The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #21

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You could definitely be right, LoneWolfe. People tend to think of themselves and others as gay vs. bi vs. straight (and possibly vs. trans), but the categories are actually a lot more complex, at least if you go by Kinsey's research, which places everyone between a '0' (exclusively heterosexual) and a '6' (exclusively homosexual). Because people only have so many sexual encounters in their lives (and because these encounters are, no doubt, shaped by their interpretations of their sexualities), it's hard for anyone to really know where exactly they lie on the scale. For example, it'd certainly be difficult for someone to know whether they were a 1 vs. a 0 if that special person of the same sex that could induce a sexual reaction never comes into his or her life.

Kinsey scale:
0 Exclusively heterosexual
1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 Equally heterosexual and homosexual; bisexual.
4 Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6 Exclusively homosexual

Nick, from what we know, could be anywhere between a 1 and a 6, because all numbers in that range still allow for a relationship with Greg. Personally, I'd still guess that Greg is toward the middle, between 2 and 4, and that Nick is on either poll -- probably a 1, 5 or 6.
You could definitely be right, LoneWolfe. People tend to think of themselves and others as gay vs. bi vs. straight (and possibly vs. trans), but the categories are actually a lot more complex, at least if you go by Kinsey's research, which places everyone between a '0' (exclusively heterosexual) and a '6' (exclusively homosexual). Because people only have so many sexual encounters in their lives (and because these encounters are, no doubt, shaped by their interpretations of their sexualities), it's hard for anyone to really know where exactly they lie on the scale. For example, it'd certainly be difficult for someone to know whether they were a 1 vs. a 0 if that special person of the same sex that could induce a sexual reaction never comes into his or her life.

Kinsey scale:
0 Exclusively heterosexual
1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 Equally heterosexual and homosexual; bisexual.
4 Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6 Exclusively homosexual

Nick, from what we know, could be anywhere between a 1 and a 6, because all numbers in that range still allow for a relationship with Greg. Personally, I'd still guess that Greg is toward the middle, between 2 and 4, and that Nick is on either poll -- probably a 1, 5 or 6.

lol. what does he mean by incidental? :rommie:

Sexuality is complex. Some people prefer labeling themselves in order not to feel alone.

I am not even on the scale above. Although I do not classify myself as asexual, I do have asexual tendancies. LOL Maybe I am asexual only incidentally sexual.

And for general interest you do get homo/romantic asexuals. I was thinking of writing a N/G homoromantic asexual fic (need plot bunny first). Just becuase you are not sexually attracted to someone doesnt mean you cannot feel emotionally & intellucually attraction.

Thats so great about Nick & Greg and "The Love", the attraction between them is not only sexually but they are attracted to each other on so many levels (and its shown in many fics).

But I must admit what ever their sexual orientation (gay/bi/straight) they are defiantly sexual creatures. So my fic (when I do write it) will be OOC.

Changing the topic:

I found this pic


it looks like N/G have been caught out. Nick's face look like he is wondering if Warrick saw him flirting with Greg. And Warrick's excpression is priceless (its like, dude i know. Just get out of the closet)

Anyway thats my interpretation of the pic
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I love that pic. :D Nick looks a little shell shocked and 'did he see, does he know?' and Greg is cool 'chill, who cares if he knows,' and Warrick is just 'did I see what I think I saw?'

I love how Nick's hair is all messy too. Not only is it hot (one of my things, apparently, my favorite part of Greg is the spiky hair.) but it looks like they've just been doing some heavy snogging. Ooh yes.

SARA: "I would take you and me over Catherine anytime"
NICK: "She's got Greg helping her?
SARA: "Yeah"
NICK: "Well, the only way to learn is by getting out in the field and if he helps find her, I'm okay with that"

And here's sweet Greggo, sticking up for Nick:


(Catherine and Greg sort through some trash)

CATHERINE: "Remember, we're looking for anything this guy did last Thursday November 6"
GREG: "So, I know Warrick's off and Sara's pissed. Why not ask Nick to help?"
Yes that was the scene I'm talking about. I actually squealed a little over Nicky being so supportive to Greg. I forgot about the other part where Greg said that to Catherine. It's nice how the boys always think about each other and have each others backs.

LoneWolfe001, I love that pic. I found it a while back, but your copy is so much nicer, Thanks for posting it. Does anyone know what that is from? Both of them in leather...rooarrrr!!!:drool:

Wow! That scale is crazy. I never imagined there were so many technical ways of someones sexuality. I saw an interview with Andy Dick and he said he classified himself as bisexual, which because of that the homosexual didn't want anything to do with him and the heterosexuals either. I'd say Nick is a 2 and Greg is a 4.

For those of you who go to Slash Heaven, I just wanted to tell you we have an icon challenge going on and we need people to vote for them. Also we have an Elimination Game that just started and we need to keep the Love Alive on it. :thumbsup:
The scale is really interesting, esp when you take into account the fluidity of sexuality. It really is more about the person to a large degree, but at the same time some people just aren't into the same/opposite sex.

For instance, I'd rate myself as bordering the 0/1. I've had a same sex experience, so out of honesty I have to give the 1 a chance, but really, I'm all about the boys. I love men and pretty much everything about them, to a truly stupid degree considering my really doesn't get much straighter than this. So I can believe it when people classify themselves so strictly, cause I do. But I think the vast majority of people are somewhere in the middle.

Honestly, I'd put Greg somewhere between 2 and 4, but I'd make Nick a 5...maybe a 4, at a stretch. I just see Nicky leaning heavily to the gay side, I don't know why. It's a given when I think about him, really. Greg otoh, I feel is more flexible, hence the middle of the scale.
Thanks for the pic, LoneWolfe! I just love that photo shoot from Stuff Magazine. Here's one more pic of the boys:


I'd make Nick a 5...maybe a 4, at a stretch. I just see Nicky leaning heavily to the gay side, I don't know why. It's a given when I think about him, really. Greg otoh, I feel is more flexible, hence the middle of the scale.

I've always thought that Nick is gay (and deep in the closet) while Greg is bi leaning (more and more) towards gay.

I think I've found one more of those "Nick-is-gay-and-in-the-closet" moments that we love so much. It's from the episode "The Acussed Is Entitled"; the CSI team thought that the victim was a female but...they were wrong. It's subtle but it's there, it's all about how they edited this scene ;)

(Buried in a sand trap, NICK slowly digs up the body)

NICK: "Grissom, you might want to come down here"
GRISSOM: "Just say it, Nick"
NICK: "Beans and franks. Tanya's a man"
GRISSOM: "Looks like that old Hollywood saying, 'Never get caught with a dead girl or a live boy"

And, although Grissom was with his mentor, they cut to Nick! who nods slightly and has this sad look on his face:

Those pics look wierd... Nick looks too young, and doesn't have his mole on his right cheek... I just rewatched For Warrick and Young Man with a Horn, and I almost cried in for Warrick, but the way our boys acted together... very telling indeed. Nick was talking about Warrick, Greg gave him a sad look, and Nick just made a small nod twards the casino. Now, there was a TON of nonverbal communication, and they have to know each other really well and very comfortable to do that...
Thanks for the pic, LoneWolfe! I just love that photo shoot from Stuff Magazine. Here's one more pic of the boys:


I'd make Nick a 5...maybe a 4, at a stretch. I just see Nicky leaning heavily to the gay side, I don't know why. It's a given when I think about him, really. Greg otoh, I feel is more flexible, hence the middle of the scale.

I've always thought that Nick is gay (and deep in the closet) while Greg is bi leaning (more and more) towards gay.

I think I've found one more of those "Nick-is-gay-and-in-the-closet" moments that we love so much. It's from the episode "The Acussed Is Entitled"; the CSI team thought that the victim was a female but...they were wrong. It's subtle but it's there, it's all about how they edited this scene ;)

(Buried in a sand trap, NICK slowly digs up the body)

NICK: "Grissom, you might want to come down here"
GRISSOM: "Just say it, Nick"
NICK: "Beans and franks. Tanya's a man"
GRISSOM: "Looks like that old Hollywood saying, 'Never get caught with a dead girl or a live boy"

And, although Grissom was with his mentor, they cut to Nick! who nods slightly and has this sad look on his face:

Awww, Nicky just wants to be Nicky. Stupid TPTB. Otoh, they are influenced by stupid society. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

eta: I just watched that part again, and he looks very sad, like he's both disappointed and personally affected. Nice catch. :thumbsup:

Yeah, I've always thought of Nick as gay...but I have to give him some leaning room, just as I did me...but both of us just like men. :p :lol:

I love those pics, I've never seen the one at the top, but then again, although I was a fan way back in the beginning, I'm a newbie in this fandom. I think I need to do a search and catch up. :shifty:
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I think that Nick is a five, because he did sleep with women, but his paperclip!Nicky moments don't make me think he is any less than that. Greg, well, Greg has never struck me as gay. In fact, until the jealous!Nicky in the closet scene I thought he secretly with Sara. Well, now that I have actually opened my eyes, I can see that he is probably a two or three.

So, I forgot to make my point with talking about For Warrick. In the picture at Warrick's place I really liked how each ship that has been at least alluded to (or in our case come to by processof elimination) was together, and Nick looked... not very straight.
Originally Posted by Aquila: "I just watched that part and he looks very sad, like he's both disappointed and personally afected. Nice catch :thumbsup:

Thanks. That's exactly what I noticed when I saw the scene; Nick seemed personally afected when Grissom said: "....never been caught with a live boy". I really can see what Nick could be thinking.....:(

I just rewatched For Warrick and Young Man with a Horn, and I almost cried in for Warrick, but the way our boys acted together... very telling indeed. Nick was talking about Warrick, Greg gave him a sad look, and Nick just made a small nod twards the casino. Now, there was a TON of nonverbal communication, and they have to know each other really well and very comfortable to do that...

They can say so much just looking at each other..... It shows how close they really are and how much they know each other.

brom, you mean this scene from "Young Man With A Horn, right?



And also from that episode, where was Greg's hand? :devil:


I loved their interaction in YMWAH. And David Rambo was the writer... ;) *points to the signature*
Originally Posted by Aquila: "I just watched that part and he looks very sad, like he's both disappointed and personally affected. Nice catch :thumbsup:
Thanks. That's exactly what I noticed when I saw the scene; Nick seemed personally affected when Grissom said: "....never been caught with a live boy". I really can see what Nick could be thinking.....:(

Yeah, he nodded his head with a distinct sadness in his manner.

I'm all excited for a new ep tonight, since I've finally caught myself up...and now I'm watching from s1 again, but slower this time. :p

Come on PTB, give me some Love. Something in the office perhaps? Some banter in the field? Some eye sex? I'll take anything. :)
Alas, I think Wendy got more screen time than Greg. That was sad.

And yes, that was the scene that I was talking about. That episode was just really good for The Love: the looks, the actions, and the conversations were just great!

P.S. What is the spoiler code? I want to discuss next week's episode, but I don't know how to do it....:rolleyes:
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Spoiler code is pretty easy. :)

[ SPOILER="why is it a spoiler?"]actual spoiler goes here.[/SPOILER ]

remove the spaces (after the first bracket and before the last) and you have a spoiler.

I watched a bit of YMWAH just to kill some time a few minutes ago, and it was Nick who mentioned Warrick, then Greg gave him a supportive, understanding look, to which Nick gave him one of those 'thank you for understanding, now lets get on with this,' head nods.

Or you know, that's what I saw. :p That is a great episode for The Love. :adore:
Does this qualify as a Nick gay moment (not sure which eppie):

After Sara left, Nick tried to cheer Grissom up by asking him if he wanted to get breakfast. Before Griss could answer Nicky got defensive and said that there is nothing wrong about to guys getting breakfast together. Why so defensive? I mean, a straight guy would not be that concerned what his actions would look like (even something so innocent).....but a man in the closet would be concerned *wink wink*
Does this qualify as a Nick gay moment (not sure which eppie):

After Sara left, Nick tried to cheer Grissom up by asking him if he wanted to get breakfast. Before Griss could answer Nicky got defensive and said that there is nothing wrong about to guys getting breakfast together. Why so defensive? I mean, a straight guy would not be that concerned what his actions would look like (even something so innocent).....but a man in the closet would be concerned *wink wink*
Oh yes, that definitely counts, I forgot to mention that one. He's totally getting flustered and working himself up, and then he's all blushing and backing out and you just know his mind was thinking 'Wait, did I just ask Grissom on a date? I know I didn't, but does he think I did? Crap, how do I fix this? Oh no, now he's looking at me funny. What do I do? Back pedal, back pedal. He's not saying anything. Oh god, is he figuring it out? Back away Nicky, back away. Remember this the next time you want to make a gesture. Manly pats on the back, that's it...unless it's Greg of course, then you, no, don't go there, you're talking to Grissom. Speaking of, is it safe yet? Nope, he's still looking at me with that look of his. I need to get out of here...'

Or you know, something like that. :lol:

edited to add, was someone looking for a cap of Nick's desk? Cause there was a good opportunity in tonight's ep, so I took a cap. :D
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