The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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Pmsl- "jaw clench of love" scene-

is that when Nick and Warrick are investigating GREG'S attach. PMSL I like that phrase "jaw clench of love"
Lol, I can't remember who named it...One of the vets...:p

Here, let me get a pic:


Then Nick punches K-Fed, and ALL for his Greggo! :D :D :D
OMG, I love the Jaw Clench of Love :D! Fannysmackin' really was a great episode, but I never saw the last three minutes because of the October Storm. I was sooo mad (and kinda still am :lol:). And only_true_love , I recall that you are a Sabres fan, so did you have to survive it too?

And I think that every year on Labor Day Spike has a marathon of the episodes from past seasons, but I could be wrong. I do remeber watching Gum Drops last year though around that time.
Yeah, I think that's what someone said.

I'm just happy all of my younger siblings are going back to school now!! They'll be out of my hair when ATWT comes on! :devil:

Now, if I could only wake up earlier, I could have more time without them.
Actually I was really lucky that where I live didnt get hit as bad as others!!! We had our power out but not as long as others!!!
Awww be thankful for the siblings Twins!!! I'm an only child and I'd always wish I had siblings!! But my close I consider family! So technically I'm an Aunt! LOL
Gum Drops was a good episode too!
I do love my siblings, I'm trying to convert my sister Janessa into a Love fan, but I don't think that'll happen! :p She's too obsessed with yaoi, the anime slash, ugh, damn Japanese cartoons dubbed. I do love "Loveless" though, that's a good one.

The siblings that don't bother me are the ones I don't see, Matt and Christine, I miss them. :(

Well, anyway, if you haven't read it, my chapter 2 is up!

Also, keep voting, I think I'll end it soon!
Yeah, I missed both the original air and the rerun. I caught the last bit of it when it first aired, but I had no idea what was going on - my mom had brought me to class with her so I was clueless when I walked in the door, lol...this was before I started getting into Nick/Greg..

I just squealed silently. :p You guys have completely got me excited, much more than I was. I think I have plans for this weekend, but my aunt said something about wanting to get back home before Monday, because she had stuff to do, so I'm crossing fingers to hope things work out...I'm not even going to get into the 'if not' section.

Ah, siblings...I wish I had younger siblings, but my brother & sister are both older, but I pretty much had the life of an only child, considering they were both out of the house when I was nine or so...

Oh, hehe, I have a fun tidbit - my cousin used to play CSI with another one of her cousins. She had a little kit-like thing that worked pretty well, apparently. I can't believe I only know by stories!
Hehehe, 'jaw clench of love' was one of mine, I guess I could be considered a vet! Makes me sound ancient though, lol! I've certainly been here for a long time! Still love the love though.
Hehe...You know, I don't think that the whole '...of love' ever really confused me. xD It always made complete sense, and I never really questioned it. lol...

100 posts is upon me! One more, and I'm there. But I keep hearing a lot of talk about not completely understanding how to upload'd like a crash course before I completely confuse myself, please! Much appreciated, by anyone who can do it.

Hmm...I seem to be getting a lot of writing done today (lol, and it's only eight in the morning!)...maybe I'll get around to writing on Family...?
Hmmm, well the i cant remember what episode let alone what season it was, when something in my brain said hold on a minute... Hmm that's not right surly....

I really couldnt say, cause i watch CSI repeats on a channel that randomly repeats them out of sequence. I did wonder why was Nick always touching that blonde man?

All i remember was that Grave Danger was the first episode that I actuarly remember watching and liking. I bought that off ebay cheap lol!!!! I remember previously to that watching a random episode where Gris and Sara go the mentailly ill hospital... That was a very good episode.

Shame on me, i was sooo naive back in the day- about ten months ago... maybe longer cause i saw the half of seasons seven of CSI. The season finished in july i think, the new one wont be untill january....

hmmmm so where was i? Ah yeah Nick touching Greg... That was the moment that i wanted to watch any CSI las vegas to see if anymore was gonna happen.
Oh yeah, The jaw clench of love, tis sweet. SpikeTV is also airing Post Mortem, Nick comes to Greg's defence in court and gets teary eyed.

Also being shown

Toe Tags
Burn out &
Double cross
Sorry I've been gone for a bit, busy with school and all. When do the new episode start in the US? Also, I can't access the Love Wiki, what is the deal!
Anyways, I for one think Nick and Greg would be the most popular choice for fall tv's couples >:3. Then again, I am biased XD
Has anyone else noticed that shows are starting much later? Everything is starting sometime in between the 24th and the 30th...

Hehe. Fall's TV couples. You know they'd take the cake, assuming people took their head out of their ass and acknowledged it. ;)
I'll PM you about avatars suckerforasmile!

I don't know why the WIKI isn't working for you Jon. Randomly Wetpaint (The master site) makes updates, but those only last a few minutes. Sometimes they do full updates in the middle of the night. Those can last a few hours.

It does seem like things are starting late. Plus, a bunch of my shows started and now three are taking a break until the fall! Degrassi, Ghost Hunters, South Park! It's frustrating!!!!!

Okay, Nick and Greg would be SO FREAKIN' POPULAR if they became canon. From the response Luke and Noah from ATWT had...I've literally seen hundreds of new people watching just for them.

CSI is 10-times more popular, and I hope that would mean thousands of fans would join our ship! And that's just on the Internet. :D :D :D
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