Sara's Girl
Prime Suspect
I love this idea, it would be a perfect way to introduce the boys as a canon. I personally Catherine would already know and would be the best person for Greggo to talk to about his relationship with Nicky.
Aww...I love that people are liking my idea and can't wait to read Lynn's fic...I agree that the longer the better QOTU and by the way your fics are fantastic so less of the modesty please...
I think that ^^ is why I chose Catherine. Think she would instinctively sense there was something there (how could she miss it?!) but I think seeing Greggo so upset would make her realise how real/serious it was. In my original version of this Greg spoke to Grissom, but it just didn't fit, I don't think he would have picked up on any of this. I think his reaction will be quite surprised if/when the boys become canon. I may be wrong, what do people think?
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