The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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You know what we should do? Try and track someone down who works for and see if they can dig up something. They always seem to be able to get their hands on the paperwork or photos. I admit they are kind of hooked on Paris Hilton right now, but they would be the most likely to dig something up. After all, they had Gary being refused entry to that club.

I would try and get Entertainment Tonight to look into it, but they're CBS and get off on Grey's, so probably not.

It would not surprise me that when CSI ends, the George/Eric thing will either be confirmed or denied soon after. There are just so many things that point in the direction that they are yet something is obviously blocking them. And I just realised before that George most likely attended that '300' premiere with that woman because his contracts up.

Want to know they other reason I think there's something going on? Because if there definitely wasn't, it would have been flatly denied years ago. No one has ever denied it.
Exactly. Whether or not there's any truth to any of the rumors, they do exist.

We could email The National Enquierer (sp?). Lol, and they pay for stories. :p

Welcome ThroughALense.

Clarrisani you're making me want the show to end. lmao
lol. Knowing our luck, even if the show does end, CBS will have something over Eric and George's heads that states they can't say anything for 10 years or something like that. Besides, I'm still holding out for more Nick/Greg subtext, so it better not end yet.

The National Enquirer , eh? Well, I'm starting to get to the point where I wish someone would just say something, or dig something up. If it's true that CBS is holding something over them then I want someone else to dig it out and show it. It's not fair if they do. That, or just someone to finally do something about the rumours. After all, where did these rumours start? And how long have they been going for now?

Y'know, I can't work out which came first - Nick/Greg, or Eric/George. They've both been around for a while now. But they definitely feed each other.

Welcome ThroughALens .
Well, since G/E are real people I'd say that they come first.

Though, there are soooo many situations you could think of that make N/G more important.

Tell you the truth, I'm not the biggest Eric fan or George fan. As actors I mean. I love Nick and Greg, the characters. So, if that's true N/G comes first for me. For ME, if I'm selfish.

Though, whatever makes EVERYONE happy and balanced I want first. I don't want anyone unhappy and not getting what they want.

In this fandom and any related. I'm not about to make other ships happy. :p
I'm an Eric fan. He's certainly growing as an actor, and George his beginning to improve as well. If I can find faults in them both, it would be that Eric tends to overplay things, and George underplays things. Basically, Eric would be good on bad comedies and George on the average soapie. :p

In terms of who comes first out of N/G or G/E, I think they're a fairly even balance. I like keeping up with G/E and will admit to RPS. And if I didn't like N/G, I wouldn't be here. :D
Hmmmm, I will have to look into legal contracts and how they work, who knows, maybe I will find a loophole and be able to save them from the evil TPTB =P. It won't be too hard researching contracts, as my sister is a paralegal.

However, we shouldn't get any group to look into it, it could backfire, okay?
It would be interesting to see what their contracts actually say.

It's interesting how there's rumors about Eric, George and Jorja. What do you think will happen if (if they were all gay) they come out. That'll be a crazy situation.
Hey all I am very exited right now because I got another letter and photo of Eric in the mail today!! Details of the letter are on the Eric/Greg thread along with the pic but I will share the pic here anyway!

Looky here

And I've heard that G/E knew each other before CSI but I don't know that for sure. The national Enquirer or TMZ is a bad idea, you don't want to mess with their careers or their lives. IMHO
I agree with Wojo, if TPTB is holding something over them, it would just make it harder on them if people went digging, though I would love for the rumors to be settled...

I think I read somewhere that Jorja and George were best friends before CSI, but I haven't seen anything of them knowing Eric beforehand or not... I wonder...
It's possible that Jorja and Eric knew each other, since they are both in the music industry and that's actually where Eric got his start. And considering Eric lived with George before he got his own place, they most likely did know each other.

And you've got to remembre that Jorja and Eric went to the same acting school. Might be how those two met.
Yeah, I got your email Wojo. That is so awesome. :D

You know, maybe Eric and George wouldn't mind being outed. Maybe they want to come out but aren't allowed to themselves. So if some place was able to dig some things up to say that they were gay and possibly dating, they might be happy.

Just a thought.
Or maybe they don't want to come out. There is no real proof of their relationship, I think it should be left up to them.
HAH I didn't know they went to the same acting school, actually. Or that they both did music... I don't usually like researching things about actors, it makes me feel stalker-ish, seeing as how they are only people :lol: but you're right they could've known each other before.

I think if they're together and really want to come out, they'll find a way to. It's not up to the fans to do something like that.
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