The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Someone beat me. I need to write. But I'm busy making requested videos. Damn you Rebecca! lmao JK!

If anyone doesn't have an avatar when you reach 100 posts, just PM me! :D I'd be happy to make one. I make banners and avatars all the time for no reason. So it'd be nice to actually make them for someone.

When I get a comment on a video. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I know I felt that same feeling when I got reviews on my fiction.

I just emailed a QAF yahoo group. Asking if them remembered me (us) and if we should keep writing.

You have NO idea many people began begging us to write again! I'm terrible. I need to write.

I'm just a lazy procrastinator!
twins1729 said:
Someone beat me. I need to write. But I'm busy making requested videos. Damn you Rebecca! lmao JK!

If anyone doesn't have an avatar when you reach 100 posts, just PM me! :D I'd be happy to make one. I make banners and avatars all the time for no reason. So it'd be nice to actually make them for someone.

When I get a comment on a video. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I know I felt that same feeling when I got reviews on my fiction.

I just emailed a QAF yahoo group. Asking if them remembered me (us) and if we should keep writing.

You have KNOW idea many people began begging us to write again! I'm terrible. I need to write.

I'm just a lazy procrastinator!

Hmmm ok then i shall beat you then ya lazy procrastinator lol.. Cant spell it lol. Well Im nearing my 100 post...

Yeah i know what you mean when some reviews a story or a video.. I go all nervous and a few times I've been sweeting on my hands...
Gah! One of the admin here at work is going through and banning the websites I visit one by one. Only be a matter of time before Talk goes. Was shocked to find the Torchwood Australia forum blocked. Is annoying. Will have to start getting online more at home. Geez, and here I had something to do in my spare time. Have to start writing more fic at work... well, except the sex scenes. Did that once... *points toward her LJ*

Anywho, CSI is back on here. "Monster in the Box" is the next episode for us. Anything I should keep an eye out for in that one?
twins1729 said:
Someone beat me. I need to write. But I'm busy making requested videos. Damn you Rebecca! lmao JK!

If anyone doesn't have an avatar when you reach 100 posts, just PM me! :D I'd be happy to make one. I make banners and avatars all the time for no reason. So it'd be nice to actually make them for someone.

When I get a comment on a video. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I know I felt that same feeling when I got reviews on my fiction.

I just emailed a QAF yahoo group. Asking if them remembered me (us) and if we should keep writing.

You have KNOW idea many people began begging us to write again! I'm terrible. I need to write.

I'm just a lazy procrastinator!

Well when an if I ever get to 100 posts I'd love for you to make me an avatar!!! ***loves my banner on here and on*** I wont beat you to write, or for anyhting unless you went crazy and suddenly forgot you love The Love!! ***scary thought... shudders*** :eek: But **cough** Write SILLY!!! LOL :lol: :p And email or PM me if you know what i mean!!! :D
Eek! I haven't been on in like three days, and there were so many posts! I agree with twins : I don't know if I can keep up with it all! But it's a good thing, I assure you.

It seems like everyone is in the midst of writing fanfics. I actually am too, but I am a very, VERY slow writer, so don't expext anything soon! BTW, all of the ideas sound great, and I can't wait to read them :D.

And QOTU , I have seen your story Live and Love on both WMTDB and, but have neglected to read it yet! But I promise that I will soon! I just have been so busy with homework and cleaning.

Oh yes, and I started watching those vids, and they were hilarious. Apparently I was laughing too much, for my sisters gave me strange looks as they walked by my room :rolleyes:.

And the chat sounds really awesome! I will try my hardest to get there every Thursday during the season, even if it is a little late. Oh well, I never pay attention in class on Fridays anyway...

And it would be awesome if you could make me an icon/avatar thingy twins ! But it's no rush, for I only have like 20 something posts. And I think you should continue to write, but only if you want to. I think the best fics are the ones that the author is most passionate about :D.

And suckerforasmile : glad to know a fellow nerd *geeky snort*. Although I think that there is a nerd in every one of us.

OMG, I hate it when the sites you want to go on are blocked Clarissani . Even though it happens to me at school, I still was able to get, so that always made IED class a little more interesting...
Not only am I bad at writing, but I'm also bad a reading too! I just need to sit down one day, and not allow myself to leave my laptop and I can only go to WMTDB and keep open my Word program to type!

Someone needs to monitor me when I do that!

I don't work Sunday. If someone's free all day, I need you to constantly PM/email me and tell me to write. Then maybe I'd actually do it! :p
QOTU I just got caught up with Live and Love fan fic. and awesome job!!! The quotes from Nick's fav. book were awesome!!! I so can relate to them!!! Made me cry!!!

Twins~ I cant say for sure but I should be home Sun. and I can PM you!!!! Should I do it on here or over or should i do it both!!! LOL I can even email you!!!! hehehe
Ps~ Cant believe I'm going to ask this since i think I know!!! Is this the "twin" who made my lovely banner on or the other???? LOL I should be use to the twin thing~ whose who b/c one of my best friends is a twin!!! :p
Stacy, there is no way you can tell who's who anywhere, yes, one posts at more, and the other posts here more, but sometimes we switch it up. Natalie makes all the videos and banners, Nicole does, well, makes avatars (non-gifs), lol, not much. Email or PM anywhere you want!

Also, I need help, again. It should be easy, but I need some dedicated people from Canada, the UK, Australia, or anywhere else where you all are from, like Serenity in Ireland.

I made a new page for Nick and Greg on the Wiki, it's for upcoming episodes. So we're going to do CBS and Spike and let everyone know what GOOD Nick/Greg episodes are coming (based off the ratings on the episode guide, rating more than 6/10).

EX: Thursday, CBS, 9:00pm eastern, Fallin' Idols and I'll say the rating for it. (Elizabeth is doing this episode then ;) )

If you either want to link me to a website where say what episodes they air CSI in another country, do it yourself, or just constantly send me the playlist.

Please help guys :D. We gotta make us shippers the most dedicated!
I'm in for Australia, Twins. I usually put the 'next episode' on the Australian dicussion, so I'll also let you know. As I said, "Monster in the Box" is on Sunday 12 August at 8:30pm AEST on the Nine Network here in Australia. Nine Network is where all our CSIs air, and the only network that does so.

And it really does bug me that the school blocks my sites. I mean, come on, I'm a teacher! They shouldn't block the websites visted by the teachers!!! *sulks* [Fun fact: FanFiction.Net was blocked for 'pornography'. Go figure]
Well I will keep a look out for good ones and If you really need me to do a review for an episode, let me know!!! Esp. if its on CBS vs. Spike b/c there is only one TV in my house that has Cable!!! Sad I know but I can easily review if its on CBS b/c I have a tv in my room~ just no cable:(
And I know I cant tell who's who anywhere!!! LOL I'm not that naive, I promise! As for the writting thing tell your twin dont forget to email me back or if she is really busy and you'd want ot work with me, let me know!!!
If I'm able to PM you on Sunday~ should I be prepared to "yell" at you if you keep saying something like, "I will write in 5 more minutes, I promise." ***Thinks of a reward system if you write... maybe pics like the one I posted of G.E. over on or will that distract you and make you just drool on your keyboard??? LOL :p***
QOTU said: I was on and came by this story that describes of what I mean by defining moment!!! It's Way to Go by Serenity!!!

Oh wow, thank you! :D Man, I really need to start writing Nick and Greg again, I haven't written them for ages. I haven't written for any fandom for a while, I'm totally out of the loop.
Serenity said:
QOTU said: I was on and came by this story that describes of what I mean by defining moment!!! It's Way to Go by Serenity!!!

Oh wow, thank you! :D Man, I really need to start writing Nick and Greg again, I haven't written them for ages. I haven't written for any fandom for a while, I'm totally out of the loop.

Serenity- start with a small step. I've added you to my favourites. Hay if Queen says that your amazing-and your stories are cool. Well thats good enough for me... i'm very new still to writting trying all different styles... I'm odd random... But love the LOVE. I especially love meeting new people because Of Nick and Greg... So thanks to George Eads and Eric Szmanda because without your roles... I wouldn't met new friends and developing my talents.....

:D :D

Do you think we worship Nick and Greg??

Henceforth worshiping George and Eric????? Lmao!

Okay, Stacy. I'm counting on you to make me write on Sunday. Especially with everyone else wanting to write fiction and actually doing it! :p

Is WMTBD baned Clarrisani? And thanks for doing Australia! :D
twins1729 said:

Do you think we worship Nick and Greg??

Henceforth worshiping George and Eric????? Lmao!

Okay, Stacy. I'm counting on you to make me write on Sunday. Especially with everyone else wanting to write fiction and actually doing it! :p

Is WMTBD baned Clarrisani? And thanks for doing Australia! :D

Twins--- Yes i think I do... Why dont you? Hmmm seen your new video. Good going there batman.... I love it to bits..- I commented on youtube ... go see.... Hehehehe.
Thanks for the warnings guys! I'll try to remember that next time.
Serenity- That was a good story! I went back and checked to see what the original scene was after that, and yeah, your's was soooo much better! Tonyandzivafan over on suggested a fanfic moment challenge, using your one shot as an example. Candy and I are working on expanding that idea into a "fanfic letter" to send to CSI to get them to give some attention to The Love on the show!
We're working out the finer details now, but we'll let you all know what's happening with that and what we need from you as soon as we've got it all nailed down!
And thanks guys for checking out my work! It always makes me happy to get reviews and to know people are enjoying what I love to do! I understand time is precious, so if you don't have time to get to it, just ignore me on my soap box, or just kick it out from under me if that makes you feel any better. I hardly have time for reading and writing, but it's so addictive! lol. And I will admit, I'm one who's never sure of my own work, you know, if it's good enough, if people will like it, or whatever, so it always brings a huge Greg-like smile to my face whenever I get reviews!
I finally finished an old fic I've been working on for years for another show a short while ago. And I have to say that was painful. Greg was whining in my ear all day until I finally got it finished. Now, I can concentrate on him again. I hope he's happy! Must go satisfy the boy. Bye all!
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