The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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Damn i had this long old post, and then it didnt post cause time was up. Damn i touched on a lot of things...

Ok to summerise...

Nick is the quieter stronger emotionally open yet stubbon person... He has more to loose by telling Greg how he feels.

How would you feel if that was you at work or at college. Nowing that there's an emptyness inside, and you find yourself attracted to one person.. Anyway its funny cause Nick has more male friends than female. Maybe because of all that abuse he went threw as a child.

Greg on the otherhand is more open, relaxed, jovile and dare i say sensual. He can open his mouth and peopel will either laugh or get angry.

So both of them make a good couple. Each man brings elements that the other doesnt have.

I;ve only watched a few seasons and by season 7 their characters have changed. Nick's more open, whilst Greg is more reserved.......

My signature and banner say it all. The wink, Nick wouldn't of done it in season four. Ive just for the first time watching season four.
OMG...just watched ATWT!!! And...well, would I want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet? Nope. But there is hope for Nick and Greg. There certainly is hope!
Crap, I missed gay kiss? Damn it! Oh well, hopefully /someone/ will upload it on youtube. Anyways, I just got my driver's license, so yay for me, now I can go to the mall more! Anyways, any talk of the new character coming on CSI? I hope she isn't a Sara clone >_> that would be annoying. Any info on the ATWT kiss pm me...please?
I've always thought of Greg as an egual opportunity flirter. Nick not so much, but when Greg flirts with him he flirts back. It's so very cute to watch these two and I hope we see lots more in S8.

So what are the rules of the challenge everyone is talking about?
Wojo- The rules for the Challenge fic are posted on the first page here.

nickfangirl- I'm hoping someone posts it on youtube. It definitely deserves it! I can't give too many details since I don't normally watch the show and don't know who was who. Also, my roommate walked in then, and started to blare her music so I couldn't hear anything they said. But I can tell you it involved tieing a tie and it was really sweet! It had better make it to youtube!!!
I've already said this on but QOTU I saw the kiss on ATWT too!!!! hehehehe :D if you want to talk about it PM me! All I'll say about it is OMG!!!
This maybe early to eve bring up but after seeing today's ATWT I thought of a new challenge!! Have it be the perfect kiss moment! hehehehe I'm soooo giddy!!!
Wojo said:
I've always thought of Greg as an egual opportunity flirter. Nick not so much, but when Greg flirts with him he flirts back. It's so very cute to watch these two and I hope we see lots more in S8.

So what are the rules of the challenge everyone is talking about?

Yeah i hope to see the flirting continue in season eight but maybe a little bit more. Maybe a snapshot of Nick,Greg and a few others off work... just about to be called into or eating after a case... Something like that.

Wojo have you changed your mind then about the challenge then? :D. Basically a person writes no more than 500 words based ideally on season seven- but can also be from an earlyer season. Must stick to the script- so no AU allowed.
Yay! Page 2!

Anyway, I can't believe that I missed the As The World Turns kiss! I blame the stupid garage sale I had to run. I tried looking for it on YouTube and didn't find the actual one but a sort of 'sneak peak' from ET. It was like two seconds of kiss, but really good nonetheless. I hope that the full one is posted soon, for I really want to see it.

And you are SOOO lucky that you have your license nickfangirl ! I still have at least a full year left :(.

And I agree with everything y'all said about Nick, Greg, and their flirting. To me, Greg was always the bigger flirt and the more outgoing of the two, but Nick does have his moments.

And twins , I have no idear how to find the group that you made, because it does sound interesting. You said you would post it on the Wiki? I guess I should check there first.

And only_true_love , I love the idea for a perfect kiss moment challenge! That would be sooo awesome.

And candygirl , I know what you mean about loosing a post. That happened to me once with a review of, so now I always copy my posts!
only true love- You know, your new challenge idea is perfect! I've had this idea running through my head, a scene of the two of them kissing and I hadn't gotten around to fleshing out the rest of the story, but it would fit into a challenge idea like that just right! lol.

Candy- I LOVE your icon!!! It's your challenge story!!! I could sit here and watch that thing all More flirting in season 8 would be fricken amazing, but it better be heavier flirting than in the past.'s going to be great!

Nickfangirl- You are lucky to have your license! Even though I don't want my own car I might have to get one when I get a job if it's not in the big city. And I just lost my license for health reasons, so, yeah, have to get that back before I get a car. Well, guess I'll be getting a lot of exercise in the mean time! lol.

lil love fan- about that youtube group, if you go to Twins page there, click on "group" at the top of the page. That'll take you right to it. Hope you find it, cause there's a lot of great stuff there, many I haven't seen yet!
I tried to re-watch the kiss on you tube but my connection is suddenly being wicked slow on me! :( thnak goodness I've actually seen it at least once!:) I'm still sooooooo giddy about it !!! hehehe
QOTU~ thanks for liking my idea! But for now I like many others will be working on the other challenge!
Okay, since some of you missed it, I'll show you some caps from ATWT!!! :D

More kiss!
Luke looks suprised
Kiss again
More passionate!
Still kissing!
Yes more!
Last one :(

If anyone wants a direct link to the kiss or anything else. PM me. :)

Okay, that's enough of two nice looking men, onto two more nice looking men!! :D


Our boys!!! :lol: :D

I'm gonna finish adding videos to the YouTube Group. If anyone who's joined ever sees one I don't have, add it! I think I made it so I have to approve it...That was just to make sure one isn't added that's specifically not slash or someting. The owners tend to get mad when you assume it is. lol

I'm gonna at two clips from CBS. hehehe

What does that say CSI????!!!! lol
Will be joining You Tube just so I can actually comment for once!!! LOL
Lovely pics Twins~ my fav. is "more passionate"" one!!!:D If our boys ever came even a fraction of what happened on ATWT I will be cheering, jumping up and down and serously crying happy tears more than I have towards the end of "Grave Danger (part 2)"!!!
BTW what do you think of my new challenge idea???
Oh, poo. I missed it. Oh well, not like my religious grandparents would enjoy it much...-sigh- Um...:D I'll get around to the screencaps of ATWT and fan fiction I haven't read soon enough...I'm so behind, and I've only been away a few days. Without Internet until now, and I won't have peace and quiet until early Monday morning if that...Sorry...ranting...

I promise I've got some new fanfiction up my sleeves, but I can't promise when I'll get them done...Writers block, you know...-sigh-

9 more posts! -dances-
only true love- I hear ya about the current challenge. I don't want to take away from that, plus I've got other pieces to work on. This idea of mine's been in my brain for months, so I doubt it's going anywhere anytime soon! lol. It can wait.
The Love Moment Challenge is more important right now anyway. But when it's over, time for a new challenge! yay! hehehe.
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