The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

"I..." He gave a heavy sigh "I'm sorry, everything's just so confusing...But I think I'm still pretty drugged" he replied. "My brain feels slightly fogged up. Think morphine'll do that to a person." He gave her a nod. "Sure, go ahead."
Greg looked on the database and got Sasha’s apartment number and drove over to her apartment. He climbed up the two flights of stairs to her apartment. It was number 13, "definitely unlucky for her" thought Greg to himself.

He put on his gloves and opened the door handle; to his surprise when he turned it, it opened. He went inside and did a quick survey of the apartment. He had never seen anything like it, it was so immaculately neat and tidy. He slid his finger along the mantelpiece, not a shred of dust came off. ‘Weird’ he thought, as he continued snapping photos of the place.

Over an hour had passed and he hadn’t found any evidence as to why someone would have wanted to harm her. He opened her closet and searched through her clothes. He opened the pockets of all her jackets one by one and looked inside of them. When he came to the penultimate jacket, he spotted something and got out his flashlight for a closer look. On inspection, he found it to be a white substance, but he couldn’t recognize what it was. He took a swab and bagged the coat as evidence.

He then continued processing the flat. He stopped by the mantelpiece again and looked at the photos. He noticed that she was never smiling in any of them, and the found that quite sad. After dusting all but one of the frames, he noticed something strange about one of the photos. He picked it up. There was a blonde hair in the frame, and it looked like the back had been put back in a hurry. Greg took a photo and bagged the hair and dusted the frame for prints, two distinct prints came up and one partial. He took samples of them all. He then took out the picture to look at it. It had been torn a third of the way through and then put back in a way to hide the tear. It was a family photo, taken in the 70s by the looks of it. There were to young girl sitting at the front of the picture. Greg presumed it was Sasha and Sara.

Greg cleared up the scene, grabbed his kit and the evidence and drove back to the lab. When he got there he laid out all the evidence in front of him. He picked up the photo and had a look at the tear, it looked fresh, he thought, and if you were going to cut a picture you would normally do it with scissors. He was sure whoever hurt Sasha knew something about this picture. He needed to know who was missing from this photo, so he called Sara.

“Hey Sara, its Greg. When you’re finished with what you’re doing could you come down to the lab please” he asked.
Sara shyly smiled and took a swab from her jacket pocket, popping it out of the orange box and swabbing Catherine's neck gentley. There was a small, red mark in the crook her neck where the guy had bit at her. Catherine winced quietly as Sara removed the swab from her neck.

"Sorry, Cath." Sara said, putting the swab with the other evidence. When Sara's cellphone rang she almost jumped a mile. Flipping it open, she muttered, "Sidle" grumpily and mouthed to Catherine "get dressed."

“Hey Sara, its Greg. When you’re finished with what you’re doing could you come down to the lab please” he asked.

"Yeah, I'm a little busy now," she looked at Catherine and smiled, "I can tell by your voice, Greg. What did you find? Encriminating evidence? A positive match? Drugs in my cousin's pocket?" Sara heard Greg cough on the other end of the line, "DRUGS? Oh my God, Greg. Drugs? Is it?"
Greg could sense the anger and disappointment in Sara's voice, so he tried to tell her as nicely as possible. "Well, im not certain because Hodges hasnt come back with the results yet, but I did find a substance in her jacket pocket, which looked like maybe cocaine but i cant be sure" he heard Sara go quiet down the phone, it sounded like she was trying to hold back tears.

"Anyway, what i need from you is when you've finished to come down to the lab to look at somthing for me. I found a phtot of your family in Sasha's apartment, but part of the photos been freshly torn off and i need to know who was on the missing piece." he said pausing, waiting for her to reply.
Catherine tried not to listen to Sara’s conversation while she grabbed some clothes from her locker. She grabbed a pair of light colored denim jeans, and began to slide them up over her hips when the door flew open briskly. She turned around and saw Grissom enter with Nick following behind. Catherine’s mouth opened in shock, but immediately turned back around to grab her t-shirt quickly.

Catherine noticed that Sara also turned at the sudden movement in the room, and closed her phone on impulse. She looked briefly at Catherine with the same obvious shock that Catherine felt. “Catherine?” She heard the question in Grissom’s voice and also knew he was now standing right behind her.

She fumbled with her t-shirt as her back was still turned to him. “Uhh…Grissom can you give me a moment?” She asked him as she shot him a look over her shoulder. She swiftly put her shirt on, and turned to face Grissom. “What… are you here to take my statement?” She is now putting on her sneakers. “Don’t you think you could have waited for Sara to finish processing me instead of busting in here when I’m half dressed?” She asked defiantly.

"I came to finish up your processing,” Grissom bluntly admits as he puts on his rubber gloves. She heard the snap sounds his gloves made as he put them on his hands.

"What? Sara just finished processing me." Catherine says as her mouth opened in bewilderment as she placed her hand on her hip.

She looked over at Sara who does not seem too pleased with Grissom. Though, she still remained silent.

She watched as Grissom grabbed her hand and started to scrap under her finger nails. She snatched her hand back in anger. "Grissom, she’s already done that!"

“Did you scratch at your attacker Catherine?” He smoothly asked as he stared at her. The question sounded belittling to her almost condescending. She tilted her head as she glared at him. “I fought him the best I could with a knife held at my neck.”

She watched as he walked around her as he looked at her neck. She felt like she was under his microscope...probably how his bugs feel as he is eyeing them closely as their legs wiggle trying to escape.

Before she knew it she felt him swabbing a spot on her neck when she stepped away from him. His hovering was setting her off, and quick.

She pushed his hands away from her neck in frustration. "Grissom, what the heck are you doing? Sara has collected the evidence from me already." Her body began to shake even though as much as she wanted to control it she was slowly losing control.

Finally Sara had spoken, and her tone wasn't too kind.

"Fine, this is still my case. I want this sent to the lab immediately. This is top priority. Are we clear?" Grissom immediately asked Sara. He got a quick nod before she looked at the ground. Catherine knew she was about to break; she could see her struggling to remain in control of her emotions. She squeezed Sara’s shoulder gently with her hand—trying to give her some comfort. They were in fact too much a like Catherine realized.

"Catherine, I'm this close to pulling your ass off the case you and Nick are working on together."

“Your not going to pull me off the case Grissom," Catherine retorted back to him as her anger grew. "Like Hell you are!"

"Take two days off Catherine. I don't care how you use them. Just don't show up here," Grissom said as he turned to leave. He stopped short and turned back to look at Catherine. "Cath...thank God your okay. Oh and Nick will take you home after you have given your statement to Brass," and with that he walked out of the room.
Sara stood staring blankly at Grissom and Catherine, her head swinging back and forth as they spoke like she was watching a pingpong match.

"Fine, this is still my case. I want this sent to the lab immediately. This is top priority. Are we clear?" Grissom directed this question at Sara, and she nodded, her head heavy and her stance defiant.

"Catherine, I'm this close to pulling your ass off the case you and Nick are working on together." Grissom glared at Catherine like it was her fault she got attacked.

“Your not going to pull me off the case, Grissom," Catherine's voice was harsh and angry, reverting her back to her old self. "Like hell you are!"

"Take two days off, Catherine.. I don't care how you use them. Just don't show up here," Grissom turned in the doorway before he left. "Cath.. thank God your okay. Oh, and Nick will take you home after you've given Brass your statment," and they both left.

Sara was ready to break down again, but kept her emotions bottled up for Catherine's sake.

"What the hell crawled up his ass and died?" She said sassily, turning and grabbbing her evidence, "I mean, he walked in on you dressing, and didn't apologize! And now he's trying to take both cases away from me! Not going to happen." Sara turned and smiled at Catherine, "welcome back," and left with her cardboard box in her arms, going to get her stuff processed. She hummed slightly under her breath and remembered to go see Greg when she dropped off her evidence.
Catherine turned her attention to Sara after Grissom and Nick left the locker room. She was in a fowl mood now, and knew it was a good thing that Grissom left the room. “What the hell crawled up his ass and died?” Sara asked impishly. “I mean, he walked in on you dressing, and didn’t apologize! And now he’s trying to take both cases away from me! Not going to happen.”
“Oh he’s an ass alright. He blamed me for getting attacked. Bastard!” Catherine said heatedly as she slammed her locker door that opened back up from the harsh impact. Her face felt unbelievably hot.

“Welcome back!” Sara said as she smiled at Catherine as she left the room.

She could not help but smile back, and then followed Sara out in the hallway. “Hey, Sara…can you page or call me when you get any results back. I’m assuming it’s not going to have a match, but I still want to know…please!” Her cell phone started buzzing, and she looked down and noticed that it was Lindsey. “Lindsey, Lindsey…baby calm down.” Catherine said as she walked back into the locker room. She had worried her daughter tremendously. Obviously she detected every emotion she did not want her to notice. “Linds…I promise I’m okay. I will tell you about it when I get home.” Catherine raked a shaky hand through her hair as the door to the locker room opened again. It was Nick. “Listen…Linds have Nana rent some movies, and take you home. I want you there when I get home.”

“I love you too,” Catherine said as a soft smile formed on her face. She looked up at Nick who now held her attention. She softly shut her cell phone as she continued to look at him. “Shall we go give our statements to Brass?”
Lindsey sat staring at the phone, anger filling her body. Stay home with Nana? Again? Her mom wasn't even hurt. It would be a different thing if she was, but she sounded fine! Lindsey shook her head and turned to her grandma,
"Looks like it's just you and me again" she muttered.
"Hey, Mia." Sara walked into the DNA lab after visiting Hodges in trace, and handed Mia the box of evidence she had collected. "I'd like to put a rush on this, if you don't mind. And don't blab the results, please." Mia shot Sara a death-look, "Not that you would, it's just.. Really important this is kept quiet. Thanks, dear."

"No problem, Sara. I'll do these now when I'm finished with the stuff from Grissom's case," and Mia set off to work.

Sara turned and left the lab, heading down towards the evidence layout room to talk to Greg about the family photo.


Upon arrival, Sara saw Greg pouring over the photo, an enlargment and scanned pictures of various details of the photo.

"Hey, Greggo, whatcha doin'?"
***Just so you all know Butterflied92 gave me permission to play Nick! I’m going to combine Catherine and Nick together in this post!!! :D***

As Catherine walked down the hall to Brass’s office, it was like everyone around them was moving in slow motion. Or was she, she wondered? Her whole body ached, and she gently massaged at her neck as she looked at Nick. A small smile formed on her face, but was immediately replaced with a sigh. She saw the curious stares she received from many of her colleagues as she was now out of hiding. She knew word had traveled about her incident, and her personal business was now everybody’s news.

Without thinking Nick’s hand lightly massaged Catherine’s neck as they continued to walk to Brass’s office, his action had caught some attention from a few employees. He did not care most likely they were staring because word had gotten around that she was attacked and nearly kidnapped in the parking lot. He took a deep breath as they rounded the corner, and came upon Brass’s office. “After you,” he said to her as he waved her in the office first.

Brass looked up, and noticed Catherine and Nick standing in his office. He smiled lightly as he stood up. “Catherine, Nick,” he said as his head tipped forward to acknowledge them. “I’m assuming you are ready to give your statements?”
Sara entering the room made Greg jump.

"Oh. Hey Sara. I was just looking over some evidence." He then saw her looking quizically at the photos. He thought he had better explain.

"Well heres the deal. The substance found in your cousins lining were the remnents of ground up ecstacy pills" he saw Saras face, turn from reasonably cheerful to half angry half sad in a second. "Anyway," he continued, "When i was searching her appartment I found a blonde hair in one of the photo frames, so when i took the picture out i noticed it had been freshly torn on one end. So i was thinking that maybe whoever the murderer was had some kind of connection to a member of your family. So i was wondering if you could identify what people are missing from this photo".

He handed her the picture. She looked upset. "If it helps you were a very cute kid" he said trying to cheer her up.
Sara smirked at Greg's quirky comment. Yes, she had to agree. Dark, curly hair, dark, brown eyes. Button nose, doll-like compextion, rosy cheeks. In the picture, she was sitting on her front step of her house in Tamales Bay, California. She was smiling a large six-year-old smile, her teeth white and a wide gap between them. She wore a red ribbon tied in a bow on top of her head, and was wearing a white summer dress with a red sash around the waist, and black patten-leather shoes.

Her parents were behind her, smiling and flashing peace signs, her father looking quite boozed up. Next to them were her aunt Lori and Uncle Ted, and sitting next to Sara was Sasha, her dark hair and dark eyes quite like Sara's. Sasha was almost two at the time, her curly brown hair bobbed off just above her chin, and tied in pigtails.

Then, next to Sasha was a large, black and white hightop, and the rest of the body was torn off, only about a quarter of a blonde head remaining.

"I.. I think that's my cousin, Grey. He went missing about seven years after this picture was taken. I was.." she paused, calculating the numbers quickly in her head, "twelve. We were never really close, he was a lot older. I was six in this picture, so he was about 19." She paused again, thinking, "A few months after Grey went missing, my father was killed.." Sara sniffed back the angry tears again, and pushed a piece of unruly hair behind her ear.
"Thank you, Sara" said Greg in an understanding tone realsing her comment about her father. "Was there an inquest into his disappearance?" he asked. "And Sara i never told you before, but Im sorry about your father" he said giving her a quick smile.
Sara nodded and glared off into space. 'Here you go again, Sidle, spilling your beans.'

"Yeah, they looked into it. Kept after him for about 4 months, and he was presumed dead," Sara sighed, "I didn't think so. He was smarter than that. If Grey wanted to run, he'd make sure no one could find him."