The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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LOL, I need to jump back into the fanfic world I swear, I'm missing out on sooo much. :D

I'm voting for BSB right now!!! :D

Their new album is out October 30th, minus Kevin!
Twins- That's sad that Kevin isn't in it. Do you know why? I'll have to add that to my wish list for when I can afford it, which will probably be after I can afford all the CSI seasons after one, which I already have.
Also, Twins, I left you a suggestion on for this letter you're thinking of that has to do with the fanfic moment challenge. Let me know what you think!

Anyway, I'm off to get some fanfic written, see you all later, and may you all have wonderful Love filled nightmares please!
I have been writing a fic, it is kinda snuggly fluffy, but I like that. It's called "A First Date by a Full Moon!". It is cute and completely devoid of all angst. Though I am trying to make them more in character...
Guys! I've just been watching the most hilarious anti-GSR videos on youtube! They're mainly femmslash, but they're just way too funny! And one is talking about all the pairings for the show, asking who's been writing what fanfic and which characters have read what. It's done by MissFrostPL, so look her up, and check out these hilarious vids! You'll love them!
ok, I'm done being excited now. Off to find more funny vids!
Edit: Been watching. there's several and you need to watch them all in order. Nick and Greg are mentioned!! You all have to watch them!
OMG.. I searched her name on YouTube and watched those.
She's briliant!!!! gotta love her :lol:

I especially impressed by these subtitles LMAO

Sara: Something interesting?
Nick: You know that people slash me with Grissom?
I can understand Greg but why, Grissom?
lol I work to much. I keep leaving for a day or two and I come back haveing to read 8 post. I love that the love has not slowed down because of summer and reruns. I cant wate for the new epidoseds.

I wont be able to watch CSI this year.... I am moving to Irland for a year. I will not have a tv. I hope to keep my internet accsess so I can still come here. I am so sad about that. I will need you guys to come on right after the new epidose and let me know whats happend to our boys. cough twins cough :).
I so have to watch those!!

Hey, for some of the newer members here. When the season starts we try hard to have an official chat right after the new episodes on Thursday. Even if you don't live in America, you can still do the chats. Clarrisani does.

It's at the CSI: WIKI and I'll link the night of the chat. It's at 1:15 am Eastern time and 10:15 pm Pacific.

I promise to remember to chat everytime. Especially since I have my laptop working!

Just thought I'd let you all know, though we still have a few weeks until the premiere!

NickyandGreggo I also plan to put the episode guides up as soon as the episodes air! :D
Negu- Glad you enjoyed those, I definitely will watch them over and over. And hopefully there will be more!

Twins- Yeah, you definitely need to check those out! As for the chats, I'll try to make it to a few, but that will be a little late at night for me. I'll try though, cause it would be wicked fun to talk about them! lol...
Hello people... Right so down to business... Queen - dear what are you talking about... What is the upper Id?...... Share now my friend.

Hmm what is the Twins doing now???? Well i guess no one wants to write the letter with me... Sob Sob Sob... Ah well good idea. I'll go back to being quiet.... Well on second thoughts yes I am sure about writting to them again... If you would like to write with me, then pleas MAIL me.... Thanks
Oooh, yes, QOTU, hehe ^_^ I've been reading MsMaggs story, tis quite wonderful. Normally, I'm completely into dark fics, as long as the ending ends up...happy. xD Ha.

And lil_love_fan, I am a nerd, people just don't pay attention to the stuff I'm into - my school always went off appearances and told me I was emo. xD Guess they never really got to know me.
Candy- upper Id? I'm confused...sorry...about the letter, Don't know if you've seen this, but on the forums we've sorta started a nick and greg moment challenge. In short this is it: "The Love needs a really good moment that confirms what The Love fans have always known or have come to know!!! I was on and came by this story that describes of what I mean by defining moment!!! It's Way to Go by Serenity!!! After reading this I got an idea for those who'd want to wirte a fic., something simple like the story I mentioned in how they like to see The Love become cannon like GSR or at least a moment that leaves you believing that will be!!! Consider this a challenge but I'm doing this on here just!!!" Now, I had an idea that if we got enough people to do the challenge, we could send those in with a summary as the letter. Haven't heard back from Twins on the idea, but what do you think? Cause I'm willing to workin on a letter, but I also think this would be a very creative way to catch their attention and show them what we want, versus just telling them.

Suckerforasmile- Yeah, I love dark fics too as long as they end up happy, of course. Though mine, lately, aren't ending up happy. But whatev, there's enough time in the future to write happy ended fics! Usually mine are all dark until the sweet happy ending! lol. But I love a little fluff now and then, and that story is just amazing!
OMG, something's wrong with me today! This is the third time I've signed in so that I could write about the AWESOME dream I had last night, but, see, I kept forgetting the first two times. ugh. Anyway, it was amazing! Eric was in it, being himself, and he was going to be in a modeling show. I was sitting in the front row when he came in and sat in the second row almost right behind me. He had his usual awesomely briliant smile on, and he was smiling at me! Of course, I was grinning like an idiot, lol. Then, my parents showed up and we had to go somewhere. And somehow, my Grandmother appeared, sitting in the second row only two seats away from him! I was jealous! She didn't even know who he was! And I noticed he was wearing a dark red fleece, almost like the one I have. Ohhhh, such a hot dream! Too bad it didn't go on any longer...*sigh*...
xD, I have to write happy fics, because one of my original works (that isn't posted anywhere) has some serious issues and angst, so I've got to get my supply of fluff somewhere, right?

Fifteen posts to 100! xD Wow.

And also, it's bad to double post (just looking out for you!) - D: The mods don't like it (though I haven't seen them in here for a while...). I'm not really in tune with the rules, I just know that you're supposed to edit rather than add another post...I think.
QOTU said:
Candy- upper Id? I'm confused...sorry...about the letter, Don't know if you've seen this, but on the forums we've sorta started a nick and greg moment challenge. In short this is it: "The Love needs a really good moment that confirms what The Love fans have always known or have come to know!!! I was on and came by this story that describes of what I mean by defining moment!!! It's Way to Go by Serenity!!! After reading this I got an idea for those who'd want to wirte a fic., something simple like the story I mentioned in how they like to see The Love become cannon like GSR or at least a moment that leaves you believing that will be!!! Consider this a challenge but I'm doing this on here just!!!" Now, I had an idea that if we got enough people to do the challenge, we could send those in with a summary as the letter. Haven't heard back from Twins on the idea, but what do you think? Cause I'm willing to workin on a letter, but I also think this would be a very creative way to catch their attention and show them what we want, versus just telling them.

Suckerforasmile- Yeah, I love dark fics too as long as they end up happy, of course. Though mine, lately, aren't ending up happy. But whatev, there's enough time in the future to write happy ended fics! Usually mine are all dark until the sweet happy ending! lol. But I love a little fluff now and then, and that story is just amazing!

Hay Queen remember that you cant double post. If needs be edit your first post and add the second post in it...

Hmmm, i ment the youtube name of the anti GSR. Ahhhh ok got you...

NO i've not seen it... Strange how we think alike. No my idea was to write to Eric/George/Billy/ anyone else and us the fans tell them that we want the love to be on tv not fanfiction....

But its all good.

Ok the challenge yeah im up for that.... :D

So yeah can you mail me the details... So we all write a short fanfiction why we think the love should be cannon???
All this talk about wrighting fanfiction makes me want to wright it lol. I cant tho. I can come up with ideas but I cant wright at all. My sister is good at it maybe she will wright a story one day. I have lots of ideas but I dont want to wright.
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