Hit and Run
Hey everyone, new fellow fan on the horizon. *waves* It’s official that I’ve been hooked to The Love. All credit bestowed to every member on this forum. Thank you!
Loved last weeks episode with all the Nick/Greg scenes that have been long in coming, But am I the only one that thinks when Greg told Nick it was his birthday, as they decided who got to climb into the ceiling, that he meant Nick should do the Honors? Instead Nick pulled rank and made Greg do it. I find the keeping the gift card comment flows better that way.
Welcome to The Fort, CarrCarr!
Well, the way I see that scene is that Greg offered to go up and crawl into the smelly attic so Nick wouldn't have to do it on his birthday.
Yeah, I thought it was Greg offering, but honestly, I liked the other theory too. I guess I'll go back from one to the other in my head while I'm thinking about those boys. And all the ways Nick can make it up to Greg.
I'm (re) watching Table Stakes and there's the lovely scene with Nick, Greg and Sara when they talk to Greg about their dna sample. Greg's all smiley and giving Nick sassy looks, while Nick smiles at him rather adoringly. *sigh* Lovely. It's not the most overt Love scene, but I wasn't really expecting it, and I love to see that warmth between them, even with Sara in the room.
At the end , Sara became a ghost when the boys were together. I remember this scene from "Goodbye and Good Luck" where Nick and Greg keep staring at each other all the time:
Here, Sara is like:"Guys, get a room!" :devil:
"Now, it's all woman!" ( Greg in "Table Stakes"):
You're right, by the end Sara might as well have left for all the attention they show her. You know she knows about them, and that's part of why she likes to flirt with Greg...he's safe. I've always thought Greg hero worshipped Sara a bit, but he's already fallen for Nick, so it's all good.
That last cap is paperclip!Greg at his best. But honestly...the more closely I watch (and yes, I'm watching them all over again...just slower this time round.) the more paperclippy Greg feels to me. Just his mannerisms, they ping big time. Which I find is hilarious, since they didn't even when I thought I was paying attention to him. I was, but compared to how I watch Nick...well, I told myself to watch Greg the way I watch Nick (as much as I love Greg, I'm head over heals for Nicky. :adore and since I've done that, I've noticed more little paperclip hints. It's there, big time.
Fantastic screen caps, as usual. I think I'll stare at them for a while. :adore: