Just a quick point in the direction of a new wiki you might be interested in called the Fan Fiction Dictionary. If there are fanfic related words that stump you, or acronyms, or if you know what any of them mean, stop over and add them in or find out what they mean! fanfictiondictionary.wetpaint.com
I know a lot of what's added in there under CSI is Love related, but, as you all know, that's my big ship, so I can't help it. Most of it's blank, cause I only just created it today, though I've been debating it for a long time.
As for the boys... *sigh* plot bunnies can't seem to get enough of my brain lately! lol. I went roller skating yesterday for the first time in a LONG time, and got a brilliant idea! Well, at least I can use it with something else I've already got, so it's cool. It'll be used in the "Braden" story, which will be written in one shots, not necessarily in order, so I might just write that while writing other stuff, and update it when I find time and ideas. And yes, it is a family fic! Might be called "Two Kids and a Father" But who knows.
I wish I had good picture evidence, but I've only saved the best moments. And I can't say when they all happened or the titles of each ep, so I'd be bad at this. What I can say however, is this... that episode where Greg signs "Rock on" and Nick follows it with "I love you"... um... need I say more? Yeah. Thought so. lol.