The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

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you're right. Nick was jsut about ready to pull the trigger. He thought, "What's the point in living?"

*Sigh* Warrick and Catherine where playing the drama king&queen rolls pretty well. I guess Greg might not have wanted to add himself to the problem, you know? I think it was streasful on all. I notcie Greg's face when they uncovered the dalmation-in-a-box. He was like, "So close..." it's hard to discribe. DARN!

Good news, everyone! I know this has nothing to do with CSI or the love, and it's completely off topic, but I won the spelling bee at my school and am going to the next level! yay!

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IMHO Grave danger is the best CSI episode ever, although it could have been better if we saw some emotion from Greg. I still get angry (At the writers, including QT) for ignoring Greg or his reactions.
I do think it's possible that Greg was in shock, hell anyone would be in that situation. The reason Catherine & Warrick rode in the ambulance was because of the shift split at the time, Nick was on Cath's team. Otherwise Grissom would have been in her place.
I saw Greg's concern where many didn't (alot of of us did obviously) but I think some fans turned away from Greg at that point and decided he was just too emotionless and as a result he lost some fans which is really sad, the writers could have done so much more with Greg in that ep.
I agree. there is one scene where warrick kicks a bottle of something over, and at Greg, and Greg says, "Was that necessary!? Never mind my cloths, but look at the evidence!" I think that line was something that the writters really shouldne' have put in there. I gave the impression that in a time of crisis, Greg is worried about his cloths. I think I know waht the writters where tryin to get at, but they went about it in all the wrong ways.

I agree. Greg was very emotionless, and his fanbase dropped ratically after that epi. But, we still love him!

I was watching Grave Danger the other day and my favourite band are Lifehouse. If you listen to the song Broken I think it sums up how Greg is feeling about the whole situation.
You're right, that song really sums up Greg's feelings. I'm falling apart/I'm barely breathing/with a borken heart/that's still beating. Yeah, that sounds a lot like what someone said, "Greg and Nick may have broken up, and Greave danger made Greg realize" and it goes on from there. I'm not sure who that was. I'm too lazy to scroll up and see. lol.

Yeah. I really loved Grave Danger, but it was really sad, for me. That would have acually been a good song to play at the end of that epi. Can I ask you guys something?

Grave Danger is in two parts on the box set. But, if I remeber correctly, when it was first aired it was as one whole episose, only a two hour one. am I right?

Hey Peeps!!!! Yeah, I know most of you have no idea who I am.... Hi, I'm Shacky, and I'm am a Nickngregaholic..... Have been for years, and I never go to meetings because this is one addiction I never want to end....

And last week, HOW CUTE!! They both had colds, the first thing I thought of when I saw Greg sneezing was, wouldn't it be hilarious if Nick was sick too, and then boom, I mean that was so ripe for fic...I don't know why I didn't write something, I should have....

I've missed The Love, I know I haven't been around a lot lately, my youngst Jacob, which whom some of you know, has once again been really sick, and now he's having tests done, in several areas, including a full panel of allergy testing today, but I had some time off lately, and I've been rereading some old fic, and trying to help the site, and yes, I must admit, rereading some of my old stuff, remembering why I fell in love with "The Love" all those years ago and why I loved it so much I wrote it, and this will sound so bad, but it was kind of cool looking back on my old writings thinking "Damn, I wrote this", I've missed it, and I will say, musing have started swirling around my head again lately........ And I really feel the need to do another video.....I have the song, actually a couple, one angst (of course) and one not... and just because they don't work at the site, all the vids still work..... But anyway, only five more weeks of work before summer break, and Kelly is feeling The Love in a big way, and I should hopefully have more time to devote to it again soon....

HI! Have I seen you at fanfiction someplace? I think I reivewed one of your stories? I don't know.

YAY! We can always use more 'shippers. I started shipping in decenber, sometime. I was reading a lot of Swarrick storeis, and Nick and Greg where often a secondary couple. After a few times, I said, "That's it, I need more of this." So, I actually put thier names in the search, and BOOM! Atleast 25 pages if everything Nick/Greg lol.

Hi Shacky!!! *huggs*

Hey, if anyone is interested, I'll be starting a Nick/Greg themed live thread on the CSI: Wiki love page.

There's also a general live thread, but they don't get excited for the same stuff we do. :p

I will also be re-adding the gabbly chat box, so we can chat live there, too!

I'll be joining!!! But I have to leave right when it's over! Hope to see you all there!
I've been shipping actually since Nov of 04, I remember way back when the first Nick/Greg thread was started... me and another member kept talking about Nick and Greg on the Greg thread, and they were like "get your own thread" so we were like, OK, and we did.... did I mention that was a long time ago, way too long... I can tell by how old my kids have gotten... what other names to do use, you mean over at "WMTDB?"
It coiuld have been at WMTDB. But, I think it was I'm starting not to remeber which is which! lol. It seems like I've been shipping for a lot longer than I have!

YAY! a live thread all to ourselves! lol. Let's just hope both of them are in this one, or the purpose of that will kinda do down the drain...

Hey, Twins.

1. TPTB~ they choose not to write it in for what ever reasons. Though it did bother me that Warrick AND Catherine rode in the ambulence. As much as I now would have liked to it been Greggo, it should have been only one person. Seriously!

4. Very sadly, Nicky is still hanging out in that 'closet' of his and wont come out.:( So while Greggo may have been there for him later at the hospital (but we didnt see it), he didnt feel he had the right to be there for him in a way. He could have felt that he was only thought of as "lab rat".

All good points but 1) I remember thinking this at the time - why were they both allowed to go with him, because as someone said earlier there would definitely have been a space issue and I am convinced only one person can get in the ambulance though I may be wrong. It's like they just leapt in there and Greg didn't get a chance...if you look at his face as they leave he's completely in shock (been trying to find caps for this and failing, but he does), like he's thinking....'what just happened....?' Bless him.

and 4) I like to think he would have been there at the hospital too but maybe I have read too many fics to this effect!

It's like everyone else in the team had their moment in the story (like Catherine getting the money, Warrick getting emotional, Grissom at the end with the hand thing) except Greggo. Seems a strange omission and I can't help but think intentional on the part of TPTB...why so cruel? :confused:

Edit - I have missed loads of this thread, there is something wrong with my computer and it seems to be deciding by itself which is the last page...confusing.

Hi Shacky - I have just been reading your stuff over at WMTDB...I'm a fan :D
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Shacky!!!!!!!!! *hugs* Hope all goes well with your son.:thumbsup:

Wooooohooooo for our own live thread. I hope to be there.

Now as much as Grave Danger was an awesome episode I still think Fannysmackin' was much better. But I may be biased b/c I'm more of a Greggo fan than Nicky fan. Now that may seem odd b/c why would I want my dear Greggo to go through what he did in Fannysmackin'? I dont. Most of when he gets attacked I have a hard time to watch.

So why do I prefer Fannysmackin' over Grave Danger?

Well, b/c you get to see Greggo get emotional. The hospital scene when Grissom is talking ot him about his parents being called. And he gets all upset. Made me want to reach through the tv and hug Greggo! *hugs*

We all know Nicky is good, actually awesome at showing emotion. And I love him for it. And in Grave Danger we got to see how good he is. Greggo doesnt show emotion that much or if its done its not as intense as Nicky. Now I dont want him to be like Nicky does, but seeing the way he was in Fannysmakin' made me look differently at him. I didnt expect at all what we saw.

One last thing before I go, lynn, I love under your screen name what your location says! I'm always saying I'll kidnap the boys in fanfiction stories so they wont get hurt! If you need help in kidnapping schemes, I'm there! lol
Hey, all. Just one quick note before I go beddy-by.

I'm being silly here, but, does anyone remember the shirt Greg wore at some point that says, "Ain't got no lover like the one I got"? I bet Nick is a pretty good lover...'eh, Greg?

Okay, that's all I wanted to say. lol. guys, do you agree? lol.

I bet Nick is a pretty good lover...'eh, Greg?


SO. Since we're (well, we WERE, at least) on the topic of GD here... I think it was Katlynn that said it (not sure...), but they DID in fact show Greg's face with the live feed - just not full on like they did with Warrick, Griss, Sara, & Cath. 8D My eyes, they seek it out. He was hiding behind Cath. The cap I have isn't the height of his emotions, but hey, I figured it worked.. (And I still wish he would've gotten his own screenshot out of that! Oh well. He was still there!)

Screencap here, because I didn't wanna shrink it

And when that mail guy came in with the package, and Grissom went to open it... Greg sighed, what, two or three times? And then he seemed kind of restless, tapping his leg, and he kept turning his head..

And also! When Warrick said that he figured Nick had 90 minutes left underground, Greg just kinda dropped his head to the floor and stares up.... (screencap here) I wonder what was going through his head..

I love GD, but I hated it the first time I saw it. Now I love it because how well George Eads did all the emotional scenes. (still gets me when he's screaming/crying, though :( )

Anyway, twins, I'm done! 8D All I need now is to know where I'm s'posed to send it!

-waves- Hi shacky!
I bet Nick is a pretty good lover...'eh, Greg?


SO. Since we're (well, we WERE, at least) on the topic of GD here... I think it was Katlynn that said it (not sure...), but they DID in fact show Greg's face with the live feed - just not full on like they did with Warrick, Griss, Sara, & Cath. 8D My eyes, they seek it out. He was hiding behind Cath. The cap I have isn't the height of his emotions, but hey, I figured it worked.. (And I still wish he would've gotten his own screenshot out of that! Oh well. He was still there!)

Screencap here, because I didn't wanna shrink it

And when that mail guy came in with the package, and Grissom went to open it... Greg sighed, what, two or three times? And then he seemed kind of restless, tapping his leg, and he kept turning his head..

And also! When Warrick said that he figured Nick had 90 minutes left underground, Greg just kinda dropped his head to the floor and stares up.... (screencap here) I wonder what was going through his head..

I love GD, but I hated it the first time I saw it. Now I love it because how well George Eads did all the emotional scenes. (still gets me when he's screaming/crying, though :( )

Anyway, twins, I'm done! 8D All I need now is to know where I'm s'posed to send it!

-waves- Hi shacky!

^-^Thanks for the awesome screencaps! I actually, sadly, never noticed Greg's reaction in that episode at all. I was, you know, more worried about Nicky and didn't spare a thought to poor Greggo. But looking back on it, I can see that he's definitely shocked. You can especially see that when he puts his head back on the floor and just looks up. I too wonder exactly what he's thinking... Is he thinking that he'll never see Nick again? Never hear his Texan accent? Never hear his laugh or see Nick smile?
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