The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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candygirl1uk said:

Wojo have you changed your mind then about the challenge then? :D. Basically a person writes no more than 500 words based ideally on season seven- but can also be from an earlyer season. Must stick to the script- so no AU allowed.

I'm still undecided, I'll read through the thread again and think about it.
Wojo- thats all a person can do.

However i do know one thing to be true- I like your style of writting. It interested me greatly. Thats all.
Dont feel pressure to do anything that you dont want to do- because thats just plan wrong....
candygirl1uk ,that's cool. I am always pleased to hear someone loves my writing. Oh and btw I love your avi!
Hey guys. I HATE MY INTERNET LOL. I am happy to see so many post but its a bioch to read all of them to cach up so I can post lol.

I just wanted to point out about the flirting. I think it's funny that when Nick and Warrick banter back and forth, thats just it. It is fun friendly banter. I have never felt any sexual (is that spelled right???) chemistry.... But with Nick and Greg they have always had that chemistry and they joke to, and they flirt when they do it. I just think it is funny how that works. Greg is more flirty any ways but he dosnt try flirting with Warick.

ps Wojo its nice to see you back, I didt see you alot on the last fort.

OMG I am over 100 post and I didt realize it. I lost track because of my internet YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I can have a aviator now. Twins can you make one for me please :)

Twins thoes pics form ATWT was hot. How did it happen and why? are they going to see each other again or was this a one time deal. I want to know now lol.
Yes! I'll make avatars!!!!! I owe several I think. :D I'll do that tonight! This time I mean it!!!

BTW Wojo, not to brag...but I made candygirl's avatar. :)

Okay, about ATWT "Nuke" in a nutshell.

Luke is openly gay. He works at a studio with his friend Maddie. Noah's an intern.

Luke realize he has feelings for Noah, and a little later Noah begins dating Maddie (a girl, in case you didn't get that, lol).

Eventually in all the soapy-drama Luke tells Noah he's gay, and later that he likes him.

Luke had a crush on his best friend Kevin who was straight and promised never to fall for a straight guy again, but there's something different about Noah...Dare I say there's subtext. But for dedicated fans, they knew that Luke was getting a love interest named Noah, so anything that happens was just delaying it.

Finally, they went swimming and almost kiss and had a "moment" and Maddie walked in. It was a little weird, and the last episode Noah is supposed to meet his dad and Maddie for lunch and he's running late and frustrated.

Luke helps him with the tie, and that leads to the kiss!

Okay, enough of ATWT for now.

Um...Nick/Greg woo!

Hey, NickyandGreggo did you ever watch my video I made for you "Something to Talk About?" :D
NickyandGreggo said:

ps Wojo its nice to see you back, I didt see you alot on the last fort.

I was wearing my invisability cloak! LOL, I was around at least reading everyday.
AAAAAAAAAAAH - I've watched ATWT before...I knew that it sounded familiar when you said there was a gay guy named Luke. :p Oh, I liked him! ^_^ Hehe, this is what happens when I'm at home with local TV and nothing better to watch...Seriously, either that or some horse riding show for kids...which was reaaaaaallly stupid.

I think I've gotten a thingy thing for the challenge QOTU brought up...(was it her? D:) but it's not completely done. I haven't had time to get around to finish it...I'll go check out the rules and then go from there...
twins1729 said:
Yes! I'll make avatars!!!!! I owe several I think. :D I'll do that tonight! This time I mean it!!!

BTW Wojo, not to brag...but I made candygirl's avatar. :)

Okay, about ATWT "Nuke" in a nutshell.

Luke is openly gay. He works at a studio with his friend Maddie. Noah's an intern.

Luke realize he has feelings for Noah, and a little later Noah begins dating Maddie (a girl, in case you didn't get that, lol).

Eventually in all the soapy-drama Luke tells Noah he's gay, and later that he likes him.

Luke had a crush on his best friend Kevin who was straight and promised never to fall for a straight guy again, but there's something different about Noah...Dare I say there's subtext. But for dedicated fans, they knew that Luke was getting a love interest named Noah, so anything that happens was just delaying it.

Finally, they went swimming and almost kiss and had a "moment" and Maddie walked in. It was a little weird, and the last episode Noah is supposed to meet his dad and Maddie for lunch and he's running late and frustrated.

Luke helps him with the tie, and that leads to the kiss!

Okay, enough of ATWT for now.

Um...Nick/Greg woo!

Hey, NickyandGreggo did you ever watch my video I made for you "Something to Talk About?" :D

Your not bragging. All my banners and av belongs to the twins..

Wojo- im glad that my words counted. Sometimes i keep quiet, sometimes I act the fool, sometimes people think im a clown. However I do mean what i say. How do you write it so well... I think when i just randomly found the fanfiction site i read your story earlier on.

Geekwritter is the first that i actuarly read. Reading gay sex scenes- Hmmmm no cool way to say it- but i was sooo embarrrased. It opened my eyes lol.....

I may not be a fantastic fanfic writter. I try my best and thats all I can do.

When I see talent i tell people it....

Hmm ok bye for now...
Well, Twins, you did a great job on that avi! You'll definitely have to make me one when I get to 100 posts, but I've still got a while go yet, sadly...
Just to let anyone who cares know, chapter 8 of Live and Love has been posted. Let me know what you think. It was the hardest chapter to write so far and took me several days to get it done.

Suckerforasmile- Good luck on your Challenge story! I got your pm, you'll make a great story, I just know it!
Yeah Queen i saw the post. Shall read the new chapter after watcing this episode of CSI- its from season 7. The free friends and the prest.
omg I had the best dream last night!!! In my dream I was watching an awards show and Nick/George and Greg/Eric were presenting and was for outstanding young actor and both the actor who plays Luke and Noah are nominated amounst others. Luke WINS and he gives an amzing speech and thanks Noah in it. George and Eric seem very happy when Greg reads who the winner was. Fast foward to 2 years later... Awards show again but this time Luke/Van and Noah/Jake are presenting an award. Well actually 2, first being fav. new couple on primetime tv. George and Eric are nomianted and WINS ***claps*** LOL and the next award is for best on screen KISS!!!! ;) :p Any guesses on who won???? LOL
Hmmmm now as I dont watch that show I really have no idea what your dream really ment. As far as I gather that these two boys kissed?

Ahhh I feel slightly sorry for you all- here in a teenager but tons of adults watch it... In a soap opera called Hollyoaks... We see two main characters called Craig and John-Paul are seeing each other. They've allready kissed and we see them in bed. Although because this is a family show no sexual stuff- ie below the belt. I think we've seen them topless in bed.

Go and see it on youtube.

Hollyoaks... Craig and John-Paul. Heres a link for you to see... youtube

Oh its just all funny really because Hollyoaks in England is shown at either 6.30 pm or 7.00 pm and we see both men kiss.
Well my dream has to do with a KISS between Luke and Noah on As the World Turns which is a soap opera that's hown in the daytime and the kiss was a big thing!!! And with all the wishes and hopes the Nick and Greg characters get together I think i was just having the dream b/c of all that is going on!!!
Right now as far as Nick & Greg go all we have is our dreams and fanfic. And of course the subtext on the show.

At the moment I'd be happy just to see them work together this season (hopfully more than once)
Wojo said:
Right now as far as Nick & Greg go all we have is our dreams and fanfic. And of course the subtext on the show.

At the moment I'd be happy just to see them work together this season (hopfully more than once)

Yes wojo i have to agree with you there. Its the subtext that draws us THE LOVE fans in. As long as they can work toegher than I'm a happy bunny.... I'd rather see them together happy in love- but I'd settle for more air time.
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