The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #21

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Am I the only one who finds comfort in the Love? Like when I'm having a bad day I'll read, or heck even write a Love fic and suddenly my mood is lifted and I'm happier? Does that happen to anyone else? Or am I just a sad weirdo? :lol:

Actually, reading Love fic is a little pick me up for me as well. Unless it's a sad one (character death or whatnot). I guess that shows that all Love fics have an affect on my mood. When I am either in a bad mood or just feeling down, I will read one the great, funny ones and feel better. It's not just you. :)
Wow I haven't been here for awhile! Missed tonnes! Firstly, welcome to all newcomers! :D You've found the best spot for talking about the Love. The more the merrier!

I have a question for you guys :
3- Nick with that blond girl in the first episode (build to kill)

3. Ah, that was just a plot device from the writers to get him away from Cath so she could be kidnapped. It was extremely out of character for Nick and I prefer to ignore it completely :p

I actually have an idea about that, and it's on my list of fanfics to write. But it was totally a plot device.

I think the Love is as strong as ever, though I'm definitely going to go back and see if I can see Nick flirting with Keppler....:confused:

Am I the only one who finds comfort in the Love? Like when I'm having a bad day I'll read, or heck even write a Love fic and suddenly my mood is lifted and I'm happier? Does that happen to anyone else? Or am I just a sad weirdo? :lol:

hi i love reading all the love fic , they really make me smile :) if i'm in a bad mood.
Wojo, the French translation must suck even more than I already knew, :wtf: because he clearly says "promotion"

for the Keppler thing, I'm sorry I caused you any pain with bringing that up, because believe me, The Love is one of the rare precious things that helps me through the day and I would never want that to stop.

And for the caps here we go :

Keppler is on his way to leave and Nick doen't move an inch to let him pass

Keppler puts a hand on Nick, and Greg, well, not happy about it

Keppler passes by and Nick calls him again to joke about Grissom

Keppler is on the phone, and who's watching him ?

Nick asks him, if he's ok

Keppler arrives at the crime scene, and who's waiting for him at the elevator ?

Ok, now, hate me for it, but I couldn't help but notice after all it's all about subtext here ..

Back to OUR BOYS, here are some funny pics I'd like to share $trying to make it up*

I know it's a long post, but I can't stop writing, so ...

and for this pic, where Nick stops at the corridor and watches Greg who is on the computer, it's from 'organ grinder' the episode where Greg asks Sara out and she accepts then she can't come because she's buzy with a case and in that Pic Greg was working some OverTime searching on the Net to help her finish faster and That, IMO, would explain why Nick shot him that angry glare...

I'll stop now, I promise *go watches season 2, again*
Thanks for the visual evidence SuckerMe although I'd prefer not to see it ;)

I love your screencaps! There funny and cute although I don't think that Nick looked angrily at Greg in Organ Grinder but then again my Love-filled brain prohibits me from thinking anything else but "Nick loves Greg" :lol:
Nevertheless, I think we can all agree on the fact that the whole scene in Organ Grinder was kind of pointless, at least plot-wise. It was a great scene for the Love though :thumbsup:!

Wow, we're almost done with Fort #21 :eek:! Just proves that the Love is still strong and is still attracting new people :thumbsup::thumbsup:!
Wow, way too long since I was here.

I love those pics SuckerMe, especially the first one. And the caps as evidence of Nick flirting with Keppler kinda made me think about that scene. One thing I know for sure, Greg does look kind of jealous. I'll just have to rewatch it :)

And I agree, love_fan, the scene in Organ Grinder was pointless, but it gave us all a lovely moment of subtext, so I don't really mind :)

Oh, and just curious: how many posts does the thread need for a new Fort?
Welcome back CSI-Fan3!

Four more posts until we can open the Fort #22 :thumbsup:!

Of course Greg looked jealous! There's no was he likes other men to flirt with his Nicky ... :cool:

Hm, I think it was SuckerMe who asked for a timeline of their relationship. That's a tough one.
I am certrain that by now they're a couple and have been for quite a while. Definitely after Grave Danger.

First season was checking each other out, followed by (more than) heavy flirting in season 2. Season 3 showed them pretty comfortable around each other whereas S4 and 5 are a mystery to me. There wasn't much interaction between them but when there was it was good (Thanks doll, anyone :adore:).
Welcome back CSI-Fan3!

Four more posts until we can open the Fort #22 :thumbsup:!

Of course Greg looked jealous! There's no was he likes other men to flirt with his Nicky ... :cool:

Hm, I think it was SuckerMe who asked for a timeline of their relationship. That's a tough one.
I am certrain that by now they're a couple and have been for quite a while. Definitely after Grave Danger.

First season was checking each other out, followed by (more than) heavy flirting in season 2. Season 3 showed them pretty comfortable around each other whereas S4 and 5 are a mystery to me. There wasn't much interaction between them but when there was it was good (Thanks doll, anyone :adore:).

Hmm. The timeline I imagined is a tad less happy, but I imagined them involved in some way (maybe loosely dating) by Season 2 or 3, and then they split up when the shifts changed and got together shortly after Grave Danger and the shift resolution. Then they've been together ever since.
I watched "Art Imitates Life". Is it my imagination, but after they introduced the therapist the camera cut to Greg and he smiled knowlingly when she spoke of grief. A very strange reaction. Then in the backgorund of Greg's close up we see a figure. I think its Nick. Am I wrong? I personally do not think Greg was in her office talking about himself, maybe he was talking about Nick and his reaction. I mean Warrick was Nick's BFF, and since his death we havent seen nick breakdown. Which is strange too?
Originally posted by happyharper113:

That said, I thought that, though they didn't get a scene together in Fannysmacking, Nick's reaction alone was a great (albeit sad) moment for the Love. I mean, this is the man who was able to confront Kelly relatively calmly after her part in his burial. All in all, he does a pretty decent job of staying in check. I mean, he didn't even shoot McKeen when he could've done so and probably gotten away with it. Yet when Greg's involved, that's not the case. Instead, he loses it. I also assumed that they were together during 'Post Mortem'. The looks between the two when Nick was testifying felt quite telling. That said, all of the looks and emotions would still make sense in those cases even if they were broken up, given that they had been together for quite a while and no doubt still had feelings for each other. And moments like those probably helped them realize that they could never really separate in the long term.

Wow, only TWO posts to The Fort #22!!! :)

I totally agree about "Fannysmackin". Nick's reaction was SO telling....;) He didn't shoot Mckeen (although he had just killed his best friend), he could confront Kelly calmy (although her father buried him alive)....but in "Fannysmackin", Nick couldn't control his temper this time. In "For Warrick", Nick didn't let his emotions guide him; in "Fannysmackin", he did. Very telling. ;)

When Warrick said that he had found Sanders' hair on the pavement :(



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