The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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lol! Well, he has said "leggo my Greggo". We can most certainly claim that as canon. After all, he could have just said "leave Greg alone", but no, he had to refer to Greg as his. One of my favourite scenes that, especially the subtle flirting beforehand. Greg leads Nick on until Nick is ready to pounce him, then backs off by reminding Nick they're at work. Greg was so going to get pounced when they're alone.

Oh, and I agree about the Pilot thing - I'm glad they changed it too. It's just that little tidbit is too juicy not to dangle it in front of the GSR fans, is all.
I love "Scuba Doobie Doo".

Right before Nick says "Leggo my Greggo", you can briefly see Greg waving him from the corridor and then, Nick looks at him over Cath's shoulder...

Yeah, the long Nick/Greg scene in the lab when Greg is getting closer, and closer..and they talk about..lubricants :devil:

It makes you go hmmm.... ;)


You forgot the NickTongue action! Greg finishes his talk, practically leaning against Nick, and Nick's at him and the tongue makes an appearence. Nick's look just screams 'right here, right now, layout room table'. Greg just looks at him innocently, gives that smarll smirk of his and moves away, pointing back down at the scuba tank. I love that scene.


Greg moves away - Nick wants to pounce


Nick finds an excuse to move closer

I'll bring the tongue action when I can find it on my computer.
It just baffles me (besides your guys' wonderful points) that Greg's trying to impress him. What do guys do when they hit on women...try to impress them. lol

I should really watch that episode many others. :D

Oh, I'm officially an administrator at The Greg Files (The feature's finally available). Still working on the WIKI. Maybe they'll like me more if it kick ass on the video section. I'm on it!
I think makes sure to use certain words when doing his discripiton of how to put on a wetsuit for Nick. Or, at least, he went into that room just to describe the wetsuit. I can just see Greg smirking in his lab plotting out what he would say, then heading for the layout room...
Greg is so sneaky and wonderful like that. He has the greatest lines.

I have a scene question regarding Nick. In Law and Gravity, we see Nick in three scenes back to back. First we see him before interrogating someone, during interrogation, and then he leaves the room to find out that the victim has a baby. Is this regarded as one ongoing scene or three individual scenes? This should be obvious to me, but I like to be sure.
Probably all one scene...probably.

When I see something like that, I might give him another scene later that may only count as one. Just to keep it even.

Usually if it seems like there's a significant time span (or if there's a comercial break) between the scenes, then you can count it as two.
Whoa whoa whoa, hold it! Bobby is actually gay?! *Is shocked* Oh my god, my friend was right...she was actually right!

By the way as for snickers, everytime I ring up a Snickers bar at work, I resist the urge to flip out ^_^;
Clarrisani said:
You forgot the NickTongue action! Greg finishes his talk, practically leaning against Nick, and Nick's at him and the tongue makes an appearence. Nick's look just screams 'right here, right now, layout room table'. Greg just looks at him innocently, gives that smarll smirk of his and moves away, pointing back down at the scuba tank. I love that scene.

Love that scene, the glances, the leanings, love the this couple ;)


Yup, Bobby Dawson (and the actor who plays him, Gerald McCullouch) is gay. :D

I at a Snickers ice cream the other day. Only because someone gave it to me and I wasn't going to turn down free ice cream.

Okay, at The Greg Files you're now able to create sub-groups to the site. I created one for The Love if you're interested in joining.

You can also create any other groups if you like. Maybe an Eric group, anything.
I've found these Nick/Greg promo pics from season one.

It's like TPTB already had Nick/Greg in mind... ;)


I love that first promo pic, the looks on their faces is like they are thinking "Look what we are doing behind everyone's back" They both have that knowing look almost like they are keeping a secret from everyone else (which they are both on and off set)

I like snickers bars with almonds, I try not to associate it with the ship but sometimes it does come to mind.

Oh and I asked my husband to buy me a Hershy's bar and he asked "male or female" and when I asked what he meant he said "with or without nuts" LOL funny guy.

Did you all know that Eric went to Thailand this week for U.S. Campaign for Burma? there are photos at Eric Szmanda web and on the Greg/Eric pic thread. Don't you love a guy who does charity work for the good of others?
Aww, he's so perfect. Do you think he'll adopt a baby? lol

I have one of those pictures on the George and Eric page on the WIKI, but not the second. I'll have to add it.

When it comes to my ships they can't interfier with the others. I can't share any of the characters, unless I REALLY don't care all that much.

So there's Nick/Greg and NO ONE else. I like other ships that have nothing to do with them, but I can't touch them.
Yeah, I don't mind yoBling, I'm not mad about GSR but I don't MIND it, but I can't have anything to do with any ships that feature Nick or Greg with someone else.

I once read a really well written Warrick/Greg, but as soon as they started kissing I was going "stop cheating on Nick!!!" and had to shut the screen down. I'm that sad!
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