The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #21

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NGR91300 - I never had that much fun when I went to school. Cool story.

Well I can't pick just one fave N/G moment because there are so many! But I can narrow it down to a chosen few then my picks would be... the farm animal scene with Wendy in 'Bull'. But I also like "Al LA Cart, Felonious Monk, Chasing the bus, and Fallen Idols.
I feel like reading N/G preslash. Multi chapter fic. with angst

Any recommendations

I'm sure you've already read many of these but , here's a list of fics that I love ( some chapters are pre-slash):

-Geekwriter: "One Good Man"
-carolinecrane: "Sweet Cool Water", "All The Way To Paris", "Lock and Key", "No Great Cathedral", "A Lesser Proof", "As Life Resembles".
-catlover: "The Incredible True Adventures of Two Vulgar Little Beasties in Love", "Take Care of Yourself", "Pirates", "The Masquerade Series".
- kissingchaos: "Devotion" ( I love it, Greg is a Chemist teacher and Nick is the football coach at a high school in SF)

NGR91300, your English classes sound really interesting. I think it's great that people who don't even ship Nick/Greg, can see The Love too. It must be really obvious, don't you think? ;)

Here are some screencaps from your favourite Nick/Greg scenes. I hope you like them. As Aquila has said, just follow the evidence....because evidence never lies...

For brom, Jealous!Nick in the closet:


Aquila and Brokensmile mentioned the ass checking from "The Hunger Artist". I find it interesting that, Greg used to wear wore his labcoat all the time...except here :devil:


NGR91300 chose this flirting moment from "Felonious Monk" Could they be any more obvious?


Wojo can't choose, I don't blame her, so here are a couple of screencaps from "A La Cart" and "Bull":

I can take my eyes off you...


Nick's "help me, baby!" look is adorable:


And, my FAVOURITE Nick/Greg pic:

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I found a paperclip!Greg moment! Or at least a Bi!Greg moment, but I think that it means more that he is gay... Ikd what do you think. It was in Revenge is Best Served Cold, when him and Sara are talking about the drinks Greg is trying to be all cool and Gangsta talking about Tupac, and then more conversation goes on and he asks Sara what Hank had that he didn't she didn't answer and they go on more, and then she is about to answer his quiestion, but instead says "Greg, you don't even like Tupac." Like he doesn't even like women? maybe, or am I reading too much into that...?

And thanks Seabird for the cap! It is nice! also, where is that last cap from?
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brom, we are posting at the same time! :lol:

I think I'll have to rewatch "Revenge is Best Served Cold". I've always thought that all that Greg's chat about women is......"Too Much Talk, Too Little Action" :guffaw:

The last screencap is from "Who Are You?", season one. Their body language in that scene is SO telling.....Nick is bitting his bottom lip (I've just said bottom?:devil:) as saying "I'm flirty"; Greg is like "I can't believe HE is touching me"...; also, flat palm on chest means 'love' and it seems that Nick's thumb is brushing Greg's neck...
I found a paperclip!Greg moment! Or at least a Bi!Greg moment, but I think that it means more that he is gay... Ikd what do you think. It was in Revenge is Best Served Cold, when him and Sara are talking about the drinks Greg is trying to be all cool and Gangsta talking about Tupac, and then more conversation goes on and he asks Sara what Hank had that he didn't she didn't answer and they go on more, and then she is about to answer his quiestion, but instead says "Greg, you don't even like Tupac." Like he doesn't even like women? maybe, or am I reading too much into that...?

And thanks Seabird for the cap! It is nice! also, where is that last cap from?

Hmmm, I'll have to watch that one again. I remember the scene vaguely, but I have to admit that I don't pay rapt attention when Sara is on the screen...if it's with Nick or Greg, I'm focused on Nick or Greg! :lol: Not a big Sara fan. Dude, she even spells our name wrong! :wtf:

Can I say I'm tickled every time I see someone use the paperclip analogy? Cause man, I love that, it's the phrase that's in my head...and I have to admit it was John Barrowman who sparked that puppy. Bent as a paperclip indeed. :p :lol:

brom, we are posting at the same time! :lol:

I think I'll have to rewatch "Revenge is Best Served Cold". I've always thought that all that Greg's chat about women is......"Too Much Talk, Too Little Action" :guffaw:

The last screencap is from "Who Are You?", season one. Their body language in that scene is SO telling.....Nick is bitting his bottom lip (I've just said bottom?:devil:) as saying "I'm flirty"; Greg is like "I can't believe HE is touching me"...; also, flat palm on chest means 'love' and it seems that Nick's thumb is brushing Greg's neck...

I agree that when it comes to Greg, he sure can talk the talk. But, the evidence shows us that he's into Nick, no denying it. He may not have as many paperclip moments as Nicky, but he's got flirty, caring moments and plenty of chemistry with Nick, so it really doesn't make any difference. He's into Nick, full stop. He can flirt with Sara/random labrats all he wants, we know whose bed he's in. ;)

I'm watching Sex, Lies and Larvae, and Nicky has a scene with Dt. Secula...later in the ep and once again, he's not showing any interest...poor girl. Who wouldn't want him?

Also, I love those caps, ta. :) And the last oh, that one is so, so good. I think I'll spend some time staring at them. :adore:
I am not really a big fan of Sara either, but I think it is an important moment because it is one of the few ones that mirror Nick's slips. I also love the paperclip analogy. I started writing fanfic when I got bored and had Nick fiddling with it in a scene. my best friend laughed so hard, it was great!

Oh!! I am reading Devotion, and it really is quite amazing. So is The Incredible True Adventures of Two Vulgar Little Beasties in Love.
I am not really a big fan of Sara either, but I think it is an important moment because it is one of the few ones that mirror Nick's slips. I also love the paperclip analogy. I started writing fanfic when I got bored and had Nick fiddling with it in a scene. my best friend laughed so hard, it was great!

Oh!! I am reading Devotion, and it really is quite amazing. So is The Incredible True Adventures of Two Vulgar Little Beasties in Love.
I would laugh so hard if that came up in a fic! :D Perhaps you'll need to link me. :D I've just finished reading everything carolinecrane has written and I'm in love. She's fantastic. :thumbsup:

I am also reading some fic from the list, I've just started The Incredible True Adventures of Two Vulgar Little Beasties in Love. It's lovely, only a bit into chapter one. I got distracted by The Love moment I've mentioned below. Whoops.

Sara serves her purpose fine, and she's important to the show, I'm just not a fan. I'm pretty apathetic in my feelings for her.

Anyway, I'm watching i-15 Murders, and it's a Kristy ep, iykwim. But, something I find interesting, Nick is being set up to 'fall' for her, yeah? Not that I'm convinced, but that's beside the point and I will NOT go off on a tanget. Really.

Right, so she takes her shirt off for Nick (dream on, lady) and the next time we see it, it's with Greg. Who is holding the shirt up to his chest as if he's wearing it. Interesting parallel, don't you think? Nick supposed love interest and his real love interest? :shifty: You need to be sneakier than that to get it by me, TPTB. try again. Also, the conversation about saliva being spit everywhere when we talk? Yeah. 'My saliva on you, your saliva on me.' Oh yeah, baby.

Subtext, they haz it. :p
I don't know how to use spoiler tags so, I'll just say this: I keep my boyfriend's gift cards. ;)

Speaking of fics, I've found a couple more to add to the list:

Maggs: "Where You Are", "Before You". Amazing fics.

Who is holding the shirt up to his chest as if he's wearing it. Interesting parallel, don't you think? Nick supposed love interest and his real love interest? :shifty: You need to be sneakier than that to get it by me, TPTB. try again. Also, the conversation about saliva being spit everywhere when we talk? Yeah. 'My saliva on you, your saliva on me.' Oh yeah, baby.

Subtext, they haz it. :p

They just bleed it, :lol:


A straight man NEVER would act like this in front of another man...:devil:



Bent as a paper clip :guffaw:and Greg knows it:

I disagree about a Straight man never acting like that, because guys will tease their friends that way. But agree when it comes to the case of Nick and Greg it is all so the other way.

Fabulous Love scene. I loved it when Greg said he would go into the attic for him since it was his birthday. But then his comment once he was up there that he was keeping that gift card. :lol: Notice how Greg got to be Above Nick in this scene too!! Alright Greg! :lol:
Awesome episode! Great story with angsty birthday Nick, and so many love and gay!Nick confirmation moments ;)

Langston thinks it would be fun to get Nick a tie as an inside joke (from what happened during Langston's 1st episode). He hands it over saying "I didn't know if you were 'stripes or solids' (I chuckle and think 'is that code for 'gay or straight'?) and Greg laughs/shrugs saying "I told him to roll with the paisley" HA!! That's for clearing things up, Greg!

Later - Greg showing up just as Taylor Swift was flirting with Nick. Greg smiles thinking "you're waaay too young for him, kid, and waaaaay too female". Then he jokes with Nick and sweetly volunteers to do the disgusting decomp job because "it's your birthday". What a good boyfriend. Then when he's suffering doing the disgusting job, he snarks "I'm keeping the gift card." So we know he personally got Nick a birthday gift card on his own beyond the annual team 'chocolate cake and joke gift' tradition. Edited to add, I like Seabird's interpretation of the gift card comment even better! I always snag the cards my husband's Starbucks cards my husband gets from work! LOL

Even funnier for me was...a Best Buy Gift Card birthday card was a running joke in my Where You Are series. After Nick gives Greg a very sentimental birthday gift he jokes "I still got you the gift card." So I guess they're keeping up the tradition of the 'buddy' gift card inside joke .

Let's not forget the drunk bum who cleans up his act after Nick does a random act of kindness for him. When Nick sees him sober and cleaned up a few months later, what does he say with a grin "You're looking gooooood, man." The guy is psyched and is clearly a Nick groupie by the '117 days before flashback' making sure Nicky knows where to look him up. I can't blame him, it's hard not to fall for the Texan...just ask Greg.

I wished it was Greg in the locker room with heartbroken Nick at the end, but we know Greg was waiting for him at home, where he could hug and console him in private.

Nick starting the college fund for Warrick's son...AWWWWWWWWW :adore:
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I don't know how to use spoiler tags so, I'll just say this: I keep my boyfriend's gift cards. ;)

Speaking of fics, I've found a couple more to add to the list:

Maggs: "Where You Are", "Before You". Amazing fics.

Who is holding the shirt up to his chest as if he's wearing it. Interesting parallel, don't you think? Nick supposed love interest and his real love interest? :shifty: You need to be sneakier than that to get it by me, TPTB. try again. Also, the conversation about saliva being spit everywhere when we talk? Yeah. 'My saliva on you, your saliva on me.' Oh yeah, baby.

Subtext, they haz it. :p

They just bleed it, :lol:


A straight man NEVER would act like this in front of another man...:devil:



Bent as a paper clip :guffaw:and Greg knows it:


Look guys, Nick is groping his boobie! :lol: :p

But yeah, they do ooze it, don't they?

Yay for more fics to look up...I thought I was gonna have to brave my flist for fics, and it's been weeks. But I think the worst of the Love fever is worn off, I've been reading Janto and Harry/Draco fics too. :D

Don't mind me, I'm polyfandomish and will talk about slash at every opportunity. :shifty:

Also, ack! I haven't watched tonight's ep yet, I'm waiting for the download. Hurry up, download! I neeeeed my fix! I'll be back to read your spoilers when I'm done. *rubs hands together with glee*
When I heard about the card I was totally like, hmm... it must be to Best Buy! Man I just love the old married couple moments that go on between our boys, and tonight's episode was full of them. Several people were complaining that tonight's episode changed Nick's birthday, but I must say that I really don't mind it being the day after mine lol!

And watch out for MsMaggs fics, they are too expertly written to not leave you heartbroken after you are done reading them and wanting more. I also reccommend the GSPD ones, they are quite good.
Fantastic episode, but then, I'd love any that features Nick. :D

I love all the commentary and I totally agree about the gift card thing. I snag any my hubby gets too.

Not even five minutes in and boom! We're flooded with The Love. Already the best ep ever. Well, maybe not THE best, but it's up there.

omg. Let it ride on paisley...lmao!! How on earth would Greg know that? heehee Fantastic! Perhaps he's got some inside knowledge? Perhaps he likes to tie Nick up and he knows what looks good on Nick while he's strapped to the bed. :p

Also, the little flirty-ness when Haley leaves the room, and that 'oh, she so wants you but you're all mine,' look Greg gives him? Along with the 'I look for the yellow tape,' Oooh, yeah. Love the teasing. It makes me feel like it's s1 and 2 again. Brilliant.

And the end? Oh Nicky. How I want to make it all better for you. Perhaps some naked Greg will help...

Can I just say? The arm band is hot. Very, very hot. :adore: Also, Nick is the most adorable man on the planet. Damn him for being fictional.

More Nicky please, TPTB. Also, more Greg. Also, more Greg and Nick in the same shot. *begs*
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Hey guys!

I know, I wasn't here for a long time even when I'm at Talk so often but I've never had a good reason to post. I don't think I still have a good one:lol: If I didn't say to new posters hello - I'm saying it now - Hello!;)

Somewhere I found a question about favorite N/G scene - I have many many of them and I never can decide which is my #1. I guess all depends on my mood, lol. I'll always love "liquid latex" discussion - in general it's one of the funniest scenes ever in CSI. Of course eye sex from Felonious Monk is high too, very intense scene in front of Grissom. I need to add from the latest season scene from the closet - it was so hilarious and full of hidden meanings (obviously not for Love fans;)).

I'm so glad to hear that in the latest ep was some nice Love scene. Can't wait to check out more eps:D

Now I have a need to write about Greg being bi;) I remember that (probably I've done it, lol) was said that Greg is not always showing his sexual preferences. Nick very often is so obvious that he's gay that after making a big marathon of Nick's gay moments you can have a headache 'cause it's so many. With Greg wasn't for me that obvious but I always got the vibe from him, just always and to be honest, I never mind shipping him with female characters - when he's bi it's not that wrong (at least for me). The one scene which was making me really thinking was from Table Stakes when he came up in the headdress. Ok, tell me, what straight guy can show up with thing like that on head? Maybe when guy is totally drunk but Greg was at work so excuses for him:lol: And when he mentioned glitter fetish in Young Men With A Horn - I thought about Table Stakes in a half of the second. The glitter fetish have even deeper meaning. Nooo, I don't mean that Greg likes... rest you can imagine:devil: Of course every Love scene with Nick is easy to put on the shelf of gay moments of Greg. But like in 6th season - we had about Greg's fantasies and he probably met Wendy and her friend (threesome fantasies) or the one with yacht, rock and two girls (in latex?:lol:). It could be a way to show that Greg was straight, not gay (they thought making straight Nick is easier for some reason and we have many many tries:lol:) but who they wanted to kid? They even gave more than the vibes which I'm catching from the first season.

Thank you all for the great pic spams, it's always making me believe that Love is so strong:)

And the scene with Kristy's shirt - this joke made by Greg can be made by straight guy like Dizz mentioned. Sometimes hetro guys are doing such things 'cause well, it's funny, even for them:lol:
Thursdays episode was a pleasant surprise. I knew there was a scene with the boys but I never dreamt it would be so great. That they would actually spend some quality time together. And wasn't Greg a doll to offer to go up into that crawlspace (with stinky dead guy) so Nick would not have to do it on his birthday! So sweet.

Greg searches for Mr Stinky Decomp while Nick pops his head up

At the autopsy

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