The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

"well, i'll look his file up on the computer see if i can find anything. Did he leave a note or recorded message or anything to explain why he might have run?" asked Greg, swinging round on his chair to look up Grey. "He's a Sidle right?" he said typing in his name.
Warrick waited until Tina took care of the release papers and once everything was ready, and he was ready, he and Tina started home. The ride was mostly spent in tense silence, neither one really knowing what to say or how to approach the other yet.
Catherine raked her tongue over her top lip when she sat down in a seat across from Jim Brass. "I guess I will start,considering the events." she calmly said as she looked at the floor briefly.

"So what time did you leave the lab?" Brass asked as he opened his note pad and grabbed a pen off his desk.

"A little after two--about two fifteen to be precise," Catherine answered as she looked Brass in the eyes.

"Okay just take me through what happened. Be as detailed as possible."

Catherine let a small breath escape her mouth as she looked from Brass to Nick. A shaky hand reached out and tucked a strand of strawberry blonde hair behind her ear that escaped her ponytail. "I opened the hatch on my truck to put my evidence collecting kit up, and I realized I left it back in the layout room. I quickly shut the hatch, and turned around, and he was there," she admonished as her throat went dry.

Brass waited patiently for her to continue as he smiled at her. He knew this must be hard for her considering that Catherine was in fact a strong willed woman.

"I tried to run past him, but he grabbed me from behind," Catherine continued as she broke eye contact with him. "Uhh--I tried to fight him off, but then he pulled a knife on me." She tried to swallow the lump that was building in her throat, but to no avail it remained.

"Did he say anything to you?" Brass questioned as she went quiet.

"Yes--he told me not to fight back otherwise I would be sorry. He then applied more pressure to the knife he held at my neck to let me know just how serious he was," Catherine stated as she rolled her eyes to fight back the tears that threathened to spill over.

"Did anything else happen before Nick walked out?"

Catherine looked at Brass as her teeth came together and her upper lip pulled upward in an attempted forced smile that obviously failed. She knew that what she was about to tell Brass most likely would not sit well with Nick. She looked at Nick briefly before she sighed. "Well, he--talked dirty to me."

Such as?" Brass asked as his eyebrows furrowed.

Catherine looked over at Nick again and noticed his face had tensed. Just the mentioning of her attacker brought obvious emotion to his face.

She rolled her eyes at Brass and took in another deep breath. "He told me that he was going to break...that he was going to break me in for--Nick. He then described what he planned to do to me--sexually that is. Then Nick walked outside, and his whole demeanor changed."

"How so?" Brass questioned as he finished writing down what she just informed him.

"Come on Brass is this necessary?" Nick asked Brass as he immediately stood up to confront him. He could not get the images out of his mind, and it troubled him deeply what the bastard had done to her. His jaw set with anger as he remembered the the way the guy had touched her. It sickened him as the lunatic's arousal grew upon her fear of the situation, and the fact that Nick was watching.

Brass's voice brought Nick back to the moment. "You know it is," Brass said to Nick before he turned his attention back to Catherine.

"Uhh--he got more physical. He was playing with Nick's head the whole time. He put on a show for him. He--touched my chest under my tank top. Then commented on my bra to Nick. Then he kissed my lips roughly," she said as her right hand slowly brushed over her lips as she recalled the events.

"Then he cut my shirt open with his knife," Catherine finished as she looked up at Brass and struggled to remain emotionless.

"I'm confused though about something. Why is this guy focusing on you if he is trying to get at Nick?" Brass asked in confusion as he pondered over her statement.

Her mouth opened at his question as she was unsure how to answer it. She looked over at Nick, and noticed as his posture changed at the suggestiveness of the question. "He knows I care about Cath. He's been watching us," Nick finally admitted as he looked down.

Brass eyed the two of them briefly not knowing exactly what was going on between the two. "Honestly, it sounds like this guy's first plan was to mess with you Nick, but...let me emphasize that I think his plan has now escalated."

Brass cleared his throat as he looked over at Nick. "I need a fresh cup of coffee. Nick--walk with me so I can get your statement, so you two can get on your way." Brass then looked over at Catherine, who shot him a look knowing his intentions were to talk with Nick alone. "Cath...we will be back here shortly."

He did not wait for her response as he motioned for Nick to leave with him. Once they were out of earshot, Brass looked at him. "This is serious. I know I don't need to tell you this, but it seems to me that his obsession with Catherine has festered into something much bigger. I don't think he will stop until he succeeds at harming her regardless how important she remains to you."
"Once a Sidle, always a Sidle," Sara smirked as Greg typed "Grey Sidle" into the database, and waited a few seconds. Sara moved over to Greg's side and observed the list of names that came up in "most relevant" order.

"There, at the top, one down," Sara said, pointing at the screen with her indezx finger, "Grey Anthony Sidle." Greg nodded and clicked the name twice as the case information popped up.

"Yep, that's right," Sara said, scanning the information quickly.
Nick just tried earnestly to remain silent during their stroll to the break room. Once inside, Brass went over to the coffee pot but before pouring, gave Nick a look that he needed to talk. “Brass don’t you think I know he has an obsession with Catherine? A horrid one at that—you didn’t see what he did to her,” Nick said defensively as his fist slammed the wall. He blew air out of his mouth as his right hand rubbed his hair.

“The guy was enthralled with my reaction, and the more emotion I showed the farther he went with her. Not to mention the obvious rush he felt from her fear,” Nick continued as he shook his head in disgust. “Brass—it’s apparent that he has been watching us. To be honest, I could care less how much he knows about me, but when it comes to Cath…,” Nick’s voice broke as his face twisted with a mix of emotional frustration and anger.

The silence grew between the two as Nick tried to gather his thoughts as he pushed his emotions away. He paced the hallway until he felt he was capable of managing his feelings. “He knows she’s a strong woman, one that is hard to knock down. That’s another part of his rush—being the one to take her strength away from her.”

Brass looked at Nick as he continued to talk. “I don’t think he’s finished with her anymore than you do, and what scares me is that she thinks she can manage her own against this lunatic,” Nick said as he let out a deep sigh.

Brass filled his coffee mug, and the two walked back to Brass’s office. “I’ve got to get her home, but please patrol her house Brass. I don’t know if Grissom has asked you to do this, but I’m not letting her stay there alone otherwise.”

“I’m working on that as we speak. Everything should be lined up within an hour or two. Surveilance will be established within the apartment complex, but as not to alert the perp if he tries to act again, the cop will be undercover in an unmarked vehicle, driving around.” Nick heard him pause, and circled his hand and raised his eyebrows in frustration to continue. Brass sighed and stopped Nick a few paces from his office. Quietly muttering, Nick heard him say, "She'll be all right." Clapping his hand on his shoulder, Nick let Brass walk around him into the office as he took a last breath and turned into the office himself.
Catherine looked up when they reentered Brass’ office. “Are we done here?” Catherine asked as she stood up and rubbed the right side of her neck. The bite her attacker left on her neck was bothering her. Her right hand then reached up and massaged her temples. Her eyes felt grainy as she slowly closed them, and reopened them to readjust her vision.

“Just about—I just wanted to let you know that police surveillance will be set up to patrol the area around your house. No worries the cop will blend in just like a neighbor would.”

“No, that’s really not necessary. I don’t need surveillance,” Catherine said as her head began to pound. This scared her more because now she knew they thought her life was in danger.

“Sorry—it’s ordered by Grissom,” Brass said as he closed his note pad.

“I don’t want it. I’ll be fine,” Catherine argued as she stared defiantly at Brass.
“It’s out of my hands, Catherine,” Brass responded as he shook his head.

“Back them off, Brass; I don’t give a damn who ordered them. I don’t need protection. I can take care of myself.” Her cheeks flamed crimson from anger as her blue eyes depicted her emotion. Her right hand rubbed at her neck again before she pushed the bangs out of her eyes. She looked over at Nick and noticed that he was staring at her neck, and she absentmindedly covered it with her hand.

“No can do!” Brass said as he grabbed his jacket.

Catherine turned her attention back to Nick. She was hoping he would back her up, but he just shook his head at her. “Damn it—you think I need surveillance too?” She questioned Nick as her voice showed emotion.

“Cat…let me take you home. We can talk about this later,” Nick said as he put his hand on the small of her back, and escorted her out of Brass’ office.
"Well the case hasnt been re-opened since the year he went missing. It says here that your cousin, his brother, was a possible suspect, but no conclusive evidence was found, and as a body was never found, no- one was ever charged".He turned to look at Sara, who had fully regained her composure now.

"Sara, i need to reopen this case, it may be related to the other case with Sasha. Do you know where your cousin is now, his address is listed is an old one, and these appartment blocks have definitely been demolished now" he asked.
Sara nodded, "I want to be included in that re-opening. He was my brother," she snapped, her mood changing instantly.

"I think Hayden, my cousin, Grey's brother, is living in Henderson. I can go home and check my phonebook, but it might not be in there. I sort of lost contact with them.." her voice trailed off as she looked over the pictures of Sasha layed out on the table.

Sara got a little buzz on her side as her pager started to beep. She checked the name. "Sara - Got your results. Come ASAP. - Mia, Lab."

Sara bolted out of her chair and ran down the hall to the DNA lab, her hair flying out behind her.

"Mia!" she yelled, diving headlong into the DNA lab, practially pulling the doors off their hinges.

"I have your results, Sara," Mia said, handing Sara the sheet of paper. "There was DNA in the swab from the neck, it came back as Neil Howard. He had a prior for kidnapping and attempted rape. Also, the nail scrapings were from the same guy.

"I didn't find any seman on the clothes, yet there was saliva and salt water, tears. It was female, probably from Catherine. And a distinctive aftershave, but I don't think it's relavent to your investigation."

Sara scanned over the results quickly and thanked Mia, exiting the room quickly. She decided to go find Catherine and tell her in person.