The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Heads up all, I have a new fic up at the usal places (LJ & WMTDB) it's Rated NC-17a nd it is called "Flesh and Blood" Hope you all enjoy it.
Loving all your comments, guys ;)

Wojo,I've been reading the article you posted on the Eric thread. With all this publicity, Eric wants to turn the world's attention to all these suffering people... :( Good for him!

I know this isn't the Eric/Greg thread, but I think these pics should be posted here and everywhere because it's for a good cause.

Could he (and the baby) look more adorable?


Making the "I love you" sign ( where I've seen this before? ;)):


We love you too, Eric.

Look at his arm. Someone has been working out... ;)

I really do love that picture with Eric and the baby. It's so small, and he is so cute. :D

Just as an aside, I was watching 'Lucky Strike' the other day and it reminded me that Nick was already slightly claustrophobic, and also has chiroptophobia (aka fear of bats). While the fear of bats didn't effect him in the grave, imagine already being claustrophobic and buried alive...

As for the George/Eric thing, I just want a solid answer - are they or aren't they. They have never disputted or confirmed it, just ignored it.
Great idea, there is also this picture.


It's good to see Eric being involved in such a good cause. And I agree he does look like he's been working out. :) Damn I wish that shirt was off!!
But still, we should respect their privacy. Also, despite however noble our actions are twins, we still may cause harm without meaning too. We could mess up their careers, I'm just saying, let them have their privacy, it is not our place to ensure they are outed. Perhaps they are not out for a certain reason, that has nothing to do with TPTB. Also, as a homosexual male, I am telling you, don't try and force someone out before they are ready, especially when you are not sure about what's going on behind the scenes, it just gets messy, you have to give it time ;) I hope I don't sound mean.

Anyways, I wrote a fan letter to George, @_@, I'm so nervous, I hope he responds, and I hope I didn't sound rude asking for an autographed photo or an autograph.
You don't sound mean, nickfangirl, you've actually made some valid points. There could be more than one reason why we haven't heard anything, it's just that there are so many rumours circling about TPTB being behind it you've got to wonder.

And if you get a letter and photo back, let us know and show us the picture!
Well, I hope that they're doing what they want to do. If they are listening to other people, then that is just wrong.

Sorry that I haven't been talking a lot. I've been sick the last couple of days.

I had a 101 fever yesterday and still feeling bad today, even without the fever. I think it's a virus because no medicine is helping!

I need something to make me feel better. I wish I had some good episodes recorded...maybe I'll watch some season 1-3 episodes. lol I'm rambling.
*hugs Twins* Being sick is terrible. I hope you get better soon. I wish I had more time to watch episodes - I just got the "Grave Danger" DVD - yes, I already had the season 5 box set, but I still got it.

And you should watch season 2. So much Nick/Greg... it's the only way I'm going to get through the GSR-fest/no-Greg of season 7.

Speaking of season 7, Leaving Las Vegas is on this weekend. Me happy.
*Huggs Clarrisani* Thanks. :D

Good to hear you have a new episode, how soon until "Fallen Idols" then?

Maybe I will watch season 2. Some "Chasing the Bus" and "Stalker" sounds good right about now.
*piles 'get well' presents on Twins*

Well, we get the finale in November if they bother to screen it this year, so it really depends. And you've got to include "Slaves of Las Vegas". Straws, latex, and Nick getting a tad too close. Love that episode.
Oh, and "Scuba Doobie Doo," talk about getting too close. lol

Well, if you miss the finale until January(?), it won't be that bad. You're just miss the whole one scene with Greg. Though he does look at Nick. :D
I just want to see Sara under the car. Call me sadistic, but the whole idea of hurting Sara gives me a thrill. Could be because she usually gets off lightly. And I have seen the scene with Greg - I've seen all the scenes with Greg. Except the one from "Big Shots". After all, they don't take long to download - most of them go for less than a minute. *throws random sharp pointy things at TPTB*
Lmao, oh, I wanna play.

*Picks up collection of toxic chemicals* Forensic this!

Plus, most are on youtube, but I know how you feel about that site. Cause I feel the same way, but it's fun if you tread it lightly.

Sara under the car was great. Half of me likes her and half of me doesn't. Considering I like Nick, Greg, and Warrick more...she usually doesn't bother me. But I've had enough of her (and Catherine!) to last me until season 10.
*steals garbage truck and dumps contents on TPTB*

I'm starting to load my vids up onto youTube. I have a Nick/Grissom one I just finished that I need to put up, plus the Shipping one. The Nick/Gil one is an early birthday present for my sister.

I used to be able to take or leave Sara. I like the interaction she has with Nick and Greg, and the love/hate thing she, Warrick and Catherine have going. I hate how she stalks Grissom, and I hate what she's doing to Grissom. I hold her personally responsible for him burning out - it was the only thing different in his life.

And Season 7 has been Catherine drama, hasn't it? I swear, it just proves that TPTB have no clue what the fans want. If they did, we'd have a lot more Greg and Warrick, and a lot less Sara. Find me someone who isn't addicted to soapies and aged over 15 who goes on about GSR like that demographic does. God, some of those fans annoy me. *points finger toward the wiki while covering eyes*
Most of TPTB get off on GSR and it's kind of annoying. I like it, I really do. But after all of the scenes shoved into our faces and the now arrogent fans, I'm getting kind of sick of it.

Sara is a loved character, but right after Catherine, she's the most hated. I understand a lot of Grissom, because he is CSI, no matter what.

We haven't had Warrick for as long as I can remember and that's just sad. We've had a nice amount of Nick and that's nice, but I still say it's not enough.

And the finale thing that pisses me off. When it is a Greg-centric episodes, the guy's barely in it! Gah!

*Gives TPTB a good kick in the pants - where depending on gender*
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