*steals garbage truck and dumps contents on TPTB*
I'm starting to load my vids up onto youTube. I have a Nick/Grissom one I just finished that I need to put up, plus the Shipping one. The Nick/Gil one is an early birthday present for my sister.
I used to be able to take or leave Sara. I like the interaction she has with Nick and Greg, and the love/hate thing she, Warrick and Catherine have going. I hate how she stalks Grissom, and I hate what she's doing to Grissom. I hold her personally responsible for him burning out - it was the only thing different in his life.
And Season 7 has been Catherine drama, hasn't it? I swear, it just proves that TPTB have no clue what the fans want. If they did, we'd have a lot more Greg and Warrick, and a lot less Sara. Find me someone who isn't addicted to soapies and aged over 15 who goes on about GSR like that demographic does. God, some of those fans annoy me. *points finger toward the wiki while covering eyes*