lol. Knowing our luck, even if the show does end, CBS will have something over Eric and George's heads that states they can't say anything for 10 years or something like that. Besides, I'm still holding out for more Nick/Greg subtext, so it better not end yet.
The National Enquirer , eh? Well, I'm starting to get to the point where I wish someone would just say something, or dig something up. If it's true that CBS is holding something over them then I want someone else to dig it out and show it. It's not fair if they do. That, or just someone to finally do something about the rumours. After all, where did these rumours start? And how long have they been going for now?
Y'know, I can't work out which came first - Nick/Greg, or Eric/George. They've both been around for a while now. But they definitely feed each other.
Welcome ThroughALens .