The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #21

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And, the woman who never sleeps finds another paperclip!Nicky Two and Half Deaths (Yes, I'm looking through s8 eps to find the moment above...yes, I can't rest until I watch it again...yes, I'm a geeky junkie, so what?) Nick and Greg are in a layout room with Doc and Henry...when Henry quips 'The clot doesn't thicken, but the plot does,' and Nicky has the sweetest bemused smile and I just know he's thinking 'aww, aren't you the cutest little thing...' but he promplty gets serious when Doc speaks up again.

Nick is far too adorable for words, and these little things just keep leaping out at me. :adore:

eta: the ep is You Kill Me which, btw, is one of the funniest eps ever. 'No sign of sexual trauma,' :guffaw::guffaw:
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Does this qualify as a Nick gay moment (not sure which eppie):

After Sara left, Nick tried to cheer Grissom up by asking him if he wanted to get breakfast. Before Griss could answer Nicky got defensive and said that there is nothing wrong about to guys getting breakfast together. Why so defensive? I mean, a straight guy would not be that concerned what his actions would look like (even something so innocent).....but a man in the closet would be concerned *wink wink*
Oh yes, that definitely counts, I forgot to mention that one. He's totally getting flustered and working himself up, and then he's all blushing and backing out and you just know his mind was thinking 'Wait, did I just ask Grissom on a date? I know I didn't, but does he think I did? Crap, how do I fix this? Oh no, now he's looking at me funny. What do I do? Back pedal, back pedal. He's not saying anything. Oh god, is he figuring it out? Back away Nicky, back away. Remember this the next time you want to make a gesture. Manly pats on the back, that's it...unless it's Greg of course, then you, no, don't go there, you're talking to Grissom. Speaking of, is it safe yet? Nope, he's still looking at me with that look of his. I need to get out of here...'

Nice catch, LoneWolfe :thumbsup:

That's hilarious, Aquila "the woman who never sleeps. I totally can see Nick thinking like that ! "manly pats on the back, that's it.....unless it's Greg of course" :guffaw: A straight man like Warrick would never have that kind of reaction....

I rest my case...





I haven't watched last night's episode yet but from what I've read, Nick and Greg didn't work together. It's about time the boys work in a case just the two of them, don't you think?
I was watching an ep the other day from season 5, yes I finally got it in the mail *Yay me!* It was Crows Feet I think. Nick was talking to Catherine about what Ozzy and other bands have in common and he said Rock N Roll and held up his hand and did the Rock N Roll sign. Which in another ep in an earlier season Greg did the Rock N Roll sign to Nick and he gave him a sign back but it was the 'I love you' sign *looks a icon* My thought is Nick got confused and gave Greg the sign he's use to doing to him, I Love you.

I saw the ep today where Greg said he liked his penis for the record. LOL...My hubby was like "what did he say" So I gladly rewind it to hear it again. I also watched the one he failed his proficiency test or whatever it was for being a csi. Not bad enough he failed it but then Hodges had to rub it in and make him feel really stupid.

I wish they would get a whole case together and get a little more screen time. I thought with everyone that left the boys would get tons more action, but it seems like the lab rats are getting more action than them, even in the field.
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That's hilarious, Aquila "the woman who never sleeps. I totally can see Nick thinking like that ! "manly pats on the back, that's it.....unless it's Greg of course" :guffaw: A straight man like Warrick would never have that kind of reaction....


Yeah, I'm a bit of a night owl, combined with recurring insomnia. Not so good for me, but great for my fandoms. :p

I love that last pic. *stares at it some more* He's lovely. :adore:

I wish we were getting more Nick/Greg scenes...I'd even settle for more Greg, full stop. The cast has been a cut a bunch and they're still not getting scenes together? Come on already, don't TPTB know that the ship is never going to die and they are depriving their audience of one of the most gripping relationships? Honestly. :(
I was watching an ep the other day from season 5, yes I finally got it in the mail *Yay me!* It was Crows Feet I think. Nick was talking to Catherine about what Ozzy and other bands have in common and he said Rock N Roll and held up his hand and did the Rock N Roll sign. Which in another ep in an earlier season Greg did the Rock N Roll sign to Nick and he gave him a sign back but it was the 'I love you' sign *looks a icon* My thought is Nick got confused and gave Greg the sign he's use to doing to him, I Love you.

Well, it's pretty obvious that Nick KNOWS how to make the "rock on" sign correctly:


So, this scene from "Abracadaver" where Nick was saying "I Love You" to Greg in sign language, should have ended on the cutting room floor however..... they kept the scene... You have to wonder why...;)


Maybe here's the explanation. I've just watched a very interesting movie that I recommend everybody: "The Celluloid Closet". During decades, Hollywood writers have woven a subtle gay subtext into movies without the mainstream audiences even noticed. Classic films like "Gilda", Ben-Hur", "The Rope", "Rebecca", "Rebel Without Cause"..... are filled with a compelling gay subtext. More recent Films like "Top Gun", "Pulp Fiction", "Reservoir Dogs" and many others also have that gay subtext.

So, it's not strange that nowadays, writers of TV shows like CSI that have a (mostly) conservative audience keep putting that gay subtext in a subtle way. ;) We should know better; we've been reading the Nick/Greg subtext for NINE YEARS!

This is too funny. Gore Vidal says in The Celluloid Closet that when director William Wyler was preparing to shoot the big reunion scene between childhood best friends Ben-Hur (Chartlon Heston) and Messala (Stephen Boyd), Wyler told Boyd (not Heston, who was very conservative and would have freaked out) to gaze upon Ben-Hur as if they were lovers, so in the resulting scene, Boyd gazes longingly at Heston, who doesn't seem to have a clue what's going on :lol:

So, speaking of longingly gazes....who can deny the obvious?




Nice caps there seabird! There has been a lot of loving,longing gazes between the boys during these nine years and they keep coming as you can see below :devil::devil::drool:
Nick's eyes are almost saying: Wanna get outta here?

Here is a very telling look methinks...awww

Good catch Twiz! Of course Nicky does know how to sign rock 'n roll but he just couldn't help himself whne signing "I love you" to his Greggo instead. It is funny how that didn't end up on the cuttingroom floor indeed seabird :devil:
So, long time no see everyone! (Don't you just love schoolwork :rolleyes:)

Finally they're airing season 9 here, so I can catch up with all the goodness to come... :)

That's an interesting scale, happyharper13. I'd probably put Greg around the middle and Nick more like a 5 or 6.

Great finding, LoneWolfe, that's a lovely moment!

Oh yes, that definitely counts, I forgot to mention that one. He's totally getting flustered and working himself up, and then he's all blushing and backing out and you just know his mind was thinking 'Wait, did I just ask Grissom on a date? I know I didn't, but does he think I did? Crap, how do I fix this? Oh no, now he's looking at me funny. What do I do? Back pedal, back pedal. He's not saying anything. Oh god, is he figuring it out? Back away Nicky, back away. Remember this the next time you want to make a gesture. Manly pats on the back, that's it...unless it's Greg of course, then you, no, don't go there, you're talking to Grissom. Speaking of, is it safe yet? Nope, he's still looking at me with that look of his. I need to get out of here...'
And Aquila, I can really hear him thinking that:guffaw:, well done! Nick really does have a lot of these moments, doesn't he?

I like your explanation of those scenes, seabird. And I just hope we keep getting a lot of those :)

Lovely caps, Stokes4me. I really like Nick's look in the first one.
Thanks for your comments, guys. It's nice to know that gay subtext has existed in movies and TV shows since forever so it's not like it's just our wishful thinking or that we're seeing things.....NINE YEARS of Nick/Greg subtext is NOT a coincidence. ;)

Nick's eyes are almost saying: Wanna get outta here?

Here is a very telling look methinks...awww

Oh My......:drool: Awesome caps, Stokes4Me! Look at the expression on Nick's face. You're so right, he's totally telling Greg "Wanna get out of here?". Gotta love the actors...

I've noticed that "The Acussed Is Entitled" is filled up with Nick/Greg subtext. Besides the scene where Grissom says the line "Never been caught with a dead girl or a live boy", that seems to hurt personally to Nick a lot (that sad look on his face, while he nodded), but also this cute scene where Greg is shamelessly flirting with Nick:

NICK: "You beeped me across the hall?"
GREG: "Uh, yeah. I waved, you didn't look up"




I love all the pics guys!!!:drool::drool:
If they can't put their hands on each other they can at least put their eyes on each other, TPTB can't stop that. They don't need words or hand gestures to tell each other what they are thinking or want. They want each other :drool:

I should have known Seabird that you would have the cap of Nicky doing the Rock n Roll sign. Ya know when he did that, I nearly squealed and had to rewind it and pause it as I remembered back to him doing the "I love you" to Greg. I just watched "who shot Sherlock Holmes" Nick really couldn't keep his hands off Greg during his celebration. Even after Eklie said party over Nick had to grab a handful of Greggo.

I also watched the ep where Greg found the dead little boy in the garbage. He was so adorable in that ep. He was scared when he was being shot at and upset over the death of the child. There was a part where Warrick got a page from someone and Mia called him a player cause he didn't answer it. Then he showed the call from from Greg, he said he had a bad day and was checking on him. I was hoping they would show Nick checking on Greg to make sure he was okay and see if he needed comforting. I'm sure Nick did some major comforting to Greg once they got done work ;)

That's very interesting about the hidden gay moments in movies. I know there was talk about how movies put in sexual content that you don't notice and even about how Walt Disney had a lot of cartoons that had shapes in them like penis's and cigarette or something else bad.

I have no doubt that one of the writers or someone high up on csi is sneaking in these moments on purpose to feed slash lovers. Or else it's Eric and George doing it LOL...Either way, I don't mind if it's hidden stuff they give us instead of the ship going canon. I'm sure TPTB can't write a good gay relationship storyline. Some how they would manage to screw it up and make the relationship a joke.

NICK: "You beeped me across the hall?"
GREG: "Uh, yeah. I waved, you didn't look up"
I laughed so hard at that moment. Love the pic, thanks for posting it.
I am having so much fun watching csi now. I'm on the 3rd disc of season 5 now and I'm upset Nick and Greg got separated. I do 4 eps a day and I just can't get enough of the boys.
That's very interesting about the hidden gay moments in movies. I know there was talk about how movies put in sexual content that you don't notice and even about how Walt Disney had a lot of cartoons that had shapes in them like penis's and cigarette or something else bad.

Try to watch "Ben-Hur" after knowing that Stephen Boyd played all his scenes with Chartlon Heston (Ben-Hur) like if they had been lovers in the past. It's a different (and more interesting ;)) movie. Or watch "Rebel Without Cause", where Sal Mineo's character is clearly in love with James Dean; the last thing you'd think is that "they are like brothers". :lol:

I've wanted to ask you all this for a while: what would be your favourite Nick/Greg scene? I'm torn, there are so many scenes that I love but if I had to choose one, I'd say the "liquid latex" scene from "Slaves of Las Vegas". This scene has everything: the hovering, the glances, Nick couldn't help leaning over Greg, Greg flirting with Nick and fishing up trying to know what Nick's into, Nicks blushing....

(NICK walks in and peers over GREG'S shoulder to see what he's doing)

NICK: "What's up Einstein? You got anything there?"
GREG: "You think Einstein had people hovering over his shoulders all the time?
NICK: "no, no"

(NICK leans in again to see what GREG is working in. GREG looks over his shoulder at NICK with a smirk on his face)

GREG: "Would you step back? Just give me some breathing room"


GREG: "Liquid Latex"
NICK: "Never heard of it"
GREG: "Really? It's all the craze right now, man. Girls paint it on guys. Guys paint it on girls. You can paint it on yourself, if that's what you're can't get a date..."
NICK: "I got it"
GREG: "Like I would know"
NICK: "Sure, sure, I got it, man"





My favorite Nick/Greg moment was the "I thought we had a relationship" scene, but my favorite Love moment was definently the jealous!Nicky in the closet scene. Not only was it priceless (apparently Nick get his hair pulled a lot), but it was the scene that made me see the light. I just re watched the episode and loved it. btw, what was up with Nick's black gloves? Did anyone wlse find that weird?
I rest my case...





I can't stop laughing right now... thinking of all the people still believing Nick is straight :guffaw:. I think they need to invest on some glasses (or some brain... :rolleyes:). Anyway I think my fav. love moment is the eye sex in Felonius Monk (it looked like some serious off-screen action was about to happen or had alredy happened lol) but there's so many good ones... "I'm open 24 hours", "Let's play name that chemical counpounds", "Knock it off!", "I thought we had a relationship", "Marriage is a public declaration of LOVE", etc... but of course they're just BUDDIES... :lol:

On another subject I wanted to talk to you guys about what happened in my english class today (it IS the love related lol), because I want to be very good in english so I can move in the UK in a few years I actually have to listen (something I don't do often at school... I'm only 16 btw) and my teacher said we will watch CSI in the afternoon (I've got one hour the morning and one the afternoon), so I was soooo excited :p I couldn't wait lol so the afternoon came and he said he wanted to show us some clips and then we'll have to analyse them, anyway the first was the scene from You Kill Me when Nick and Warrick are beginning to investigate on Archie's "Death", that scene is hilarious, the guys cryin' ("he was too good for this world") and Dave: "No trace of sexual trauma" lol that was just hilarious but that's not the part I wanted to tell you about ^^. The second clips was... a Nick/Greg one and even better, the scene when Greg said to Nick... "I thought we had a relationship" *endless squee* and the cool thing was that most of the people in my class don't really know CSI :)scream:) so one of my classmate asked my teacher if the two guys (she was talking about N/G) were together and when the teacher said "No, not that I know" another girl shooted "Well, the blond one looks totally into the other one!". LMAO! The last clips he showed us was from For Warrick, when Griss & Sara are talking in Grissom's office and then everyone shows up and hugs Sara, at the moment Nick & Greg entered in the room my neighbor murmured "the gay guys are back!". x).
Very sorry for all the rambling but I wanted to share this with you ^^
NGR91300, that sounds like a brilliant class! If only mine were that interesting, back in the day... :p And I love that Nick/Greg scene...hell, I love all of them.

And yeah, this is the thing...this show is all about following the evidence. But so many people just believe what they are told, and never look any deeper. We're being told that Nicky is straight, but the evidence is telling another story. And what are we told repeatedly? The evidence never lies. :p ;)

Follow the evidence, people.

You know, I really don't know what my fave is. I really liked the ass check in The Hunger Artist, cause I have a thing for broad shoulders and Eric's are really well displayed in that shirt he's wearing during that scene...never mind the pants and the way Nick looks...yeah, I love that scene for eye candy alone. But I'll take what I can get. :adore:
I am looking for a N/G fic. Nick drenched in honey and Greg cannot take his eyes off him. Which leads to a very interesting call later.el like reading N/G presla

I feel like reading N/G preslash. Multi chapter fic. with angst

Any recommendations
NGR91300, that sounds like a brilliant class! If only mine were that interesting, back in the day... :p And I love that Nick/Greg scene...hell, I love all of them.

And yeah, this is the thing...this show is all about following the evidence. But so many people just believe what they are told, and never look any deeper. We're being told that Nicky is straight, but the evidence is telling another story. And what are we told repeatedly? The evidence never lies. :p ;)

Follow the evidence, people.

Very true! And if anyone on here watches House M.D.(I mostly watch for the House/Wilson slash :) ) then you know that "Everybody Lies". We shouldn't believe everything people tell us! And if people are telling us that Nick is straight then we know not to believe them, because their Obviously lieing!

I also have to say that The Hunger Artist is my fave The Love epi! The ass check is good but I love how close they get to each other in that scene!
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