be addressed to him. He closed his eyes briefly when he took a glimpse of his name scribbled across the envelop. “Nick?” Catherine’s simple question made him jump. She was now standing behind him, and he heard her sharp intake of breath as she realized what he was holding. “No…, NO…, he’s been here?” She questioned as her hand shakily covered her mouth. She let out a loud cry of shock as her panic worsened. He had been just a few feet away from her daughter and mother.

Just the thought of that made her run towards the front door. “LINDSEY, MOM,” she screamed as she ran. The front door flew open as her daughter ran outside. “Mom, what’s wrong? Grans and I heard you cry out from inside?” Lindsey questioned as Lily ran outside as well.

“Did you have any…umm visitors today?” Catherine asked as she immediately reached for her cell phone.

“No,” Lindsey and Lily said in unison. They both shot worried looks at one another. “Catherine, what’s going on?” Lily asked as she noticed her daughter’s state. She looked worried, upset, and more than anything frantically scared.

“Damn it Grissom pick up, SHIT!” Catherine yelled out in frustration as she got his voicemail. She hung up immediately. She turned her attention to Nick as she dialed Sara’s cell phone. She was wondering why he was so quiet, and found her reasoning. He was reading the letter, and his face was set in stone. His jaw so tight she thought it was going to pop as his eyes turned a deeper brown as they began to water.

She almost dropped the phone when she heard Sara’s voice. “Sara, Cath…look do you have him in custody?” She asked as her voice cracked. She let out a cry of relief, and sat quietly on the phone to regain her composure before she continued to speak. “Sara, he was here. Damn it—he was here at my house. He left us a letter.”
Sara's breath caught in her throat as she picked up her phone, hearing Catherine's frantic voice.

"Yeah, Cath, I think he's here. I know he's here. I do.." Sara watched as Grissom pulled into the lot in his shiny Denali. "He-here's Grissom, talk to him, I just can't handle this. I mean, no. Okay, I'll talk."

Grissom walked up beside Sara, taking her shaking arm in his hand, "Grissom, he was at her house."

Grissom stopped mid-way to the front doors. He cursed loudly and continued to walk. Sara shook him off, pulling away. "Catherine, get Nick to bring you here. Take Lindsey and Lily with you. Don't leave them alone. Lock your doors and call Brass, tell him to get a guy to you before you leave. I'm not taking any more chances with you," Sara said, taking charge and closing her phone.

"Sara," Grissom started, turning back towards her, "Why did you try and come here alone? You could have done something or said something to this guy that could have gotten you hurt. And I don't wa-"

She cut him off, "Listen, Grissom. I can do this alone. I wanted you here because I knew you and Catherine would have been angry if I did this alone. I know you don't trust me because of my history. I've done some pretty stupid things over the years, and I really felt I needed to earn your trust back. I thought I did, but I guess I was wrong," and she turned, heading down the hall to find Brass.

Grissom stared after her, the look on his face a mixture of shock, hurt, pain and amusment. Sara was scared, he realized. Sara was afraid to interrogate this guy alone. Grissom's head swirled with a mild satisfication.


Way to go, Sidle, you did it again, Sara thought to herself as she stormed down the hall. You just blew any chance of getting on his good side today. Smooth, Sara, real smooth. Sara continued on her hunt for Brass, chastizing herself until she walked into him in the hall.


"Oh, sorry, Brass. Grissom and I are ready to interrogate Neil Howard."

"Grissom isn't here, Sara," Brass said, looking around. He leaned closer to her and whispered, "Did you, by any chance, have a few drinks after shift?"

She stepped back, appaled. "No! That's totally out of line. Grissom's down the hall, probably crawling around after some beetle!" She started to walk away, "I'll be in the bathroom if you need me, just send someone in."

Nick grabbed a fresh pair of gloves from his kit, and slowly opened the letter from Neil Howard. They now had a name for the lunatic, but just that simple thought did not make him feel better. He took in a shaky breath as he noticed his name at the top of the letter.


Are you purposely making it easy for me? When I saw her walking alone to her vehicle I had to take a double take. I thought for a moment the sun was playing games with me. Have you ever noticed how red her hair gets in the sunlight? So vibrant it made her skin glow. I saw her look over at my van tempting me to take her then.

I couldn't deny her what she wanted. So, I got out, and approached her from behind. Have you ever noticed that @ss? I had to calm my arousal that was already building. Then she turned towards me, and she knew--she knew who I was immediately.

I saw the fear tremor through her body as her face fell. To me it was desire. So I grabbed her from behind and forced her @ss to be placed in the most opportune spot. Did she tell you how aroused I got? The knife was necessary can't romance a slut without one. They like the roughness. Then you stepped outside, and my arousal heightened. The situation was now perfect. Explosive shall I say!

Hahaha...let me let known my little laugh here. She tried to pull away from me here. She knew where my mind was, and she knew--I wanted her then while you watched. This of course would be my ultimate fantasy--doing whatever I want to her while you are forced to watch and witness her forced surrender to me.

Actually, I wasn't going to let her go. I thought about just pulling her in the van with me, but I knew I would get caught. It’s much easier to escape on foot when you are alone. So I changed my mind. I saw the tension in your face, and I saw your jaw lock thinking about all the different possibilities of what I could do to her--she is yours right? You were thinking I could slice her neck, pull her into my awaiting van, maybe get a little rough with her, but I don't think you expected me to touch her like that while you could do nothing to stop me? She tasted so sweet, and I bet every inch of her tastes just as good if not better.

I'm addicted, and I sure as hell won't be able to deny myself anything now. Be sure Nicky to keep an eye out...because I am watching you, and more importantly I'm waiting for her to be alone again.

Until then, you might want to be by her side every minute of every day. Maybe she shouldn't sleep alone Nicky. Perfect time for me to slip into her mind, and take possession over her thoughts. Or have I already? Then again I think we both know that I don't want to slip only into her mind.

As far as you are concerned Nicky...isn't that what she calls you...sounds so sexy when the words fall from her lips. You are the perfect target. You have it all or at least you appear that way. You seem to have it all together except for the little fact of being molested. Why did you tell Cat? Isn't that what you call her? Interesting nick name Nicky...Cat makes me think dirty. time won't be a mishap, but more time you won't save her. Next time...she will be mine, and I don't plan on being gentle. What to do Nicky? What to do?

Nick wanted to hit something. This guy was sick, and he did not realize how deep Neil’s obsession for Catherine went. Neil was determined to torture Catherine, and it was a blessing that they already had him in custody.

Nick glanced at Catherine, who was talking on the phone. What to do, Nicky? What to do? What to do is right Nick thought. He decided not to tell her. But he had to tell someone. He had to protect her. He just had to.
Grissom continued up the hall slowly. He stopped across from the bathrooms, seeing Brass standing there with a blank expression on his face.

"Hey, Jim," Grissom said, confused, "Where'd Sara go?"

"Bathroom," Brass said blankly.

"Okay, I'm going to go get her," Grissom started off down the short and narrow hallway where the male and female bathrooms were located. He stopped at the female washroom and pushed open the door a small bit. Poking his head inside, he noticed the only woman in there was Sara. He stepped in further to see her leaning over the sink with the water running. Her head was in her hands, her elbows on the countertop.

"Sara," he asked quietly, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she sniffed, turning her back on him, "Just fine. My cousin's dead, I'm a suspect in a murder case, my life is screwed up. Catherine and Nick, two of my only friends, are being stalked. We think we have the guy, maybe we do. Catherine can't leave her house without Nick, Lindsey and Lily with her, and I'm under so much stress.

"I want my life back, Grissom. You and Brass have no faith in me, no trust. I don't think Catherine does anymore either. Moving to Las Vegas was one of the hardest things I ever had to do," she cried, her back still turned. Grissom started to approach her as she was leaning against the sink. "You don't understand. I can't please anyone. I can't get a boyfriend, I can't even get a regualr friend outside of work. Leaving all my friends back home was tough. I did it for you, Grissom, not for me. You needed me, now I need you, and you make me out to be untrustwor-.." her voice trailer off as Grissom's arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into a tight hug.

"It's okay, Sar," he whispered into her ear, it's alright for you to miss your friends. I trust you," he mumbled.

"I trust you too," she responded, turning around so he was gazing down into her face. Her heart rate increased as his lips came closer, she started to sweat when they touched hers in a kiss so passionate, so with-held, so emotional she felt nothing could stop it..

Except Catherine, who burst in at that very moment. She walked in with her head down, not noticing the couple standing by the sink until Sara let a moan escape her lips. Catherine looked up, seeing Grissom and Sara wrapped in eachother's arms. Sara's eyes got wide as she gasped into Grissom's closed lips. She pushed him away, turning towards the stall doors and wiping her lips with the back of her hand.

Grissom turned around and looked at the shocked strawberry blonde standing with her purse in hand and her jaw dropped.

"Catherine," Grissom said, "It's not what you think. It's my fault, I started it. We were only comforting eachother.. Sara's under a lot of stress lately, with her cousin and all, really. It's my fault. I.. I came on to her," he rushed to explain.

Sara stood by the bathroom stall, her face flushed a deeper red than that of her shirt. Her hair was matted to her head, and she rushed into the bathroom stall closest, before yelling, "Grissom, get out!" He scurried out the door, leaving an embarrassed Sara and a confused and angry Catherine to battle it out.