Hmm, did i read the same story, lol, have a look at the reviews... Yeah maybe i did. I did read one story not on WMTDB, and omg i was sooo cross with Nick, basically he was only using Greg for sex. I felt soo bad for Greg, because he had fallen in love with Nick or came close too it.
Well anyways Papa Olaf coming to town, meets Greg at his work, and the first thing he says, he sees a small group is-
I dont know why he's saying this in an italan or a jewish accent but just work with me....
PAPA OLAF, " Hay Greggie, so wheres this smuck Nick, If he can't see what a handsome man you are, ugh! find someone new"
Which Greg goes red... Nothing new to Papa Olaf.
"So Gregory , who are you friends..."
Greg deeply blush's introduces everyone except the red faced man standing hiding behind Warrick...
"This... This is Nick"
"Ah, Nicky the smuck, come look at my boy, what's not to like eh? You blind? Need glasses?" Looks towards his grandson, "Hay Gregory, come here turn around, show him what he is missing!"
"PAPA OLAF!" Greg in total embarrasment, they hear a cough, they all turn and Grissom is standing there " Ah this must be the boss er? No wonder Sara fell for him, he has intellegence... Hay Nicky you could learn a lesson from him"
Can you just see that? Now can you understand why he is either Jewish or Italian???